Why haven't lego made an official wargame? It would sell well, and probably be pretty fun too

Why haven't lego made an official wargame? It would sell well, and probably be pretty fun too.

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>Why haven't lego made an official wargame?
Too niche market for the, why would they care?

LEGO has always had a very anti-war stance. There are some really fun unofficial LEGO wargames out there, though.

Mobile Frame Zero (mobileframezero.com/mfz/) is a game based around fighting with small units of badass LEGO mecha. I haven't personally played it but I've heard good things about it from those that have.

Brikwars (brikwars.com/) is a more 40k-esque LEGO wargame that lets you play pretty much any figs, vehicles, or creatures you have. It's got a pretty stereotypical setting in which all minifigs live to die gloriously for their dark gods. The game encourages people to go for badassery and cool maneuvers over more cowardly, "tactical" gameplay. I've played this extensively and it's a lot of fun.

Because the last thing that Lego is about is the structure that comes with a ruled game. Even their soccer sets were free form.

>It would sell well

Not better than their current business model you dumb faggot

I swear why is Veeky Forums literally the stupidest armchair businessmen

Because all they do is buy shit.

though they've shown they're not opposed to fantasy/sci-fi war with their Star Wars and Kingdoms/Castles sets, so it's really not out of the question for them to do
if that were the case, they wouldn't even include instructions on how to build a set, they'd just sell the regular old plastic building blocks, plus there's already a precedent for games with rules from their board game sets, the Ninjago top things, and a very lazy bionicle combat system.
maybe, but imagine the selling power from the combined autism of lego and wargames, a wargame with lego-level exposure could be hugely successful

They poked at the board game market, borrowing other IPs for their launch line. Disappointing sales put a stop to widespread sales it but I hear rumors they haven't officially pulled the sets yet.

Isn't there already a mecha tabletop based around Legos?

Also, Lego is extremely anti-gun.

>Isn't there already a mecha tabletop based around Legos?
That would be Mobile Frame Zero. It looks like a decent amount of fun if you can get enough people together to duke it out with.

He means it'd be a fucking awesome platform for a wargame.

>could be hugely successful
Nope wargame nich itself are too small for Lego, it's like if X-wing was produced not by FFG, but Disney directly.

Was gonna be really pissed if no one had mentioned MFZ, thanks guys.

Lets not also forget that lego DID have Lego Racers(tm) boardgame with dice and panels to move your player on. Shit fascinated me as a child.

Jesus, got any more photos of this? I need closeups of those marines, I gotta know how they made those.

Having played some MF0, I can confirm it's a fun game. Pretty-well balanced, simple, and breaking off bricks from walls or mecha is part of the fun.

Brikwars, on the other hand, doesn't take itself seriously enough for my tastes. It's incredibly in-your-face with the "LOL WHY WOULD YOU CARE ABOUT THE RULES ONLY FAGGOTS CARE ABOUT THEM JUST IGNORE THEM" message throughout the book. It sounds like a fun excuse to break out your old lego collection once, but not like a fun wargame to play often.

Brikwars is actually a pretty solid ruleset if you ignore most of the obnoxious fluff.

Mfz has a module called intercept orbit. Basically BFG or Armada. I'm pretty deep into that.

Now this is exactly the sort of game I've been looking for. Thanks for bringing this up, I had no idea it existed.

MF0 to me always seemed like a refinement of X-Pod playoff. The way the figures are micro-scale, how damage works, and how objectives work, it felt like something Lego would make because it was grounded on an official work.

Brikwars is pretty lol-randomy, which I would say it kind of has to be in order to process having Cloudcukooland fight against Exo Force, but its setting is basically an extension of Lego Quest so you almost never see anything actually that outlandish that would justify making the rules so flexible, though one useful thing about its rules is that they can be applied to non-combat situations such as playing for a concert or playing football. It's still the best ruleset for full-scale minis, as it gives some way for asymmetrical combat in a way that isn't a spearman vs. tank situation where a cultist with a club might get lucky and down a space marine.

>tfw no friends to play this with


And X-Pod playoff itself. Yes, it did exist, and it was pretty fun, but they stopped making rules for new pods.

Same here. I run it solo

>I run it solo

Somehow more depressing than not playing it at all.

Dude if you've got 2 fleets surely there's got to be someone at your LGS who is willing to play it with you?

Is it? Mfw..

2 fleets? I have 4. Like i said, in deep. Problem is I'm a dad of 2 and there is no lgs other then a games workshop within 45 minutes

>not forcing your kids to play

Only advantage of being a dad desu

shame Intercept Orbit is basically MIA in a proper completed form, especially if you want a physical copy, this reminds me that I need to contact the author and find out what the hell happened to it(and whether or not he has any plans to continue with any of the future expansions he'd discussed before)

Lego is not a war toy, that's why.

What's wrong with just making the biggest, most absurd vehicle you can, improvising what looks like guns, and going 'pew pew pew'?

>Implying the rebellious little shits will ever willingly like what you like.

>Too niche market for the, why would they care?
They could CREATE the market by taking advantage of their loyal, young, impressionable and already autistic consumer base. The game could be relatively simple, decreasing the cost of balancing a more complex game.

>They could CREATE the market by taking advantage of their loyal, young, impressionable and already autistic consumer base.
May be they just don't want to start war with GW for it?

What stops me from annihilating everyone though?

>Nope wargame nich itself are too small for Lego, it's like if X-wing was produced not by FFG, but Disney directly.
That's a pretty good argument for a Lego wargame.

Take their XBox, Dad. Force them to have fun.

>May be they just don't want to start war with GW for it?
Why the fuck not? It's not like a somewhat obscure doll company is as big as LEGO.

In an ideal situation everyone has armies of roughly equal power.

If you're showing up to the table with a giant mech loaded from head to toe with laser cannons, your opponent probably has something similarly powerful.

Fuck dude, I should be writing an essay right now, not digging through my lego collection to build a fleet of micro spaceships that I won't even get to use.

Are there any guides on how to build cool ships somewhere?