In a previous greentext thread I began to share stories of Hida Ishigaki, a Crab Clan Samurai. A couple of anons in that thread aksed for more, but since it's pretty damn full I figured I'd just bake some fresh bread for it.
Greentext thread: Memories of a Stone Wall edition
>I have made mention in passing before, but I am not a smart person. If my mind apears to be moving quickly it is an illusion created by a familiar situation.
>Being a parent was most definitely NOT familiar.
>I was so focused on my wife's health during her pregnancy that I never once gave any thought go what would happen afterwords.
>My wife and I were both Emerald Magistrates.
>my home was a week's ride from the wall.
>And I had no holdings to bolster my income
>How then, was I going to wander the length and breadth of the Empire while making sure my family was safe?
>And what of our daughter?
>It's true that traditionally a married woman takes over running the household and raising the children, but enough women went back to court, or regained their figure and donned their armor again that it was just fine to retain some nursemaids.
>But Naomi, so bereft of parental love, would never want that.
>For that mater, a large, belligerent and loving family suited me just fine.
>I looked over at Naomi
>she still looked tired from her ordeal, but the color had returned to her cheeks.
>My daughter grghled happily in her arms.
>She was already on her third meal, and it was only midday
>I tried not to be jealous of my own newborn daughter for monopolizing my wife's prefect breasts.
>I sat down with wife and spoke with her about the future.
>As I suspected she fully intended to raise Daiko herself.
>Besides, Ishigaki-kun, I am still sick.
>I do not wish to slow the rest of you down anymore
>Naomi uses confused blink attack
>it's super adorable!
>Neither your illness nor your compassion have ever been a burden on us.
>You're a water tensai! You heal our wounds, you give us speed and strength in battle, you provide clarity when even Kitsuki-san can't find a clue!
>We need you.
>so does she.
>she was right.
Read through the entirety of the story last thread and just couldn't get enough, keep it up man.
Is Naomi being NPCd?
>So make some Sake.
>The Mantis, as usual, thinks to solve this problem like a merchant
>Look, all you need is a fresh water source to open a brewery, and everyone knows the Crab make great sake.
>You'll have an income, something for her to manage, and you can use that to get a few ji-samurai vassals of your own to keep her safe while you're away.
>The monkey piped up. If you need Koku, Hime-san I can help.
>We all stare at him.
>What, with your one rice paddy?
>No, Hime-san has been quite well, actually.
>I don't how much she's making, exactly, but I get a 5 koku allowence.
>A year?
>No, a month.
>Is that a lot?
>Samurai, as rule, do not bother with matters of money.
>Their lord provides them weapons, armor, food and a place to stay. They have no need of anything else. To suggest otherwise it to insult one's Lord, implying that the Lord cannot provide for his retainers.
>That's how everyone says it works.
>That's not how it works at all.
>It IS true that many samurai have no idea the true value of a koku, or how buisiness actually works.
>When you are in the lands of your Lord, and you need a place to sleep and food, you enter the inn and are given these things as a mater of course.
>You may leave money behind if you wish to especially polite, but there is no shame in not doing so.
>But when you are away from your Lords lands it IS expected that you compensate others, even if they are just peasants, for the things they provide you.
>You are taking from THEIR Lord, he is being a polite host, and you should compsensate him with a gift to be polite as well.
>That traditional gift takes the form of a small piece of metal with a hole in the middle of it.
>The greater the request you make of the Lord's servants, the more pieces of metal you should give in return.
>Yes monkey, 5 koku a month is a fairly decent amount.
>Well, anyway. How do I juggle my duty, my desire to be near my family, and my wife's desire to give our child a warm and loving home?
I hope you don't mind, but I grabbed the screencaps from the previous thread to put here for the uninformed.
We should probably split that up so that it is easier to read.
>A solution, quite literally, fell into our laps
>Winter was soon to be upon us again, and our superior wished for us to attend the winter court at Kyuden Hida.
>Our superior was going to be there, and they wished for us to join them as their attendants.
>This was not exactly what I had in mind when I wanted to stay close to my family.
>I had felt some treipidation bringing my friends into the Crab lands already, now we were being told to go spend a winter in a castle that was a part of the Wall itself.
>Kitsuki-san saw my look of consternation.
>He reread the letter. Twice.
>Ishigaki-san. This letter. It is implying that Naomi must come as well.
>... But she just gave birth last week!
>I am aware. I think it is Them.
>We all felt a chill run down our spines.
>Save Toshiro, who did not yet know.
>A maho-tsukai, who is also a Ninja, had been influencing our superiors since the day we all met, maybe before, and trying to kill us.
>Toshiro grunted sourly.
>And we're still not sure why.
>Toshiro stood up. Leaning on the tetsubo he used for a crutch.
>I will protect them.
>I went and hugged my wife and daughter.
>Greedy pig was suckling again.
>That's right Daiko, you grow up big and strong.
>... I'll get a fresh Kimono for you.
>Kyuden Hida
I really really really REALLY hope your GM hasn't read Mirror Mirror
>We bundled up Naomi and Daiko under as many blankets as we could
>Daiko blurbled and kicked at the cold autumn wind, but she was smiling, enjoying the sensation.
>The monkey watched her.
>nodded his head.
>I want one.
>We'd been avoiding bringing that subject up with him
>His wife was a bit prickly on that matter.
>she could be a bit prickly on any matter, really.
>No, she's not so bad anymore.
>I mean, her letters aren't an endless stream of insults or anything.
>But you haven't been home since we left?
>Well, you know. I'm just calling this my pligramage. Supposed to take a year, right?
>Money's. Just no sense of right and wrong.
>We passed the journey with mild banter and idle speculation on the future.
>Recent events had naturally brought family into everyone's mind and it was obvious all were contemplating marrige and children.
>Naomi tried to protest that we were the ones bearing the Palanquin, since we hadn't kept the porters around and had no place to stop and get more.
>But she was beloved by all of us, and we insisted she rest as much as possible.
>Gurgles and coos seemed to brighten the dearry landscape
>Naomi, hidden behind the screen of the palanquin, allowed herself to be just a silly right back to our daughter. Tickles, tummy blowing, and goofy faces.
>She did have a younger brother after all, so she had practice entertaining infants.
>Toshiro never bore the Palanquin. He had enough work thumpdraging along with us, after all.
>But he kept pace with the Palanquin, stubornly refusing every offer Naomi made to make room for him.
>To the relife of both the Kitsuki, and the Monkey.
>It annoyed me that the mantis' could have handled the extra weight without dificulty, and knew it.
>On occasion, I wonder why I dislike the mantis so much.
>Then I realize that my list of greivences must be so long there is no point in remembering each and every insult.
>Kyuden Hida loomed large in the distance.
Does anyone have a screencap of the illusionist with a cue stone? Background theme is "Tomorrow"
>There are two schools of thought on the construction of a castle.
>In one style the caste is surronded by walls. Not just one wall, but layers of walls forcing an enemy to breach one gate after another while dealing with sorties and archers. This is the style the Crab use most.
>In the other style, the interior is made to be deliberately confusing, with blind turns, right angles, dead ends, and only a single correct path. The more pacifisitc clans use this style. It is eaiser to make the castle pretty in this fashion, then one made clearly and solely for war.
>Of course, the Kaiu are the greatest engineers in the empire. Few realize that the Great Kaiu Wall is, in fact, built in THAT style.
>Within and beneath the Wall there is a twisting labrynth of tunnels, corridors and traps.
>And not the kind of traps most Rokugani think of. There are portcullises that will slam shut, cutting a portion of a force off from the rest, but there are many more deadfalls, spike pits, scything blades, grinders, flamethrowers and the Kami only know what else. Cruely and efficiently destroying any enemy force that gets inside.
>And, since Kyuden Hida forms a part of the Wall itself, on could say that Kyuden Hida is built in BOTH styles.
>It is an impresive and dour edifice, a clearly imposing monument to the might and endurance of the Crab clan.
>Oh, and there's a giagantic Oni Skull hanging over the front gate.
>That's pretty cool too.
>I allowed myself a small grin of satisfaction as the others stopped short, staring at the Crab's Seat of Power.
