"For a child to become one of the Legio Custodes...

>these marines are like SUPER marines guys they're sooooo cool
>Eldar laughing in distance

>all that effort and they still get slaughtered in the dozens by a bunch of elf clowns

Said elf clowns also got slaughtered by a small Deathwatch Hill-Team

The Fluff Moves


Too late. It was a Hill-team. GW have ran with your idea and are even now producing figures of the elite Hill-team.

I hope you are happy with yourself

this is like the third time i've seen someone call RT space marines space cops. are you the same guy that just goes around cop-posting?

>The infamous duo, Hank Hill and Bobby Hill form Hill Team.

Fags with 0 combat xp

And if you are so old say something about this fucked up imperium

>The hill team

Watch out for that old arch militant , he killed fiddy orks

>Zero combat xp

I mean, if fighting each other and, very occasionally, the Assassinorum in things like the Blood Games don't count as xp, sure. They still rip Marines to pieces pretty easily, though.

>Say something about this fucked up Imperium

Like what? The Imperium has always done what it had to do in order to survive, it's by no means a perfect system but nobody until now had the ability to change it without resulting in Humanity falling. If the Imperial Creed or Inquisition didn't exist, everyone would be Chaos's plaything right now, for example.