IRL chaotic evil ITT
IRL chaotic evil ITT
>Chaotic Evil
>Not Lawful Good
That's Chaotic Neutral though.
He's chaotic good
Please don't bait, it reduces post quality
Wow, /pol/ AND demonstrating a weak grasp of the alignment table.
That's pretty embarrassing.
Trump is Neutral Retard being advised by Lawful Evil and Chaotic Evil
Trump is Lawful Good though
Chaotic Neural at worse you commie faggot.
I bet you're a fucking elf too.
Well, he's president and you're a faggot wasting his Saturday night on a board for Yu-Gi-Oh, so......
Is this a bait thread now?
>bait: the thread
Well I'll bite. Personally, I think Trump is neither malicious nor incompetent, just wrong. Of course, I voted for Ron Paul last election, so I think most politicians are just wrong (pretty sure Clinton's malicious, but she's abnormal on a lot of levels). And frankly I'd peg him as a Lawful alignment when it comes to politics. He might be pretty random at times, but his entire shtick has been that he'll be a law-and-order president.
Trump legitimately cares about his citizens, and wants to make life better for them. While he isn't good, as he doesn't care about the lives of America's enemies or ametican criminals, he still doesn't believe in needless killing, so he isn't evil.
I'd say Trump is chaotic neutral. Anyone who thinks he is Evil should back up their arguments.
While Trump is a law and order president, he has shown his contempt for the current system. He believes in doing what he thinks is right more than what society thinks is right.
But is it not a paladin's duty to remake the laws so that they are just?
Society, being your close group of friends and colegues who all happen to be center-left, live in cities, and probably aren't that poor either?
I'm poor and right wing
What now?
He's chaotic neutral at worst.
Do you live in a city?
I don't think Trump is evil, but American religious fundamentalists like Pence are LE due to their desire for control over all aspects of others' lives and imposing their dogmatic values. See Dominionism.
Someone like Bannon is CE. Interviews with the man have shown a desire to spark a grand "clash of civilizations" between western civ and islamic civ. "Some just want to watch the world burn" and all that.
Why is this thread filled with Alt-Right /pol/tards?
You have an entire board to post politics on, why can't you just fucking leave us to our weird dice and overpriced plastic man?
You seem upset. Did your daddy fuck you?
Did you love it, Le'monjello?
Either way, a huge chunk of the population disagree with him, whether they are right or not.
So if he's Chaotic Evil, what would an Alt-Left SJW President be?
They do, however, agree with what he's doing.
Well there you go, then.
>alt right
>this thread
Because this isn't your personal safe space and you're triggered by people having different opinions than you.
Lawful Evil.
LE that views itself as CG
I'm honestly poor because I made poor life decisions that I'm trying to unfuck and didn't work harder not because some le oppressive system is keeping me down xD like Mr Sanders says
The large left population disagree with what he is doing, are you retarded? When was the last time you heard a Clinton voter say "Trump is doing a good job"?
Both sides hate the shit out of each other. The Left hates the right and the right despises the left. And neither side will ever compromise or try to find common ground.
What is the endgame for polarization? What's the furthest this hate of the left for the right and vice versa will go to?
Why are you filled with the semen of immigrants and terrorists?
It will eventually be reduced by an event of national unity, as it always will.
And yet...
Literal Incarnation of Lawful Good
"Why is this bait thread full of fish"
Those are still huge chunks of the population. While the majority may agree with him, many do not. The slightly larger majority do not rule the society, and do not represent it's views as a whole.
The internet has done a phenomenal job of getting people interested in politics and, more importantly, aware of and interested in fringe political views. The Left-Right divide of the past is dead. As time goes on, people are more and more going to hold political views that are considered today to be esoteric. It's gonna be minarchists and paleocons and neomarxist and anarchists in the future.
It's gonna be exiting.
>While the majority may agree with him, many do not
>the majority may agree with him
Go live in Saudi Arabia if you want autocracy, you fucking reprobate.
He's Chaotic Good.
That's not what I'm advocating for at all. I am saying that the slight majority do not represent the entire view.
want chaotic evil?
>he slight majority do not represent the entire view
Except they do. That's what a Democracy is.
well trump is hardly a died in the wool right-winger, but rather than being a celebrated centrist, so far all that's gained him is the unending enmity of the traditional conservatives, while the left still paint him out as der fuhrer
Democracy is not an inherent part of the Alignment system. An act is not just because it is popular, and an act is not lawful because 48-55% of the population agree with it.
