Could you destroy chaos easily by invading the warp with a huge army of blanks?
Could you destroy chaos easily by invading the warp with a huge army of blanks?
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Having permanent foothold in The Warp (either by conquest of Webway or building something similar of their own design) would give Imperium of Man immense advantage. But it would still take more than that to actually push Chaos back.
Kek but seriously guys.
A whole bunch of let say sisters of silence should fuck up warp material pretty good.
I assume that they should destroy the warp all together if they successfully invaded it with blanks. Eventually it would implode, I guess.
A Blank may be a black hole to Warp Stuff, but there's still a human mind attached to that blank. Can a Sister of Silence's consciousness survive witnessing and comprehending the impossible? If they can, can the entities within manifest physical weapons to attack Blanks from afar? Wouldn't the gods just summon every CSM, heretech, daemon engine, and Khorne's own pet Eldars and Orks to annihilate them? Or even just throw a rock or something at them from half a galaxy away.
Not to mention the Warp is home to non-chaotic creatures to, like Enslavers, are those things even bothered by the presence of Blanks?
I assume that they should destroy the warp all together if they successfully invaded it with blanks. Eventually it would implode, I guess.
Good plan, do you have a galaxy's worth of Blanks handy?
The warp is a mirror of reality, where time and space don't make sense. So there's a minimum of a galaxy's worth of warp-space to invade, and a maximum of limitless. No amount of blanks shoved into the warp will be sufficient.
I shall now evaporate the ocean with this box of matches
The Dark Eldar strapped a bunch of blanks to the Gate of Khaine so the Warp wouldn't burst out and kill them.
All the blanks are screaming with insanity.
All Warp energy is degraded by Null-fields, but what people always seem to forget is it's like matter and anti matter, except in this case antimatter has some sort of weird 2:1 advantage. Enough Warp energy can bypass and eliminate null-fields, whether biologicalld or mechanically generated.
The Chaos Gods aren't omnipotent or all-knowing.
>consciousness surviving
The Emperor's doing a pretty good job of kicking ass in the Warp. I'm not sure why no one else couldn't.
Ok, well, dude, in all fairness, that's the Emperor.
There are very few, if any, people that can match his willpower.
>inb4 Kaldor Draigo
The Emperor is a hivemind. He operates by cycling minds through various tasks as needed and by being, let's be honest here, pretty severely crazy.
>If the Emperor can do it, anyone can!
>Chaos Gods wouldn't notice an army of Pariahs from the materium at this massive scale shitting up the place.
Actually, yeah, the Emperor's pretty much the only person who can. Or, at least he's the only thing the Chaos Gods are afraid of besides the Nids.
Cannot unsee as female, 40k One Punch Man...
>Magnus and his psychic legion crush everything in their path
>only one lone squad of tiny, golden figures stand in their path
>"The vegetables are on sale today!"
Well, in fairness, I've seen that work.
Am I the first guy to notice that soulless Imperial chick is a ginger?
>Can a Sister of Silence's consciousness survive witnessing and comprehending the impossible?
Yes. They are trained to survive when reality doesn't, like this but grimdark
>Can the entities within manifest physical weapons to attack Blanks from afar?
Also yes. For daemons, SoS are made of lava, but that doesn't mean they're invincible.
If anything, this board has taught me how to fight monsters of lava, and resourcefulness is a key element of chaos and its minions.
>Could you destroy chaos easily by invading the warp with a huge army of blanks?
Nothing is easy, even more so in 40k.
>nothing is easy, even more so in 40k
UNLESS it's in the warp.
Inside there you don't just get off that easy. Your very soul will become a plaything for eternity, twisted into a mockery or becoming an unwilling passenger into what used to be your body, controlled by something even nastier.
Also, don't be silly, user. Even in realspace there are things worse than dying. You could get turned into a servitor.
Or a dreadnought, which could suck on the long term if you don't quite like the idea of senile dementia.
[Deldars start laughing]
lmao. Those Dark Eldar do the funniest things.
Blanks/Pariahs can't destroy the warp though, all they do is create a bubble around them where Chaos (or spirits) can't go. No one is smarter than the Dark Eldar and if this is how they saw fit to use blanks, I'd say that is probably the height of their usefulness.
If there was ever a need for storytime, this is it.
Isn't that basically what the Necrons are doing?
>implying a blank can even enter the warp and won't just immediately collapse whatever gate he's trying to use, or just annihilate his own mass in warpstuff and disappear, like antimatter.
All blanks are not created equally. Blanks come in tiers like psykers, and eventually all of them can be overpowered by incredibly powerful daemons. And there are an infinite amount of Daemons, while the blanks are a minuscule population of humanity. They get wiped the fuck out.