VeloCITY - The Wind in Your Hair

Hey, folks. This is Mr. Blue Sky, lead developer for VeloCITY - The Wind in Your Hair, a Jet Set Radio-inspired homebrew system about bright lights and bumping basslines in the big city.

As always, you can find the latest version of the game at

I apologize for any quiet streak in the game's development. I hope to rectify that today with a new update for you guys. Version 1.31 is a fairly small update, but nonetheless significant. Atop the usual proofreading, there's a cleanup in the combat section that attempts to clarify the nature of weapons and how different weapons affect how the damage test is handled. In fact, more importantly, there is a new Weapons subsection just underneath the combat writeup that provides a whole bunch of sample weapons and the particular rules for each type. It still feels a little rough to me, but this is to help provide written clarification on a section of the rules that has long been vague and handwaved away. This is to accomodate those players who desire a bit more direct combat in their games, especially if they're going to mod the game for settings like Warframe and whatnot.

As always, any questions, comments, stories, samples and suggestions are always welcome.

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Man I remember years ago when this was a tiny baby of a system.

Glad the project is alive and much more fleshed out.

Maybe one day I'll actually be able to play a campaign in this rad world.

Fuck yeah!

It's been a labor of love, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm glad you like it.

Polite bump since it's a slow Saturday morning and Velo City deserves all the airtime it can get.

Maybe this can segue into some sort of STALKER type of experience with folks having to use parkour and self powered transport due to anomalous incidents in the region.

There's also the radical adventures of Turbo Kid.

First time reading this- the Audition reading made me laugh. Sets the tone very very well. Good work.

Thank you. There's a couple other stories dotted around the book.

Neat, glad to see this is still going.







Infiltrating a corporate benefit bicycle race's route to more easily transfer private parcels.

Problem is that it's truly a Police Benevolent Association event.



Are there any weapons I may have missed or should be considered?

Explosives may come up in extreme events. Maybe even ranging from firecrackers to frag grenades? Actually, on that note, gatling-guns and the sort come to mind as well. Seems like they'd do a touch more than a rifle or shotgun.

The only other thing I can thing of is laser guns, because my players like high-tier, and I like sci-fi. But if I really wanted those, it'd probably just call it 50 damage flat, going up from rifle's 40, or something like that.

Also, I remember a high-tier game where my players found out they had enough resilience and body to just tank bullets without taking damage. I don't remember what sort of damage I was using for this, but admittedly, I do think it was significantly less than 40. Do you have any suggestions about how to handle something like this? Flavor- and mechanics-wise.

Maybe provide minimum damage that goes through no matter what?
Called shots that let enemies bypass some armor resistance at a higher DR?
I haven't seen enough of games at that level to say when things start breaking.




>VeloCITY: STALKER Edition
I know there's been bits of brainstorming in the past about how to infuse fantasy into it (like a parallel world ala The World Ends With You, or low-level supers), but it's never crossed my mind to add CHEEKI BREEKI to the setting.




Just out of curiosity, any of you play the Global Testfire?


same, thanks for all the hard work mr. big sky


Would love to play more of this, but I'm too busy.

In the meantime, blueposting.


Holy wow that's tiny.


Actually, I think that's all the Blue I have that hasn't been posted.

Wait, found two more

There we go.

>not 'radical_islam.jpg'
One job, user.

I think it's worth clarifying: if you use a weapon that offers a flat damage value, then any bonus dice you get on the damage test are still rolled, and the result is added to the flat damage.

For example, you have a pistol that deals 30 flat damage. You scored two degrees of success on the original attack test (using Aim), so you get the two bonus dice for the damage test. Whatever result you get from that dicepool is added onto the 30 damage. So if your best result is 15, then your pistol shot is doing 30+15=45 damage that needs to be resisted.

Maybe something like bean bags or rubber bullets, in case someone starts a riot.


I suppose you could cut the damage on any conventional weapon and ensure it's nonlethal when you say you're using rubber bullets or beanbags.






Say your group wanted to be unambiguously good, so they ended up playing either Street Force or actual cops:

How would you pull off a cops-and-robbers style game from the cops' perspective? Besides a contest to see who nabs the most punks, 'cause that would get old real quick.

The first thing that comes to mind is a dynamic duo of buddy cops, straight man/funny man, good cop/bad cop, etc., but that falls apart with more than two or three players.


You could go on patrols.
You could deal with a theft or other crime from another major gang. The first major plot arc from JSRF was someone stealing the statue of "the goddess" from GG territory and finding out who it was and getting it back.
You could deal with a particularly vicious band of rudies who are tearing everything up, forcing you to follow the trail of destruction.

Street Force aren't typically known as the "good guys." The book mentions regular abuse of power and being more ruthless than most gangs, all out of a misguided sense of justice.

Really? I thought it was Poison Jam spraying Shibuya Terminal, and you had to go stop them from covering the whole city in their "NASTY Graffiti!"

Regardless, I really meant for game modes, like how we've currently got the various races, trick contests, tag battles, etc. all laid out. What kind of fun side-activity could a bunch of Cops or Not!Cops do that would still adhere to their basic mission?

In the original Jet Set Radio, you kick off a four-way war between the GGs, Love Shockers, Poison Jam, and Noise Tanks. Jet Set Radio Future starts with Poison Jam stealing "the Goddess of the Streets" from GG territory, and the GGs need to find them and get it back.

Extreme freeze tag? If you catch someone, you cuff them and they can't move until someone else comes by to free them.



What if you got a rogue group of Street Force that is made up of whistle-blowers, people with a right sense of justice, and those who are clean (and will turn a blind eye to rudies who aren't causing trouble?)

Doesn't mean some rudies won't call you a pigfucker.