Could a full capacity Space Marine chapter single-handedly conquer the Continental United States of America with its current military capabilities?
Could a full capacity Space Marine chapter single-handedly conquer the Continental United States of America with its current military capabilities?
Does said chapter have all of its resources?
If so then the answer is yes. Incredibly Easily.
Again with this? People have been asking this stupid question since 1987.
The answer should be self evident if you look at the words space marine.
With fleet? probably Yes. Without, nope
Dude, a single full strength chapter of space marines can conquer an entire planet.
Not enough manpower.
>Burn to the ground
oh yes.
With full fleet and air superority? Yes.
Otherwise, the US army will simply run them over with Abrams. Lots and lots of Abrams.
This. 100 units alone cannot possibly maintain control of the continental United States. Even in areas they conquered, there'd still be resistance and high degrees of loyalty to the original regime. They'd have to decimate the population and it's industrial capacity.
not even close lol, you're essentially asking if 1 chapter can take on an entire guard regiment.
If they brought a battle barge, yes. If they just teleported into the middle of the country with just their ground vehicles/limited air support, the military could fuck them up. Autocannons are probably the best bet, they're fast enough tanks would miss more often than not, and anything short of a direct hit probably wouldn't work. Same with ATGMs, a direct hit would kill a space marine pretty easily, but getting a direct hit would be difficult to impossible. Autocannons though, they take apart marines pretty easily on the table top, and that's when they're being fired as some oversized crew served weapon, a Bushmaster would be fast enough to track them, and have enough killing power to put them down. Let alone something like those Shilkas the Russians like so much.
Only by virtue of having a ship capable of orbital bombardment (at which point the effectiveness of the marines is irrelevant, guardsmen with a ship capable of orbital bombardment could take over the US too). If they had no orbital weapons, and could only use their ship to make orbital drops of marines/tanks then no.
Space Marines aren't realistic, they wouldn't really be effective in real life because long range heavy ordnance exists. They only work in the setting because the setting says they work, much like the chainsword. Come to think of it, the chainsword should've been your first clue to their effectiveness.
Orbital bombardment, heretic.
Then again, considering how politically divided U.S. is at this age, I could see half the country trying to coup the governmental power. This would provide the chapter logistic and other need-to advantages.
But the devil is in the details in these kind of discussions.
>politically divided U.S. is
I'm gonna be frank, most of the U.S. is pretty silent and just wants to be left alone. The only ones who actually want to break off are loud mouths with no power what so ever.
As if you wouldn't just become compliant. I'd be up there asking if I can shine boots all day for free if they agree to not wipe my family off the face of fucking existence.
Space Marines could easily compromise nuclear security and burn the entire continent down with it's own weapons. You could technically call a radiated waste land conquered.
Terminators would just teleport into the oval office. It would be over in seconds.
With a fleet for orbital bombardment? yes.
Without one? no.
Too large and difficult of an area for ~1000 troops to hold effective lines, especially with its large military and armed populace. It would be like fighting ~100 million cultists/guardsman that didn't use human wave tactics.
The problem is that they wouldn't leave until compliance has achieved, it would just continue to escalate towards a full population purge.
Do they have a strike cruiser? Yes duh
Do they have thunderhawks? They could probably high jack a few nukes, kill a few generals, and sink a few aircraft carrier s and force some sorta victory like a james bond movie villain. But they wouldn't last long untill Europe, China or Russia counter invalids.
Just tanks? They could roll through guys like isis in a single crusade, but America is way to big to drive through, plus we have planes and missles m8. Hellstrike missles are ap3. We have atleast ap3 stuff to shoot at them.
Yes? A battle barge alone could glass the planet given time.
A conquered land that isn't brimming with radioactive fallout has a name, guardsman. PRIME REBEL TERRITORY! Now load up those missiles, we've got future citizens to purify!
They could conquer it easily. Occupying it afterwards and ensuring compliance is a job for the Imperial guard.
Marines regularly conquer planets. You think they can't handle one country?
Fuck this quesrion, it's dumb. Let's get a better one.
An equal IG force in terms of men, tanks, and aircraft....BUT land with only 3 months of supplies and must scavenge after that. No WMDs on either side
The problem with this dumb ass question is that the people who made 40K stupidly put literal 20th century weapons in 40k. So we pretty much know exactly how powerful our weapons would be against space marines.
And since actual 40K equivalent autocannons are amongst the most ubiquitous heavy weapons on the planet, any given Earth army would absolutely annihilate a chapter of marines without orbital support. It wouldn't even be a contest. The more appropriate comparison is a space marine legion.
> pretty silent and wants to be left alone.
The snake is a thing for a reason.
"I brought you into this world; I can take you out of it."
What's funny is that I'm pretty sure that pic related would be the ones sent to a job like this.
