That Guy General {before you stands the mighty whizzard! edition}
Tell Veeky Forums that guy or that GM stories. Any game be it a wargame or RPG. Go!
That Guy General {before you stands the mighty whizzard! edition}
Tell Veeky Forums that guy or that GM stories. Any game be it a wargame or RPG. Go!
Other urls found in this thread:
first for more greentext stories
>Join 5e game with custom setting
>Every NPC we meet for the first 5 sessions tries to kill us, or is implied to be interested in killing us
>Kill them first
>DM complains
>"You never tried to talk to them"
>Sorry I'm not the talkative sort when somebody puts an arrow in my leg.
>First "friendly" NPC we meet runs away from us
>And promptly leads bandits onto us.
>Second friendly NPC hangs out with us for a bit
>Then leads those same bandits back onto us
>Custom currency chart
>It's wrong the first time we trade
>DM laughs at us for getting ripped off when we barely understand this custom currency as is, and the chart is wrong at that.
>DM rules that my spell doesn't function how it mechanically should because that's not "flavorful"
>DM rules that one small race would get 3d6 drop the lowest stat rolls, but no others would, because fuck you basically.
I can elaborate on some of these, but I've told them before.
previous thread for everyone who missed it
>3d6 drop the lowest stat rolls
so max 12? or did you forget something?
Nope. That's exactly correct. Other races all get 4d6 drop the lowest, but this race would get 3d6 drop the lowest.
I suspect he just didn't want to tell me no.
was it Kender?
It was a kobold
Goblins didn't get the same treatment, so it wasn't just an issue of the race usually being weak grind mobs, regardless of that being my DM's reason.
Either way, I dropped it when I realized he wouldn't budge.
>that guy plays a dragonborn barbarian
>specializes in grappling
>uses his powers of grappling and wrestling to beat many a foe
>one night party coming back to inn after dungeon delving
>that guy goes with sorceress and rest near the fire since it's cold out
>that guy starts flirting with her
>she doesn't reciprocate the feelings and shoots him down
>he suddenly grabs her and rolls grapple checks
>she loses
>He rolls to pin
>says he wants to cuddle with her near the fireplace
>everyones just kind of like "what the fuck" at this point
>he asks the DM if he can fade to black
>sorceress player gets up, packs her shit, splashes her drink on that guy's face and leaves
>that guy has the audacity to yell out "Nice ass!" as she's walking away
>that guy sends me a text later that night asking if I want to leave our DM's game and join one that he'd run because the DM gave him the boot for that.
I can see why he would think that was funny but that's the kind of joke you can only really make around close friends. Just bad taste.
The "Nice ass!" comment is kinda inexcusable though.
Also the Sorceress might have overreacted entirely...
I dunno you all sound like you handled it poorly.
>that GM wants to run a game at UNI for pubs
>his girlfriend/wife is there
>be 1st level fighter, monk, wizard, druid, ranger, and that-GM's wife a 3rd level "Soul Hunter"
>"what the fuck is a soul hunter"
>homebrew class that specializes in scythes and gets bonuses to attack/damage/saves every time they kill something, and they can "hunt" souls to inherit their powers (ie if the soul hunter kills a balor they can inherit the death throes power for a number of days equal to the creature's hit dice.)
>wandering outside of town
>come across a pack of kobolds worshipping a red dragon
>in the middle of the road
>naturally we dont want to fuck with this thing, but special snowflake steps forward and starts talking shit
>dragon tells kobolds to stand back, will one on one this fight
>dragon attacks with fire breath
>soul hunter spins her scythe like a windmill and blocks the entire attack
>she warp strikes up and crits on a nat 11 for 8d6 damage
>oh by the way soul hunter scythes get vorpal at 1st level because of their dedication and precision to hunting souls
>instantly killed the dragon
>suddenly skies darken
>dragon's backup posse, several more dragons, arrives
>she uses her "once per day supermove" to summon forth a giant skeletal lich and fuse with it as if it were a jaeger from pacific rim
>proceeds to "Soul Burst" and "Soul Drive" the dragons down effortlessly
>she immediately gets awarded hundreds of thousands of dragon horde treasure
>doesn't split it with us because she solo'd the encounter
>we dont get XP because we didnt attack
>at this point we're already calling it quits and leaving
>dm's girlfriend gets mad and gets up to try to block us from leaving saying that we need to play it through and quit being a bunch of sore flakes
>accidentally trips on something as she's getting up
>hits the table and breaks it in half
>registers at least a magnitude 4 earthquake on the richter scale because she is a goddamn ham planet.
