>character is a chaotic neutral rouge assassin with a revenge backstory
Character is a chaotic neutral rouge assassin with a revenge backstory
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At least he has a backstory. I'm sick of fighters with "Well, I guess I became a mercenary" background.
>So, why did he become a mercenary?
>I dunno, he wanted to, I guess.
>rouge assassin
That's not a very stealthy color isn't it?
>Character is an NE slut with a desire to kill all her sisters and take their boyfriends to be her harem with a special snowflake dragon companion.
Is there an even worse backstory?
>character's only motivation is money
Have something against The Count of Monte Cristo?
>Character doesn't actually want to do anything interesting with those money
So why is Jerma here?
>So, why did he become a mercenary?
>Had a sick mum, she needed money to have a place and someone to look after her
>Died a few years back, realized I didn't really have any place to go back to
>Now I just keep going because I got nothing else, hope to find something
Can't spell it, can't fucking have it
Make a new character, asshole
I don't get it, I've seen this motivation/bond done to fucking death but it's never been interesting. Not once. Garrett however is a great character and his motivation is literally, "Rent isn't going to pay itself." Is there a right way to make a greedy asshole character interesting?
>character is a famous warrior
I don't see the problem.
of course you don't you lying minstrel this baby needs a father
If she wasn't such an unbearable bitch maybe we'd love her as much as we did/ do Caim.
Just wanting to kill people is a perfectly valid reason to adventure.
garrett isn't really a great character, it's more the in-game universe that's interesting
Do whatever Scrooge McDuck did I guess
The character is literally sentient rouge that travels via face-to-face contact until it reaches its assassination target -- the monster who gave it life.
Talking about Shit Characters
>edgy/brooding character who has a backstory filled with murder/do whatever it takes attitude
>giant vault of gold coins purely used for swimming in
>funded wacky and off- the- wall archaeological expeditions where things invariably go wrong and they nearly die
No. Don't do that.
We're starting at level 1. Knock it off.
I swear none of you fuckers read the game descriptions.
I guess that one was too obvious.
>edgy character with amnesia that will murder anything and anyone to get his past back
Like mentions, it comes down to why they want the money. If the answer is "dunno lol," then yeah shitty flat CN characters ahoy. Interesting uses for money make for more interesting characters motivated by money. Alternatively, you can go for emotional impact like ; it many not be traditionally interesting, but it is humanizing. Garret is mostly mediocre in terms of character motivation; he's awesome because of other aspects.
This is a great character motivation and has a lot of great adventure stories (and RPG adventures) built around it. It's only stupid and lacking in versimilitude when it's like a long-running series or campaign.
But if you have a story about this poor guy taking on some one-time extremely dangerous, adventurous endeavour that's exciting. Like Han Solo's backstory. Of course he had to get more motivations as the story progressed and it became more complex than that. But there's nothing wrong with that motivaiton.
Haven't seen one, ever. I do have an amnesiac character in my party right now, but that's because I basically convinced him to play this trope myself.
Wait a minute isn't that the plot to Drakengard 3
I think he means Young Scrooge.
Beating motherfuckers to death for money instead of swimming in it.
scrooge mcduck has an amazing backstory. check out The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck if you haven't already
>character is literally the shittiest character in existence
Do you think Scrooge is tougher than the toughies and smarter than the smarties for nothing? Scrooge is a lot of things but he certainly isn't a poser faggot.
Is that Jerma?
>character is chaotic anything
>dude keep playing the same class + subclass and making different backstory as to why he became like that
Pretty much my only irl motivation, dunno about you though.
it's tougher than the toughies and sharper than the sharpies
speaking of which is sharpie a real term in scotland?
>being a neutral fencesitter
>being a lawful bootlicker
t. charles manson
>play with neutral rogue/thief about a year ago
prepare for thatguyrogue
>thief is actually a total bro who isn't motivated by thievery and only interesting in the task if someone is paying him for it
>his backstory is about him being a normal guy from a village who started taking odd jobs from people because it was the only thing he's good at
>thief doesn't take more loot than he needs and always leaves as much as possible for the group
>his combat style is fun as fuck to watch
>just uses improvisation and the world around him as his weapon
>been playing with the same group to this day without issue
Life is kinda cool sometimes
Batboy is obviously a shittier character than Glue Man. Not to mention the 30s milkman or pencil.
You wot
The fact that Zero is an insufferable bitch and also a slut is what makes her a cool character.
