EDH Commander General

Don't Even Try Anything I Swear To God I'll Shoot edition


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>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


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>Previous Thread
>Thread question
How do you combat your local meta? Do you play hate cards that might be dead in other matchups?

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Warning: Incoming fun

>tfw you have 51 life and are holding the table hostage with aetherflux reservoir

>How do you combat your local meta? Do you play hate cards that might be dead in other matchups?

99% of my games are played with my group of friends so we all know each other's decks inside and out. But none of us silverbullet each other. However we all have decks with answers to pretty much everything.


i want to build that


Suggestions for OP pasta. These resources have helped my decks' consistency like no other.

I play on Xmage so there is no meta, but yes, I find great value in color-specific hate cards like Gloom and Anarchy. They definitely need a particular deck to support them however (something with draw-discard loot effects and tutors preferably).


>How do you combat your local meta? Do you play hate cards that might be dead in other matchups?
Picture extremely related. I run WE WUZ peaceful people in Hanna and Ghave and damn he always has done serious work. I actually won the game against UG nigger with it, since he almost decked himself with Zegana and ran out of cards in his deck before he could Loam Strip Mine enough times to destroy all my white producing lands. Everyone else scooped when he drew like 70 cards and had enough threats to kill everyone with single combat. I reanimated this guy twice in addition of casting him, since he kept killing him.
There's several other cards, like I also run Spike Weaver and Tainted Æther, plus Mental Misstep and such for other, stronger meta.

I am the meta people try to counter. 5-color good stuff, the only four dragons I run are dragon mage for wheels, nicol bolas to twist a hand away, niv-mizzet to combo with curiosity, and silumgar for hexproof when i need it.

Can I get a list for Azusa?
Here´s mine

>Local Meta

I don't play at shops due to it being UG(x) or just U 99% of the time and that shit is boring.

In my group of friends I recently figured out that my Talrand deck fucks with everything. We've been playing aggro for so long we forgot how to deal with control.

>Friend tries to kill me Sanguine Bond/Angelic Chorus/Daxos The Returned token triggers
>Voidmage Husher
>He does it again
>Peek, drake, draw, bounce voidmage husher and cast her again
>He does it again, tapping out
>Snap, drake, bounce, play again
>he gets pissed and scoops
>Everyone's face


Could someone give me a short summary of artifact decks? I've only seen them in action, never played them.

Which color combinations are playable? Are there any viable archetypes besides reanimation?

Is there any non-degenerate Simic general besides Kaseto? I just want to play plain UG aggro without the usual infinite combo goldfishing and hundreds of +1/+1 counters to keep count of.

>without hundreds of +1/+1 counters to keep count of.
Get out of UGlytown.
>guys i want to play black combo but without all the skeletons and demons and bloody stuff

Mono U with Padeem/Arcum Dagsson works pretty well. Blue has the most synergy with artifacts.
U/W is great with Hannah. A hannah stax deck could be terrifying.
U/B can be fun with Silas Renn. It's kinda janky tho.
U/B/W is probably the most common, with Sydri or Sharuum.
Breya is an alright 4c artifact commander, but she's really overdone right now.

However best artifact commander is clearly Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer. Anyone who says otherwise is clearly misinformed.

You're confused user

How do I build Baral? Is he degenerate?

Just do Edric, Spymaster of Trest and make it aggro. He'll give incentives for your opponents to look elsewhere during the early game and give you a payoff in the late game.

You don't. You build Azami and put Baral in it.

waiting to see if amonkheht gives me a desirable esper legend, or if I'm just gonna settle for attempting blackblade.

Atraxa is WAY more focused on retrieving compared to when I first built her, but it may be every meta where I get an entire table trying to hate me out on sight of my glorious 4-colour angel. Reyhan+Thrasios has some pretty pointed artifact hate, half of my reasoning for which being my local meta.

>Blue has the most synergy with artifacts
>black and/or white are common additions to artifact decks
>despite this, red has Daretti, Feldon, Kurkesh, Slobad and Bosh

Why is this? What is red's niche in the artifact party?

red's niche is that it's good at breaking them, and sometimes, when it fits the flavor, you gotta break artifacts to do stupid things with other artifacts.

"Blue did it, so Red can too"


Red did it, so blue can too

"doubled", lol

Thanks mate.

Wotc has been pushing red as having a creative/passionate side for a while now and it's been surfacing more and more recently.

Mostly because "rawr, I am red me smash" has been done for an extremely long time.