>Naomi parted her screen, and held out Daiko so our daughter could look.
>There was a tightness in Naomi's eyes.
>Yes, this would be the fate of our daughter. She was born a Crab, and so she would one day shoulder the burden of waging a war that had lasted since the dawn of the Empire itself.
>I swallowed a lump in my throat.
>We passed under the skull and I felt the tingle of trepidation again.
>The skull is as much a warning to those who would seek shelter in Kyuden Hida as those who would seek to assault it.
>That sense of trepidation was swept aside as we entered the courtyard.
>every where you would care to look, large burly hunks of metal drilled and spared.
>Kyuden Hida held Three THOUSAND of the Crab clan's finest warriors.
>Foremost among them were the Champion and the Hida House Guard.
>And it's not like there were no children or civilans in Kyuden Hida.
>All those Samurai need cooks, porters, labor crews to help repairs and cleaning, eta, etc.
>And this was the HOME of the Champion. His family lived here as well.
>Should the Shadowlands attack there are procedures for protecting those who are not warriors.
>Perhaps my time away from the wall, where I saw myself as yojimbo to all those unable to fight, had made me oversensitive to danger.
>That thought worried me.
>That was one of the nine types of false madness.
>I would speak with Toshiro later, to see if my fire had indeed been disturbed.
>We were ushered into a waiting room where our superior, Ikoma Tsabutai awaited us.
>We bowed and made our greetings.
>Tsabutai-sama arched an eyebrow at my daughter's solemn greeting.
>Naomi gave birth but two weeks ago, Tsabutai-sama. Your letter implied you wished for her specifically.
>hrm yes. I had thought her magic would be able to answer many of the questions that are bound to arise in the coming months.
>I did not realize he had given birth such a short time ago, though. I see you didn't even have time to find a proper nursemaid. I must apologize for this inconvenience.
>apologize with your life, fool
>I thought
>Instead my wife and I both assured Tsabutai-sama that it was no trouble at all, and that we were happy to fulfill our duties.
>Good, good. I am delighted to have such splendid subordinates. I shall hold you both up as examples to shirkers in the future.
>Kitsuki-san used the opening to ask
>Forgive me Ikoma Tsubatai-sama, but what questions do you foresee arising? We do not even know what it is you wish of us yet.
>Ah, you need not concern yourselves with trivial details. Just do as you have been so far and I will call upon you when I have need. otherwise, feel free to enjoy the Winter Court here.
>He said that like he owned the place.
>We accepted his dismissal.
>And were shown to our rooms.
>As Kyuden Hida is qualified to host the imperial court, it has many guest rooms for visiting dignitaries.
>Any courtier would be apalled at the spartan quarters provided, while remaining oblivous to the fact that these rooms are some of the safest in the castle.
>As Emerald magistrates we warented middling tier rooms. So, bare with a futon and only three people to a room.
>But the others insisted that they cram the four of themselves in so Naomi, Daiko and I could have some privacy.
>I snagged a servant and asked for some more blankets, explaing Naomi's poor health.
>As he scurried off, I heard a familiar sound from our room.
>Naomi was coughing again. Another bad one.
>I took Daiko up in one arm and held the other in front of Naomi.
>She doubled over it, going limp and allowing the fit to pass.
>Daiko stared intently at Naomi, and didn't make a sound.
>I laid Daiko down as the fit passed, then cradled Naomi with her back to my chest. She was sweating hard.
>The others came in; Kitsuki-san heard.
>They produced small cloths I used to wipe her sweat away as Toshiro brewed her medicinal tea.
>Mantis picked Daiko up when she began to fuss. She calmed down quickly.
>No Daiko. That's a mantis. You don't know where it's been. Icky icky.
>I thought.
>Naomi's eyes fluttered open and she looked up at me.
>I'm sorry everyone, I don't mean to be such a burden on you all.
>Hush, Naomi.
>Toshiro handed me a cup of warm tea for her.
>He politely looked aside as I finished wiping the sweat from her chest and underarms.
>I pulled her Kimono closed and took the tea cup, holding up to her lips.
>As she sipped her tea the Monkey spoke.
>You're not a burden Naomi!
>Mantis. Not even a bit.
>Kutsuki-san Indeed this much is nothing, really.
>Toshiro I think of Ishigaki as a brother. That makes you my sister. Think nothing of it.
>She smiled and leaned back into me.
>The others politely ignored our public display of affection.
>Kitsuki san started the discussion.
>Tsabutai-sama has always given the impression he has things planned out well ahead of time, even making fortunate accidents seem intentional.
>But there was something a bit odd about how he acted tonight.
>What do you mean?
>it's simple math, even you could do it Ishigaki. I cannot believe that Tsubatai-sama "forgot" when Naomi-san would give birth, even if was only a general guess.
>Wait, do you think Tsuabatai himself is tied to THEM?
>I cannot say. THEY have been carefull to use agents to do their bidding, hiding behind cuttouts before. It may be they influnce someone who has Tsubatai-sama's ear.
>But I do know that by investigating his relationships we will certainly grow closer to finding THEM.
>The Monkey cracked his knuckles. Can't wait for that.
Back later. Don't try and shoot my food.
Here's a terrible pun to entertain you while I eat.
irl, Naomi's player ended up taking over the game from the previous GM. So Naomi was DMPC'd.
But as you can see from these later posts we wanted her to remain active in the campaign.
Bump for great justice!
>With Daiko tucked away in the nursery during the day, the rest of us set to work investigaing
>Step one was straightforward and simple, we just needed to see who was connected to who. Even the real nature of the relationship didn't matter, just that the ties existed.
>As always, there is a right way to meet people in Rokugan.
>Properly, one is introduced to a stranger by a mutual acquaintance. The person making the introduction takes you to the person you're meeting, and greets them. That person the returns the greeting.
>Why hello [introducer]! And this must be...
>at this point the introducer tells them your name.
>It is rude to make someone confess their own ignorance; you may be implying they're just stupid. Or someone who does not know that you've net yet met may get that impression.
>So to save face, the person you are being introduced to acts like they already know you, then trail off
>so that the introducer can act like they are being rude by cutting the other person off when they answer.
>I've never really understood why so many grown ass adults insist on playing pretend so often, but I'm not about to make waves buy saying that out loud.
>Naomi and Kistuki-san both navigate the court with ease. They're quite good at getting introductions, as well as having people who want to meet them.
>The rest of us... well we don't cause any incidents.
>I hover about, rudely joining inconsequential conversations about polite, inoffensive topics such as weather and bonsai gardens. Then I watch other people make introductions and note who's speaking with who on behalf of who.
>I have to dip out periodically to check on my daughter. I use this an excuse to write things down, because there is no way I could track of the tangled web I'm investigating.
>Once I entered the Nursery to find Naomi already there.
>You holding up alright?
>Hai, Ishigaki-kun.
>She been eating again?
>No, I just wanted to see her. You as well, I see.
>I fished my notes out and snagged up the brush and inkpot.
>My calligraphy was...legible. It was very legible.
>Naomi glanced over my shoulder.
>I see.
>Don't judge me, there's a lot of people here.
>I know.
>She's teasing me.
>I glance around.
>No one in sight
>I give her rump a soft smack
>She yelps and rubs at her behind.
>But she's smiling, eager for more playtime.
>We push aside our desires and head back out to court.
>The Mantis is still speaking with the same three people he had been with when we left. He moves slowly in court.
>The Monkey has been flitting about, introducing himself to everyone who will lock eyes with him. He seems oblivious to how much aggravation he's causing.
>The opening rounds of winter court are in full swing.
>That evening
>We present our findings to Kitsuki-san. He's glad I took notes. Naomi's memory proves to quite sharp as well, and she recounts the day with sufficient clarity that even Kitsuki-san is impressed.
>I'll need time to go over all these notes, and figure out which direction we should move in. The rest of you should just act normally, for the time being.
>Normally, eh?
>Good, get out our room. My wife and I have a conversation from earlier to finish.
>The next day we headed down to the same room we had been in the previous day.
>I looked around in dismay.
>I realized I didn't recognize a single person there.
>I wasn't that I hadn't been paying attention, far from it.
