Have there been any games based off of John Norman's Gor books?
Have there been any games based off of John Norman's Gor books?
I don't like throwing the Magical Realm meme around but the entire series is seriously just one long BDSM fantasy. Like Fifty Shades of Grey but for neckbeards instead of housewives.
I'm sure someone somewhere homebrewed a system for it but I can't imagine ever enjoying this setting in a game.
Just use FATAL, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Only Pathfinder.
there is one in the works. it is being written by James Desborough, and it has the SJWs on rpg.net in quite a tizzy.
The worst part is it's not even good BDSM fantasy. It's worse erotica than Fifty Shades, and that's a low, low bar.
The first few books are alright genre pulp. The later ones are weird, but John Norman is still better than the Fifty shades lady.
I'm not sure why you'd want to have a game based on Gor. The novels themselves are mostly unremarkable aside from Norman's bizarre take on male/female relations, and the erotica part isn't very fun or good.
Norman just isn't very good at it, and his pacing sucks too.
That being said... Gor is basically stuck in technological stasis, so the most advanced stuff are crossbows and some siege weapons. Literally any Sword and Sorcery RPG should be able to replicate Gor. Just ditch any magical subsystems, and you're more or less good to go.
The higher tech of the Priest Kings or the Kuri wouldn't need to be statted out unless it fell into PC hands. If you go with the subplot of the Kuri bringing banned firearms to Gor, then you might have to stat those - but using them would only make the PCs enemies of the Priest Kings.
There's also the issue that if you allow the PCs to take and keep slaves, you have to deal with the consequences of them being more mouths to feed, generally being a pain in the ass to transport, and just being underfoot all the damn time.
And that's not even getting into the ERP side of things.
Anyone who make recommendations are required to use THE GLORIOUS PROSE OF GOR.
The man's got a point there. I'm finally on board with reskinning Pathfinder for something.
>Worse than 50 shades
Let's not go overboard here. It's bad, but nowhere near that bad.
Since I'm taking this seriously for some reason:
The first decision you'd have to make is whether or not the PCs are from Earth, or native Goreans.
If they're from Earth, most of their Earthly knowledge is useless on Gor. Additionally, they don't speak the language, understand Gor's customs, and have no caste or city. Worse, Goreans basically consider Earth people to be natural slaves, even the men, and only by adopting Gorean culture would a man be considered anything but a slave. Women have this even less easy, since to the Goreans, all women are slaves.
If the PCs are from Gor, they would have all the obvious advantages of that, and their caste would give them various knowledges that could be useful, but since this is Sword & Planet fiction, most PCs would probably be from the Warrior caste. Physicians might also be useful to play, but their technology and abilities are only vaguely described in the books, and on Gor disease is super rare, and people live a really damn long time thanks to the stabilization serums (medicine, being one of the few sciences not banned by the Priest Kings).
You'd have to consider that a person's home city is pretty important on Gor, so there's that too.
Finally, there's the monsters and other critters that exist on the planet. You'd need to stat out tharlarions, tarns, sleen, kaiila, and a few others. Tarns bring additional difficulty in that they're gigantic falcons that can be ridden, are incredibly vicious, and they trivialize distance and elevation.
You'd have to rip out literally everything that uses magic, and even a few classes that don't.
I don't think I can emulate Norman's prose without having a stroke first.
How fappable are the gor books?
If I'm Mdom how much will it pander to me?
Not very. Norman's prose (see: ) is not great, and the actual sex is generally glossed over in favor of him talking about Gorean views of male/female interaction. The worst part is that he'll spend PAGES on this, rather than saying "sex happened" and get to the more enjoyable Sword & Planet adventure stuff.
>Read houseplants of gor
Bendis? Did Bendis wrote Gor?
Houseplants of Gor is aping Norman's style for humor purposes, but there are sections of the Gor novels that read like that.
>Bendis the comic writer?
>Bendis the comic writer.
>The comic writer?
>That Bendis.
I know its aping on Norman's style but look at Brian Michael Bendis is a comic book writter known for his repetitive dialogue, so he was the first thing to come into my mind.
Gor is less magical realm and more /r9k/ ideal setting
I see that. I just didn't get the reference I suppose. I don't read a lot of comics.
Instead I read dumb, trashy, erotica novels.
Did you guys know there's people larping this in BDSM scene?
I know it had a massive Second Life following back in the day when I played it, but that's around 10 years ago now.
Second Life has an expansive Gor community and it's the dumbest shit you will ever experience on the internet .
An old friend once wandered into a Gorean RP area, and offered his services as a mercenary. Using a bow and arrow, he obliterated the opposing force(none of the Gorean players knew there was a first person view mode), bathed in the town's fountain, speculated on becoming a slave, given how good of a gig it seemed to be, and killed the villagers for not paying up. All while writing in a Cockney accent, using phonetic spelling.
