So I heard they're back but I also heard they're in AoS. Can someone explain it to me?
So I heard they're back but I also heard they're in AoS. Can someone explain it to me?
GW needs to make sense first.
They are not.
But AOS now has some iron-clad dwarfs with flying magical metal-baloons. It's just as silly as it sounds.
Veeky Forums meme. AoS now has steampunk airship dwarves with beard guns and shit, Veeky Forums is joking it's the squats returned.
It is a shitty steampunk dwarf faction hoping to pull a few players away from warmachine.
As a warmachine player, what is the faction called? I don't wanna play the red headed naked cartoony dwarfs. I was old school dwarfs
Kharadron overlords.
Too cartoony for me, I'm out. I want Tolkien dwarfs, not Peter Jackson dwarfs :( I feel like I've missed the curve, everything is getting all cartoony and I want the old whfb look (which I've never played, just got into tabletop stuff)
They are not back. They are not in AoS.
It's a meme.
Right, because warmachine created the steampunk craze. They are TOTALLY original in that regards
I'm being sarcastic in case you cant sense my sarcasm.
I don't think GW needs to emulate warmachine to pull warmachine players away. PP is doing a good enough job with that. Besides, I don't see no warjacks, so i don't see how this is meant to 'pull hapless warmachine players back'. Unless that's a meme, in which case, well memed.
I'm pretty sure warhammer was doing steampunk dwarfs before warmachine was even a thing. These guys were just the next evolutionary step in the craziness of the aos setting, regardless of warmachines success
Dispossessed is still a viable faction in AoS. It's all the traditional dwarfs from fantasy. It's the faction I play and prefer.
But I'm still going to be all upon the kharadron overlords.
>Dispossessed is still a viable faction in AoS.
Yeah with bad rules and no update in the future.
I'm going to buy Overlords just to spite you fags who say they're shitty models.
>t.I love steampunk
>in the craziness of the aos setting,
You mean random mess of lowest cliche in modern fantasy genre?
Hi. You're wrong. That's all you're getting from me.
>Hi. You're wrong.
Nice try, slav shitposter. Not gonna happen.
>you're wrong
>where I'am wrong?
>le slavshitposter boogeyman
You just fell to typical AoS fifth-level-ironic counter-troll-shitposting. For more than a year that accurserd general was a cesspool and veterans of that long war can refute even the soundest arguments with a few words.
It's looks ,more like "la-la-la ure wong la-la-la"
Not at all. I've just learned the only winning move is not to play. I could go on explaining and counterpointing with sound cogent arguments, and they would all be either completely ignored or countered with the same asinine points repeated ad nausea. It would be a completely inane experience and not worth my time, because I know the guy I am responding to has already made his decision and has no interest understanding, just trolling.
So I'm good. I came in and made my statements, and I will just leave it at that. If I feel someone is genuinely curious and interested in further explanation, I will provide it. But it's clearly not what's happening here.
>I've just learned the only winning move is not to play.
Perfect AoS strategy or perfect AoS strategy?
As you can see, OP, Warhammer is a fucking terrible franchise with infighting and autists slinging shit at each other.
The general is still a cesspool tho
Just like any other franchise! Seriously, go anywhere else and see the same signature Veeky Forums bullshit.
But really, to only ever see this much shit slinging on Veeky Forums. Just about everywhere else I go on the internet is much more level headed and reasonable in both camps.
All generals are cesspools
>Seriously, go anywhere else and see the same signature Veeky Forums bullshit.
Well nope, any other wargame general can discuss flaws of the system, lore, models etc.
Now go and try to say something negative about AoSofication of 40k.
>make kinda cool flying magic tec stuff
"Hey boss... if we add giant hollow orbs with a handful of detail sprinkled on them they will look twice as big and we can charge 4 times the price."