Fuck you, Danielle Bequeath.
Idk i think that's a pretty uncool thing to do and he deserved to get kicked.
Rapey players aren't funny.
You sound like that guy.
We had a DM who used a monopoly board as our dungeon. We would roll to see how many moves we'd make as "progress through the dungeon".
Encounters were based on the properties, landing on chance resulted in a random trap or a boon, railroads were minibosses, free space was a resting spot, community chest was guaranteed treasure, Jail was a dead-end until you were freed by someone landing on it without being sent there, and go-to-jail was a trap that pretty much took you out of the game unless someone went back to save you. If you got back to Go you'd have to wait until other players got there to help in the final boss fight, or you could try to solo it but it might as well have been a fucking WoW raid boss because it was so spongy as fuck for damage.
I said it was an uncool thing to do. If it was just meant as a joke then it was only a tactless joke and maybe take him aside and talk it out.
If I removed someone from my life every time they made an off color joke I would have no friends in the world.
Now if he was really just a creepy rapist guy who you were all playing with I suppose you were just a bad judge of character to let it go on so long.
That sounds amazing, how is he a That DM?
>that guy who reads the modules that you're going to run
>that guy who cuts you off in the middle of explaining the room to tell you you're wrong about the details of this room
>that guy who gets defensive when you ask him if he's been reading the modules and metagaming
>that guy who screeches autistically when you tell him that he doesn't have to go home but he can't stay at this table anymore
>that guy who has to pay for the repairs to your car because he was so mad he came and keyd your car and forgot you have security cameras outside
>that guy who has to get a fucking job to pay for the damage and cant sit around playing Destiny all day anymore
He thought thimble deserved to die.
but we all had a pretty good time anyway.
Rich barfoo was sitting h him he was IN HIS HOUSE! and then he said "ohe i can make a web comic and make it really exsiting and entertainting and try to SHILL! my comic and make jewgold"
then him didnt make the comic regularly
"I HAVE A JOB" he told people
but him was a shitty author and a shitty webcomic and him dident weiss the money and spent it all on shitty stupid stuff cuz hes a fuckin homo
one day rimch buirfew was making hims webcomic when THUNT approach him and said "Us Artists, huh?" and tried to hit it off whith him becuase theym both doing dungorb and dregerms comic.
after a brief bit of bill clinton sex they were both determined (not like undertale determination) but them both make a webcomic about lulz and drama
"Im sad" thunt said and ronnie buffalo hugged him and said "i know"
they then created ww.willsaveworldforgold and make them comics about pixel and sprite
the moral of the sttory is
fuck u
It's too bad this is fake, because that would've been hilarious.
Well, to be fair I have no way to prove this happened to a bunch of anonymous strangers on the internet, but at the same time I have to ask you why an anonymous person on the internet would forge falsehoods to another anonymous person on the internet.
Just got my creepy stalker on and scouted around the internet, she hasn't posted on twitter since october, and looks like she axed her linkedin and facebook.
Here's a bit of a fucking gem though:
Not exactly That Guy, but
>be me, playing a level 8 Sorcerer (Blaster)
>Party members include Fighter, Monk, Cleric
>Encounter on a pirate ship
>Take note that a single Fireball spell hits the majority of the ship's deck
>Monk rushes the captain
>I hold my action until after the pirates move
>Most of them congregate in the middle
>Cast Empowered Fireball, instantly take out 14/20 pirates
>Monk gets angry
>He says, "This is bullshit, how can you do this?"
>Me, "I have a moderately optimized Sorcerer"
>Him, "That shouldn't happen! My monk should be way better than you!"
>DM, "Look, you were the one who wanted to play one of the worst classes"
>Queue half an hour argument about class imbalance between me + DM vs. Monk
>Agree to disagree
>Now Monk is just passive aggressive
>Can't even mention any of 3.PF problems because it'll spark a new argument
I want to keep playing, and I enjoy the system in spite of its flaws, but this guy and his idiocy is just frustrating. I'm tempted to make an optimized Cleric or Wizard just to show him how imbalanced his precious system can be, but that would be a That Guy move. I want to keep playing, but Monk is getting more irritating. So, I havr to put up with it and play while censoring myself (he's the DM's ride so can't kick him out) or excuse myself. Wut do?