My girlfriend loves those books and it shows through in every other D&D character she makes goddammit.
I think they're hokey as fuck and repetitive, but whatever floats her vagina.
That sounds hilarious
can you tell us any other of your friend's exploits?
How are your gf's characters like?
>How are your gf's characters like?
Slavery, sex, and sex slavery are all really common parts of her character backstories usually and she tippy-toes around her magical realm all the time with it. I actually don't mind that much, but it's so obviously the source of her fetishes that sometimes I have to remind myself that to some degree /that/ with me and her is a fun game for me but for her is a kind of foreplay almost half of the time.
Her current character is a tiefling rogue with a background as an exotic sex slave, but that's just one example.
Our bedroom games are quite pleasant but odd for a guy like myself who's only had fairly vanilla relationships; she always calls sex "rape" and is always begging "to be raped" and shit and going full BDSM and stuff, and has this costume that she SAYS is a belly dancer one but I KNOW she bought it thinking "slave girl".
Sounds like a keeper to me user.
>ITT user humblebrags about having the perfect girlfriend
Good for you, user. Hang onto that one.
What price do you ask for the purchase of your woman?
Do you even Catan?
I'm genuinely in love with her and not getting rid of her anytime, but her fetishes genuinely DO surprise and catch me off-guard; sometimes I wish she'd make a SLIGHTLY different character for other games, because we already have a pretty good sex life and I don't really feel the need to do the lonely nerd IE, "the Veeky Forums thing" and have my sex life bleed into every other hobby I have at all times.
I get the feeling she neither trusted her prior boyfriends enough to let them in on her fetishes nor were they accomidating of her sexual needs and so I'm the first she really was able to get into this stuff with.
She likes that awful 50 Shades book too.
She's not perfect and has many flaws. She's not a pornographic-bodied goddess or anything and while I love her and think she's beatiful she's not even close to the hottest woman I've ever met.
She isn't even the first BDSM fetish girl I've dated, she's just the only one who got it from a crappy fantasy novel series and uses it's ridiculous language in bed.
I'll take tree-fitty.
Sounds like you're a lucky man user.
Excellent. Half now, half upon delivery.
Have her delivered wearing the 'dancing girl' outfit.
>TFW you knew a girl like this in college.
>TFW she offered to be your fuck-buddy.
>TFW you were too much of an awkward, asocial coward to take advantage of it.
>TFW she's married now, and you can never go back and fix your mistakes.
Oh, sweet summer child, if you think that about the SL Gor community you should have seen the IRC Goreans. That alone should have gotten this rock ball Exterminatus-ed.
You should see all the shemale goreans on f-list with special snowflake backstories about why they're even better and more privileged than the men. I"ve counted at least five just clicking through random profiles.
F-list shemales do a lot of bizarre things but the goreans hit an impressive new low.
>you should have seen the IRC Goreans. That alone should have gotten this rock ball Exterminatus-ed.
It is known.
Christ, I hope not.
It is known.
guys, seriously, there is a real RPG being done by postmortem studios. It is using the d6 system.
here is the homepage link...
(I am not advocating this RPG in any way, I am just trying to be as factual as possible.
What happens with Gorean sex slaves when they get old and ugly?
iirc, medicine is strangely advanced on Gor and they have readily available anti-aging drugs.
And there are no ugly women on Gor, for whatever reason.
No, I don't know why either.
>And there are no ugly women on Gor, for whatever reason.
The local doctors use super-tech potions to retard the aging process, and the alien Priest-Kings only abduct the prettiest women and manliest men from the Earth to take part in their captive breeding experiment.
See, that's the real trick to life.
I was always awkward, always asocial, but I was NEVER a coward. I always figured doing the scary thing couldn't be any worse then worrying about it, so I'd be the first one in every time it came to trying shit out.
No fear, user.
Fear just holds you back.
That joke is older than Veeky Forums. Wish I had the original author's credit, all I have here is "Elle" from a university student's account back in the '90s
>I'm not advocating this RPG
Are you that terrified of the anti-sex white knights and fish faced dykes?
> Weep, Free Maiden. Remember your pride and weep.
> Remember your laughter and weep. Remember you were my enemy and weep.
> Now you are my helpless captive. Remember you stood against me.
> Now you lie at my feet.
> I have bound you with yellow cords. I have placed you on the scarlet rug.
> Thus by the laws of Tharna do I claim you.
> Remember you were free. Know now you are my slave.
> Weep, Slave Girl.
Jesus Christ. Someone feels threatened by girls.
>Fetish for domination equals threat
Found the Nu-Male
is that something from the books, or the SJW crowd?
if the former, I haven't ever read the books. I was once given the first 23 books by the people who ran the old 2nd hand book store, but never read them and tossed them out after a minor flood in my room.
if the latter, no, I was just reacting to all the vitriol from this thread.