I know, Trump's interesting like that. It seems that, most days, he has as many left and right supporters as he has detractors.
Populism is an inherently good act. To work for the betterment of a group, especially a group that you are not part of (Trump and poor working-class Americans), is the very embodiment of what it means to be good.
They need to stop calling everyone they dislike Hitler. It's really (for lack of a less Reddit-y term) cringey. I remember when they denounced Mitt fucking Romney as being a Nazi. It's just lame. Just call him incompetent or stupid but when someone calls him Hitler or a Neo-Fascist I instantly tune out.
>implyificating that Donald Duck doesn't spend his Saturday nights shitposting
And who are you to decide what is good and what is just? You who sit upon your chair with which you can rest your arms upon and think yourself the arbiter of truth. Nay, I say, nay. There is no good, no justice, in Democracy. It is the destiny of people who think they are equal to be taken advantage of by those who would see themselves raised above them.
Indeed, we are all but sheep, pretending to be wolves, baaing where we could bark.
>his entire shtick has been that he'll be a law-and-order president.
Actions speak louder than words. And if this were CK2 he would have the trait Arbitrary by now, since he... arbitrarily signs anything that is put in front of him.
>status is earned in modern capitalism
When has "lawful" meant "popular"? Also, you do realize you're chucking all the people who didn't feel strongly either way in with the disapproving people. It's not a 50-50 split. People who disagree with the policies are not all the people who didn't agree with them. There are people who are indifferent to a subject.
Also, by that logic nothing is lawful. When have you had people massively agree on one thing? Even the Moon missions in the 60's and 70's barely broke 50% approval from the general public. And that's hailed as one of those "moments when America came together."
Of course it is, but attacking terrorists while killing civilians, whether good in the real world or not, is Evil in the alignment system. Trump cannot be Good while civilians die in military operations.
if he'd just paid for some damn ads he wouldn't have the media writing up hit pieces 24/7
the lefts' obsession with identity politics was the biggest driver of the wedge. suddenly having a different opinion made you a Baddie. the democrats have distanced themselves from the worst of it but the damage was done. you'd be absolutely right to say that the "nazi" slinging cost them the election
>The anti-war left takes it's head out of the sand
I agree with you. Agreeing with you wouldn't leave such a sour taste in my mouth, however, had I seen hide nor hair of you in the past decade.
People who are neutral with respect to good and evil have compunctions against killing the innocent but lack the commitment to make sacrifices to protect or help others. Neutral people are committed to others by personal relationships.
Do remember we are discussing the alignment system, not real world morality. I'm generally a pretty prowar guy, I think we should beat the shit out of the Caliphate, but that is not how objective good and evil works in dungeons and dragons.
"Nits make lice" -Gary Gygax
theyre still dusting off all that anti-bush, anti-war apparatus that got mothballed during the "our guy's in charge" years.
This is why you're not a billionaire. Why pay anyone when you can convince them to do it for free?
So what does that make the CIA, msm and pretty much every other politician then?
Then why the fuck are we discussing politicians? Democratic governments are a-moral entities. It's the constituents who are moral entities.
Most civilians are not in fact potential terrorists. While they shouldn't be entering the country, it cannot be considered a Good act to kill them.
Lawful Evil, who believe they are doing the right thing, like most people.
i can see your point, and yes he certainly got more free press than he could ever pay for, but i feel like it's gotten a bit out of hand.
If resurrection spells/potions are a thing, just nuke the place, sort out the bodies and resurrect the ones who din du nuffin.
I'd put him at LN, occasionally leaning towards N.
His goals aren't so much good or evil as they are orderly, but every so often it seems like he doesn't know what he wants to do.
Which, of course, is more than I can say for myself as I almost never have any idea what it is I want to do.
>kill 'em all, let Sense Alignment/Mass Resurrection sort 'em out
doesnt quite have the same ring to it desu senpai
Not how it works in real life, unfortunately. This is the problem of applying an objective fantasy morality system to real life.
Kill this thread and kill everyone in it.
Including you?
Rolled 14 (1d20)
rolling for it
I'll apply my RPG morality system to anything I like, whether it's politics, video games, anime, or books, and there is nothing you can do to tell me it isn't Veeky Forums!
Close but no cigar