That's goddamn grade A+ delicious, friendo.
>that channel
of fucking course she's a vapecunt
>Someone is in a relationship with her
Did he ever explain WHY his monk should be better?
Optimize his character. 3.5 has a ton of levers to make monks quite good. Hopefully PF has them as well.
"Cloud Practice"
Holy shit user...
I believe now.
I don't think so. He mostly kept going on about puny mages and how if he ever fought me in game, i would be dead before I even cast a spell.
Ooh, that could be an option. I'll talk with him and the DM to see if this can work. I mean, I just want all of us to have fun, And I didn't really realize I was stepping into this kind of low- tiered group. So i made a Blaster in the hopes of fitting right in to the usual power level I like at the table (decently powered and optomized, but not Batman Cleric level) and ended up with the best character at the table.
I'll talk with them next week and see if the DM and I can help them remake more optimized characters, and if not, I'll just make a new one more on their level.
Maybe provide him with some examples of imbalance when you're not playing. Be sure to also keep an open mind and listen to his arguments and what he's saying. Also try to distance the fact that its about your character and his character you have a beef with.
Another alternative is simply giving the weaker classes more levels. It doesn't really fix things, but it helps mitigate the feeling of being in a shitty class.
Are you able to use 3.5 rules? If so, I've spent enough time on 3.5 monks to optimize them about as much as the system will allow for. They're my favorite class because of how challenging it is to get them to function passably.
Well shit, you actually delivered something. I'm retracting my statement then.
That's when you tell someone to get the fuck out of your house.
Why do people invite actual autists to their tables?
The problem with autists is that a lot of them can pass for "Just a little weird" for short periods of time, and a lot of people are willing to take the chance on a guy who might actually just be a little weird.
Couple that with the fact that a lot of us are functioning autists ourselves, and so have a shit time reading people.
>shitty webcam
>out of focus
>"practicing" vaping
>is whale
Holy shit man. I can finally believe.
Suicide and play a soldier for once
I've known 2 people with aspergers and one is a good friend the other showed me his porn folder in the middle of lunch in campus, but both cases I spent enough time to know what type of person they were. Unless you are doing random PUGs why would you:
1. Invite them to a social game that can become very emotional provided the right circumstances.
2. Invite them to your house instead of a public place.
Maybe I'm just jaded, distrustful and antisocial but it feels like poor planing.
The sperglords are adept at hiding their true nature until it's time for them to strike, user. You can never know for sure, only the Chris-chan tier ones can be spotted on sight.
Veeky Forums related
>He thought Thimble deserved to die
I'm glad, Thimble armies were broken as hell.
Fuck you, wagonfaggot. Learn to play your army.
You should have attacked
Sad part is, that Soul Hunter class sounds pretty legit if it were balanced. Do you happen to know anything else about it other than the bullshit you mentioned?
>gm cthulhu 7ed
>one guy wants to be some sort of noble snob
>okay but the scenario is 90s so your house is either insignificant or you're crazy
>he goes for insignificant
>still plays his character like a medieval king
>seperates himself from the group which complicates my narrative and makes group roleplaying supremely difficult
>wants to shoot npcs whenever possible even though his character is not listed as aggressive in his character sheet
>politely remind him that if he wanted to play a murderhobo he should have said so beforehand
>in the end have to let him be before he throws a hissy fit
>second session
>first chance he wants his character (whos tired and hungry as fuck) to flee the city and go to newzealand (we were playing in east coast england)
>i have no idea how to handle that and i didn't want to railroad him so i just tell him ooc that this would ruin the adventure
>after half an hour of arguing he agrees
>then continues to annoy me with how we should be getting armorpiercing and hollowpoint rounds
>i tell him there's no ammo types in the rules
>he doesn't stop annoying me
>eventually i just double the amount of ghouls to kill the majority of the party and to end my suffering
Honestly not sure if im that guy or if he is the one at fault
He was being a prick but you're also at fault for cheap killing (most of) the party. Instead of trying to just get his character killed (and ending up with other players caught in the crossfire) the best thing would've been to just calmy tell him to stop fucking pestering you or he's getting kicked out of the session and then the game if he keeps it up next time.