>thinking you need an entire social structure giving you permission to non-consensually rape women instead of being able to find someone who will consent to dom/sub sex with you.
Yeah that's real assertive.
>not Gay Nazi Bikers from Gor
You had one job.
>biker mice from Gor
Saturday morning cartoons are getting weird.
Everyone who wants to argue about whether or not it's politically acceptable to like this, please fuck off to /pol/
There's a fucking reason that The Socially Conscious Lawyers of Gor was by far the worst seller in the series.
I do think that making your group play Gay BDSM Musclebuddies of Gor before letting them enjoy their fantasies of being musclebarbarians watering dainty Franzetta girls is just, though. But that idea is better in theory than practice. I mean, who would put themselves through that just to make a point about a setting being cringey?
God I am jealous.
I always think of the quote from Dune:
> “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
Countless, with and without Goreans. I once showed up with a group of friends as dark cenobite-type creatures, looking to buy a slave for torture and consumption... Another friend crashed his starfighter and asked the chieftain for plutonium.
In other realms, I've rp'd on an Event Horizon type ship as an old man who took a wrong turn in the retirement home and arrived there(the highlight was when a guy playing as a Beholder-ish demon was whispering to me, and I kept shouting "Eh?" He was a good sport). Also, role-playing with friends as potted ferns in a My Little Pony zone. "/me is a fern. The green fronds sway gently in the breeze."
Really, the Gor novels probably have more female readers than male.
Women want to be dominated and destroyed. Because to be owned is the ultimate displacement of responsibility.
>Women want to be dominated and destroyed.
keep telling yourself that, it's totally why you haven't gotten laid yet user, because you're not a Superior Alpha Stud™ like Chad Thundercock
But gor isn't really comparable to your averange erotic romance novel, is it?
Not going to sign on with your reasoning, but almost everyone I know who's into Gor is a girl. Maybe it's cultural; millennials seem more into femdom so maybe it's not true for them. Or maybe it really does tap into something primal.
What is 50 shades of grey faggot?
That's the thing. There are a few base imperitives that express in a number of positive and negative ways.
For men, it is nesting. (Fathering, building value, but also territoriality, and domination drives.)
For women, it is status seeking. Avoiding blame for negative acts, while also getting access to a high-status male's resources. As said, being the fuckpet of a Sultan or King gets you a cushy life with no responsibility.
In a similar way, rape fantasy allows a woman to feel both extremely attractive (he couldn't control himself at the sight of my beauty.) AND avoid all responsibility for the act of sex.
Of course, biology is an extremely fuzzy bellcurve, so there will be variations in strength of these drives between individuals, and between even phases of life. Up to and including the inversion of these drives.
IMO many (not all) women want a dominant man. Ideally one who is very dominant... but still gives them everything they want and doesn't make any major demands on them. They want dominance because it signals physical and social power.
It's not that they want to be pushed around. It's that they want a man strong enough that he could push people around if he wanted. So for some girls, pushing HER around tells her that he's a strong desirable man, and some girls fetishize that and carry it on into abusive behavior.
And, btw, some guys like domination and abuse as well. But while it's common around here on beta central aka Veeky Forums, it's not common. And more to the point, it isn't a majority preference among males OR females.
You're wildly exaggerating a normal human tendency among some people and generalizing it into an extreme version that supposedly describes everyone. And, btw, that's what Gor does, too. (SJW opponents of Gor do the same thing in a different direction, of course: that EVERYTHING is abuse and that abusiveness is a characteristic of EVERY male. Same exact thing, except Gor uses it in the privacy of their mom's basement for fapping and SJWs use it in the faculty lounge to wield the banhammer)
It depends, I guess. I've read a few romance novels out of curiosity, and they tend to focus more on the emotional side of the relationship than the physical. Gor is similar, since the actual sex act is typically a paragraph, and the rest is sometimes several pages of discussing how "helpless" a given slave is or the main character waxing poetic about Gor's philosophy regarding male/female relationships.
I can't say I've been titillated much by Gor, and the few times it seemed like it might get good, it invariably disappointed.
I do like some aspects of the setting, however, even if I'm not on board with the Gorean mindset.
There's downsides too.
Yeah, I honestly used to do that. Weirdly it actually helped me.
Actually she's a totally responsible human being; she pays her bills on time, cooks her own meals, works as much as I do, is financially independent, etc.
Bedroom stuff is for the bedroom, not for real life, obviously.
Hol up, a creepy old guy sat to write the ultimate male power fantasy and ended up writting it like a romance novel for women?
There is a joke buiried there somewhere
Well, he is a professor of philosophy...