String up enough resistance fights and SJWs, and soon you either wear down the majority population or wear the majority of the population.
I think a chapter could conquer the US if they went smart about it and had time to prepare.
They could try stuff like
>assisting Russia or China in a militaristic takeover
>taking control of WMDs
>systematically assassinating all kinds of VIPs to suit your needs
>doing whatever it takes to get some of the population loyal to you
>implying you don't want them to conquer you
They can wipe out the military but they need troops, IG or chapter serfs to hold it for them
The mehrens could do it, even without spacecraft, if they fought smart, and had good intelligence. Massing on an open field, screaming, "For the emperor!", and gunning down hordes of National Guardsmen like a super-cool 40k-style painting is obviously an immediate loss.
I'd go with Skynet's plan. A sudden surprise attack on the main nuclear command centers would probably succeed - they're surely well-guarded, but they're not ready for termies or jump packs. The marines gain control of as much of the nuclear arsenal as they can and launch the rest at Russia. Techmarines could probably accomplish this if the attack was quick and successful. The Russian counterstrike decimates the USA, leaves the military confused, demoralized, and under-supplied.
The theatre is now much more to the marines' liking. They're far better equipped for radiological hazards than we are, and they have a coherent plan while we have no clue at all what just hit us. The Emprah's faithful servants subvert or cow any remaining leadership, and liquidate any leadership that resists. Over the next few years, they gradually restore order to the chaos they created.
the steel rain would barge down on our enemies like the fury of the emperor made manifest
no military camp could prepare for such brilliant battle plans
then the population will be exterminated house-to-house for worshipping false deities or even worse, denying the light of the emperor
only dedicated 40k fanatics stand a chance of convincing us that they worship the god emperor of mankind. They shall be allowed to rebuild.
This is the most accurate post.
A space marine couldn't handle a TOW missile.
We got lotsa missiles.
Have we forgotten how space marines are supposed to cut the head of the enemy forces?.
That said, it is no different to the great crusade; the space marines destroy the heavily guarded headquarters while Imperial Army holds its own against the planet military.
Which easily answers the question. A full chapter could destroy any government, but conquering entire countries would usually require the assistance of the imperial guard, short of laying destruction with orbital bombardment.
>assisting Russia and China in a military take-over.
So completely overhauling their military logistics system and having them build a fuckhuge navy and airforce? One of the most annoying things most "invade the americas" scenerios forget is the sheer logistical nightmare it would be, especially post WW2 when the US navy is just straight up ridiculous and bloated beyond all reason. You're talking a nation that has a surface fleet arguably capable of taking on the entirety of the world's navies at once and possibly surviving. Landing would be Overlord times 10, supplying it to conquer the 4th largest nation by landmass and 3rd by population? God Emperor preserve us all, not fucking worth it. It's like invading Russia but first you have to cross a fucking ocean and the cossacks have pipebombs and are meth.
inb4 said chapter was Black Templars or Spess Yiffs
Meant to say "are ON meth" but fuck it, it kinda fits. Especially for the Florida campaigns
>Dude, a single full strength chapter of space marines can conquer an entire planet.
>land area of earth: 148,940,000 km2
>population of spacemarine chapter: 1000
>space marine density in earth occupation: 1 marine per 148,940km2
>marines stationed to the state of texas: 4
>population of texas: 27 million
Equal to what? The US military as a whole? Either way, the IG would stomp 10/10. Probably would even outnumbered. Your average Guard unit is trained to fight giant mushrooms created for war, fanatical lunatics with actual gods on their side, and Emperor-knows what else. Attacking the US would be a walk in the park for a IG invasion force; they'd be forced to capitulate before the three months are up.
>Could a full capacity Space Marine chapter single-handedly conquer the Continental United States of America with its current military capabilities?
>population of space marine chapter: 1000
>US nuclear arsenal: 7000
>nuclear missiles per space marine: 7
>IG are well trained meme
I want to remind you that in the Grey Kngihts omnibus a squad of 10 grey knights got badly bruised lost one battle brother and had to retreat when facing 150-200 cultists with knives,swords and clubs.
Let that sink in for a minute.
We are talking about a fully equipped chapter here that had enough time to prepare
Take some Alpha Group dudes to assist you in simultaneously taking over WMDs, wreck havoc all over US defenses and assassinate high ranking officials. When the invasion starts use their superior mobility to respond to any serious threats to the Russian navy. Assist the Russian black ops and covert operators in any way possible.
It's doable imo
Maybe not run over, since Space Marines are quite capable at tearing the hatches off a tank and killing the crew.
It'd basically be the scenario in the Uber: Invasion comics. Initially the US would suffer heavy losses in both lives and resources, along with most of the leadership and main population centers being taken out. Then, once a strategy could be worked out and a front created, the marines would be whittled down by attrition and specialized strikes.