To be fair it was late at night and one guy had to leave
I'm pretty sour that one guy who actually roleplayed decently - he controlled himself and an npc got killed
Himself and Professor D. we're pretty good characters. I might resurrect D.s head and make him part of a plot in the future i dunno
>Playing Werewolf the Apocalypse
>I am a Ragabash Glass Walker, friend to the human city folk, around 30 years old. pretty average character
>That Guy is playing a 15 year old boy Philodox something or other, with like 5 dots in a Pure Breed background
>we're in Central Park, discussing the disappearance of a recent high ranking Glass Walker
>a group of Uktena are engaging in some mystical ritual centered on some magic device that is making them float in the air and causing all sorts of magical energy
>in mid-morning Central Park in modern day
>i learned later that they were bonding as a pack through this ritual or some nonsense like that
>other PCs run to save the Uktena, thinking they're in danger
>I hang back, character is not one for running into the unknown willy-nilly
>Other PCs and DMPC end up sealed as a pack due to ritual, I'm just hanging with them wondering what happened
>That Guy ends up as pack leader apparently
>go to building where disappeared Glass Walker lived
>as Ragabash Glass Walker, I am adept at speaking with and lying to people, especially humans like the doorman out front
>go to him, begin telling story/creating reason why I should be allowed in
>new to the system so not sure what to roll if anything, That GM doesn't help in any way
>finally figure out to investigate the guy for clues, find a Glass Walker tattoo - he's related to or knows someone in the tribe
>think I've got this, secretly tell him I'm one of them as well
>still nothing, no entry, get the fuck out sir
>That Guy walks up, rolls some skills without asking, not sure how but That GM says okay you all can go in
>go to apartment, search around, plot shit
>DMPC comes at me for some reason, doesn't like my tribe
>hits me, suddenly MAGICAL EXPLOSION
>now I've magically taken his place in the pack because GM can't figure out how to make sure I stay on his rails
I didn't come back for session 2. That Guy/That GM double-combo was enough for me.
>>hits me, suddenly MAGICAL EXPLOSION
>>now I've magically taken his place in the pack
Dude what
I wish I was kidding. In character, I rightfully thought he had attacked me and went to the caern leaders to raise hell.
They told me oh it's no big deal, you're in their pack now, just go with it, what are you talking about when you say railroad?
I had played Vampire with the same GM and similar shit had happened to the PCs but that was kind of the last straw for me
How do people even railroad in Vampire
Aren't you compelled to do quests because the world is about to end or because some cammie dominates the shit out of you?
Protecting the masquerade would also be a thing a gm could use so i dont know how you'd even come into a railroad situation
You can also smell them sometimes, like Luke.
For the time I played, it went kinda like this
>DMPC appears
>hey do this quest/find this thing for me
>I ask, but why?
>DMPC gives answer
>my character probably wouldn't, or the plot hook you're throwing doesn't make a lot of sense, i start to say so
>DMPC showcases some massive OP power level that he'll use to destroy me if I don't go along
>either that or threatens to diablerize my character, which he did to another PC when they missed a session
>I follow the DMPC for two sessions as they solve problems and I kinda maybe do a thing here and there?
This GM loved his DMPCs, he had several in both games. In Vampire, it was some special snowflake Lasombra or something.
To be fair, the GM is bipolar and struggles with it a lot, and can't keep a lot of thoughts straight in his head very long. That's why we never had any combat. In these games, I played about 2 sessions of the Vampire game before he wanted to switch to Werewolf. Gave him 1 session on that and then decided to nope outta there and play other games. Last I heard he's trying Mage now, so good luck to him
And was ready to alienate friends with a Mary Sue Story to get some from her.
That guy is desperate indeed.
Probably a case of serious escapeism for her; to be someone people can look at for more than 5 seconds. Just because the minis gravitate towards you, does not mean you are the only player at the table.
He could have just made his DMPCs princes or barons who rule the domain you happen to be living in
Instead he has to force his terrible npc backstories on other people i guess
>He wants to flee from the adventure
Why do players do this? Seriously they can create backgrounds all they want, but the one thing that is required is to find some sort of reason to actually participate in the adventure. Why even come when you don't want to play?
He said that it would be logical for his character to run away due to survival instincts whateverthefuck and ooc told me that i had to dmbullshit him to keep his character in the game
I'm gonna be honest something inside of me really wanted to leave the house during that discussion. I don't want to force my players to keep playing and i don't want to be the antagonist. I want to tell a somewhat interesting story thats fun for everyone involved
At the end of the session he was trying to metagame out of me if the ghouls were going to kill them and at that point i was just like fuck it lets end it right here
Why did the dm let it get as far as it did?
same guy here
Anybody got tips to rein this player in?
