Who's the BBEG of your campaign? Why does the party want to stop him?
Who's the BBEG of your campaign? Why does the party want to stop him?
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The Demiurge, and because holy shit why wouldn't you?
Because I'd rather exist as a single individual than some hippy dippy cosmic collectivist spirit commune
We don't know. We are here just for coin and cleavage.
A scientist turned terrorist who commited the worst bombing in US history killing around 2k people.
He plays with the main characters and bothers them because he sees himself as their reason to live. But now hes just commiting atrocity after atrocity to get back at those who wronged him while finding a way to rope the party into it at any turn.
Grimwyrd; The Darkness
One of the players, it looks like. Not everyone wants to stop her but some do because she's a brutal mutant monster.
A Rakshasa conspiring with the nobility against the king.
A mad scientist who uses magic. He has several people attached to a machine that keeps them in REM sleep with subliminal messages being fed to them in order to control what they dream about to some extent. The scientist then uses astral projection to travel into the worlds created by the dreams in order to steal items and creatures that can't exist in his world.
The party won't know any of this too soon, they'll think they're just up against some evil sorcerer in a pretty straight forward game, looking forward to when I drop the bomb that their world is just someone's dream.
inb4 "ugh"
probably some construct/demon from the evil magic macguffin meteor that hit the city
Because the Demiurge did literally nothing wrong.
Woops, meant to reply to
The BBEG is a small cabal of True Fae who are trying to see who can destroy the Changeling's Freehold first.
Players are doing their best against their machinations even though they don't know that they're the BBEG yet. They think there is only one of them.
My BBEG is gathering artifacts of FUCK YOU power in an attempt to meet the demiurge and ask it "Why?"
BBEG doesn't care about collateral damage.
PC's are considering helping.
been in this campaign a year and I don't know.
My BBEG wants to kill the demiurge. He's almost as much of a dick, though.
The amalgamated remains of a dead infinity fused into a single undead consciousness bent on repeating the cycle of existence forever by repeating its own dead past over and over.
The players don't fully know about it yet. Most will want it stopped, some will find it personally abhorrent to their philosophies, a small few others already want to submit and fall into the dream forever.
Mostly the BBEG is working through cultists along with a bunch of other incidental antagonists.
Sounds spooky. Does it offer a kind of immortality through repetition to those who submit?
Just got some Worm-That-Waits vibes from it.
an archdaemon that posessed the stillborn of a witch that was in love with our main hero. He grew up and gained control of a kingdom while twisting around a local faith of a fire god and now the whole country loves him and would die for him gladly whenever he wishes.
why do we want to kill him? he also twisted fate to fuck over each and every one of our characters one way or another. Personally he destroyed the abbey where my paladin lived and later his daemonic little brother waved their souls in front of my face and fed them to his court of daemons when I refused to serve him
Maybe you guys can help me with this, I've got a story where the protagonist is one of a number of searchers looking for a new homeland for his people. He encounters various enemies and challenges and whatnot, and eventually finds a ruined town which seems ripe for rebuilding and settling. I have no bbeg for this though, I was thinking maybe someone who felt they possessed the ruins or perhaps didn't want a bunch of pseudo norse people building a town there?
Vengeful spirit of the ruins?
Bandit king?
Unintelligent monster?
Yes. Well, in the form of, it is an infinite number of dead universes, and all the lives inside of it, all wanting to EXIST again in the dying rage of their sudden mass wipe out. So the 'offer' is basically you live, over and over, life after life, forever, on repeat, since it'll just be a dead replay of what already happened, while sleeping eternally in its dead mass.
So like this is the plot and of COURSE one PC joins the game and reveals their character as being a massive Buddhist and into the whole Nirvana and oblivion and cycle and shit.
This is why you need to destroy destiny and fate. My players did. The consequences are unimaginable and devastating. It was a cool choice.
I'd been through some of those, I was kind of thinking maybe something a bit more esoteric, like in that Conan story where he finds a city where everyone is asleep from eating lotus except for some Stygian chick, and there's a monster that eats people while they're asleep every so often.
I'm down with vengeful spirit or dickish monster, it's the execution I'm worried about.
Whatever caused the town to be ruined and empty. Monster lurking under the town, hungry, but too weak at the start.
Maybe a False Hydra? goblinpunch.blogspot.ca
Shouldn't the Buddhist want to escape from that? Also, if the BBE Thing "acquires" a living universe, wouldn't that stop the universes timeline prematurely? You would relive up to the point where "Worm-In-Waiting" eats your universe, and then reset.