>But this was the court of Crab Clan Champion.
>There were a LOT of courtiers here, many high ranking, and almost all of them wondering what they did to deserve this punishment.
>I saw one Asako courtier, so young his cheeks looked like they had never felt the touch of a razor, trying to start up a conversation with one of the House Gaurd standing around the room.
>I didn't catch what the Gaurd said but from the look of horror on the boys face I suspect it was something along the lines of PISSCUNTSHITCOCKNBALLSDOUBLEASFUK.
>No one in the Empire can use foul language quite like a Crab.
>I had just resigned myself to another long day of note taking when Naomi tugged my kimono.
>There, that man is the current Master of Earth.
>I looked to where she indicated and saw a mumified corpse conversing with none other than the Kuni family Daimyo.
>I remembered Naomi's mother saying her husband was a candidate for the next Master of Earth.
>Looking at the current one I could belive it.
>Dark brown skin that was allmost entirely wrinkle was stretched taut on his bony frame. A few wisps of translucent white hair spilled from the back of his skull, and a goate of the same color stretched down to the floor. Both eyes completly clouded over with cataracts, and thin, bloodless lips pulled in over pale pink gums. Not a single tooth left in his head.
>I took a moment to be impressed that that thing had managed to cross the entirety of the empire to be here.
>As I watched, the Mummy of Earth rapped it's tapin stick twice. An atendant rushed to it's side, knelt, and placed a teacup in the outstretched claw.
>I looked closer at the attendant.
>it was Naomi's father.
It was Naomi's father.
Oh shit.
>Well shit.
>The way Naomi grips my arm tells me she saw him too.
>Take her and leave.
>Go looking for the others
>Spot Kitsuki-san
>get the fuck over here head jerks from outside the room
>Kitsuki-san excuses himself, comes to join us. Takes one look at my face and asks
>How bad is it?
>Her father is here.
>Do we know why?
>Naomi shakes her head.
>I have sent letters, of course. But I have not heard from them since we left the castle.
>A familer thumpdraging heralded the arrival of Toshiro
>I have something improtant you must hear... and you seem to have made an unpleasant discovery yourselves.
>Kitsuki-san nods.
>I'll get the others, emergency meeting time.
>We head back to our rooms. I snag Daiko on the way, to help calm Naomi.
>She's hiding it well, but now that she's a mother herself she can see clearly just how abnormal her father's behavior has been.
>Her own sense of Honor, and proper conduct, is at war with real feelings for him.
>So smother in cyoot to numb those emotions until she can sort through them.
>We bring Toshiro up to speed on the nature of Naomi's family.
>She makes half hearted excuses for her father, as her Honor demands, and more vehemnt excuses for her mother and older brother doing nothing to stop it.
>I'm will to accept he was probably an ass to Oni-san as well, and that's why Oni-san seems such a daddy's boy.
>But at the end of the day I don't love Naomi's mother, or her brothers. I love her. And their inaction allowed her to be hurt.
>Toshiro grunted.
>Naomi... Your grandfather. Was he a Shugenja as well?
>His element?
>Let me guess, every shugenja in your family?
>All Earth.
>I hadn't know that. Naomi was ill from birth. Jurojin had turned his face from her. Of course she would struggle with the Earth Kami. And that had broken a very old family tradition.
>I understood just a little better why her father despised her so. And I hated that.
>Toshiro then told us what he had learned.
>The Master of Earth was here, and he was dying.
>Yeah we knew about that. Naomi's father is one of his attendants.
>And the later part is obvious once you see him.
>I think you misunderstand. The Master of Earth himself does not think he will ever leave Kyuden Hida.
>Naomi's head jerked up sharpley.
>Are the other masters here?
>No, just him.
>Naomi bit her thumb.
>While the recommendation of the former Master caries great weight, it is ultimately the council that decides who will join their ranks.
>The council of Masters is technically a circle of equals, but seniority does count, and the Master of Earth has been on the council for longer than all the others combined.
>He may intend to simply appoint his successor and not care at all what they rest of the council has to say.
>Safe to say that's a pretty big insult?
>Then all his attendants...
>Candidates for the position, most likely.
>Mantis grumbles.
>So he ran all the way to the other side of the empire just to avoid poloticking over who gets to be the next Master of Earth when he finally croaks?
>Toshiro speaks again.
>No, nostalgia I think. The Kuni Daimyo spent several years studying under the Master of Earth when his father was still the Daimyo.
>As I understand it, in his youth the Master of Earth spent a year on the Wall.
>Everyone was surprised at that.
>You shouldn't be so taken aback, the Kuni family are the foremost practitioners of Earth magic in the Empire. We have always been close to the Master of Earth.
>yes but to come here...
>Well Earth magic does cover spells that call upon Jade, and strikes at the impurity of the taint. One could hardly call oneself the MASTER of Earth without have some experience in the matter.
>Oh. I see.
>What is it Ishigaki-kun?
>You know Kyuden means that a castle is deemed important enough to host the Emperor's Winter Court, right?
>Well, Kuden Hida has hosted the court only a very few times, and most of those were times when the clans summer wars were threatening to get out of control. It's always used as way for the Emperor to remind everyone not to weaken the Empire TOO much with their infighting.
>So you think the Master of Earth is doing the same thing? Testing to see which of his candidates is trying to master their element, and which is just trying to advance their career?
>Yeah, if he's the kind of guy who would spend time here of his own free will.
>The Monkey was the one to say it.
>Wow Naomi, yer dad's fucked.
>Daiko put an emphatic exclamation point on the monkeys statement by filling her diaper.
>And like that Naomi and I were left alone with our daughter.
>Even my best friend, tears cutting streaks through his face paint, thumpdragged himself outside faster than I thought a man with a club foot could move.
>Out of love for my wife, I ordered her outside. She had enough issue with breathing.
>I would face this challenge alone.
>we spent the next few days gathering as much information about the court as we could.
>Kitsuki-san made some contact with the several of Tsabutai-sama's connections, and began to study them.
>we were all certain of it. Someone, somewhere in this court, was the link that could lead us to our Ninja Blood Sorcerer.
>Toshiro kept watch over the Mummy of Earth, under various pretenses. Since it seemed to wish spend most of it's time in discussion with the Kuni Daimyo, being near his families head was often excuse enough.
>The rest of us tried to avoid being seen by Naomi's father as much as possible.
>We didn't know how much, if any, a grudge he held, but we felt it best not to risk it.
>Hopefully a castle that can house thousands would be large enough to avoid a chance encounter.
>One day, in the third week of the court, a haggard looking nursemaid shuffled nervously at the edge of the room we were in.
>She was staring intently at me.
>Curious I walked over.
>Ignoring the fluttering fans as I initiated conversation with a heimin.
>Um, great samurai, would you hapen to be Hida Ishigaki-sama? She kept her eyes downcast and head bowed.
>I am.
>And your daughter is Hida Daiko-sama?
>Is something wrong with my daughter?
>She looked up in surpise, yelped when our eyes met, then quicly droped her gaze again.
>No, No nothing is wrong! I'm a sorry to have botherd you
>Hey take it easy. I'm not mad or anything.
>I realized that she had commited a serious breech of etiquitte by looking into the eyes of Samurai.
>In this world there are four types of people. Or perhaps it would be better to say there are people, and three other types grouped by how close they are to being people.
>A Samurai is a person.
>A farmer is half a person
>An Eta is not a person at all
>And below even Eta are the Gaijin and things outside the Celestial order. Dirty though it may be, even Eta have souls. Gaijin do not.
Fuck, I've been looking for this forever. Thank's user!
>It is well within the rights of any samurai to demand whatever they wish from anyone of lesser station, even if what they want is the life of the lesser.
>Of course, it doesn't really work that way.
>Those half people still produce, be it rice, buildings or even, in the case of merchants, coin.
>Slaughtering your lords servants, even though it is your right, is still squandering your lords resources. And if those peasants belong to someone other than YOUR lord, then it becomes a very big deal.
>So this peasant girl had risked coming to the atention of a Samurai, something most peasants hope never to do, and had then looked him the eyes as though she were his equal.
