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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Still have no idea how good the angel maker perk actually is.
Still trying to perfect this.
Changelog: Slightly modified the wording for Pyramid Hat, and I... think I did some other minor change, that I can't recall? Anyway, again putting this up for review.
from what I can tell, it makes an angel with the Entire Angel Perk tree
whats are good jumps to get the ability to grant wishes? i know i can just use my regular powers to fulfill requests but that seams like it would take a while to develop a wide range of powers to cover multiple types of wishes.
Presumably the Wish and/or Miracle spells that high level spellcasters can learn in the assorted D&D settings would qualify.
become a wizard in dungeons and dragons create a ring of wish at will, which is Technically legal Within the item creation rules,use the Genie from Disney Princess to become a free genie.
There's the Genie from Disney. You could even ask him to become one yourself.
One of the Nen abilities from HunterXHunter is exactly that.
...I think there was something like that in one of the Alice jumps, maybe?
>use the Genie from Disney Princess to become a free geni
With all the power of a bound one, be sure to stipulate that.
It's quite a lot better than that, since it gives you your own Avacyn.
MtG strength is hard to solidly quantify though, aside from a card's power/toughness.
Sorcery from Viking Saga lets you grant ironic wishes.
I think that's a different spell / perk entirely.
There's one to make people into angels, then there's Protector.
just started watching Magi how strong can things get there?
Capstone Boosted Wish Granting from Fate/Stay Night.
So Jumpers what is your master plan?
And could you defeat her at her peak?
Metal Vessel users and Magicians can get to around island / city busters.
Then towards the end of the manga Sinbad becomes a universe destroyer / creator because of his position as SPOILERS the reincarnation of David / Ill Ilah, aka God. But that's a power level irrelevant to Jumper.
I don't think so? There's an option in the jump to be an angel yourself, or for imported companions.
But Protector (and the Avacyn-creating Oldwalker spell that's based on) is the only way to /make/ angels in Innistrad.
You son of a bitch why did you remind me
Of course. It's easy. You simply set aside your phenomenal cosmic power and omnipotence granting MacGuffins and defeat her at her own game. By becoming Raccoon Man and leading an army of raccoons against her squirrels. Raccoons trump squirrels, you see. Afterwards you take your peerless raccoon army and conquer the entirety of Marvel.
For none could long stand against squirrels. Who could hope to match raccoons?
Is it?
Shit, I may be mis-remembering then. My apologies.
...I have a lot of questions about this comic but I'm just gonna ask the most obvious one.
How did SG get Hellboy's gauntlet?
I can't beat Squirrel Girl. Nor do I really want to try.
As for my master plan? Don't really have one. Mostly I just want to punch dudes. It's actually going horribly. Not because I'm losing these fights, but because I've inadvertently wound up with my most effective strikes being done with an open hand. Chops and knife-hand jabs, that sort of thing. It's been so long since I've punched. I miss it.
Have we seen a WIP for Abyssals?
it's Actually part of the HulkBuster armor, also Hellboy doesn't have a gauntlet that's his actual hand.
Squirrel Girl is weak versus Regular Bullets. She's invulnerable because it's funny. Nothing's funny about randomly going up to put and putting a bullet in her gut and having to lay in a hospital to recover for a couple months because you punctured her stomach and grazed her lung.
Also why the hell would anyone want to kill Squirrel Girl? She's comedy relief, though I do admit they've taken the comedy relief thing WAAAY too fucking far by now.
Yes. Long ago (februari), we got a bit of a wip from AbyssalAnon... With the message that work continued on it at a glacial pace.
she would just dodge them With her squirrel like agility and reflexes, this is legit A feat of hers
Crux, look at me: I am a man who is facing an existential crisis because I don't have cool enough punches. There is no way for me to cause harm to Squirrel Girl that wouldn't invoke rule of funny. Trust me, if I tried to shoot her I just know it would lead to wacky hijinks. But it's fine, because as you said, there's no real reason to want to kill her. Doreen's nice, I've got no beef with her.
