How are you feeling, Veeky Forums? What's got you down?
How are you feeling, Veeky Forums? What's got you down?
Feeling frustrated by the Islamization of my city. Fucking religious fanatics are getting their hooks into the schools, the government bureaucracy and even the police force.
The Job is wearing on me. I find it more difficult to enjoy the work I used to love and am less motivated to go to work every day.
Strangely enough, my personal life is pretty rad.
OP here. 25, nearly 26 (just shoot me, I'm ancient, I've felt old since I was 19), work full time, live with dad, dropped out of art school nearly five years ago.
Seriously thinking of giving up art. It's a struggle to keep my pencil in my hand.
Thing is, legit diagnosed autism keeps me from doing most jobs, and I have been fired in the past for being slow at work, with other coworkers giving me shit.
>Can't get into trade work because of slowness, despite not being into that kind of thing, anyway.
>Too scared of the four year commitment in the military
>No ambition or desire to go back to college.
Fuck life. Maybe I should become a cop, or be a security guard for the rest of my life.
Pretty bummed, failed first term of college, boyfriend is being distant and I think he may be done with me, so thinking of leaving him. Reliant on student loans right now to pay bills.
Be a truck driver. Work about 40-60 hours a week, make money, minimal costs due to having nothing holding you back, see the country.
Please do not become a cop if you are legit diagnosed autism. We've got enough problems in our field without a video of you sperging out on a woman on YouTube.
I want to buy the company I work at but my boss is driving all my co-workers to quit and I don't want to have to assemble an entirely new staff
Also this infidel
Nothing saying you can't hire them back once he's gone. If they want to work for you, that is.
>sperging out on a woman on YouTube.
That wouldn't be me. Not everyone on Autism is some /r9k/ school shooter.
Thanks, but I actually work with truck drivers at my security gig, and it sucks. If they run out of driving hours on the road, they are forced by the DOT to pull over for at least 10 hours, facing ridiculous fines if they keep driving or park in the wrong place. Also, lack of dental hygiene and physical hygiene, meaning most of them end up smelly, toothless, have rotting teeth and overweight.
>they are forced by the DOT to pull over for at least 10 hours, facing ridiculous fines if they keep driving or park in the wrong place.
That's a good thing, it prevents them from splattering car civilians all over the place from exhaustion. You just have to plan your trip properly.
If you're already aware of it, you can fix it in yourself.
I was gonna post a long-winded sob story, but honestly, typing out my thoughts just now gave me the kick in the rear I think I needed to actually confront the confidence issues I've been having.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity, OP.
>that wouldn't be me
How does it manifest? If you have difficulty talking to people, you're going to make a piss-poor officer. If not, you'll be okay.
I have a problem processing information and completing tasks within a certain time frame, but I can distinguish social cues, tones, etc., and can communicate with most people effectively.
My wife was in London on vacation. And she was on that bridge near parliament. She's safe now, but I left active service because she couldn't stand the idea of another deployment. She was too close yesterday and the idea of her getting hurt just pisses me off but also sinks my heart.
I'm trying to figure out how to make minimalist representational tokens and am frustrated with GIMP.
Interesting. Good luck, buddy. If you decide to get on the job after all, stay safe out there. I love you.
Trying to figure out whether the new girl in my group actually does want to sleep with me, is just kind of blunt and gross, or is the biggest cocktease I've ever met.
I mean, what kind of girl bluntly tells you she's masturbating, outright tells you she's flirting with you, and then when you try and engage in dirty banter she just stops?
The terrorists want you to be afraid, but they want you to hate even more. You must respond to violence and terror with an open and loving heart, not with powerless anger.
A girl with autism.
>Nothing saying you can't hire them back once he's gone. If they want to work for you, that is.
Unfortunately they won't just be existing in a vacuum waiting for me to take over. They will probably have other employment and won't want to quit their (presumably better) jobs.
This is the Castlevania Dracula, a dirty cunt who took the name to spite said Wallachian hero because he's the same backstabbing Hungarian cunt who got him killed.
>Me and my roomie have been playing DnD for a while but it's been a long time since our last game
>At a party, bump into some old high school friends who want to play
>we start a group together
>they're shaky on the rules, but they're great roleplayers and the campaign goes really well
>Game goes on weekly for a couple of months
>One of them has to be in a play, we break for a month
>It's been a month since the play ended and we haven't been able to meet up since
I don't give a shit about what demographic a murderer falls into user. I spent three out of six years in the Middle East helping whoever needed it. That's how I am.
My anger is at the person who does these things, my sadness is because I love my wife and don't want her to get hurt.