>I understood why she was scared.
>But I've never been the type to care about accidental slip ups like that. And besides that, Samurai have a purpose as well. Those beneath us produce. We protect and administrate.
>I wasn't a very good administrator, but I was one hell of a protector.
>So I spoke softly and reasured her she was in trouble, and asked her tell me what was so important.
>Well, Hida Daiko-sama wont stop crying. I think she's hungry.
>Oh, alright then.
>Naomi has four courtiers surrounding her. She seems the center of attention.
>All are young pretty boys in expensive Kimonos.
>I butt in, and they hide sneers behind fans.
>I speak just loud enough for them to hear.
>Naomi, Daiko seems to giving the nurses a hard time. Our daughter seems hungry. Let's go.
>I can see it in their eyes. They're quite taken aback by this.
>Sweet naive Hana-chan. She didn't even realize she was being courted.
>as we approach the nursery, I see a red and yellow kimono standing outside.
>Naomi's brother turned around and smiled at us both
>Hello! It's been some time! Have you eaten rice today?
no prob dude
>Hohiro! it has been so long!
>Naomi is genuinely delighted to see her older brother, so while I WANT to step between the two and glare at him until he leaves, I settle for an elbow nudge and head jerk in the direction of the bawling infant.
>Hohiro feigns surprise. badly.
>What is this? You have a child?!
>I think he's doing it on purpose
>Hai, She's hungry. Please come in, meet your neice!
>Oh shit Naomi what are you doing?
>I would be honored.
>Naomi opened the door to the nursery with a grin that went ear to ear.
>We entered the room and Naomi scooped up Daiko.
>Ishigaki, help me please?
>I lossened up her Obi just enough for her to get free even as my mind was screaming
>FFS He's right there watching you!
>My cheeks were beginning to hurt. I realized my face had been frozen in a fake smile for some time.
>Politely trying to hide my deep seated disgust
>Every polite smile I had ever seen in my life seemed much more sinister to me now.
>Hohiro walked around me to sit beside Naomi, looking at her intently
>So you really did it?
>You're a real mother now?
>Yes, is it not wonderfull?
>Ishigaki-kun was so kind and gentel, he took care of me through the worst parts of my pregnency. And Toshiro-san as well! He is a Kuni, and knows many prayers to Jurojin.
>I see.
>That is wonderful news Naomi.
>And I'm amazed at how quickly you regained your figure!
>Given what he'd said the last time, I was sure that he suspected Naomi did not, in fact, give birth to Daiko.
>It was true that Naomi lost weight quickly after she gave birth, at the time I was worried she was loosing it too quickly.
>She didin't put on that much to begin with.
>In the last few months she was very weak and had to force herself to eat at all.
>But everyone who knew anything about babies assured me that while it was unusal, Naomi was an unusal case, and that she would be fine with rest.
>Looking at her now, it did seem she was fully recovered.
>>Once Daiko finished her meal, I helped Naomi straighten up while Hohiro held his niece.
>I kept the smile plastered in place and prayed that Naomi would be so focused on her brother she would not notice.
>Hello, little Daiko! I'm your uncle Hohiro! Ah, your parent's gave you a fine name didn't they! Yes you do take after your mother, I can you have her eyes...
>So he finally realized the truth.
>His smile flickered. Seems he was genuinely surprised.
>I felt Naomi's hand on my knee. She was squeezing it tightly.
>She was looking at the floor.
>Oni-san. Why are you so surpised by all of this?
>Whatever do you mean, Naomi?
>I sent letters. I wrote every week. To each of you...
>You did?
>Did... you not get them?
>No... I thought you may have hated us...
>Dipshit. If you knew your sister at all you'd know she's not capable of hate.
>I kept the smile in place.
>I thought my face was going to break,
>No Onip-san, I could never hate you.
>they must have just gotten lost. It is a long way from here to the lands of the Pheonix after all.
>Hmm, yes they likely did just get lost.
>Ah, I am sorry, I must return to father.
>Hohiro gave us back our daughter.
>My wife cradeled Daiko in her arms and wept silently.
Hi Veeky Forums I came here to humbly ask for a favor.
Long time ago I read a really long greentext about a D&D story about gods and shit, the players were descendents of the gods and their job were try to rise the beliefs of them, the more faith the more power they get. I remember a guy who tried to revive his beloved, a plan to take the place of the gods and a great war against them. There was this god who knew everything yet he didn't stopped them because he knew that it was their destiny or some shit.
I read that shit like 5 years ago but it was so good that I came here with hopes you guys have it because I can't find it.
I had intended to complete the retelling of the adventure, but as usual the story got away from me again and ran long. I didn't even hit the half way point.
My eyes have stated to burn a bit and everything is out of focus, I need sleep. The plan is to be back in 8-10 hours. Get your screengrabs in now, just in case this thread falls off in the meantime. It it does, just look for my War banner up there at the top.
Requst fulfilled in 4 minutes
You're doing God's work, OP! Bless you!
>I can read this shit once more
feels fucking good. You just made my week.
Cheers mate, I always love the L5R stories, even though I've never played.
Rest well.
OH FUG, Veeky Forums I got another request!
This one was about a war robot class in D&D who sacrifice himself for the party against the final boss. I can't talk much about that part because it would be a spoiler.
ugh, stories about paladins falling are SO cliche...
Doing a hero's work there user. I hope you're resting well, brave crab bro.
How about one from me then?
Alright so a couple of weeks ago my current main in person group was trying to get together to run a session on Labour day. Sadly one of my fellow players wasn't able to make it. Our DM suggests "Hey why not a high power one shot?" I counter with "What if I ran this L5R mod I've been writing and threatening to run for ages?" The group, long staved of L5R jumped on the idea. Now we ended up running for 8 bloody hours so I'll just focus in on my favourite of the things they did.
The Cast:
> A Kuni trying to get into dragon lands to find a cure for a tainted imperial family child that's tagging along with them.
> A Ronin who's Crane and Lion parents fell in love and abandoned their duty to be together. They had to commit seppuku and where assigned each other as seconds. They both fucking perfect seppuku and all involved go 'Well that's some fucking Destiny BS tm. I guess we don't throw their bastard kid off a cliff.'
> And a Scorpion Courtier. I'd asked this player to not return an old character (named Datsu) because I was certain that he'd blow the mod open with his absurd scorpioning talents. So he makes this courtier the guys descendant, using atemi needles and poison just like him. And calls this little hellion Datsuko. The weebs will understand why I screamed into my hands at that.
The Setup:
> The group is in a small town in northern Crane lands for various reasons. They've been deputised as Yoriki to a Jade Magistrate when a local was murdered and the Magistrate's shugenja woo turned up funky results.
> Now they've been running around all day trying to chase up leads to little success.
> Just as they're concluding that nothing they've seen so far matters they run into the town cop. This young guy is the only lawman in town and had made a good impression on the party.
> Unfortunately they haven't seen him since morning when he'd escorted them to the home of the administrator of the village to explain that there had been a murder and that the Jade Magistrate was investigating.
> The administrator was hella rude and dismissive, offended that anyone was suggesting something was wrong in his village.
> While he couldn't do anything in the face of a JM with reason to investigate he had ordered the poor copper to walk patrols of the village all day.
> And so here is the guy again and the party mostly out of ideas.
It begins:
> The party flags him down and starts talking.
> The copper is reluctant to talk about what's going on with him but the dangerous beauty scorpion courtier just runs him over.
> So he spills his guts and explains that he'd been transferred here as punishment for a failure and that the admin had been threatening him with a bad report and preventing him from doing his job while treating him like garbage. Namely stopping him from investigating some disappearing peasants.
> So the party decide that the scorpion should go and see what info she can get from the admin.
> She cruises in and getting horrific good use out of her tech and dangerous beauty advantage seduces the admin and gets him to spill his guts. As in makes one contested roll so well that I just have to shrug and go 'well let me tell you all of the info now'
> She asks about the cop.
> Turns out the admin had requested a cop be assigned to the village as part of his preparations for a visit this winter from some powerful in-laws.
> He'd turned up and introduced himself in duty uniform giving a bad impression mad worse when days later he'd broken up a bar fight and one of the locals involved had a huge bitch fit about him.
