Noot Noot Squid Edition

Mk3 list


Warmachine/Hordes Books, No Quarter, & IKRPG
textuploader com / da46m
PP Youtube (gameplay tutorials, tournament coverage, and announcements)

Latest Errata (the actual January one):

Theme Forces: Forces.pdf

Steamroller Rules

The Giant List of Podcasts and Blogs

Table of contents for all NQ issues

Lexicanum Iron Kingdoms Fluff wiki:


Warmachine/Hordes Army Creator (WHAC) .apk
>WTC List Statistics
>WTC Objectives Statistics
>WTC Lists

>Mk3 Trollbloods Command
>Mk3 Protectorate Command
>Mk3 Circle Orboros Command
>Mk3 Cygnar Command
>Mk3 Legion of Everblight Command

Other urls found in this thread:

You realize you put the name of the thread in the wrong spot right?

Why do people play this game when steampunk is objectively the worst aesthetic?

Because it's not really steampunk. It's more like coalpunk. And that's only Warmachine and only two factions.

Because I play Hordes so I can kick the shit outta people with gigantic trolls

My bad.

Steam boilers used to use coal as a fuel source, and in some cases in modern society it is used when natural gas or oil are in low access.

>using steam boilers in ^4577
My warjacks have forcefields and draw their fuel from the underlying fabric of reality, I fail to see the problem.

> I fail to see the problem.

Mat 6

Actually, why DOES Cygnar use coal still when they have so much control over electricity?

The storm chamber is still in experimental phase, Thunderhead was the prototype and it doesn't use steam at all. Dynamo and Hurricane perfected it and they have started mass producing Reliant which doesn't have a steam boiler either. They will most likely be phasing out steam jacks gradually when the costs of electro tech go down.

Man, I would love it if the Protectorate could refine Menoth's fury and discover internal combustion engines.

Solution: Poison Caen and start again

>implying Menoth has the power to start again


Does seeing this rustle you, wallfucker?

Because it's steam fantasy you pleb.

I mean, they already kinda get a greaser aesthetic with their colossal and its fuckhuge pipe-stack off the back. Also, What which Jack chassis in each faction would be most like an Iconic WW2 tank? For example;

>Kodiak is a T-34 fight me.

I have 20 Mechanithralls and 2 Necrosurgeon+Stitch Thralls. What should i look to in models to make this better? Unless im able to pick one up cheap secondhand im not really interested in the colossal. Are brute thralls worth it?


Is conflict user here? I want to report some bugs but don't have social media.

- Old Witch1 can't take warcaster attachments
- Old Witch2 can't take theme forces

There're major differences between Battlegroup Mk2 and MK3 in terms of mini's sculpts?

New battleboxes are colored plastic but same sculpts.

No. The material color is different but that's it.

Tank You. I found some Mk2 boxes at 50%: time to buy them (trollbloods and skorne)

Just beware that they will not have Mk3 rules.

Can someone explain to me how Deviation works please? I think I played it wrong all this time.

How I played it: Always deviate 1d6 on a miss

But apparently there is halved deviation? How does that work?

The way you calculated the distance is correct. A ranged attack can just never deviate farther than half the distance between the point of origin and the target.

Deviation has a max range of half the distance between the origin and the target.

So if you're spiking a grenade on someone's face from an inch away it can only deviate a half inch, rather than suddenly flying five inches behind you somehow.

So if a model with a 4" AOE shoots a model 4" away, it could not deviate further than 2"?

Yes, but the size of the AOE doesn't actually matter.

Oh yeah, no idea why I wrote that. Thank you, user(s).

It's 19th century European wars with robots.

Brute thralls is the only thing that makes mcthralls worth taking. They hit really hard.

So, rate my list meme?
Jaws of the Wolf theme
-War Dog
-Kodiak X2
-Grolar X2
Greylord Forge Seer X2
Widowmaker Marksman

hows that a meme list?


The meme is asking Veeky Forums to rate something.
What is wrong with grolars?

The Reliant has a steam boiler and runs on coal,

good bait bro.

Honestly there is steam power, but a lot of the usual stuff found in steam punk like airships is absent aside from like a couple of instances, it is more like WW1 with steam instead of diesel with lots of other things.

Why am I doing this to myself? Why is playing Old Witch is nothing but miserable?