Girls want to be chased, user. They don't want to be chased while you're flinging cupfuls of jizz at them well some don't anyway
Dial it back a little.
Maybe you could take them out to a fancy dinner and treat them like very special ladies.
My players are idiots and are being more stupid than usual. Especially since they're also being hypocrites about the stupidity they're indulging in.
Nope. I can guarantee you she's not autistic.
Well, yeah I have been. I never came on that strong though, I'm gonna see how we interact at the session, and see if she's going to make the next move. I'm not desperate for her, it's just she suddenly took an interest in ever since I told her I was Poly, and I'm trying to figure out how to respond.
Honestly could simply be one of those girls that says the outrageous to get a reaction.
Get her to put her money where her mouth is, and the next time she says she's jilling or whatever, tell her that you come pre-equipped with something better than any toy, if she is interested.
I bet 50 bucks she will shrivel up
Elevated sadness, just listened to "Last train home".
D&D game I attempted to GM died a week ago... it's the third one, I think.
Took my dog to the vet last week because she seemed tired and it turned out she had advanced leukemia. Had to put her down. Not great desu. I don't really know how this is Veeky Forums related though.
The barbarian in my game had to put down his wolfhound.
She was just too old, too many battles, too many injuries from diving in alongside him.
I felt bad having to narrate her slow decline over the last few months, got to the point where he carried her everywhere and fed her by hand.
I think the player cried.
It's not a good feeling, bro :<
I couldn't imagine having to do something like that for a pet of mine.
>I love you.
.... ummmmm, thanks?
Just made this thread because I feel depressed, today. More than usual.
Exactly the opposite as this guy
Stayed up too late last night. Paying for it now; just about to start an 8-hour shift.
my irl group is breaking down, but while i don't want to be the first one to officially call it, so it's just causing more stagnation and faux-haitus bullshit, and doesn't allow me to really start looking for a new group to play with without feeling like a piece of shit
also, i very much prefer playing IRL over online, but i think it's going to be a pain in the ass to get a new IRL group going, and i'll have to settle with an online group
You're not the first to make this mistake and you won't be the last. You won't be the only one to make it through, either. Nut up and do it, you know you can. I love you, too.
You're nice.
Y-you, too.
If you're reading this, one or two cups will save your life. If your workplace doesn't have coffee, swing by a gas station of Dunkin Donuts.
t. Night Shift Security Guard, who's used to staying up 24+ hours.
As someone going into game design, if you're going to make tits that big, you should at least be honest and make the cleavage real, not insert it as a shaded texture.
Then again, this is a Zelda game... probably 3ds remake if I'm not mistaken, so this can be forgiven for the sake of hardware constraints.
my faggot players won't stop shoving their shitty ideas into the setting im working on
>What's got you down?
Now there's a question you should never ask on Veeky Forums
I'm 28, I don't have a job, I live with my parents, I don't have any friends, I've had one girlfriend in the last ten years and we just broke up (to be clear, we were only going out for two months of those ten years and I broke up with her).
My eczema is flaring up and won't go away, so my hands hurt as a type this. I have haemorrhoids... but I'm going to get haemorrhoid surgery in a month or two (because of all this I got my first colonoscopy two weeks ago. It was not fun)... but the idea of going under general anaesthetic terrifies me and the surgery will leave me in even more pain for a few weeks. I never sleep properly and I'm always tired. Sometimes the reason I can't sleep is because I get woken up by cramp in my foot or leg, and it isn't limited to when I'm sleeping; the other day I was writhing in agony for a good ten minutes.
I sometimes spend upwards of an hour watching videos of babies laughing on youtube because it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, where most of the time it's just cold and empty.
Cherry on top: I went to my ten-year highschool reunion a little while ago (No, I don't know why I'd do this to myself either.), and had to get through twenty rounds of 'so, what are you doing these days?'
I feel like I had some decent talents back when I was younger, but stopped using all of them as I got older. I try to draw things for campaigns and since i haven't drawn actively in nearly half a decade it comes out like shit.
Similarly i look at old plots and notes for campaigns before i took a break from running and they're 10x more creative than any garbage i can pump out now.
Rolled a 1 on "create garment" a while ago, and while it's fixable, it's pissing me off to try. But I don't have more materials to make another in the same color.
Did roll a 20 on "bake muffins," so at least I have tasty snacks while I cuss my garment into wearableness. Look at that texture! Perfect!
Feels like everyone knows it but no one wants to say it.
I have sympathy for both of you guys. (Though to add some perspective, having had a colonoscopy before due to history of colon cancer on both sides of my family, I'd rather have dozens more of those than ever do even one more urodynamic test ever again.)
