Hm-m-m-m... Really fires up those neurons.
Hm-m-m-m... Really fires up those neurons
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>4 year countdown
Lol kay
It's a little over 4 days from now.
>4 years
Go to the site and see you mong.
So we're getting planescape relaunched for 5e right?
There's literally no other way to interpret it, as far as I can tell.
Can Veeky Forums get a little bit hype?
Paizo's already ruined these rails with their Starfinder nonsense, this hype train's been decommissioned.
The source code contains 0x50 0x53 0x54 0x45 0x45, which converts to PSTEE.
So it could be Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition.
Why would anyone be hyped
I remember their previous enhanced edition of a beloved game, with new, diverse characters and wonderful writing. Wasn't that a unique experience? Oh boy, I can't wait for more!
Also my question.
Great, another Beamdog abomination. They just can't stop themselves from violating our beloved old games.
>Planescape is good
>5e is good
>Two great tastes that taste great together,
Post YFW WotC blueballs everyone and makes Eberron instead
I'm totally fine with it. Eberron and 5e would work great together, while 3.5 just didn't.
God I really hope they don't fuck it up. My uncle running a Planescape campaign was my introduction to RPGs back in the 2E days and I was hoping to use it to introduce my son to them as well
Oh boy I can't wait to see what sassy anachronistic caricatures they add as new companions and the expanded Morte dialogue to turn him into a political mouthpiece
Oh boy.
Who else is planing to kill the lady of pain?
>cuckold interracial
You've exposed yourself for the beamdog shilling shill you are, OP.
Here's another clue: GOF UCK URSLF
They're gonna diversify the shit out of us white males. Long and hard.
>Eberron and 5e would work great together
Eberron had a 3e setting and 4e heroes. Nothing about it would work in 5e.
>i literally can't recognize a joke
4rries delusional as always.
Answering anything besides 'invasive cosmetic surgery' gives you evil points and causes Ravel to attack you
What about the most magic item heavy setting in all of D&D lines up well with 5e?
>I'm totally fine with it. Eberron and 5e would work great together, while 3.5 just didn't.
The setting was literally designed to be 'How does a setting that runs on D&D 3e rules actually look?'
>Planescape is good
haha what a jokester
Morte's misogynistic humor is replaced by Judith Butler's quotes. Deionarra's content is largely cut from the game - now she slaps you in the face, declares that she needs no Nameless One and ascends to Arcadia.
But despite all of it's supposedly "high magic" nature, none of it's magic items run on actual DnD rules, and it barely has high-level characters in it, because at those 3.5 falls apart and Baker knew it.
Yeah yeah, we all think you're a cool guy for not liking a thing. Here's your (you).
>newfag doesn't get the joke; flails autistically
Time for you to lurk moar, friendish.
Fucking bet they gonna fuck it up and add some leftist bullshit at that. This is why we can't have nice things.
I don't know why WotC even bothers.
>leftists will ruin the foremost post-modern d&d setting
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
>tfw it took me a minute to realize it was saying plane-scape, not plan-escape.
But I for one love plan escape! I am hype.
>doesn't even know how to use apostrophes
Opinion chucked.
there is light post modern shit we all experienced in 00' and then there is shit like this and such
you exactly know what i mean so don't be a cheeky monkey
you fucking twat
Cuckold interracial, Bioware and reddit are a running joke?
Good to know, makes sense.
I'm just glad I picked up my planescape books a long time ago and can still find uses for them.
I'm excited for more planescape but only cautiously optimistic for the quality.
If memory serves, the person who created Eberron actually used the 4th edition rules set for his personal home game set in that realm.
The Artificer class from one of WotC's UAs is probably the PC version of a crafter NPC in that world.
They've already done some preliminary work on updating the Dragonmarks in one of their early UAs as well, so most of the work would probably boil down to either advancing forward the timeline or providing enough plot hooks for DMs to use.
C-can we have Dark Sun, please?
The 4e version was ass. And by that I mean ass in ways other than being 4e.
Nobody gives a fuck, planescape is dogshit written by a literal penis cannibal. I'd look forward to wotc improving it now that they fired the cock eater but since they're infested with trannies now I imagine that it'll be even worse than it was before.
Pic related happens to all the poor saps who buy this shit
Not any time soon, if Mearls is to be believed, and thank god for that.
What's it like being that stupid? Do you accept it, or are you in constant denial?
>The Artificer class from one of WotC's UAs is probably the PC version of a crafter NPC in that world.
And has some incredibly limited crafting. Considering it takes multiple levels for any item and they are irreplacable if lost/sold/destroyed.