I use my vast array of charisma perks to seduce her, and make my dick poisonous.
Gender: Male
Background: Orphan (-100CP, 900CP)
Location: Konohagakure
Basic Ninja Training (FREE)
Chakra Enhancement Specialization: Strength (-100CP, 800CP)
Chakra Enhancement Specialization: Speed (-100CP, 700CP)
Fine Control (-100CP, 600CP)
You Have Reserves (-100CP, 500CP)
Elemental Chakra Affinity: Lightning (FREE)
Jutsu Specialization: Taijutsu (FREE)
Jutsu Specialization: Bukijutsu (-100CP, 400CP)
Sensor Ninja Training (-300CP, 100CP)
Medical Ninja Training (-300CP, -200CP)
The Eight Gates (-400CP, -600CP)
Genius of Hard Work (-300CP, -900CP)
Non-Elemental Bloodline: Kaguya (-300CP, -1200CP)
Basic Gear (FREE)
Stuffed (+0CP)
There's How Many Movies? (+0CP)
Boruto!: Time Extension (+0CP)
Hunted: Kirigakure (+100CP, -1100CP)
Blood-Lust (-300CP, -500CP)
MC-KUN (-500CP, 0CP)
Good? Bad? Holy-Shit-You're-Fucked?
Well, mixing The Chosen One and Blood Lust is going to be very stressful for you, I imagine. You'll always want to kill dudes, but every time you try you'll think about how he's probably just misguided and doesn't deserve this, and stop yourself.
Never go off screen or outcamp her.
This is actually a solid plan.
She has a healing factor.
Well, I think of the combination as "Hey you're strong, let's fight." and "I'm a medic. I'm not gonna kill you, but I can still make it so you can't fight anymore." Either by pulling a Haku and hitting the right pressure points, or cutting off a limb or two. Or anything in between. No biggie.
seems like you have a bone to pick with everyone.
Jumpers! Setting aside your undoubtedly inhuman bodies, deep down inside, are you still human?
Well, to answer that question, I must first ask: What is it to be human?
I still have a bit of human in me, ye.
That was for lunch though. Wasn't much to him but skin and bones.
So, Big Top from Soul Eater.
Clowns have nonsense biology. But it's still biology at the end of the day, right? Would it be possible to infect them with viruses? Specifically the Renegade (with the Blue Queen perk) from Double Cross, and the virus you can build in Resident Evil (with the Cross-Species option, of course).
I can't really consider myself human because I have been cured of the "human condition" I do not decay. I do not require sustenance. I am bound to nothing save for my loved ones and Ms. producer
I'm not sure if " composed of pure madness" count as having biology user.
No. I'm never bored anymore. There's always something worthwhile to do. I'm full of love for everyone around me and willing to help them if they're willing to be helped.
It's horrible.
Would you be able to aquire Superman's DNA by going to Animrophs even through that weird DRM thing he got going on? If not, what would you use to get past that?
Sounds horrible. You should kick a kitten every once in a while. You know, relive those good old days when you were human.
I don't believe so. I don't know how Renegade works, but viruses from Resident Evil rely at least somewhat more on something that makes more sense than clowns. Like, some might bleed, but it's almost definitely more of an aesthetic effect than actual life giving fluids. Some Clowns aren't even made of organic materials.
Yes. So long as I still have my emotions, free will, and empathy I'll always consider myself human.
And if anyone says humans still have to make mistakes, die, etc. I just tell them that there's no reason you can't improve the definition of human.
Renegade can infect literally any physical object. So yes on that one.
It wouldn't matter. They can survive and redo themselves even if completely erased as long as they're close to the source of their madness or their 'proto-souls' are connected to it.
Ah, RIP.
Clowns are still really cool, so I'm taking the perk even if they're gonna fall behind on the template stacking/buffing compared to some of my other minions.
Renegade can infect even rocks, so Clowns would probably be infected as well.
Dude, Renegade Virus can infect rocks.
There is no chance in hell.
Yeah, Clowns are still super cool and if what and are saying is true then that should still work. Clowns are still (usually, barring certain individuals) tangible beings, so whatever this Renegade thing is should be able to latch onto them.