>study music for ten fucking years
>never get success in the form of official recognition from any institution I've been at
>writing 45 minutes of music that will never be performed and dissertation that will never be read by anyone but my panel for a degree that will theoretically help me get a job that I'll hate
>my face literally my entire life
And that's more blogfagging than I'll ever do again.
If your drawings are at least mediocre quality, you can always make decent living drawing furry porn. And making commission for people's (in wider sense on the word) special snowflake OC.
working on a setting seems to be the only legacy I'll leave behind is the only thing thats got me down. Trying to be more friendly with dudes at work and I'm kinda having fun.
I'm sick of those asshole vampires having nicer houses than me.
I'm also sick of them getting all the impractically dressed servants and having all the bara arch enemies.
I've legitimately been complaining about this for the past few days.
Mostly trying to figure out what normalfags do for fun since I'd like to meet a lady. I've been in relationships before but stumbled upon them by accident. Now that I've moved states and have a regular full time job I have no idea how to go about meeting someone, and I'm only finding either girls who like to party constantly or blue haired, septum pierced tumblr girls that are somehow all in poly relationships and are listed as queer while being 99.9% straight.
In Veeky Forums news I'm trying to find a fantasy system that has some good rules for combat that's light to medium crunch while also letting you do cool shit with the environment. I'm not opposed to making on myself, but I'm curious what's been done before so I can learn from their mistakes or steal like a madman.
Failed out of university 3 years ago now. Been lying about it ever since. Family thinks I graduated last year.
The weird thing is, I don't feel much regret over it, or guilt for that matter. I was having serious suicidal thoughts at the time, and since I started working and making my own money, moved away from my parents, getting out into the real world and interacting with real people, I've felt I'm a better person. I still occasionally have suicidal thoughts, but they're fairly rare, once a month at most.
My job seemed really good, but I'm slowly coming to the realization that it might turn into a dead end for me. Which is really unfortunate, since the people I work with are one of the things I can attribute to my post-fail success. I don't want to have to leave them, but I also want to be able to say I have a direction in life, besides a labourer for a mid size electrical company.
So life is mixed right now. I just really wish I had a person to bounce my concerns about off. But I gave up on having that kind of intimacy in life years ago.
Blogposter here I am now drunk. Its not any better.
Be more responsible than i am anons
I'm that guy you mentioned and I'm drunk, too. Seems like all roads lead to Rome, user.
I have the flu, it feels like my entire body has decided to regard me as an enemy. Everything aches. I had to call my DM and tell him that I wasn't gonna be present tonight, and I know that he is introducing a new player so that's gonna be awkward as fuck.
On the other hand, I got a promotion at work, into an easier role with better pay and less menial bullshit, and I have a several hundred thousand pound inheritance on the horizon.
Right now I'm just writing some shitty side-story for my own campaign and feeling sorry for myself while popping painkillers, but ovverall, life is going pretty well, even if being sick is horrid. I cast off any ambitions a long time ago and now my only real goal in life is to not be hassled and to live in comfort, which I am accomplishing beyond expectations.
I have a MIGHTY NEED to play KDM but don't know anyone with the game nor do I have enough people who are interested
I graduated a little ahead of the curve. Got a decent paying job as a chemist an hour and a half away, but I feel envious of my friends being able to party, and I'm worrying, seeing a little bit of adult life, that we're not going to be able to maintain our friendship past it, and that I cashed out a year of friendship for some cash.
I'm hoping I get a car so that I'll be able to visit them, but I know I won't be able to as much as I'd like as to, because I've seen other friends graduate.
I don't know. I just know that I've been poor and with friends for a long time. And now that I'm not poor, I'm lonely, and it just feels like I can't get ahead no matter what.
I guess in Veeky Forums matters my group is falling apart mostly due to me being gone all the time. I've been urging them to replace me but they won't budge.
How do you know you have an inheritance coming up?
Like shit I'm detoxing I hope I can make it this time.
I have a great job, decent-ish social life and low costs and commitments. I am currently going on a diet and am motivated to do so. I have a car and more money saved for retirement then most people twice my age. So my life-life is fine.
It's my creative life that is suffering. Not even from lack of time, which is the worst part. I get plenty of time off from my job, but I just feel creatively shit.
>Want to make webcomics
>Want to make video games
>Want to stream/be youtube personality
>Can't draw
>Can't write stories
>Can't program
>Shit at games/over saturated market
All I can do is Veeky Forums shit, and even that is somewhat weak. It's hard to get a group and worldbuilding is a nightmare.