>Old witch 2 got nerfed to shit
Shhh shhh.
Hug me user, someday babushka will be good.

Which warcaster do you think will end up with four versions of them after goreshade?

Personally I think they are going to do Stryker 4

We will stand this trough, comrade. mk4 will help.

>MK4 releases
>Removed: Old witch 1 through 6

Butcher 4 "I fucking lover murder"

Vlad 4, Emperor. In gold armor and with flame sword...


Comes as a unit with three angry battle engines.

He is driving one of them while his dogs drive the other two.

>a lot of the usual stuff found in steam punk like airships is absent
Or everything that falls under the "punk" suffix like the social consequences of technological advances or the fucking tone.


btw, anyone have some lore on this guy?

According to Wrath, he's basically just a pervert who likes to jack it while walking all over corpse-filled battlefields.

Has Ragman actually done anything significant to the story (yet)?

someone last thread was talking about how the factions where dividing into two seperate factions story wise, what will this mean? Will we have 12 factions instead of 6, or will you be unable to field certain warcasters/units together when playing as a faction? Or will it just fall under themes?

>someone last thread was talking about how the factions where dividing into two seperate factions story wise, what will this mean?

That person was full of shit.

So like, what do you guys consider when making a list? At present my method of thinking is that I want to be able to kill heavies, and I want to be able to kill infantry. But this feels too limited. Today I played Makeda3 against Witch Coven, and though I lost through a lucky assassination, my opponent admitted that he didn't have a clue how to tackle my list and didn't feel like he could win a conventional game against me. Here's the list.

>(Makeda 3) Makeda & the Exalted Court [+24]
- the Exalted Court
- Archidon [10]
- Basilisk Krea [7]
- Cyclops Brute [8]
- Molik Karn [19]
Extoller Soulward [3]
Feralgeist [2]
Gremlin Swarm [3]
Mortitheurge Willbreaker [4]
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor [5]
Paingiver Bloodrunner Master Tormentor [4]
Paingiver Bloodrunner Master Tormentor [4]
Saxon Orrik [4]
Paingiver Beast Handlers (max) [7]
Praetorian Karax (max) [11]
Swamp Gobbers Bellows Crew [2]
Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer [6]

Instead of trying to build a combined arms list, this is basically Makeda and Karn Get Shit Done: the List. Everything else protects them. Is this a viable way to build a list? Did I get lucky?

I think you misunderstood. That person was talking about how all of the factions have casters that go against the established themes of the factions personality-wise (so bros like Durst in Protectorate which is by-and-large a collection of unpleasant people warcaster-wise, etc.). There wasn't any talk of all the factions splitting.

fair enough

Each faction has a couple of guys who are doing their own thing that's kind of contrary to their faction's typical goals, but they're not split ruleswise outside of 4shade.

You could technically argue that the theme lists are being used as attempts to section off the factions into distinct subfactions with free models as an incentive. I assume this is their attempt to deal with model bloat while still having something to sell, and it also lets them soft ban models like the Hellmouth.

For some reason I remember a preview of models for the Crucible guards as mercs, they wore black armor with yellow tunics under their breastplates, they had a sort of spanish look to their armor.

I have no idea if that was a fake model or just a unit that never came to be,

Holy solos Batman.

I just want Magnus3, aka Major Magnus as a Cygnar unit. I dont want him to be a cavalry unit though, keep up his infantry cred and all.

So, finished Ragman. The Old Witch list from earlier is about to hit the table.

Does anyone know when the IKRPG book for rhul, Ios, and Cryx is coming out?

IKRPG is dead.
>tfw never will find a group


Anyone have a link to the newest NQ?

I don't know about Skorne, but from my experience of playing Butcher 3 you need a bigger battlegroup.
No big battlegroup = opponent doesn't commit his hard hitters and just shoots away everything and wins mission.

Wait, what happened to OW2?

Vlad almost certainly will, he and Sorscha are pretty much the main characters of Khador.

Stryker and, unfortunately, Haley probably will as well. It should be interesting to see how Haley can possibly go higher than time-bifurcating demigoddess.

I'm willing to bet there'll be a fourth Kreoss when Severius finally gets too old and dead to lead the Protectorate, and he has to step up to stop Feora from grabbing power and driving the entire nation into the ground.