It even managed to infect the Collective Unconsciousness. Some of the Renegade Beings were born from Legends.
Yeah, though that's less it literally infecting the Collective Unconsciousness and more just imprinting on it. Like, Renegade doesn't propagate through the Collective Unconsciousness, it just senses it and assembles a collection of viral particles into a creature in the legend's shape.
Stopped being human within the first decade.
Oh, of course. I mean, unless I'm stuck in my bodymod body or final form, I'm typically running on an updated version of the human body. (I think it's mk7 now? It'll likely be upgraded to mk8 when I go to Fate so that I can integrate magic circuits, maybe I can piggyback them on the body's chakra pathway.) It deals with a great number of problems the human body generally has while upgrading it with various useful things that I could integrate biologically.
Also it breeds true with homo sapiens, though I'm not sure what effect it'll have in fantasy settings. This will be tested in the future.
On a related note, I have a tendency to upgrade people when I go to jumps if they want it. Which means a more robust immune system, enhanced senses, etc, etc, etc.
My first four jumps were me being in some form or another of undead.
I have so many unhuman alt-form and so much demon/deity/AI/monster in me that I doubt that I can be even remotely considered human any more.
>Jumpers! Setting aside your undoubtedly inhuman bodies, deep down inside, are you still a miserable pile of secrets?
Not really, no. I'm still a person, thoughI consider personhood something different than humanity. I'm certainly not attached to the latter, in any case.
Who is that in the middle?
This guy.
I'm... humanoid. That's close enough, right?
My body's been entirely rebuild from the ground up (with a definite humanoid, but non-human look), I've been tinkering with my mind (which was harder to do after I didn't need my brain anymore, but felt more 'real' somehow), and my soul's... well. It's got all kind of bits and bobs, and is kind of weird to look at. Probably still the part of me that's the least changed over time.
I mean, there's this . Which is a good philosophy for those that attach some sentimental value to the quality of being 'human'...
But I feel there's a difference between being a human, and being a person. I fit the latter, but not the former.
Richter Belmont.
Also, what is captcha's obsession with street signs.
And me finding street signs in an image but there are no street signs.
I may be a giant fucking clown, but even she out-jokes me. Besides I don't want to beat squirrel girl, I wanna be her friend.
Do any of you powerwanking scumbags still follow diminishing returns?
It's a sign from the Benefactor! Once we find the sign in the captcha image with no signs, we can start our chain(s)!
I still follow diminishing returns. I just don't talk about it because everything is called shitposting here nowadays.
I was never good enough at math for that, so I always just vagued my way through it. I'm not at the sum-total of listed power levels, but I can still chuck a car a reasonable distance with only 2 car-chucking perks.
That it is. When even SB shows more restraint in their powerwanking, you know something's gone wrong. Seriously, even their "challenges" have significant drawbacks. Here it's just free omnipotence.
Anyone working on a Monogatari Jump? I just finished Nisemonogatari and I kind of want to make a Jump for the whole series when I get caught up.
Wishing to be a genie is a bad idea, considering that Jafar in the first movie lost because he wished to be a genie...which meant that he was bound to a lamp.
Be sure to state that you're a genie that's not bound by anything.
I don't care if anyone goes off like you keep accusing everyone of, nothing's going to change that. I just said I don't talk about it because everything is seen as shitposting and nobody gives a shit about anyone having stories anymore, maybe you could do the same.
Do any of you nerfwanking assholes still follow diminishing returns?
If so, good on you for finding something that works for you. I would but I'm bad at math and also a bit of a wuss, and everybody has fun in different ways.
>use the Genie from Disney Princess to become a free genie.
>a FREE genie.
yes I am well Aware.
Yeah. Well, in as much as I'm anything. I identify with humanity more than anything else. So if I'm going to classify myself based on something beyond my own existence and deeds, then I'm human. Not in any quantifiable sense as both my body and my soul are a mangled mash of a hundred different things, but I still have my will and the freedom to do with it as I choose, so I'm still human.