In the past hes often played powergamey characters and last session he just made his antisocial character into an aggressive leaderfigure for some reason
I think i want him to make a character thats indebted to another players character so he takes up less space in my games but im not sure
Any suggestions?
Tell him to stop being a shitty player or fuck off
>it's a "DM's girlfriend prevents him from starting the game and we have to postpone" episode
I think if you're new to RPGs maybe you just think its funny and crazy, but then don't have experience and empathy to realize how that's a dick move.
If someone has a lot of familiarity with RPGs and does this its cause they're a fucking cunt.
The thing that made this really annoying for me is that i planned out a 6 page adventure for them
The only thing that was required was that they didn't flee from the city.
In the end we could only do half of what i had planned because i was forced into the ooc discussion.
The bad thing was that they really had a reason to not flee the city.
They have been running from a cult and haven't slept in days. They also haven't eaten in days.
I was sure that was enough of a motivation (motivation for the first session was that papa Nyarlathotep kidnapped their fucking family and destroyed where they were working to get cult things happening)
I honestly thought that was enough dm fuckery for the adventure but apparently that player expected me to go further
not adventure but 6 page plot for that session
plot for first session was 3 pages
I notice that it's ALWAYS obsessive video game players who do this shit. They don't understand how to act reasonably and in character because the video game RPGs they've rotted their brains with did all of the hard work of keeping a setting consistent and characterization semi-stable for them. The second you put them in a world without boundaries, it's like sending a nice Catholic schoolgirl to a co-ed dorm.
Another thing video game players always do is try to kill people for no real reason.
>I notice that it's ALWAYS obsessive video game players who do this shit. They don't understand how to act reasonably and in character because the video game RPGs they've rotted their brains with did all of the hard work of keeping a setting consistent and characterization semi-stable for them. The second you put them in a world without boundaries, it's like sending a nice Catholic schoolgirl to a co-ed dorm.
They think my brain is an endless fountain of ideas and stories and fail to realize im just a guy with limited patience who wants to play some RPGs
Also the same guy wants me to fucking create an open world for cthulhu like is he crazy or some crap
You should have let his character leave, and then said "Well, I guess the session is over. Thanks for playing everyone." and then left.
Later, you could have organized with the other players to play another game without him. Possibly even continuing where you left off.
One problem: We were playing in his house and he provided the snacks.
Next session im gonna try to find a place to host to have phat bargaining power and to assert dominance over my players
It's not a matter of dominance or anything like that. He basically wasted your time, and the other player's time.
If he didn't want to play, he should have said so, rather than wasting everyone's time like an asshole.
He wasted more of my time than the time of the other players
A big chunk of my plot got fucked and i spent a couple of days preparing everything and organizing everything
I'm still pretty bummed he fucked my like that
Sorry to say this but the Girl was the one in the wrong there. All he did was make a dumb joke and use one of his skills in the Game. She actually psychically assaulted him. She is the one who should have been kicked.
>splashing water on ones face is physical assault
>Any suggestions?
I feel cheesy because at this point I'm posting this in some thread nearly every day...
But have them read pic related.
The problem last time was that he broke rule 5: Don't be an ass.
Perhaps seeing that others have actually codified how to avoid acting like him might convince him.
Or there's always the boot.
Yes it is and sexually grappling someones imaginary persona is not.
No, it's psychic assault, can't you read? That's much worse.
Fucking psychics need to get the fuck out of my games.
You might want to read up the definition of assault im sure water splashing isn't included
Maybe thats something i should have checked before the game
Try to smell out if hes trying to fuck me over by creating a lolsorandom character
If hes playing in another session - and im actually willing to gm one - im gonna try to make sure the other players have characters that hes connected with.
Like if hes indepted to one guys pc he pretty much has to follow him
Also im doing delta green stuff next session so i hope that helps
>>splashing water on ones face is physical assault
Throwing your drink in someone's face is actually assault.
Calling the cops over it is likely to piss off the cops for wasting their time, though.
Might get a ticket at worst.
Unless you "assaulted" a cop.