>The 4e version was ass. And by that I mean ass in ways other than being 4e.
...what? 4e Dark Sun was fantastic at being dark sun. What was wrong with it?
>penis cannibal
You thinking about Numenera, Zeb Cook wrote most of Planescape and beside the coincidental surname he has nothing to do with dick muncher.
>add some leftist bullshit
Planescape already had moral relativism, fedora-tippers, and genderqueer yugoloths.
I thought planescape and to a greater extent, D&D, was moral absolutism. You know, how there are physical beings of pure good and evil, and your actions will directly lead you to the abyss or bytopia?
It's gonna be another shitty Enhanced Edition, prepare to be disappointed.
Technically Zeb worked on the first half of the Planescape line and Monte worked on the second half after Zeb left TSR.
>user still doesn't get the joke, but is now aware that he's the butt of a different joke. In desperation, he casts about for an out-group to ridicule, hoping to win favor with the in-group that shuns him
>a literal penis cannibal
Also you're an idiot for conflating Zeb and Monte, as others have already pointed out
Moral relativism isint "leftist"
It pretty much is.
What do you think moral relativism is?
I don't know why people are getting hyped.
Plan Escape is clearly just Mearls trying to quit the company.
Yeah, I found it really odd that Enchanced Edition got so much bad rep for just having trans character when Fallout 2 had gay marriage (also both games being full of heavy handed liberal agenda), Arcanum allowed you to literally roleplay a feminist fighting Victorian era gender roles, KoTOR had lesbian romance and so on.
Then again I haven't tried Siege of Dragonspear (because I found Enhanced edition shitty for purely non-political reasons), so I don't know if there's something worse than one tranny.
>those tabs
>By Mearls
And nobody cared.
Unless they stat the Lady of Pain, then fuck this edition even harder.
>statting a plot device
Nah, not even 5e can go that low.
>KoTOR had lesbian romance
Yes but it was with Juhani, who is repeatedly shown to be completely off her rocker and emotionally stunted. It's hardly an endearing portrayal.
>telling people you're new
It's clearly meant to be sympathetic though.
i don't get to invoke that meme near often enough these days, lemme have this user
>being this retarded
Actually, the whole point of Planescape was that all of that 'moral absolutism' was, very probably, utter bullshit, that physical laws and ethics are maybe unrelated, and that gods are only as divine as you make them.
moral relativism is literally the entire foundation of leftism aside from MAYBE egalitarianism
>Actually, the whole point of Planescape was that all of that 'moral absolutism' was, very probably, utter bullshit, that physical laws and ethics are maybe unrelated, and that gods are only as divine as you make them.
Nah, the point of Planescape was that every faction has an incomplete understanding of how 2E game mechanics work.
PS:T set the bar pretty high. The most normal companion is Dak'kon; the rest is an absurd menagerie of special snowflakes and outlandish races. For the new ones, I'll guess:
>a quirky Ilithid rebel
>a grimderp fallen Aasimar
>a ghoul
Place your bets, gentlemen.
>Not Dragonstar
Im out.
Illithid companion would be awesome. I'd also want narcissistic manic-depressive beholder. Too bad, Beamdog is Bethesda tier when it comes to dialogue, so it will be shit anyway.
I'm pretty sure the Athar had a pretty good grip on things, considering that there were demonstrably gods who were utter bullshit.
>I'm pretty sure the Athar had a pretty good grip on things, considering that there were demonstrably gods who were utter bullshit.
Yeah, out of all the factions, the Athar definitely come the closest to realizing their entire reality is a roleplaying game.
Dustmen might be second, since they have some understanding of how you're not absolutely dead until the DM rips up your character sheet.
That is only because the Lady of Pain keeps all that stuff outside of Sigil. Because, again, there's no divine mystery in D&D. Not only do gods exist, they intervene in mortal affairs and grant power to their agents.
Too bad they were founded by Asmodeus to strip believers from other gods.
>muh fourth wall awareness
I want tesfags to leave. Your lore is shit.
>a beloved IP, rereleased for one of the the worst editions of DnD.
I'm conflicted desu.
>thinking CHIM is the 4th wall
I bet you haven't even played morrowind you lorebabby.
It's always weird running into people who are this oblivious and think this little about things.
>Muh deepest lores
>Kirkbride is god
Your games are World of Warcraft-tier bullshit, and the only thing deep about them is Todd's deep anus, from which he pulls ideas for his new games.
How does it feel to be so objectively wrong about everything? Pro-tip: Post KotN kirkbride is largely disregarded as crap, and non canon since he isn't an employee anymore after that.