I honestly would love it if my opponents would field a fuckton of infantry against me. All Karn and Makeda need is one model to springboard off, and the entire gunline dies. You underestimate the Krea.

The feat no longer gives her boosted magic attacks, Divination is now re-rolls instead of future sight and the crow gun has to hit directly in order to inflict blind.

On the plus side, she has RAT 6 now. Yay.

Not really care: i don't intend to play with them(except as proxies)

are you saying that cause you cant find a group or because there is an offcial source saying it is dead?

Fixed, thanks for the report.

No, no. I have to thank you, for the diligent work.

since the precursser knight officer lost heal, are they planning to do a cleric unit with heal? I know healing in the iron kingdoms is fairly hard to do, but that was one of the main morrow things with their battle chaplains,

>Has Ragman actually done anything significant to the story (yet)?

No. He's one of these Mercenary characters who exists purely as a gaming piece. His only purpose is providing ARM debuffs to factions which otherwise lack them.

The majority of the named characters that are not warcasters tend not to have much story impact besides existing, even some of the warcasters are subject to this.

Kraye, Darius, Sloan, etc.

Sloan I think has shown up in the main mk2 cygnar book along with a couple of the expansion books from her persepctive, would not really put her on that list. Darius though is typically in the capital working on stuff and is never mentioned.


>No story impact
>Strapped to a shitty light beast that no one would take given the choice
>Fighting Saeryn for position of shittiest warlock in the faction

Only thing thing she has going is the swappable chestpiece is a cool gimmick.

Hey, at least Sloan's got a boyfriend.

Kraye has a horse which is almost the same thing.

Bethayne truly has nothing. She's the forgotten warlock. Epic Bethayne: never, much like Epic Garryth.

Does anyone have that one image of Karchev from his pre-manjack days? The one where he's very clearly casting Ground Zero and absolutely vaporizing everyone nearby?

Has Dartan Vilmon done anything after he went into sorta seclusion in Sul?

I don't think so.

He had a big part in the battle of Caspia, though, which is way more than most solos will ever get. Even Eiryss, despite being literally the most played model in the game for years, didn't get as much story relevance as him.

Sloan featured quite heavily during a few of the Mk2 books, IIRC. I mean she's no Haley, Stryker, or Nemo, but she did get some attention and got to shoot at Skarre once or twice.

I got you senpai.

Did haleys death happen in a book or NQ? IF so which one?

>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.

You da man, user.

would make a good desktop image

who is this?

>Does anyone have that one image of Karchev from his pre-manjack days?

I got out of the game mid MK2 and haven't looked back until now. so be honest, am I missing anything?

You're missing essentially the same game as MKII, but with more polish.

The factions have been brought closer together in terms of balance and a greater variety of lists are viable (for one, it's actually possible to run warjack-focused lists now), but the game is essentially the same. If you didn't like the core mechanics then you won't like them now.

Well infantry has sort of gotten worse, and it is usually better to take more jacks

There's no sort-of about it. Infantry is, for the most part, trivially easy to get rid of and often struggles to kill anything except other infantry. There's some value in taking a couple of cheap units to act as a screen or temporary roadblock but don't expect them to get much work done.

There is honestly even a faction that suffers from this, convergence has basically no story impact aside from being bandits.

Anyone have a consolidated list of Adepticon results?

I hear Legion won a couple of events and Cygnar didn't dominate.

I'm trying to decide if I should bother painting my second unit of Storm Lances, or if they're going to get maddogged soon

I don't think this is true.

The most complained about thing in the meta right now is Storm Lances -- if, at least, you allow "infantry" to mean "warrior models", as it feels weird to call cavalry models "infantry", but still.

*Most* infantry is bad -- it seems that infantry has to be able to threaten a heavy and pack some resistance to shooting to be viable -- but that still leaves a lot of playable infantry on the board.

The game just isn't dominated by moar banez like it was for most of Mk3, so, yeah, there's a lot less. But every faction has warrior models in units it likes to see on the table.

tl;dr - There's a lot of infantry that's not "trivially easy to get rid of", and those units are often quite good.

>The game just isn't dominated by moar banez like it was for most of Mk3


JVM (Legion) won, Watts (CoC) got second, etc. Here's the standings.