>Shouldn't the Buddhist want to escape from that?
Yes! Extremely. So there will be some conflict at the end I imagine.
>Also, if the BBE Thing "acquires" a living universe, wouldn't that stop the universes timeline prematurely?
Oh, well, that's up to the players, but, there's only one living universe left. A single one made up from the viable bits remains of the rest of the dead infinity. But the continuity they're in is technically separate from the one pursuing them across existence, so it can't get this reality without the consent of the players in the finale.
>You would relive up to the point where "Worm-In-Waiting" eats your universe, and then reset.
Actually by the separation would live to the point when all the universes suddenly ended and became dead to begin with before they did their soul Big Crunch and became a screaming endless chaos.
Giants up in the Mountains. They destroy any building higher than their knees because such a structure is an affront to their gods.
>You are now running Against the Giants.
Not bad... perhaps there's one lurking around that the resident sorcerer can no longer control? I'd have to figure out a way to get the protagonist to be able to detect this thing, of course. Character looks like pic related, he's a middle class warrior in a germanic/norse inspired society who's wife died in childbirth, so he gets sent to find new lands since the old ones have horrible famine and climate change for reasons I haven't figured out yet. My point is he's not wielding magic shit yet, and he doesn't have a retinue since they died on their travels.
I'm going to have a tribe of giants in the deserts, actually.
>implying existence isn't suffering
I have no idea who the BBEG is my party. I guess I'll try to find some info about it next session. We just killed a boss that was basically a daemonhost from warhammer but I think it's just a dungeon crawl
So, "The Worm" (because the screaming endless chaos of previous timelines needs a name)
The Worm wants to bring in the last universe/kalpa into itself, offering a kind of immortality. Would anyone even notice such an existence?
If there was a last universe/kalpa, why can't there be another? I feel like that chance, the chance to create another universe, might make it worth fighting against The Worm. Otherwise, your choice is between non-existence when your universe/kalpa ends, or live within The Worm but not know that you are in a loop.
1. The anthromophic embodiment of entropy
2. See 1
A guy with a knife
Because they don't want to be stabbed with a knife
ro ro fight the powah?
I don't follow.
An Uber-Lich trying to destroy the country. We don't care about the country but his minions have been nothing but a pain in our ass for the entire campaign so we're taking him down on principle
The BBEG has a knife, and usually is holding it.
The party saw him stab someone once, and they do not want to be stabbed by the knife.
And thus he stabs you. Pay more attention with your next character.
Such a villain is clearly unstoppable.
But user, entropy is the natural state of the universe. The only morally righteous thing one can do is attempt to speed the process along.
Maybe a sunder or disarm build?
Assuming he doesn't have a second knife. And you can get close without being stabbed by a knife.
>The Worm wants to bring in the last universe/kalpa into itself, offering a kind of immortality. Would anyone even notice such an existence?
They would. It is less an offer of immortality, and more a dead mad thing desperate to reclaim and recapture all it once was, and simply exist forever in its fever dream state.
>If there was a last universe/kalpa, why can't there be another?
There is a chance. One I'm sure they're aware of in a sort of periphery way, becoming clearer as we reach the ending this year. What was once going to be a much more bleak story has taken on a suffocating desperation since the players have realized how much they care for what they have, and thanks to some near-impossible rolls.
3 dragons current rule secretly over the human empire. The human empire lost much of its magic during a event when the magic god and forced into a slumber. These 3 dragons -steel, gold and bronze. The are in a area called the tree kigns mountains. each massive mountain peak. currently the steel and the youngest 250 years old in ruling the empire. These dragons drink a plant extract found in this range that allows for the target of flesh to stone to take effect with easy. Allowing them to slumber during the current dragons rule. They cycle allowing for control of the rulers. The steel dragon currrent rule is coming to a end. close to 50 years. the gold dragons turn is next and is the orginal founder of the empire. Once his rule comes into effect he will undo all the steel dragon has done and begin a hunt onto those few with magic.
sorry for my drunk bullshit.
Taking turns controlling the government and sleeping? Sounds like Drakken.
I don't know yet and because it kept sending assassins to kill the leaders of the various nations we are a part of so they went for the worst solution first - send the party of 5 level 1's to deal with it
Man, my players were exactly the opposite. The villain wanted to destroy the Tapestry of the Fates, which held all of human destiny.
When the Paladin ran into him, the villain went - "Can't you see we're all cosmic playthings? Your destiny was set in stone! I fight to defy the role that was cast upon me-"
"Wait, so you're saying that we're fated to be heroes? That destiny brought me here to stop you?"