Also, WoW had some decent lore before the MMO power creep made every cool character a raid boss.
You're right. I'm probably being too hard on it, but it's a bunch of traditional boring DnD after the awesomeness that was 4e, so I tend to be biased against it.
If I wanted to play an edition where fighters are objectively worse than casters in nearly every way, I'd play 3.5, if only because it has more content at this point.
>awesomeness that was 4e
user... I...
Did you play 4e, or are you just memeing? What didn't you like about it?
The sad this is that they could do a 10/10 job, but if they didn't have DiTerlizzi I don't know if I'd actually give a shit.
What would be really rad would be to take the old out of print books, bump up the mechanics to 5e, and rerelease them in hardback collections, but I doubt that'll ever happen.
look at him and laugh
I could name a lot of different grievances that I had with it, both as a DM and as a player, but they really pale compared to my main problem with it.
With powers, and keywords, and tactical combat, and 1 round buffs, and all non-combat spells swept into "rituals", and many other nonsensical changes, it had nothing to do with DnD I'm familiar with. It was so different, it might as well have been another game. And it was. It's like being watching your wife deliver birth and see that the baby is black. Sure, it might be a perfectly good baby, a future Einstein, but it's not mine. Why should I just accept it?
You can call me irrational if you want, but I'll tell you something I am not instead - alone. Both through 4e being 4e and it's offensive, alienating marketing, it chased to many people away, and where did we go? To Paizo, to Pathfinder. Yes, they delivered a shitty product, but at least they didn't deliver vegetables and brand it "candy".
And this is why 4e failed eventually. It alienated too many people.
>fucking a redneck retard, then being forced to marry them at gunpoint and then selling them into slavery
>literally said MARRY SOMEONE AND THEN SELL THEM INTO SLAVERY on the fucking box
>liberal agenda
I fucking hate you historical revisionists. Fucking kill yourself you utter piece of shit.
Great, Hasbro and/or Beamdog can molest something that should have stayed as it was. Fuck Mearls. At least it can't be worse than Tides of Numenara.
>The most normal companion is Dak'kon
The most normal companion is obviously Annah. Tiefling Rogue is playable with just the PHB in some editions.
Stat-wise Vhailor is just a beefy human fighter, but the fact that he's actually a spirit animating a suit of armor through sheer force of JUSTICE complicates things a bit.
Most GMs would probably let you run Dak'kon in a game, but not with that sword he's got.
Succubi and Modrons are really not meant to be PCs, and Morte and Ignus are completely unique stat-wise.
>it had nothing to do with DnD I'm familiar with
You're like my dad. he only ever eats big macs. You could put the finest fucking steak ever made in front of him, but because it isn't ground beef, and doesn't have that familiar texture, he won't like it. It's an opinion that you can have, but it's fucking stupid, because now you're ignoring all the steaks of the world. You get it?
Anyways, 4e was a commercial success. The main problems with it were some bad marketing, a bad choice on renegging on the OGL, and some bad numbers in the first version of it. None of which have anything to do with the actual, final game.
the fact that you even have to ask the question just says evcerything.
Lethality (a fucking joke in 4e)
Gentler, kinder enemies (literally nothing truly bad that was a PC race, as WotC made surer you would only fight bad things, not other 'people')
Healing surge Loss (oh noes, I can't fix myself and my friends as much, I'd better be careful!)
Defiling isn't an issue at all (Hell, it REWARDED you, and no one gave a shit)
Magic was pervasive (Defiling not an issue? Why not just use magic and benefit from defiling!)
It violated the setting a thousand different ways, and only 4e players could find that shit acceptable, because 'muh perfect system'.
If 4e was so good and successful, why 5e is so different from it, and so similiar to 3.5?
Because wizards could have made more of a profit by selling big macs to morons. That doesn't mean their brief foray into gourmet steak wasn't profitable, just not the most profitable.
>commercial success
>based on book sales
>you HAD to buy 3 books to play
>except the borked the math so hard you had to buy at least 4, maybe 5
>compared to it's competitor, that required only 2 books and placed all their shit online almost immediately
>no online presence except pay-to-gain, which they never actually followed through on
"Success" in the commercial landscape isn't what it was, I'm afraid. It sold more books because you had to buy them, not because it was good or the players liked it that much.
Have you ever heard of the term "opportunity cost"?
Of course. But that has nothing to do with whether 4e was good, only whether it was the most profitable thing Wizards could have done.
The most profitable thing wizards could have done would be rerelease 3.5e with a new name so grognards could pretend they were updating to an improved experience, while getting the exact thing they wanted.
If 3e was so good and successful, why was 4e so different from it?