> This convinced the admin that the poor copper was a mindless thug who had to be controlled.
> So when the threat of a bad report worked super well the admin just shrugged and kept using it.
> So the scorpion proceeds with the seduction.
> By which I mean she scratches him with her long poisoned fingernails.
> The admin chumps the resist roll and goes out like a light.
> At this point the Ronin's player interjects "You should probably toss him off, for appearances sake."
> The Crab's player, who is married to the Ronin's, agrees.
> The Scorpion player looks at them like they've lost their minds and replies "What, do you think I an amateur or something? Of course I do."
> So that mess made the Scorpion heads off into the guy's house to ransack it for blackmail worthy info.
> She finds a diary detailing all about the cop and why it'd happened.
This is actually where that info came from I fucked up that previous bit please ignore my failings like honourable samurai.
> More than slightly miffed that this useful resource has been denied to their investigation because of this petty crap, the Scorpion finds the store of super quality sake that the admin had gotten in to use to welcome his in-laws.
> And she poisons it with the nastiest stomach turner she's got.
> At which point I could but throw up my hands and declare "Well it's not going to be for a month or so but you've ruined this guy's life now."
> They where all very happy about this.
Ah, such bastards this group. They hate the Crane as much as I do.
Later tonight I will redo my screencap into a masterwork screencap series worthy of the tale.
Unless some ambitious user wants to try their hand at it before that.
For now I sleep.
This one, maybe?
safety bump
>Naomi took Daiko back to our room
>She said she did not feel well and wished to rest
>I stayed with them until they were both sound asleep
>Then I practiacly ran through the halls until I made it outside.
>I needed to turn my mind off, lose myself in something simple.
>I aproached one of the dueling circles where bushi tested themselves against one another.
>The Crabs standing about, watching matches and waiting for their own turns, gave me some awfully hairy eyeballs.
>My hair was combed and washed, beard trimmed neatly, and I wore a silken Kimono in Crab colors. My only weapons were the Wakizashi and jite tucked into my obi. I wasn't wearing armor.
>And yet I also had the build of a warrior, and the scars to speak of my history of battle.
>To their eyes, I was a contradiction.
>I pointed to largest ball of corded muscle I could see and jerked my head towards an empty circle
>He blinked one, then chuckled as he stepped in.
>What did you have in mind, geisha-san?
>I knew my tsubojutus was just fine. But away from my homeland I had little chance to practice Kobo ichi kai under the eye of a sensei.
>I was worried some bad habits may have crept in unnoticed.
>Would you like to go get some armor first?
>I have my armor here with me, and no I'm fine as is.
>He gave a suit yourself shrug, removed his katana from his obi so the saya would not hinder his movment and took his stance.
>I took mine.
>Stars exploded in my eyes and I almost fell
>Damn he was fast!
>I stomped on his knee, but he twisted with the blow and remained standing. I threw an elbow at his neck that he pushed aside with his palm
>He stabbed his fingers towards my eyes, and I flinched back.
>He followed my backpedal, got his ankle behind my own, and punched me in the sternum. Twisting his hips to add force to the blow.
>I fell on my ass.
>He scowled down at me.
>You haven't practiced nearly enough. Your reflexes are dull.
>I see.
>When I left the Crab lands to become an Emerald Magistrate I had been a warior through and through.
>But as time passed I had spent more and more time learning the ways of courly life, and being a good magistrate. I had let my martial training fall by the wayside.
>Crabs my age, those who had survived this long, were now quite far ahead of me. It would be difficult for me to catch up.
>I stood up.
>again please.
>I spent the day training
>All of it. Kenjutsu, kyujustsu, tsubojutsu, juijutsu, tantojutsu.
>I striped to the waist and went through the old exercises katas we learned at Sunda Mizu to master the Mountain does not Move.
>By exercise kata I mean we take a horse stance while others strike us repeatedly.
>First fists, then boken. Finally tetsubo.
>By the end of it my body was batterd, bruised and bleeding. My nice Kimono was torn and dirty.
>And my renewed commitment to my training had allowed me to regain at least some of the respect of my fellow Crab.
>As I went to head for the baths I caught sight of the Monkey.
>He was staring wide eyed.
>is THAT how you Crabs train?
>A samurai-ko snorted
>HAH. Don't let that softie fool you. Real Crab training is much harsher. We were just going soft on him, ease him back into the routine!
>She was just bragging to the Monkey. I was just a little rusty.
>I wasn't that bad.
>I hoped.
>I'm going to get a bath, did you want something Monkey?
>Oh yeah, Kitsuki-san want's to get everyone together again.
>Did we find something?
>Monkey shruged Iuhknow
>Fine. Tell him I'll be along after I get cleaned up.
>I soaked my aching muscles in scalding hot water, and washed the blood from my cuts and scrapes.
>My body stung all over, like when you peel off some dead skin and a strong wind hits your fresh pink skin.
>I focused on that pain. Then, as I learned to do long ago, I wadded it up into a ball, placed in a sack, tied the sack off, and tossed it aside.
>When I got back to others Kitsuki-san was sitting on the floor with his arms folded up. He looked like nothing so much as a pouting child.
>Took you long enough
>That was very odd. Something must have frustrated Kitsuki-san greatly for him to be in such a foul temper.
>Let's hear it then.
>Kitsuki-san sighed.
>Tsabutai-sama has ordered me to acompany him for "the foreseeable future."
>wait, isn't that a good thing? Now you can
>NO. It is not.
>I am his attendant. I must sit quite and observe, speaking only when I am addressed directly.
>Still don't see how it's bad.
>Every single person he meets with we already know about. And they're ALL on guard around me. The most heated topic I heard all day was a discussion on the merits of various styles of paintings!
>As things stand, he has effectively cut off my attempts to investigate!
>What's worse is he's not even trying to hide the fact that that is what he is doing.
>He never asked me for anything!
>So what your saying is he knows we're snooping around and has cockblocked us by tying your hands?
>Yes. And he wants us all to know he knows. He is warning us to stop.
>The Mantis growled. Makes you wonder what he dosen't want us to find.
>Monkey, laying on his stomach with his chin propped up in his hands, Aside from which one of his friends is a Ninja Tsukai?
>We don't know that our enemy is one of Tsabutai's circle for certain, not yet anyway. It's only a possibility.
>Dosen't him hidding things from us prove that though?
>No. Not really. It is said that everyone has a secret they would rather no one find out about, and it IS rather unusual for a samurai to investigate their superiors.
>That was true. The authority of one above your station was absolute. The Lion Clan Champion could not order a Crane Clan Samurai only because the Crane Samurai belonged to the Crane Champion, who was the Lion's equal in rank.
>We fumed for a bit
>Our best investigator was pinned down
>Of the rest of us, only Naomi had any real chance of being able to continue on discreetly.
>If we continued to peruse our goal, we invited reprisals from Tsabutai-sama.
>He would be well within his rights to punish us quite severely.
>It seemed, for the time being at least, we had no choice but to stop.
>None of us were happy with this turn of events.
>That night
>After Naomi fell asleep I slipped quietly out of our futon and donned my armor.
>I stepped outside our room
>Toshiro was there.
>I'd been sitting out here for the last four days. You never used to be one to hold back what you were thinking.
>Picked up some bad habits away from the Wall.
>He eyed me up and down.
>We left
>The Crab standing gaurd looked us over. Seeing that we were both sensibly dressed they made no attempt to stop us.
>We stepped out onto the southern battlements.
>Onto the Wall.
>A howling wind assaulted us the moment we we set foot outside, and even I had to lean into it lest I be knocked flat.
>100 yards below us, the River of the Last Stand rushed by.
>I breathed in deeply, inhaling the stench that wafted up from the Shadowlands.
>I had feared returning to this place. I feared for my friends, for my family, who were knew nothing of the dangers here.
>because it was the duty of the Crab to keep them warm and safe.
>It was my duty to protect my friends, my family, from the horror that lurked beyond.
>And, now that I faced it once more, I felt serene.
>The Hida family moto is a simple one. I will not fail.
>Toshiro nodded in approval.