>Sorry to say this but the Girl was the one in the wrong there. All he did was make a dumb joke and use one of his skills in the Game. She actually psychically assaulted him. She is the one who should have been kicked.
But this guy is almost certainly wrong.
Be a dick, get assaulted with beverage.
The context matters, I wasn't there, and I can imagine a scenario where she was being oversensitive and he was being jovial, but the comment on the way out sounds like he was provoking her and an asshole.
sorry about your car, user
at least you know that person is an autist, i guess?
>New GM, never ran a game before, still pretty new to the system (3.5)
>Group consists of: Me, two of GM's non-trpg-playing friends, a quiet unassuming dude, and a 'Rules Assistant/D&D EXPERT' who is helping GM with the game. Me and the Rules Assistant are the only people who know a lot about the game.
>I roll a simple warlock, consider delving into wizardry later on
>Other players roll a drow rogue, human duskblade, minotaur warrior
>Assistant rolls an 'eleti' (Some kind of undead space construct, I don't know.) 'necromancer' (A homebrew who has all arcane and divine necromancy spells), and a horrendously OP staff of some kind,
>Assistant Assures the GM that 'don't worry, I won't use it' and about how the WIZARDS OF THE COAST examined his sheet and officially okayed it
>Tell him and the GM that it's bullshit, get ignored.
>Go on quest to save a bunch of kids from drow, drow apparently have some kind of dark ritual
>Eleti summons undead from absolutely nothing, citing third-party spells and shit from books that later took me three hours to find if it even existed, has an entire army following him despite being level 1
>Entire time I'm asking about spells he's using, because the 'Doom' I know doesn't instantly kill people. He backs off immediately when I do that
>We find the kids, Eleti then tortures the drow priestess by raping her with a bone dildo.
>I say I'm tired, ragequit for the session.
That was just the start. The guy triggered me pretty bad, so I probably was being at least a little 'That guy' when I called him out on rules details.
>Level, start doing more damage, grab a few interesting fiendish feats that stack on eachother
>Keep calling the Assistant out on shit
>He gets pissed, and later convinces the GM that my fiendish feats will BREAK THE GAME
>But luckily, he has a good idea to stop me from being able to use them!
>I end up cursed with a magical ring that changes my alignment
>now can't use warlock spells or any abilities at all.
>>>splashing water on ones face is physical assault
>Throwing your drink in someone's face is actually assault.
>Calling the cops over it is likely to piss off the cops for wasting their time, though.
>Might get a ticket at worst.
>Unless you "assaulted" a cop.
I mean honestly who gives a shit what is and what isn't assault
If people aren't getting along at the table they ought to get away from each other
In this case the dude started shit at the table and the gm shoulda kicked him out then and there
>and a 'Rules Assistant/D&D EXPERT'
oh boy
Guy should've made sure the girl was OK with it. IC, basically the only way this can be resolved if she isn't is either her character or his leaves the party. Why would she agree to go out into the woods with a guy that just tried to "forcibly cuddle" her, and why would anyone else in the party believe this is appropriate?
I mean if theres females at the table and people flirt with their characters isn't the flirting often directed at the females themselves?
When i play female characters i usually don't get raped
>NPCs who can influence PCs are DMPCs
Let him go to NZ. Organise the other players to gather for your next session, continue playing without him - he's in NZ, after all, retired to a sheep farm or some shit.
>I mean honestly who gives a shit what is and what isn't assault
>implying autisticly defining the truth of posts isn't the Veeky Forums way
>If people aren't getting along at the table they ought to get away from each other
>In this case the dude started shit at the table and the gm shoulda kicked him out then and there
>the dm let it get as far as it did
More truth.
I wouldn't have acknowledge the grapple roll, myself.
But that's my game.
>Despite identifying the ring and trying remove curse, nothing works
>Apparently it can only be lifted by a list of magical monster parts. Such as, for example, pit fiend fangs, archlich fingers... You know, stuff my level 3 warlock won't really get, especially when he can't use his class features
I whined a bit, and started rerolling, but then the GM said I could get act as a warmage my level until the curse could be broken. They seemed excited about this 'epic' quest. There's not much I could do, so I just shrugged and tried out the warmage. With 11 int.
>Sessions later, GM messages me late at night
>Having trouble challenging party, not sure how to because of infinite undead army
>Doesn't really understand how spells work
>I end up statting up a boss-level drow priestess, complete with lists of prepared spells and spell descriptions. Anti-undead buffing and blasting cleric
>Even spent a feat on leadership so the fight could involve a bunch of first-level minions
>Give GM neat nice little booklet for them to use, complete with 'use X spell when Y is happening!'