But then who would win, a space marine or an Uber Panzermensch?
Better trained than Reservist Joe and his weekend of service a year.
>since Space Marines are quite capable at tearing the hatches off a tank and killing the crew.
no they cant. even if they could, the other five abramns behind that one will kill the nigger trying to melee a tank.
japanese tried to kill tanks with melee, it didnt work out for them. they just died to the tanks covering each other.
>grey knights
That's always been a case of telling, not showing.
drop pods crash down on all major millitary installations and centres of political power and take them out.
Of course they can, did it against a Tau devilfish/skyray in a book.
What do you think they're doing when they're destroying a tank in melee? Punching it?
I'm admittedly ignoring WMDs because shit gets messy when you ivolve them, mostly just saying that the logistics of supplying even a single modern army across either ocean is something only the US has really bothered to build their military around. Russia and Chinda focus on projection over nearby land, China doesn't even have much of a blue water navy of note. Not talking out of jingoism, just intense armchair rage over how mucj shipping you'd need to supply, coordinate, and protect. SM chapters have to supply the equivalent of a division at most when operating at full tilt, they're not gonna be supplying entire armies. Lighting strikes might devastate the opposing forces but occupatuon would be soul-suckingly painful to sustain. Again, fuck that noise. Not worth it. There's a reason the Guard exists, and it's for this shit.
US deploys multiple nuclear mines on each base.
the second marines appear, they nuke, killing all the marines.
a single apache helicopter can carry 16 hellfire missiles. each hellfire will kill a marine.
a bolter can take out a helicopter and is faster to aim
I agree with you. Russia has a defensive navy and could never make it even halfway through the ocean.
But in this scenario the Marines level the playing field so that they can make it across. WMDs are a necessity though. Remove MAD and replace it with a 100% one sided NUTS and it's doable.
>a bolter can take out a helicopter and is faster to aim
It's like you think all the marines can do is stand out in the open to get shot at. Is that what real soldiers do?
One marine could drop into a base and destroy every helicopter and soldier stationed there before a single one could lift off the ground.
Well, maybe a single Terminator.
Isn't landraider ridiculously op by itself? He could rampage all the way through.
>memeing this hard
Attack helicopters are designed expressly to engage armored ground targets with heavy weapons while sitting out of range of return fire. That's literally the whole design impetus behind every attack helicopter produced since the late 1970s.
A full capacity Space Marine chapter can single-handedly conquer the planet Earth with its current military capabilities. Without breaking into a sweat.
>One marine could drop into a base and destroy every helicopter and soldier stationed there before a single one could lift off the ground.
>marine droppods to army base
>pod is detected 20 miles above ground by radar
>patriot missiles launch to intercept the drop pod.
>drop pod + 10 marines are dead
its like you think the US military is just standing in the open to get shot at.
>>patriot missiles launch to intercept the drop pod.
nuculear missiles wouldnt do the job, let alone conventional means,
Okay, helicopter turns up, looks around, can't find marine. Can't do anything. Don't want to go in closer and get shot. Fire a few missiles in the general area the marine might be even though shrapnel will do nothing to him. Leave or call for support.
Wow, good work helicopter.
you think that a patriot missile cannot kill a drop pod as it enters the atmosphere?
the entire purpose of the patriot missile is to kill things the size of drop pods entering the atmosphere. additionally, the army base can just have helicopters spread out over several miles, one drop pod cant kill them all before they take off and murder rape the marines with hellfires.
why do you think a apache cant see a space marine?
Same reason it could see a soldier. He's not standing out in the open or trying to look at the helicopter at all times as if that would give him some immediate advantage.
drops pods are made of futuristic "fuck you" materials
a space marine could survive sustained continuous nucleaur bombardment from modern capacities
THAAD would be like throwing a paper airplane at a tank, the strength is just insufficient. Direct blasts to the head wouldnt even strain the neck.
Let's see what the head of the 40K IP has to say about this (skip to 5:40):
With EASE, fellas, With ease.
Jesus Christ. You know helicopters have extremely powerful sensor suites so they can find shit that's hiding, right?
It's like you have no idea how military hardware in the real world actually works.
I love 40K and Space Marines with all my heart. I really do. But, they're poorly considered fiction. Comparing them to real world militaries only makes them look weak and the person making the comparison look childish.
But what if the marine has a power fist?
>THAAD would be like throwing a paper airplane at a tank
drop pods are like what... AV12? AV11?
have you even played the game?
>a space marine could survive sustained continuous nucleaur bombardment from modern capacities
lol youre just a nigger troll now.