>Your Fire is just fine. It was agitated, but that's just the nature of fire.
>Figures he would know what was on my mind.
>And then we heard the scream.
>And then we heard the scream
>And then we heard the scream
Is it happening?!
A long time ago we had a shadowrun storytime PDF. More and more I believe this story may be worth that treatment. Hell, I'm the librarian user, and I think it might just be what I accomplish this week.
>On the Wall there is a special duty. The Screamer.
>A Samurai is expected to keep face at all times. Even when peirced by an arrow or cut by a blade, they should not cry out in pain, or fear.
>Shouts of challange, Kiai, and roars of battle rage are just fine.
>But on the Wall some have the duty to Scream. They are placed in most vulnerable positions, so that should the enemy launch a surprise attack, they will be the first targets.
>It is an important duty, to be the Screamer.
>it is also a simple one.
>Live long enough to Scream, and alert the others to danger.
>Follow the Screamer. There you will find the enemy.
>This Scream came not from the Wall, but up from the bowels of Kyuden Hida.
>I bent slightly
>Toshiro leapt upon my back, legs clutching my waist and brandishing his Crutchtsubo
>I ran towards the Screamer.
>As we neared I realized where the Screamer was.
>It was unthinkable.
>Somehow an enemy had managed to get to bypass the Wall, every single gaurd, and enter into the most secure rooms of Kyuden Hida.
>I could hear the Screamer quite clearly, I knew exactly where he was. Three floors up from where Naomi and the others were.
>We rounded the last corner and I set Toshiro down, readying my own Tetsubo.
>Several Crab were lined up outside the room awaiting their turn to step in to fight.
>A bushi came flying out of the room, crashing into the wall.
>The bushi in the front charged into the room with a firece Kiai.
>two others pulled the fallen bushi out of the way. Blood leaked from his armor like soup from a cracked bowl.
>Toshiro and I stepped up.
>The gunso directing the flow looked at us.
>It's not an Ugulu, but something is going on with magic.
>Two bushi came out, one holding the other up.
>They both moved under their own power, but with clear difficulty.
>Toshiro and I stepped in.
>A half dozen red and gold figures lay sprawled about the room. The last one standing hurled a blast of Jade energy at the Creature in the middle of the room. The Energy seemed to wash off it to no effect.
>One of the Crabs spread out around the Oni yelled out a code word.
>Oh great, we've got a Rock Crusher.
>The Crab have several words that are used to quickly convey information about various situations.
>The Crab who spoke up just informed us this Oni was not harmed by Jade or Crystal.
>Some other phrases let us know that we've got a large horde with multiple types of Shadowlands Creatures on the way, the various abilites of an Oni, and if the teahouse you and your friends are in is staffed by monsters in disguise who are unaware that you are on to them, and that your friends should gather up their weapons and meet your outside.
>I'm serious.
>Toshiro grunted an aknowledgment, and fished out a scroll
>I stepped up, taking a warding stance, and stood between the Oni and the Shugenja.
>It was an ugly thing. Squat, all ropey tendons, with four arms ending in black claws. Ichor driped from them and hissed where it fell, scorching the futons.
>The top of it's head was smooth as an eggshell, with two long verticle slits where a nose should have been. I couldn't see a mouth.
>Yep, never seen one like that before.
>It snaped it's arms like a whip at us, and I saw it's arms had two extra elbow joints.
>I took it's blow on my tetsubo, it was strong.
>One bushi hissed as it's claw dug into him. I could see his armor had been melted away by whatever foul substance was coating the beasts talons.
>A shout from Toshiro. A tetsubo, made of magical Earth appeared before me.
>I took hold of it.
>The other Crab struck as one, making an opening for me.
>I Brought my Tetsubo down hard. And again.
>And again. My limbs were invigorated. I moved with a speed I did not posses.
>I spared a glance over my shoulder. Naomi was in the doorway, pointing at me
>The creature was tough, and it fought with wild ferocity
>My fellow Crabs protected me, as I was the one best able to hurt it.
>It howled in frustration, then pain as I struck again, putting all my weight into my strikes.
>Empowered by both Toshiro and Naomi, I felled the beast.
>The other Crabs stabbed it repeatedly making sure it was dead.
>Naomi rushed over to the fallen Pheonix scrolls of healing already in hand.
>But only one of them was still alive. Hohiro, her brother.
>The one that I had seen casting the inefective spell was none other than my dear Father-in-law.
>And there, on the floor, a long mess of intestines the only thing connecting the top and bottom half of his body, was the Master of Earth.
Holy shit, that would be quite the honor.
>The Crab who had been tossed from the room managed to survive, thanks to Naomi's timely arrival.
>The guards were loathe to allow her and my friends to leave their rooms. Even though she now wore my Clan's colors it was obvious to everyone she was not a Crab by birth. But when she insited that she be allowed to serve her new Clan and informed them she was a Tensai they allowed her to come out.
>His name was Kazuma.
>It was while Naomi was desperately trying to get him to stop showering her with thanks, or at the very least stop trying to break a hole in the floor with his forehead that the Champion of the Crab arrived on scene.
>I am a large man. Most Rokugani must tilt their necks to look me in the eyes. I tower over my wife. I even have an inch or two on most of my fellow Crabs.
>My Champion loomed over even me. With biceps as big around as most mens thighs. His shoulder were the span of the haft of an Ono.
>Ketsuen, the Ancestral armor of the Crab, had gone on a long and strange journey. It had been lost to the Shadow lands, tainted, rediscovered, purified and eventually returned to the Crab Clan.
>The Helmet of that armor, despite it's simple design, nonetheless serves to assist it's wearer in being the scariest motherfucker in any room he cares to enter.
>And this mountain, this battle scared veteran who I could never hope to match up to, this man who can intimidate others with his mere presence, was very very angry.
>And he was looking at my wife, and me beside her.
>Now it was my turn to slam my forehead into the floor. I was of high standing, as an Emerald Magistrate, but I was still firmly within the ranks of the Buke. My Champion, however was Kuge. He was head of both the Hida Family, and the Crab Clan, and so my Lord twice over.
>Crabs do not, as a rule, stand on ceremony. But neither do we tolerate open disrespect.
>And you are?
>I am Hida Ishigaki, my lord. This is my wife Hida Naomi.
>Neither of you are stationed here.
>it was not a question.
>No my Lord, We are Emerald Magistrates in the retinue of Ikoma Tsabutai-sama.
>I see. Why did you come then?
>I had gone for a walk in the night to clear my mind, my Lord. When I heard the Screamer I moved without thinking.
>And you?
>He was addressing Naomi.
>I could tell where the sound of the...Screamer was coming from. I am a a Water Tensai; and I wished to be of service to my Clan.
>Hida-sama glanced at Kazuma.
>You have. Continue to server your Clan well
>Hai, my Lord!
>The Champion then entered the charnal house that was the quarters for the Master of Earth.
>Well? How will the Crab answer for THIS?!
>Isawa Shoji, my father in law, was already raging.
>He was a proud man, and his pride had been wounded severly today. So of course he was looking to blame someone else for the death of the Master of Earth.
>I have no words to express my sorrow at the loss of the Master of Earth. Rest assured we will conduct a full investigation as to how this occurred and those responsible will be punished.
>I had little doubt whoever that was, the Champion would scrape their wakizashi dull on a rock first.
>No matter how you looked at it, this was a big incident. It would have been one thing had the Master of Earth just passed on in his sleep. But an Oni, a creature our Clan eisted to fight, had waltzed into what should have been one of the most secure places in the Empire and ripped the Master of Earth in half.
>In the worst case scenario the Phoenix could raise a stink to the Emperor himself, and the Crab Champion could be held accountable.
>This was, without a doubt, a crisis for the Crab.
>And then Hohiro spoke out of turn.
>Father, please calm yourself.
>This is a great tradgedy for our Clan, the Master of Earth and nearly all his possible successors are now dead. But this Oni was clearly a creature of singular and great power, for it to shrug off the power of so many Earth Tensai.
>Hohiro had given his father a way out.