What am I supposed to do, honestly?
the game dev project im working on is becoming more combat driven, its gaining a lot of traction and appeal with the 5 groups i use to test it, but its becoming less the game i wanted to make.
being such a niche thing makes me feel like perhaps what i set out to make wont get off the ground floor, so a compromise to incorporate more traditional rpg gaming is maybe what it needs...
either way these latest chapter im working on is just an empty judging cunt of a word document.
>Can't write stories
You don't have to be good. You genuinely ease into it after a while, and it can be fun as fuck if you're just writing some dumb fun. Seriously, you can just write some random bullshit related to Veeky Forums and then go from there. It's pretty fucking fun.
They're your friends man, but you've gotta look out for yourself too. I used to think the same way when I first started working, but then I realized that if I never got a job or one closer to home and my friends, I'd still be living with my fucking parents, barely making enough to get by. I still see my friends when I can and we still keep up with each other, but ultimately your circle of friends will grow apart as you all become adults and begin your lives. It's healthy in the long run for all of you. You can still keep in touch.
Let's just say grandpa "forgot" to take his heart medication for twelve straight week.
Oh, gramps, so forgetful. The other beneficiaries will attest to that.
Like what? Fantasy saga? Setting write ups? Musings of fictional characters?
You may say 'you're doing it for the wrong reasons' but if I'm not going to share it I don't see much purpose beyond just 'practice' I guess.
I guess I lied about 'can't write stories' because I've written pornographic fan fiction but let's not talk about that.
Grenoble actually but its not that far.
Getting frustrated by my homebrew RPG. Just hit a major roadblock that I can't get around. It's more of a rules light-ish game but I can't create a good equipment mechanic.
I thought about something like this:
>PCs start with one weapon and one point of armor
>weapons deal damage equal to your level
>each point of armor can take a hit for you
>every level they earn PCs can invest a point in weapons or armor
>investing a point in weapons causes you to deal 1 additional damage
>investing a point in armor gives you 1 free armor, like an extra wound
>actual weapon/armor items are just for show and to gain enchantments (like a burning sword)
But this feels a little unsatisfying and armor especially is clunky. I don't know how to put it into words. You can describe your character as wearing whatever they want, but for the purposes of the game only items with armor points will take a hit for them. Does that even make sense?
>>Want to make webcomics
>>Can't draw
DM of the Rings / Darth & Droids / 8-Bit Theater / Goblins / Ctrl+Alt+Del
>Want to make video games
>Can't write stories
>Can't program
>Want to stream/be youtube personality
>Can't draw
>Can't write stories
>Can't program
>Shit at games
whatshiface with the most subscribers ever
I just lost my job, and half my games keep falling through. It feels like my life has become, well, stagnant.
I suck at at Tekken. I have only won three times. LGS is dead too. ONly the arcade serves to fill that void now.
Yes, it is for practice if that's what you feel you need. If you want to share it with others you can write something "serious" to give to others while having a dumb passion project.
As for suggestions that's up to your interests.
As for that prior experience, well, we've all been somewhere strange with our writings.
Because I can't see my chain-smoking drunkard of a grandmother living for another five years, and I've seen both her finances and her will.
I have no idea why I am being left so much dosh, she's a horrible person and I haven't spoken to her in over a year.
She's doing a perfectly good job of killing herself without my help desu
My loneliness and self-loathing are killing me by inches. Every day for over ten years I have wanted to die but can't.
I hear that's pretty common around here actually.
Well, Baton Rouge. Lands apart, but the world isn't so big after all. This bud's for you, bud.
Have you tried not being such a little bitch?
Go read some philosophical texts and work out what you're doing with your life. I recommend Camus.
Have a shot of Chartreuse for me my vodoo friend. Best luck for your job.
I'm lonely but feel the need to avoid meeting new people. I'm never hungry but always eating because it's a distraction. I'm always tired but can't sleep, because my sleeping hours are 90% of what I have left when my job is done taking my time away from me. I have enough money to not be on the verge of losing everything, but no more than that and can't take time off in order to relax because then I'd be slipping under. I haven't played or GMed in fucking forever even though my friends and I try to start groups only for a schedule change or a new kid or a jealous wife to get in the way.
I want to be an irresponsible NEET with only the bare minimum in cash to squeeze by, but cost of living is too damn high and I don't want to give up all the friends and family I have just to move somewhere cheaper.
And you for the rest. I love you, buddy.
>worked like 70 hours this week and it's just Friday evening
>switching between three different projects and it's all becoming a blur
>has been like this for ... a while
>went from not drinking coffee whatsoever to half a liter per day
>any semblance of personal live went out of the window weeks ago
>shitposting when too tired to do productive work yet not quite exhausted enough to pass out
As a matter of fact, I'm feeling awesome. Arbeit macht frei.