>100 Marines vs 7 billion people
yeah, alright man. try not to strain yourself thinking about how retarded that statement was. Even if we decided not to use any sort of long-range missile, drone, aircraft, battleship, or literally anything more dangerous than a rock, the 7 billion WOULD STILL FUCKING WIN
>Same reason it could see a soldier. He's not standing out in the open or trying to look at the helicopter at all times as if that would give him some immediate advantage.
space marines are blue metal things the size of a small car. they are not hiding from anything.
>In the grim, dark future of the 21st century, no structures or walls are built higher than a small car.
This is flat-out wrong.
Space marines come in a variety if colors, not just blue.
>itt: sweaty mouthbreathers fail to realize that even made-up embelishments of fake technology by GW fluff-artists fall hilariously short of actual modern military equipment
The number one element of this entire conflict would be range. Current ballistic missiles are fast enough, strong enough, and smart enough to tag your chapter of Pauldroned Mary Sues out of the air mid-jump from miles and miles away, while literally all Space Marine weaponry needs to be aimed and fired line-of-sight.
The critical weakness of a Space Marine chapter is that it doesn't matter how strong they are. They're so eye-catching and loud, with their big stompy power armor and jet packs and big fucking guns, that a real army wouldn't even need to engage them. Once we have satellite imagery of them, just blast them into pieces with pinpoint precision.
And before a legion of neck-bearded super experts in the ways of Space Marinery jump up my ass, I don't give half a fuck about your monetized fanfiction in which so-and-so of the Thunder Dick Chapter (your personal favorite) single handedly destroyed 3,000,000 apache helicopters with his left nipple. GW is a great big pile of "Tell, don't Show" and contradicts itself at every turn. You people are worse than the retards who think pro wrestling is real.
Even if the US spent only a tenth of their nukes, heck, a hundredth, it'd be enough to reduce their own country to a radioactive mess. The best outcome for the US is a pyrrhic victory.
Nuke according to user: S2 AP5 Small Blast
2 companies of Blood Angels have conquered entire planet by slaughtering 1 hve city, rest of the planet just gave up.
Battle Barge can wipe out entire continents without using exterminatus weapons.
>in the grim darkness of the future, space marines cannot leave buildings because apache helicopters would rape them to death in an obscene orgy of gore. thus they sit in those building and wait to be fucked to death by artillery and JDAMs
In the grim dark present of the [current year] No structures exist higher than ground ground level that can
A.) provide enough clearance for those big, stupid, superfluous pauldrons to fit through the doors
B.) support the weight of their big, stupid, superfluous pauldrons.
game stats aren't canon
subjugating entire planets is what they do
>game stats aren't canon
but the monetized fanfiction is?
>subjugating entire planets is what they do
once again, Told, not Shown. This is a universe that tells us that the same people who "subjugate planets" can be brought down by a bunch of cultists with clubs and rocks.
What are jump packs.
what are devastator marines with lascannons, flakk missiles, grav guns, and heavy bolters.
what are assault cannons that regularly take down terminator armor at extremely high rpm.
I'm not saying one chapter could take a country, but this whole "marines get hard-countered by a single helicopter" idea is really fucking dumb.
Pictured: How to deal with an apache in one easy step. Power armor and gene manipulation not required.
for those of you that think a space marine can hide from airborne hunter killers: you need to educate yourselves on how insane modern avionics are.
This is exactly what
was referring to.
Did you know the US military lost a grand total of 19 helicopter gunships over 16 years of continuous warfare? Of course you didn't.
>yeah, alright man. try not to strain yourself thinking about how retarded that statement was.
welcome to 40K, user. this has been part of the fluff since at least 3E. you think that's retarded? welcome to 40K.
>Space Marines
>trying to hide
generally: no
>space marine can be killed with a bayonet from a guardsmen
>can 1000 men whose armor can be pierced by a knife take over a country as large and with as large millitary as the united states
i dont think so friend
>everything said about the history of various official chapters is a lie!
you're starting to sound tin-foil hat user. single chapters can subjugate entire subsectors, that is the official fluff. choose to discount it if you like, the fluff will remain in spite of your bitchy whining.
A full chapter? No, that's not what they're for. With intel, they could certainly cut off the head of command, take some key installations, but I don't think they'd be able to conquer, or even just wipe out the population. To take over the US they'd need to be supporting Imperial Guard regiments. In that case, I'd give it to the Imperium even without orbital support. Nukes would fuck shit up, for certain, but the Guard could answer with Deathstrikes.
Now a Space Marine Legion? It'd be ogre. We'd just have to hope it wasn't World Eaters or Night Lords.
thank you for your valuable opinion. now back to fluff.
>single chapters can subjugate entire subsectors
1000 guys can control 100s of billions of people over hundreds of light years doesnt make any sense at all.
it doesnt make any sense. but some fapfiction said so? therefore you believe it like some kind of religous fundamentalist studying the bible.
weird, i dont recall anywhere in the op saying fluff only