"Well, yes, but-"
That was when the Paladin stabbed the shit out him. He didn't even let him finish! The PC later told me "Look, he just got the ass end of the deal. My guy realized that fate wasn't so bad for him, so he'd protect the status quo."
No! It was an accident! They did it by total complete idiot ACCIDENT. It's great.
Well, of course the Paladin is going to protect his bottom line. He's destined to be a good guy, and win. What else could he do? He doesn't have to care, he wins.
None yet, but there's several candidates, including a chained up lich that the players burned once, a daemon currently twisting one of the players, one of the emperor's heirs who is kind of a jerk. And a goblin king who worships a dark deity in secret.
Kinda depends on what the players are gonna do.
Did the ultimate decision and decided to consciously avoid BBEGs. No guilt-free easily hateable, free to kill on sight enemies. Players have to accept that everyone is in the same, morally grey murky zone of kings,armies and empires and only history will tell who was the hero and who was the "evil villain"
Their current antagonist is an elven warlord, desperately tying to hold his kingdom together as the PCs empire has started a popular uprising to install a puppet king and take control of the sea elves navy to use in another war. The PCs are the ambassador and his military advisors and bodyguards. And to further muddle things, none of the sides on the elven civil war are completely right and many of them were responsible orchestrating the original war the human empire got pulled in.
The campaign is basically one of the european wars between the renaissance and the napoleonian times.
Yeah but it's not really supposed to be sentient and angry, that's a new development that's kinda ending existence. And much faster than nature intended.
Not in one currently, but have an idea for one that I'm either going to pass off to a GM, or make a campaign for.
Simply put, I want his (or her) goal to be the cessation of all evil. As in 'only goodness and light are left in all known reality'. A massive breach of what's considered to be the natural order of things, a war of sheer hatred against the supposed cosmic balance of benevolence and malevolence. But this time towards the side of the angels. Naturally, I'm going to have to brush up on my epic level lore/content before I can make a story out of this concept, but it remains an amusing idea to me.
Maybe the BBEG has some gods on his side, or some angels/archon/attendants/etc. who share his ideal. Maybe a mortal cult who strives with him towards that goal. Maybe there'd be room for the party of adventurers to come into conflict over whether this really was a good thing or not. But I'd just like to see how a world might react to an inverse of 'The Ominicidal Dark Lord'. If he (or she) gets what they want, will the world be destroyed? If so, will what remains be better than was was? Would it be worth the sacrifice?
Oh, and it has to be a paladin.
it's a nuke that is being worshipped by some nutjobs as a god.
It really doesnt do anything but to rust until it explodes, but those cultists are pretty damn enthusiastic about defending and fighting for it
The "BBEG" is actually a serendipitous conspiracy of individuals who are assassinating key political figures with the hopes of sparking a large-scale war, only to have a foreign power sweep in and stop the nation's in-fighting for good.
The party wants to stop them because they believe the current "micro war" in-fighting between these political figures is far more desirable and culturally sensitive.
In truth, both of these are pretty shitty and will result in the deaths of tens of thousands
Best Final Solution: PCs start a war on all of them, and kill them all.
My BBEG is the head of a seclusive organization that was created to stop the influence of IRL Players on their universe. She was granted many dark and power secrets when she found a artifact while she was an archaeologist. The truth of it all crushed her, the mere notion that she and everything she has ever known and loved only existed for the amusement of the true gods (Players/DM). Her artifact grants immunity to time travel amnesia, DM fiat, and retcons. She has grown to be a powerful magic user, crafting spells that are meta as hell, and has become known as 'The Witch of Fate'. No one knows she is the head of the shadowy organization, and the players will think she is just another NPC that will help them. The reveal is going to kick ass.
The party want to stop the BBEG, even if they don't know who it is yet, because the organization has discovered they are the avatars of the true gods (Players/DM) and is constantly trying to find ways to send them back, even if it means death to an innocents.
Scaleless dragon. He is a jealous cunt. The conciliatory for wyrm is not really stable.
A massive attention whore who initially did heroism for the fame and glory before realising he could get way more attention by doing evil. Hobbies include blowing up towns with magic and bragging about it to increase his infamy as if it were some game to score points, as well as tormenting and taunting the people who try to stop him. Regardless, he's pretty much always happy and having the time of his life.
I'll throw false hints that he's a tragic/complex motive villains, since my players tend to assume villains in general have that sort of thing going on before flat out telling them that he's pretty much purely evil.
NotOdin (the wanderer variety), who wants to topple the new gods and bring back the good old days of war.