Garrett is a good character, but his archetype doesn't really work very well in a collaborative RPG.
they changed it for the reboot
Even if those are shittier characters, in official Jerma canon Glue Man is the shittiest character.
Tougher than the toughies and smarter than the smarties.
Perfectly reasonable.
Batman is lawful, even if you'd just as soon write him off as "the crazy asshole dressed as a bat" from the outside.
he rarely kills and in some canons never does. More like the Punisher, who is debatably good
I mean, I'm sure it appears that way without the novellas and that one play, Admittedly they should have described it better during play. Her sisters were unknowingly going to end the world though, and the mansluts weren't so much innocent bystanders as they were eyes of another force...
Liking Yoko Taro games isn't quite suffering, but it's very hard to defend at times what with the genuinely bitchy cast they tend to have.
I was playing as a ranger in my last session and I managed to be MVP thanks to primeval awareness.
I was able to see the ancient dragon making a beeline towards the party and helped us escape.
Am I reading the rule wrong or is it really strong.
the picture was a clue
but if you play that kind of character you're probably a faggot
>Lawful Good rogue
Dear god, it's Jason Bourne
Too many Jerma images on the front page
>James Bond
You say that like it's a problem.
Bond is a solid Neutral Good. I dunno if you can really call him lawful, especially some of the older Bonds.
Why not?
Are you alright, Jerma?
I like the idea that a lot of the "famous warriors" are actually bards embellishing their accomplishments.
>>character is a chaotic neutral rouge assassin with a revenge backstory
How would you stat Komaeda?
How would you play Komaeda without looking like ThatGuy?
>male player makes is a lesbian tomboy
>every game
>Character's entire personality is "the weak should fear the strong"
Was I the only one legitimentally routing for 30's Milk man when he first appeared. The Pencil, despite his success, is god ugly while 30's milkman seems like a nice guy to chill with. RIP 30's milkman, you will be missed.
Honestly I was too. He was shittier than Glue Man, and therefore even more endearing. Seeing him be victorious would have been extremely fitting. I'm most salty about Count Chocula getting killed. He was doing amazing before Zeraxos showed up.
>It's a special snowflake unconventional race/class combo that has no real place in the lore but the GM got tired of listening to the endless alternate character ideas that were equally stupid and let him play it anyways character
>It's a goody two shoes member of an evil race who was exiled from his homeland for the crime of having a heart character
>It's a Star Wars RPG character with an 'Imperials killed my family' backstory
I like the sound of this character
Why did you say that the pencil won something, that bastard didn't win shit.
But being that guy is literally Komaeda character.
Someone post that hopeman paint comic please.
>>character is a chaotic neutral rouge assassin with a revenge backstory
>she's also an incompetent, lackadaisical drunk
My favorite character from any of my players in a long time.
>Detailed backstory
>Zero personality
This is why I like developing a character in play. Too much backstory and you write yourself into a corner when the plot turns away from your special snowflake's extremely specific motivations and circumstances.
I usually give a very plain and ordinary backstory to get a feel of the world for the first couple of sessions, then build a slightly more detailed one that fits the world the GM made that doesn't clash with the main plot
I know its kind of artistic license with that design, but why bother with a mask at all if you're going to leave your recogniseable long red hair and telltale piercings show?
I mean I guess Gotham is a big place, but anyone who recognises that combo is going to recognise her.
>rouge assassin
So she's part of the Paris Commune? Is this campaign a prequel to Kaiserreich? Because I'd totally play that.
Never underestimate the sheer thot density that somewhere like Gotham'd end up having, user.
Theyre a Shpee?
>Write a in-depth backstory of character's clan as a bunch of travelling giant sheep herders
>Include events, people, introduction to how character became a bard
>Worldbuilt in a small place we would never go to not interfere with gm's world
>Started out as a page and a half, after proper editing became about four pages
>All written from a close to death outsider's perspective who was picked up by their caravan and traveled with them
>GM vanishes at third session
>My face
I mean, I expected as much. But I regret not backing up that backstory
True, this is the same city that can't seem to keep track of their resident billionaire but knows exactly how to get a hold of Batman.
Always disappointing when you put in a lot of work for a game that dies out early.
I remember starting to write a god dam story for my character. Then the game imploded.
In the DC universe nearly nobody is able to tell that Clark Kent is Superman just because he removes his glass, even is coworker who see him nearly everyday. A mask is more than enough.
But also a talented street dancer.