I did and failed, hence the self-loathing.
I hate myself for giving into the fear that dictates my every action.
I've tried hurting myself as punishment but even that isn't enough to make me face my fears.
Honest question, have you tried listening to hype music while making decisions?
Lost my job. Started drinking again. There's this tingling numbness in my right hand. Feels like after you take a mild electric shock. Ain't going away.
Funny thing? It ain't even getting fired itself that has me down. I'm covered in terms of rent for the next few months. I just don't want to wake up in the morning. I don't want to be conscious. I don't want to think anymore.
Hope y'all are doing well. Best of luck. Sorry for being a faggy blogposter in this faggy blogposting thread.
If you don't mind going digital Tabletop Sim has has KDM mods, including a few with the 1.5 update and automated scripting for a few things.
Sure it's not as cool as playing the real game, but at least you could play it.
It doesn't sound like a terrible system, but on its own it sounds really boring. I think once you start crafting the rest of your system you can look back and see how it's holding up.
You might just have depression dude. Have you tried going to the doctor about it?
I did after one of these threads a few months back and it really helped.
I graduated yesterday!
I am super hungover today!
My job prospects are not great but I am good at leaving cheeply!
I am so excited to be done with school! Now I can just work my 40-50 hour week and have nights and weekends to myself. Yaaaaay!
I don't think I feel anything lately. The girl I was seeing is everyday more distant, everyday she seems less interested in me and the worst thing is I have to see her every day.
Every day colder until the day I became nothing but a joke or a playfull memory.
Working and studying 12-14 hours a day is pretty exhausting even moreso with her.
I contemplate once more the fact that I will die alone, that I am incapable of loving anyone, I will pass through this life without making an impact on anyone.
But hey, I got 10 assualt marines for a really low price.
Probably not depression since I can still feel happiness and enjoy things.
But there is absolutely something wrong with me since my low self worth enters the level of delusion. Going to the shrink is probably the smartest thing I could do.
If only change was not the thing that scares me the most.
Waiting for the immigration process to actually pick up, which means I've been out of work for over a year. Barely know what to do to pass the time.
A common misconception of depression is that every case means an inability to feel happiness. You can still feel happy when that emotion is suitable, such as when something you usually enjoy occurs. In these cases it's more like the "neutral" state when you're not happy is replaced with horrible dread, sorrow, over-exaggerations of the negative, and regret.
Ironically having a job means you got a shitload of free time. No more preparing for your exams or your next classes late at night, you do your hours at work and it's done.
Plus, ofc, you got dosh.
I'm feeling okay.
I'm down because my wife left me after admitting to fucking one of my best friends, but I'm moving past that shit a day at a time.
I'm not as smart as I want to be and I can't accept myself for it. I'm right in the middle, just smart enough to know I'm stupid.
Like shit. Started my own business, or trying, and I feel like it will fail. I feel like everything I have done in the last 10 years or so has been a failure. I am a shit boyfriend, shit friend, shit brother, shit son, shit grandson, and shit person. I can't enjoy anything because my temper is overwhelming, and I don't feel like anyone is genuine anymore. I feel like everyone I know is just pretending to care about me at all, and is just using me for whatever they need. I sit and stare at the wall because none of my hobbies interest me anymore, and every moment of happiness is ruined by the fact that I know it's temporary and things will go to shit again.
How're you?
Couldn't run my game today because half the group couldn't make it.
>tfw student
I fucking hope.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but apparently I suck at exams and am generally scoring below-average for them.
After this semester, I have one more year and then I'm hopefully finally going to be able to move into an apartment and not want to kill myself for turning in an assignment late or coming in ~7 points below the average. I fucking hate it, because whenever I come ahead of the curve, I don't feel any better, but if I'm below it it fucking destroys my focus.
Giving up on a hobby I enjoy because I can't stand the people in it anymore.
>How are you feeling, Veeky Forums? What's got you down?
My Mother is retiring (father has been retired for 4 years now) and although I have no problem/am not ashamed to live at home; I'd like to start offering financial support for the family in some way or another- even if it's just paying for the internet/cable or buying snacks/groceries.
The problem is however, that I am 26 years old and I've never had a job.
I don't know how to resume, I don't even know what I'd put on it.
I finished highschool and then from there immediately went into an art's school, so I basically wasted 5 years getting a BFA (majored in media arts, minored in animation) and don't know anything about normal people work or anything like that.
That isn't to say I'm not good at anything: I've illustrated for money, I've sold prints at comic expos/anime conventions, but I want to have a growned up jobby- if anything to escape my fucking computer.