I don't even do diminishing returns, I just use whatever the biggest bonus is.
Ignoring the fact that this is bait, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that. I spend most of my time doing tedious math already, I'm not going to spend my time here calculating the exact quantities of how much each perk is diminished.
So you never have a reason to take more than one of a related kind of perk or ability? All of your actual purchases are redundant after 50 or so jumps at the most?
I like to use negative returns, where each redundant powerup decreases my total ability. Having taken a dozen strength perks, I can no longer lift objects lighter than a book. I find this to be the optimal balance for a truly interactive jumpchain.
Is a weird way to go about it, but I hope you have fun with it.
Crap, *heavier than a book
Can I get anything like the Odinforce? Not in terms of power, but in terms of flavor and abilities.
sure, I do,some abilities are stronger than others or work differently ,or four different durations or require power sources to use fully.
No, though I've considered it several times. I would love you forever if you made it though. F O R E V E R
Just a joke, I don't actually do that. I'm only at like my sixth jump, anyway, so it's barely come up at this point.
Yes. I've never had too many issues with diminishing returns.
No, he doesn't quite fit the drawbacks wording.
Sure, that sounds pretty badass actually.
Who knows? There;s no one that treats it as a spiritual thing that we see, just as another part of the body to be used. It's basically equivalent to Ki or chakra though.
Representations? Erm, as long as it follows the rules of the perk, I don;t see an issue with it.
One at a time for the full phyiscal transformation but you can use it to take memories on as many as desired.
Fast enough that a Noble Family Leader with the best senses of any Noble barely has time to dodge or block. Not Lightspeed but probably a few times the speed of sound. Yes to both examples.
Wouldn't be your own power yeah.
Sorry, I don't really see the need to. I feel you can get plenty as is with your starting cp and a thousand cp drawback limit.
I don't think it is. There's similar perks that have none of the same conditions, only requiring that you somehow kill your superiors. This effectively just forces a more honourable , more difficult version of that.
Are there? Can't say I think about my other jumps when making stuff except to try and avoid the exact same perks. I guess it's neat that some synergy ended up happening. Which ones do you see as good combinations?
thanks for the feed back
What is there to humanity, but their bodies?
The soul? Intangible and unknown, a non-factor.
The mind? A fragile thing, often repugnant or guided by biological and evolutionary constraints.
No, I am not human.
I stopped being human when I removed my capacity to feel fear. I lost my humanity when I exercise base evolutionary mechanisms from the core of my being. I lost it when I removed my capacity to help those I hate. I lost it when I made myself capable of loving many more people than a human mind is capable of.
I cannot say with certainty whether I am more or lesser. I can say I am /other/.
And I am happy for it.
Man, otherkin are weird these days.
Started stepping away from humanity in jump 2, Chronicles of Narnia.
That one zen perk? That tells you what the your ideal version of yourself would say/think in any given situation? I use that shit almost constantly.
Combined with more than enough intelligence and willpower perks to crush in any human in those fields, and an immunity to ennui and desensitization, I'd say I'm only about… 20% human, mentally.
Math is hard.
Imagination-ing is supposed to be fun.
I'm not gonna do old homework when I'm trying to enjoy myself.
Jump # 25 Fire Emblem Fates
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Background: Beast Tribe
Path: Hoshido/Birthright
Starting location: Mount Garou (not ideal)
*Fluffy Tails – Kitsune (0)
*Brushable (0)
*Lucky (100)
*Inspiring Song (200)
*Voice of Peace (400)
*Even Better odds (100, Discount)
*New Unit X 5 (250)
*My Castle (300)
*Poached (+150)
*Invisible Foes (+300)
Akitsu & Arcueid
Background: Beast Tribe
*Fluffy Tails – Kitsune
Abraham Van Hellsing
Background: Lord
*Dragon Blood
Adam Jensen
Background: Villager
Background: Drop In
*Potential –Magic Resistance
*Talent – Priestess?