Later, during the session
>Eleti starts getting upset because we're passing notes, as I'm essentially playing the cleric against the players through GM
>Not like my actual PC could do much
>Eleti's army is all Rebuked and Commanded against him, attacking their once master
>Still raging, That Guy is getting more bugged because his undead should be immune to being turned because of REASONS.
>That Guy snaps his staff, sucking everything and everyone into the astral plane, except uses his ring of dimensional anchor on himself so that he's the only one to survive
>Session hard-ends, GM puts foot down, finally listens to my advice and begins banning third-party books and things they haven't read through yet
>reboots campaign
That Guy still played with us for at least another few months, but he ended up breaking the rules a ton more until the GM finally kicked him out.
He wanted to take the rest of the players with them
And the thing is that his characters (i dunno if he does it unconsciously or maybe hes just bad at roleplaying) always end up in some sort of leadership position
In this case it just ended my game because we're usually playing at his house and its hard to do drama at the place where ur playing
Got whats coming to him
If you're minmaxing with newcomers and also metagaming to improve your minmax im sure you deserve whatever is coming to you
>Still raging, That Guy is getting more bugged because his undead should be immune to being turned because of REASONS.
>That Guy snaps his staff, sucking everything and everyone into the astral plane, except uses his ring of dimensional anchor on himself so that he's the only one to survive
well then
My point is that she took the game and made it something physical. In my opinion that is NOT ok. I still think the guy was a dumbass, though.
That is a good point the DM should not have let it get to that point. For example if I were the DM I would ask one of the other characters to make a perception check. No matter what their roll was they would have perceived the large half-Orc with some magical item of seduction/mind-control lustfully looking at his(The Forced cuddle Guy) character. He would have backed off at that point or his character would suddenly find it a very good idea to get a Tramp stamp reading "Property of Korgok the defiler"
>i usually don't get raped
I find that Female characters played by dudes have been raped more often in my games.
>My point is that she took the game and made it something physical. In my opinion that is NOT ok
True, two wrongs don't make a right.
But three lefts do.
>My point is that she took the game and made it something physical. In my opinion that is NOT ok. I still think the guy was a dumbass, though.
Isn't that something the guy started?
I mean maybe im just missing information but im sure just raping/assaulting someone requires characteristics that have to be in the sheet
The way i read the story he was trying to provoke the player by abusing her character
And yea i'd also argue that the game is already something physical
Its a story you tell with pals to have fun
If people have fun in a way that makes other people not want to play then thats already game over for me
Well i guess i just have a group thats not fucked up then
See, the thing is... He wasn't even minmaxing! He was just lying about rules, class features, spells, abilities...
>Rules assistant isn't rules assistant anymore
>His new character was a gruff dwarven samurai.
>GM was letting us start out at like level 5 or something, and each of us got a 'family item', usually slightly magical.
>'assistant' (though he was officially not the rules assistant anymore) ended up with some kind of 'attuned metal' item, that would grow as he grows.
>Gets a different +1 enhancement bonus every level. At level 5 this means a +5 dwarven double mountain plate
>Ends up with 40 AC or thereabouts
>Uses his samurai 'kiai smite' ability to taunt enemies to attack him, so they can't do anything but attack him, and also makes himself essential to the party
>I tell the GM in private that it actually just, you know, gives a slight attack boost
>GM knows, but decided to houserule that in as a variant ability for the samurai
>Samurai raping and murdering female plot hooks and party members' family members all the time, because that's totally a lawful thing to do
It's basically less entertaining from here on out. He just drained the fun out of things, convinced our sorceress that you can totally chain AoE spells to have multiple layers of an AoE spell hit someone at once. GM couldn't say no to the quiet, unassuming girl who's running the sorceress. Eventually the GM decided that his BS 'family item' needed to go for game/party balance. A large shitstorm happened, lots of drama and yelling, and the GM gave up.
Then she posted a 'Dear John' letter for him online, and asked him not to show up for the next session. And that was that!
Since then, we've been having a lot of fun.
If you're out there, Grimmjow, just remember...
Doom just makes targets shaken, bro. It's a 1st level spell.
I am happy this story has a nice ending.