We haz too many low iq /pol here. How do we kick them out?
they lower the iq standard in /biz
We haz too many low iq /pol here. How do we kick them out?
they lower the iq standard in /biz
You type like a fucking nigger.
> le butt is hurt?
>we haz
nigger faggot confirmed
Cucks out
>it's another OP thinks he's smarter than other people just because he doesn't browse a certain board that they do
this is how I know you'll never make it
If you had read any books you would know that political stance has hardly anything to do with IQ
stop the derailing threads faggot, go somewhere else like le Reddit if you cant handle it
> right wing and low iq goes hand in hand.
Get out, nigger.
Are you asking how to systematically remove a group you personally have an issue with?
If you're bothered by them you're leddit as hell or new to this site. They have been here you fucking dunce.
Veeky Forums is not just /pol/. It's a lot of boards coming together to make money. I've seen posters here from /v/ /jp/, /k/ and /r9k/ too
>when you read the thread and realize that op is oldfag triggering newfags who migrated from /pol/ after coming here for le drumpf
It's less that they're /pol/ and more that they're 16 and stupid tbqh.
Retard confirmed
posting these pics, anyone can shill their favorite loli/hebe and talk about real business while reddit normies are out and scared the site is run by the FBI and /pol/ gets the triggered the fuck out too. Win win situation. Dont forget this is a blue board too!
Comfy as fk with bzc
It's an illusion of beliefs on both sides. You're not any better than any right winger out there. You brain is tricking you into heavy confirmation bias.
By answering "k" you tried to assert to yourself a sense of superiority, which in reality is fleeting. But in your mind you want to be right. That is being a human, as faulty as it is.
Normies are literally going out of their ways to buy this shit. Get rekt, BZC is the only one they'll buy for fun.
You'll just attract the /tv/ fags
Fucking coon. Activate your autocorrect and stop writing like a moron. You can go back to worldstarhiphop HipHop, or wherever you came from, and refreshing blockfolio from your budget Android Metro PCS phone if you can't handle different views and opinions like a man and have to be protected by censorship. Coon.
The left CAN NOT meme
>plebbit, the post
Gtfo you niggerfaggot.
Except you didn't say 'please go' you said 'how do we kick them out.'
Just go back to Africa.