Journal Entry # 9389
Sometimes the hardest thing to do is walk away. I haven’t been in this world very long and haven’t gotten to know very many people. We were heading for the wolf tribe but passed through a small village in our journey just for supplies and such. A few hours later we saw smoke coming from them. Apparently a small army of men had set the village on fire and were butchering the people.
Well we of course stepped in and put a stop to that. I Just subdued them, not willing to take a life. I must admit I was tempted when I saw the horrible things that they had done. What’s worse is I found out they were after me and this was going to keep happening. I am still not sure how I maintained control. I wanted to do all sorts of horrible things to them. They deserved it. Instead I wound up turning them over to the remaining people of the city who were now healed and armed to take care of. What happened to them after that I can’t really say I care.
(to be continued)
Val, would buying the entire Scientist perk tree plus Frakenstein's Notes allow me to reach the level of the masters of Modification fairly quickly? I'm aiming to try and master all the science stuff as soon as possible. Oh, also, for the Hybridization perk, does it have to be direct conflict? I mean, would something like piloting an Evangelion (which puts the same sort of stress on you as direct conflict) count for that?
Journal Entry # 9394
We found some more men after us as we entered in to the wolf territory. They as it turns out were Poachers after our coats. As we had made contacts with the Wolfskin, they did not fare very well. We explained our situation and that we sought refuge for a while to get our things together and prepare to face the army that was fallowing us.
The wolfskins despite being from a different country than us have treated us rather nicely. I think they are kind of sympathetic to our plight and impressed we made it to them. I hope that we haven’t brought too much trouble to their doorstep. They seem secure in their beliefs in themselves. Still I have offered them several potent Items to defend themselves should my enemies come for them.
Journal Entry # 3399
Well they have attacked again a few times. Thankfully we have taken some captives. At first they were less than willing to explain what they were doing. However I am a bard and though it pains me I have the means to changes peoples’ minds. The first captive I so entranced though dissolved in to water. I felt horrible about that and deeply angered. There was a horrible curse on them. It took a lot of effort but I broke the curse.
Free of the curse the remaining soldiers were quite helpful. I know now of the kingdom that lies beneath the bottomless Canyon. I know of the mad god king dragon the rules it with an iron fist and his hatred for me and humanity.
He apparently thought I would be the biggest obstical in his plans to wipe out humanity. It looks like he was absolutely right.
It’s a little sad I heard that the war between Hoshido and Nohr had heated up. I was going to go see if I could help to resolve thing and maybe save some lives however it looks like I am needed elsewhere.
(To be continued)
Journal Entry # 9456
Well that could have gone better. I had no Idea the dragon was that strong. His power was overwhelming and he was able to call up powerful servants at will. This was all after sneaking and fighting our way through his army and in to his castle.
He was neigh invulnerable. Only my strongest companions really could hurt him. I managed to wear him down with my speed and evade his attacks. If I had to fight him alone I don’t know that I would have won but together we barely managed to bring him down though most of us are injured, some of us badly. Thankfully Priestly magic has gotten all of us back on our feet.
With the defeat of Anankros and the restoration of the kingdom of Valla we have sent out word to Hoshido and Nohr that they were behind the war and told them of the spies on both sides who were working for Anankros. Apparently it caused quite a bit of a problem as one of them was the king of Nohr but the war is off and some lives have been saved. The crown princess has returned and has reclaimed her throne.
Buying everything should put you way beyond anyone save Frankenstein or Agnes, and technically more advance then them in specific areas, and you'd catch up to them overall in a few years, before the end of the jump, as long as you're making sure to read the journals and test stuff out.
Psh, being an otherkin would imply I thought I was something other than human.
But no, I'm not a reincarnated elf or whatever the fuck they think they are. I'm perfectly aware I'm human from the start.
I'm just a guy, painfully aware about the facts of human behavior. There's just so many... limitations, inherent mechanisms, pitfalls, and things that just don't work outside their evolutionary basis.
The human mind is good enough. But it's not great.
Really? That's pretty cool. With all of that, I will soon wield the full power of that world's SCIENCE! Thanks Val.