>my character has done literally nothing every single game
Why am I even here?
>my character has done literally nothing every single game
Why am I even here?
Start doing things.
Join the skeleton army.
are you trying to do something? are you waiting for the gm to call you out?
Basically, every time I try something, some other player negates it, by either
doing something completely different, and everyone just goes with that plan instead, or doing what I just did, but better
Just to suffer?
Do things that can't be easily negated.
"I smash the baby's head in"
You're a supporting character.
You need to start your own interesting sub-arc so you can have more depth. Tell the GM you want to be the worlds greatest blacksmith or some shit. The other characters wouldn't be able to ignore the chance to have legendary equipment made and repaired by an ally.
Be creative.
Can you give an example?
punch them
Are you in a group with like 6 people and 3 main characters?
>Why am I even here?
You're eye-candy for the GM
Any specific examples?
You're the wild card.
I know that feel
>Make Tank in already continuing group
>Be excited that I'll be able to show off the skills that I've been optimizing for like a week
>Game happens, enemies are all killed before I can even get their attention
I know this situation. I've been in a game as a character who basically only had one ability: Clob things with a Hammer. Every single one of my points went into hitting things with a warhammer.
Over the course of 4 months til it finished, we had TWO fights in the entire campaign. Every single other situation that could've resulted in a fight was dissolved by the party talking/sneaking/bullshitting the way through it.
Have you tried not being a murderhobo?
In that case, make your character the kind who would pick fights with other people. Or otherwise make your ability useful.
Start doing shit. Even if the other characters don't follow your plan, that doesn't mean you can't do it.
Also, optimize. You can always optimize, even if you're making something shitty like a warlock/incarnate multiclass
>be me
>make a character who's REALLY good at climbing/acrobatics/jumping
>play for around an hour
>finally encounter a situation which makes my skills relevant
>fail the roll
>party has to bullshit their way through it without using me
rinse and repeat. I actually failed every single skill check I attempted for two sessions straight. Thanks RNGeejus
Now that's just RNG... But, uh, why did you pick a specialty that can be negated when the first incarnate takes his first level, literally, or warlock hits level 6, or wizard 7?
Did you not ask your DM what kind of campaign it was or something?
The plan was to combine my acrobatics with flashy knife-fighter-dancing videogame moves.
But whenever I tried to jump from a roof to stab a guy or slide between someone's legs to cut their groin, I slipped and smashed my face into the ground or slid into a wall and hurt my leg.
Things finally got better in the third session because my luck returned, but for the first ~6 hours of the adventure, I was utterly useless.
Really, this shit. I'm sick of systems where I can get dice-fucked and have all the expertise I sunk character resources into rendered moot. This is why you get Gygax's Weird Wizard Show -- the ability to proactively alter the game universe without the DM or dice being able to say NUH UH on the regular is the single most powerful meta-ability. Thus cameth 4e.
Specialization is for insects
No, the DM actually showed us the script later on and almost all situations could've been resolved by fighting it out. But somehow, my pals always talked themselves into the next plot point, solved all the riddles perfectly or found the necessary items to trigger events that caused the events to diffuse themselves.
Technically, there were three fights. But I don't count the third, since my party decided to flee from a horde of monsters right from the start and I wasn't dumb (or desperate) enough to fight all of them alone (yet).
>a character who basically only had one ability: Clob things with a Hammer. Every single one of my points went into hitting things with a warhammer.
This is where you fucked up.
Roleplaying experience has taught me that versatility is king. Be great at your main job, but remember that you need more than that to be an effective party member. The party needs to get to and from the objective, fight when needed, interact productively with NPCs, information-gather, and do logistical work. Have multiple parts of the game in mind when you're going through character creation. In-game, keep all your tools in mind and aggressively look for ways that you can use them to help the team.
>Play World of Darkness
>Play Mage the Ascension
>Make Raziel from Soul Reaver, basicly a Euthanatos mage thats good at sword fighting, acrobatics and okay at magic.
>Everyone calls me a weeb because I use a sword, a Flamberge... okay.
>Get given a job to hjack some train carts.
>Cool Train Robbery
>I do nothing. Everyone does nothing. Only one this is rolled the entire time.
>Why? Surely somebody has to get up onto the train itself and unlock the train carts. Can't you do that?
>Nope. We have an NPC mary sue that does it for us.
>This is an NPC who is so impossibly fast, that he can dodge a bullet by feeling its pressure against his stomach and then move his body out of the way.
>I literally cannot hit him. My entire role in the party -hitting shit and sneaking- can be done by this NPC with no margin for error.
I'm still salty. Will always be salty that the DM ever thought this character would be a good idea.
>RNG has been butt fucking me in combat for without exaggeration, 6 months on my new fighter character
>Party has come to expect nothing from my character despite having the highest HP and AC as well as great battle knowledge
>Most recent session, we come across a scout camp of around thirty drows
>Try to stealth past, we're seen pretty quick
>At the start of the battle I manage to hit a oneshot on a guard, feels good
>DM reveals the camp boss, some kind of drow mage
>d4 to decide who she attacks
>rolls me, get one shot by some fucking lightning spell
My fighter is level four with 19AC and 40HP. We ended up winning, but it seems every time there is a powerful one-off attack up the enemy's sleeve, I take the hit.
Listen, nobody has just one skill. You can be really good with a warhammer and still have other uses.
This is what you've got for playing RNG heavy games and not someting based on the bell. It's your own god-damn fault, Jerome