>Hohiro and Shoju had both failed to protect their Master and their fellow tensai. Shoju, especially was unwounded. That was, embarrassing, to say the least
>So by aknowleding the power of the Oni, Shoji allowed the Crab to save some face while covering his own ass.
>Shoji was temperamental, and vengeful, but he didn't get to where he was by being stupid about it. He knew how to pick his battles.
>He took the out.
>Yes, you have a point my son.
>Still, it is odd such a creature got so deep into the castle, is it not?
>How was this possible?
>THAT is something I would like to know as well.
>Hida-sama's growl promised dire retribution for whosoever had shamed the Crab this day.
>Hida-sama left the room, before Shoji could find a socially acceptable way to bitch some more.
>He aproched me again.
>You said you and your group were Emerald Magistrates yes? And your superior was here as well?
>Hai, my Lord.
>Take me to him.
>we led Hida-sama to where Tsabutai-sama was staying. We waited outside as they exchanged words
>Hida-sama left.
>Enter please.
>We did so and knelt before Tsabutai-sama.
>I have heard what has happened. Hida-sama has aksed me to oversee this investigation. As an Emerald Magistrate, I will have no bias in this mater. I have agreed to render impartial judgment. I shall be relying on you all to bring this matter to a swift conclusion.
>Of course, Tsabutai-sama only sought out testimony. Since no one saw or heard anything unusual until the Oni was already upon the Pheonix, he quickly hit a dead end. And so, with a little persuasion from Kitsuki-san, he gave us leave to investigate on our own.
>We played a game. We had all the gaurds go to where they were just before the attack hapened, and each of us tried to sneak past them.
>we were all caught.
>We enlisted the aid of Shugenja that knew magic to help conceal our movements.
>we were still caught.
>No mater where we entered from, it was only by turning completly invisible that we could get to the Master of Earth's room undetected.
>It was Toshiro who said it.
>If that Oni could become invisible, then it would have been able to escape. It did not.
>We have to consider that the Oni was summoned inside Kyuden Hida.
>Hida's balls, that's horrifying.
>Mantis looked at Kitsuki-san.
>think it might have been THEM?
>Kitsuki-san pursed his lips, tapped his fan to them.
>I have no idea. If we just had some idea of what THEIR goal was then maybe I could say one way or another.
>Alright then. Let's report to Tsabutai-sama. Since we're looking for a Maho-Tsukai we should let the witch hunters take over right?
>I don't think we should, I said.
>Why the hell not?!
>simply because of how stupid it would be to summon an Oni here of all places.
>Look, no one is more paranoid about taint than the Crab clan. you probably don't even know how many times you've all been tested for the taint.
>6 for me.
>you don't count Kitsuki-san.
>Anyway, there's no way a Tsuaki was in here for any length of time without being AMAZING at hiding themselves.
>I'm talking beyond even a finger of corupted jade or Jade Petal tea, because we look for those things.
>We even look out for the mood swings and odd behaviors brought on by the early stages of the taint!
>The others nodded slowly. We weren't looking for a needle in a haystack, we were looking for a needle with a rusty center in a stack of needles.
>The first thing to do then, was clear away as many needles as possible.
>So, who stands to gain the most from this?
>well anyone with a grudge against the Crab, or the Pheonix.
>The Master of Earth was largely pissing on the council.
>I spoke up.
>Naomi... how many of the candidates survived the attack.
>Just one, not counting my father.
>Do you know him?
>I know of him. Some years back he was caught frequenting opium dens.
>I could not look at Naomi.
>I spoke.
>Isawa Shoji did it.
Not op, but ever since I read that fucking thing, I always end up waiting for the Gm to spring that shit when they so much as mention that fucking castle
Thank god, I thought it was jsut me who gets perfectly justified fear whenever they hear the words "Kyuden Hida" and "Winter Court" in the same sentence.
>The master of Earth was going to appoint his successor and damn what the council wanted. This was Shoji's only chance, he wouldn't live long enough to replace the Master of Earth chosen now.
>The attack killed the Master, preventing him form even voicing support for any one of his potential successors.
>It killed almost all of the Shoji's rivals for the position.
>The only ones to survive were a contender with a scandal staining his past, Shoji's own son, and Shoji himself.
>Shoji didn't have a scratch on him
>And he obstinately lobbed useless magic at the Oni.
>There is no way that Oni could have snuck past all the gaurds to enter the Master of Earth's room unnoticed.
>But if it had been summoned form inside the room, or next door, that's a different mater.
>And Shoji would have unfetered access to those rooms.
>I knelt on the floor in the center of the room, surrounded by greatness.
>The Crab Clan Champion, the Kuni Family Daimyo, My superior Emerald Magistrate Ikoma Tsabutai, were all present to hear my testimony.
>As was the man I was accusing, my father in law.
>You would think I would be pleased things turning out this way. I hated that man with a passion. He had hurt my wife so badly I wanted nothing more than to squeeze his neck until his eyes popped from their sockets.
>But this... this was to heavy a crime.
>The crime of being a Maho-Tsukai can and often does blow back on the Tsukai's family.
>Often they are exiled. Sometimes they are even killed along with the Tsukai.
>Being a Tsuaki means you are a traitor to the Empire, and traitors are dealt with in the harshest of ways.
>My wife was a Crab now. She asisted in the investigation that revealed Shoji's plot. She would be spared. But her mother? Her brothers?
>The weight of this had sent Naomi into another fit. So bad she lost consciousness.
>I hated Shoji for doing this. I hated myself more that I could not look the other way for her sake.
>prickly wife
... is that wife a scorpion, by chance?
But if the father is being called out now, it means it can't be him. It means it's the brother, who can use his father as the scapegoat and eventually take power. The way he was surprised at Naomi bearing a child, maybe he used her name to summon an oni, and that she is still alive gives him pause.
Regardless, it's stories like this that make me believe tabletop games are worth playing.
Unicorn. Screencap calls her a Shinjo.
There's no way Naomi would be able to survive nearly that long with her name tied to an Oni. That shit taints you like nothing else.
>The assembled powers confered in hushed tones
>Shoji went purple and sputtered in apoplectic fury.
>Tsabutai-sama spoke
>Indeed Hida Ishigaki-san, we can find no fault with your words. That you must speak out against your own father in law makes them even more damning.
>WAIT! This this this THUG! He turned my daughter against me! Soiled her Honor! I've never approved of their marriage! He only makes these accusations out of jeaolosy and spite!
>be that as it may, Shoji-san, there is enough evidence to call the Witch Hunters. If you are innocent of these ghastly crimes, then they will surely exonerate you.
>The door to the room opened.
>That must be them now.
>The Witch Hunter entered.
>Along with Hohiro.
>Shoji looked at his son with a confused, yet hopeful expression.
>be at ease father.
>The Kuni daimyo addressed his kinsman.
>And? What did your investigation reveal.
>We did indeed find the scroll used to summon the oni.
>Shoji went a deeper shade of pruple
>As well as a pouch of Jade Petal tea.
>What the fuck did he just say?
>Hohiro-san found us, and told us that he saw someone speaking with Isawa Tesai, the other survivor, shortly before the attack.
>He begged us to search that man's room, and while it is expected of family members to lie on behalf of their kin, my instincts told me to trust him.
>Everyone was hanging on every word now.
>Isawa Hohiro-san's instincts were not wrong, as it turned out.
>Ikoma Tsabutai is a Maho-Tsukai!
>Before Tsabutai could finish his outburst Hohiro had drawn his Wakizashi and cut Tsabutai open from gullet to groin.
>maggots writhed inside of his guts, black ichor seeped to the floor instead of blood.
>No clearer proof of the taint was needed.
>I had been wrong.
>I had accused an innocent man of practicing Maho.
>When it was MY superior who had been the one doing it.
>There you see! They're all in it! They framed me to cover for their superior!
>Harboring someone with taint is a capitol offense Hida-sama, your duty is clear! Execute them! ALL of them!
>Like I said, Shoji knew how to pick his battles, and he now had a major advantage in this one.
>Cold eyes turned to me. Everything Shoji had said was terrifyingly probable.
>My fate, and the fate of my friends, my wife, and maybe even my daughter was hanging by a thread.