Red's interaction with artifacts is still more "Profit from smashing"

Breaking your own toys to build them anew is a very different deal from blowing up enemy ones

Join the fun side at URG city


say I'm playing with 3 opponents, and I equip my commander, reaper king, with blade of selves. Just how many permanents do I get to destroy when I attack?

Ayesha Tanaka Voltron has also come to mind, and potentially Mishra Pyromancer's Ascension.

The original sees three come in and the copies see 2 each so 3+2+2+2 = 9


The blade makes 2 copies in this situation, not 3.

I haven't played EDH in 6 months and just found some people at my friends work who play. My friend has some basic knowledge of magic (Like intro packs and dual decks) but now wants me to help him learn a bit more so we can go.

So I was wondering first of all, what kind of power level should I assume they have? I was thinking of taking a Lazav, Dimir Mastermind deck with a fairly high power level because it's my favorite, but I don't want to be that annoying guy.

Also what's a good cheap deck I can build for my friend? I was thinking Daretti, Scrap Savant with mostly cheaper creatures and maybe a Wurmcoil Engine and some other powerful ones I have doubles of.

>what kind of power level should I assume they have?
Are you not able to just reach out and ask them, or have your friend ask them in your stead?

Just show up with a meme chaos deck.

I think it's a lower casual one and I don't want to come in asking questions if they don't really know. I was thinking I'd bring a deck and either scale it back or put more in depending on how the first few games go.

You could try something like Sakashima themed around clones so that your stuff will scale with everyone else's.

I think Daretti is a fine choice. RG beats with Xenagos or angry Omnath would be good too.

Alright friends, how do I get into this card game? anyway to play online to learn?

Yeah there actually is a good online game for people learning, although, not so much for any other players. It's called magic duels and can be played on a smart phone or console i think, along with being on a computer. If you want to start with paper, go to a local hobby shop that sells magic and ask for a intro deck. most stores will give you one for free, since the msrp is only like 4$.

Are Daretti decks generic? I thought I made a pretty cool deck, I hadn't played since before Daretti came out, so I hadn't seen it before, and then someone said that Daretti decks are very common and generally all the same deck.


along with any precon theyre all kinda samey user

I suppose I could swap Daretti for Feldon or Bosh... I don't like playing generic decks, kind of a bummer.

If you really want to be a hipster I wouldn't choose any legends that came out this century tbqh. At the very least nothing that exists as a precon will be unique (IIRC he was the most popular from that cycle).

Alternatively, make your daretti deck ACTUALLY unique, like don't make it artifact based, make it based on the looting aspect.

I don't know how you thought "Wow, an artifact commander from a precon, I am going to build him around artifacts. Gosh, I must be unique. A total free spirit and radical thinker"

No, you painted inside the lines. Shoot for something people haven't seen before or non-obvious synergies if you think being a snowflake is important.

I actually haven't seen a single Daretti deck since Breya came out.


I played my first successful combo win tonight. I was playing brion stoutarm, but he wasn't relevant to the combo

>removed something with stasis snare earlier in game
>cast oblivion ring and exile stasis snare
>next turn drop worldgorger dragon
>oblivion ring leaves, stasis snare returns, exile dragon, loop
>one of my lands was kabira crossroads, gain infinite life in addition to infinite mana
>break the loop by exiling something else with o-ring
>cast refurbish to return ring of three wishes from graveyard to play
>tutor up aetherflux reservoir
>deathstar laser every single creature and opponent

boy that felt good.

Run Sydri Aetherflux. You can do whatever the fuck you want artifact-wise, run a lifegain shell, deathtouch shenanigans, Mechanized Production, artifacts that can deal damage to creatures on tap... she's versatile, you can do all kinds of fun stuff

>complains about blue being boring
>plays talrand control

Would you consider my Karador deck reanimator if I mostly don't cheat out big stuff, just cast things from my graveyard at normal cost?

Yeah, it's usually a good way to describe that kind of deck regardless. If it gets hosed by Rest in Peace it's probably reanimator

is your main strategy getting your creatures into the grave from your deck/hand, then from the grave to the battlefield?

if yes, then you are reanimator

I want to make an arjun deck, but I want to go against the grain. What's a good izzit build for him that's more focused on group fun over just winning?

Must suck for your opponents not to have any instant speed pingers or damage.
>I pay 50 life to hit you for 50
>With that on the stack, I bolt you.

Can you share Marchesa list?
I fucking love Sunforger

Fantastic suggestion. I would, but someone in my group beat me to her. Besides atraxa, all my commanders are, on a local level, unique to me.

