Is there any model that is more enraging than this pointless piece of trash...

Is there any model that is more enraging than this pointless piece of trash? Why are there people who create things like this and ruin everything?

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I wouldnt let a toy anger you. Also, I have 2 painted up and I think they look pretty spiffy.

You're seriously raging about this of all things in a post-Epic world?

It's too stupid to make me angry.

How can you be mad at Xzibit in space?

All it needs to be acceptable is a plate over the baby legs. It's not super hard.

>You're seriously raging about this of all things in a post-Epic world?

I'm guessing OP has a brain condition that prevents him from moving past 2011.

Hello fellow TGers I too frequent 1d4chan

Nothing stopping you from converting it to be less shit.


It is a pretty stupid design. I blame the third Matrix movie.

/t oldfag who played Grey Knights in Rogue Trader and fucking hates what GW did with them.

I played Daemon Hunters back at the tail end of Third Edition and beginning of 4th. What's happened since then except for the baby carrier up there?

How about the bit where the uncoruptable Grey Knights slaughtered Sisters of Battle and bathed in their blood as a means of keeping themselves safe from Chaos daemons?


retconned and never mentioned again

You mean the best and most awesome GK and Khorne lore that exists? Get madder SoBcuck

I don't play SoB, I play Nids and Crons.

That's good because Shitsters of Basshole are fucking garbage

> Brother Pyle of the Grey Knights
> A warp storm made his globulous form taller, because magic
> His helm, and the majority of his portly armor, is composed of misshapen blobs of ceramite
> Due to his confusion from warp fuckery, he wears stiletto heels

This model is utter garbage. The dreadnought conversions are much better - the stock Dreadknight looks better than this thing.

You belong in a pyre.

You belong on my bene.

I'll stack the wood, you bring the kindling

It's an example you mong.

Y'know, I thought Riptides looked stupid until I saw one IRL. Now I have three of them

No joke. It was in the 5th edition codex.

Kaldor Draigo, the most retarded, overblown character in 40k, EVEN by 40k standards.


I think the Dreadknight looks cool.

It's an homage to the work loader from Aliens.

Riptides are actually fine, at least in terms of look.

Now, you want a stupid looking giant robot, you go for the one with no arms that's in a constant 'trying to take a dump' pose, that has even less protection for the pilots than the Dreadknight.

>Is there any model that is more enraging than this pointless piece of trash?
Yes, here's one so terrible plenty of you probably forget it exists.

You're getting coal in your stocking this year, heretic.

>dreadnought conversions are much better
>implying they aren't top heavy goofy designs that are just as shit

Exceptions to the Contemptor classes.

holy shit i checked gws site and it's real

kill me dead

just wait till you see Lord of Skulls

>hmmm,people are calling wolf wolves a chapter of mary sues and furry faggots
>what can we do to alter this image?
>make their chaptermaster ride a sled pulled by wolves