>The truth is we suspected that there was something amiss about Tsabutai for some time now!
>Arched eyebrows
>Yes, We did not know what, exactly. So we were attempting to investigate, discreetly.
>One must not accuse one's superior lightly, after all, so we wanted to be absolutley sure before we said anything!
>It wasn't QUITE true, but it was close enough.
>They went to fetch my fellows, None of them knew what had transpired yet there had been no time to get our stories straight, if we were indeed conspiring.
>The fact that everyone realized the seriousness of the situation, even without understanding why, and admitted we were investigating Tsabutai went a long way to convincing everyone I was telling the truth.
>My notes helped.
>We were confined to a single room, under strict guard, while they backtracked our investigation. Speaking with those we had spoken too.
>Eventually, they were convicned that we knew nothing of what had transpired.
>Offically, we were duped by Tsabutai. Shamefull in the extreme. We were dismissed from our posts as Emerald magistrates. Though none of us was made Ronin, or ordered to commit sepuku.
>Tsabutai's wife and two young children were executed. We all took very great pains to ensure Naomi never learned of that fact.
>With his past scandal, and being the one that allowed Tsabutai into the Pheonix area Isawa Tessai could not be the Master of Earth.
>The council learned that Shoji had adamantly refused to belive he could not crush the Oni with his own magic. Such obstinance is a hallmark of earth, but the overweening pride behind it was unseemly. The Master of Earth should be the master of his own earth, and so Shoji could not be the new Master.
>In the end, the one who had fought bravely to defend his kin, who had persevered in the face of great hardship, and who had brought forth the evidence that exonerated the Pheonix and condemned the real criminal, Isawa Hohiro, became the Master of Earth.
>Naomi was genuinely happy for her brother.
>The rest of us knew just how terribly we were played.
Friendly reminder that there is Maho that can make Air Kansen transfer the taint from one individual to annother. I'm calling it now: Hohiro was the Tsukai all along!
I'm going to leave you all here tonight. I've been typing like a madman for several days now.
Rest assured, there are more stories to share. I doubt I can keep up this pace, But I'll always try to get some posts in every day.
Please do, user. This is some of the best greentext I've read in ages.
I second. last time I waited that way for a storytime, it was with the all gardsmen party
Where the fuck do I find non-autistic L5R players to run for?
>didn't highlight spoilers
OP you got a link to the previous thread?
go ask around /l5rg/.
>whole party translates a few words from an ancient plate together before the dungeon starts
>get asked by guardian Elementals who we serve
>plate had the temple's god's name, "burn" and "servants" on it
>druid has to do the talking
>"Ok, what do you answer?"
>looks around the group, tell him to just use the god's name, obviously
>Cleric tells him "Well, I serve Muradin", Barbarian goes "I'm nobody's slave", Pyromancer didn't listen and just starred at the pretty elementals
>rest of party doesn't really react to it
>DM looks at me with shocked eyes
>I look at him with the same eyes
>he facepalms and just says "Roll initiative"
That fucking fight almost killed me, too.
This story is glorious, and I look forward to your future installments. And to add to the green...
>Playing some 5ed DnD
>Playing Dwarven Artificer
>Urist is a traveling merchant and craftsdorf, quite capable of working damn near anything
>Except wood. Because elves like wood, and elves are faggots.
>Pick up the party shortly after they unleashed a magical apocalypse on it.
>Turns out they have pissed off some dragon cultists, and are being tracked.
>Go to The Library (Yes, it's just THE Library)
>Party finds dragon cultist leader.
>Strict no violence rule in The Library, enforced by Conan the Librarian.
>CN Paladin of Disorder says fuck it, cunt punts the bitch, and high tails it out of there.
>Chased down my Conan. Party passes off the cultist as they are run down.
>Urist just watches the display and continues studying in the library.
>Eventual reunites with the party, several miles down the road.
>Weld the bitch to the side of my wagon with chains.
>Urist's only possession of value is his automated technowagon. Just a wagon that doesn't need a horse, and has all his tools in it.
>Settle down for the night, decide to interrogate bitch.
>Spews some shit about her god smiting us, how we would be hunted to the ends of the earth, blah blah.
>Urist, who had been silent for most of it, breaks out and begins ranting at her.
>"Listen here, you scale shagging twat! Let me guess, they promise you power, influence, control over your lessers! How if you brought them back, they'd shower you in riches and glory. NO! All you are going to get for unleashing an unarguably evil thing back into the world is the right to be EATEN FIRST!"
>Roll an 19+modifiers on my check to persuade her.
>Actually got through to the bitch.
>Next morning, cultists attack. They want their bitch back.
>Proceed to use the Jump spell to suplex a wyvern rider to death, using his wyvern's head spikes to impale him.
>Unanimous throwing of the horns at the sheer brutality of a man being lifted 20 feet into the air by a power armored dorf and them plowed into his own mount until dead.
>Setting is HEAVILY inspired by Brutal Legends (The DM, bless his heart, is the right kind of crazy to pull it off)
>Even the other wyvern rider who saw it threw up the horns.
>Urist was then stabbed in the heart by the wyvern's tail, and bled out on the field.
>That would have been the end of him, but the gods (aka DM) grants favors to those who impress them.
>Urist was struck by a bolt of lightning, heralded by "You've been... thunderstruck!"
>Revived, but still down, the battle rages on.
>The remaining rider manages to steal the cultist bitch, and teleport away. Luckily, it was a weak teleport, and didn't take them very far.
>Somehow, despite having three members in heavy armor, we manage to get the drop on them. Combat is over in the surprise round.
>Cultist bitch fully secured, the party continues along it's merry path of chaos and destruction.
>And that was just my first session.
Fixed the non-highlighted spoiler.
is this all of it or just the stuff from the first thread?
Just stuff from the first thread. Not the screencapper, sorry.
np man thanks for fixing it though
Screencapper here.
Thanks for fixing it.
I was embarrassed to see my goof when I looked it over.
>We should probably split that up so that it is easier to read.
On it.
Going for a Masterwork level screencap.
Might take a bit.
I just have to say it's all crab-honorific's fault that I spent the majority of last night dreaming about Oni including one that took the form of the floor in order to spread the taint as people walked over it and they tracked it wherever they walked.
Technical issues have arisen.
I will finish my masterwork crab rolls eventually.
Yeah, L5R onis are scary as fuck
He kept me up two hours past my bedtime. If you aren't tainted yourself, I figure you got off lightly.
Look where we are... I figure we are all at least a little tainted.
I must be doing something right then.
>The days and weeks following our disgrace were horrible.
>Hohiro became the darling of the court, surrounded by courtiers everywhere he went.
>Fans fluttered and tounges wagged as everyone pondered who the Council would apoint as the next Master of Earth.
>Shoji was in a foul mood for the first few days. His ambitions, while not destroyed, had suffered quite a setback.
>But when he saw Hohiro's popularity on the rise, the wily bastard fell in behind his boy.
>I wouldn't be surpised if Shoji himself started the rumors that Hohiro would receive the appointment.
>Some scoffed, Hohiro had suddenly been catapulted into the limelight, true but his carrer up until now had been good, but not exceptional.
>Others began tendering offers of marriage.
>Each one offering up a better bride then the last.
>Shoji himself talked Hohiro up as well.
>Yes, my son lives up to my high expectiations.
>Due to my stern, yet fair, instruction he has become quite a fine Shugnja.
>Truly, it's only in comparison to me that he falls short. Had he been born another time he would be the best there is!
>I watched this all happen from the corner where I lurked, my stomach churning in disgust.
>if there was a bright side to all this, at least I didn't have to bother with poilite small talk.
>the what the fuck are you even doing here stares were getting on my nerves, however.
>How awful it must have been for you, Hohiro-san, to hear your own sister accuse your father so!
>Indeed, she had stained her honor. Any proper samurai would take their blade up and cleanse their shame
>No, no it was not so far fetched a thing! I belive in my sister still! I am certain she had good reason!
>But she was still wrong, was she not?
>Well, yes, but
>Your loyalty to your sister does you credit, Hohiro-san, but it is misplaced. She is just a Crab now, no longer your family.
>I left before I killed someone.