And even in Atraxa's case, no one else locally playing her uses charge counters as a wincon.

I think the point he's making is that no one wants to get hit if they don't have to, but wouldn't mind seeing one of the others get nuked, so they're just waiting nervously

I just don't consider something to be holding the table hostage until you can survive the potential crack back.

yeah, it's not "hostage" so much as a state of suspense I guess, seeing how they can't really react until he fires

Is there any half decent flicker effects in Green and Black? I swear I'm going to make a half decent deck with this thing if it kills me, so I'm going for Token Sacrifice and want to see if I can at least pump out some Spider Tokens with her.

There's conjurer's closet and that's about it, in GB, reanimating her for her etb is a lot easier.

True, any notable permanents that can bring her back a lot for cheap? I've been out of the game for about 4-5 years and I'm just getting back in.

panharmonicon won't flicker, but lets your ETB effects trigger twice

Corpse Dance and Dawn of the Dead come to mind

I'm legitimately mad that I can't find this stupid thing. I want to play this, but I don't want to blow $80+ for it.

arjun with everything that triggers on card draw. Mostly jank stuff. buy you get some real value.

My friend just got a jap one from Walmart for 30 bucks

Madison, WI

Ha, for once living in Australia has it's perks. I can get it for $35 USD from my online shop.

If I don't want to spend more than $30 what makes you think I want to memorize card text for less than 100 cards?

just google atraxa decklist and buy the singles

Jesus fuck you australians always have to say you live there, every motherfucking time, so annoying.

If you motherfuckers had to pay as much extra as we do for everything you'd complain too.

This user gets it. I had to pay $25 to get my nephew an Intro Pack for his birthday.

whine whine whine whine whine whine

Please keep your fucking mouth shut, nobody has to know where the fuck you live.

I live in finland!

lol I live in the united states and its still nice here but I'm kinda worried about you-know-what!

Reanimation is getting your cards in graveyard to the battlefield without paying their mana cost.
Recursion is getting your cards in graveyard to the battlefield by paying their mana cost, or getting them to your hand to indirectly get them to the battlefield by paying their mana cost.


Most of the decks I've tried building I hated, so I scrapped them.

I opened 2 MM17 & Eldritch Moon Boxes, most cards will be given away!

>tfw got the last one at my LGS when it came out
>tfw they never received any more

mimic vat, kinda?

Tell me /edh/, which legendary is the best husbando?

Speaking of Atraxa, r8 my janky deck. Is there any super secret counter tech i'm missing?


That depends.

Do you like bug boys?

That's not a bug, it's a feature

Thank you for giving me a line to use while imagining flirting with my Husbando.

Mono colorless artifacts with Karn, Silver Golem or an Eldrazi.

Make monogreen elfball, if you exclude Sylvan Library and Cradle it's even rather cheap

>husbando, not waifu
He's clearly a power bottom

If I want to choose a Commander that my opponent will laugh at, that I can actually use to curbstomp tryhards (not actual decent competitive players) with, what should I pick?

Yomiji, Who Bars The Way can look like a somewhat controlling "I want to play Legendaries" deck that suddenly combos out in numerous ways with cards like Hope of Ghirapur and/or Paradox Engine, or lock people out with Mindslaver and Yosei. It has the drawback of being mono-white though.

Iname, Life Aspect can do a terrible mono-green dredge impression that has several janky Myojin combos. It pretty much folds to grave hate, although it can just do green things and abuse the stigma on land destruction.

Blue has some solid options in Patron of the Moon (Sunder), Tomorrow (Extra turns) or Hakim (Treachery), but Blue is scary and mean, and always up to no good. Iname, Death Aspect could also be a good choice, but I feel like that card pretty transparently tries to do something somewhat busted.

There's also Anya, Merciless Angel + Obliterate effects, if you can 50% someone reliably enough (or player one of several things that grant indestructible.)

Lyzolda, Ishkanah and Ghost Council are also all pretty janky generals that can kill with infinite colored mana, but that sounds a bit lame.

You're gonna need to go slightly stronger.

sup guys
i decided to build Infect but since it's my first time tackling that archetype I come to ask you, what are some staples that I cannot miss?
I'll most likely be using atraxa as general, I'd much rather go Ydris colors but Atraxa supports the strategy better imo.

Just pick some random mono black general and build an extremely strong goodstuff deck like I do.

Woah you decided to build the same awful deck that everyone else decided to build instead of just building a decent infect deck like someone with a brain would.

I didn't decide on anythig but the archetype yet, that's why I wrote the post. to get some different opinions and decide afterwards.