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Tell me Jumpers.
Have you ever written, made art, or made CP purchases involving things that you later feel extraordinarily ashamed of?
I am literally going into the trash after I finish this writefaggotry.
Magicrystal Card 50 (One Free to Treasure Hunters)
On the Yulan continent this card represents one thing, serious dosh. A small golden card keyed to the fingerprints of it’s user meaning it cannot be stolen even if the user is killed. By tapping the card the user can either withdraw or deposit money onto the card. It contains one hundred thousand golden coins, an average person would have to work for five thousand to raise this kind of sum. Generally this would be enough to buy exceptionally rare materials, create a large business, or keep a clan afloat for generations. For cultivators and amongst high society this would be a fairly large sum yet nothing unheard of amongst the peasantry of the Yulan continent this is loadsamoney.
Are you sure? I know it protects against Doom but that is a status effect that kills you if you don't clear it. Now that I am thinking of it I do remember there being an instant death effect usable by the Alchemist job but did Ribbon protect against that?
You know what you did.
Serious answer, a few perks that I find hard to spin as 'useful purchases'.
You know I'm too stupid to feel shame.
Does it count if we wrote the perk?
Jump #281: Kamen Rider Heisei, Part 6
>Seven of Swords (Futility), reversed: Being caught in the middle of a desperate act of cunning or outright deception.
>Age: 56
I am pretty certain that I am officially getting too old for this shit.
>Location: Tokyo, 2006
>Identity: Drop-In
>Drawbacks: Kamen Rider...? (0), Worm Food (+200), God Speed, Jumper (+300)
I considered Too Slow but... to be completely honest, that would practically be suicide here. Instead, I ended up on a much more bleak version of the planet. With worms gunning for me and wanting to eat my face, no less. Fixing this will be... interesting.
>Grandmother Once Said... (Free, Drop-In)
Grandmother once said a lot of things. She has had a very long life.
>The Jumper Who Rules Everything (1300, Drop-In)
Smug: The Perk. Also tactical abilities, willpower, and knowing where your limits lie. Because if you know where they lay, you can better surpass them.
>The Path of Heaven (1000, Drop-In)
Huh. I'm the main character now? Well, I suppose this is important considering the world I ended up in. I wonder what effect this will have in future jumps... if I go to Marvel and DC, will I get my own title?
>Here I Am (700, Non-Native)
Rock you like a hurricane. More additions to my belt of awesomeness! And superior to the speed belt because it actually WORKS after my time here ends. Clocking up with four duplicates of myself all shooting cruise missiles at hilariously high speed should be fun.
>Lord of the Speed (200)
It's not enough to clock up. I've gotta go fast. Tricky to go back and change anything in the past, but there WILL be times where this is useful.
I'm going to go to DC. And when the Flash decides to go back in time to fix what went wrong, yet AGAIN, I'm going to clothesline him, clock up, and beat him about the head and neck with copies of New 52 while screaming "DO NOT SCREW WITH TIME."
Noblesse. A weaboo setting, clearly. A query: How severe is the escalation?
I have a tab in a Cherrytree Document dedicated purely to my Wardrobe, and the Diaper from Yoshi's Island is still in there.
>A Monk's Robes (Free, Drop-In)
Not sure that I'll need them, but... okay?
>Movie Theater (0, Drop-In)
Admittedly an indulgence for me, but I'm confident that I've had enough interesting things happen over the course of my travels that there's material enough for a couple of movies or serials.
So I definitely ended up in a crapsack world. And of course my first instinct was to try and go back in time with my shiny new ability to fix it, and fail. So, the first thing to do is to deal with the worms; the world has gone quite thoroughly to hell, so I'm going to make sure I can do everything in my power to fix it. Step one: create AI-powered riders based on the G4 armor, and upgrade them with the ability to clock up. Step two: look for any and all possible allies so that work can be coordinated and as many people as possible can be helped. Current riders, past riders, anyone who can step up and become a rider. Step three: work on trying to fix the planet so that humanity won't go extinct.
ZECT is ineffectual (and what follows later is not too much a surprise), and my Rider Army is far better. Kamen Riders leading squads of Kamenbots, using everything at my disposal to find all of the worms I can. I'll even give them a reasonable offer - surrender and live in exile on a nice island in the dried-up Pacific made just for them, or don't surrender and get Rider Kicked into oblivion. Things went better than expected. Which was surprising for many reasons. And when I became privvy to the real story, well... let's just say it wasn't very pretty for ZECT. Their troopers scattered. Some even joined us. After all, the Riders weren't just running around giving out rider kicks for justice, they were helping rebuild a broken world, too.
Well... Carry on then you crazy diamond.
>Does it count if we wrote the perk?
yeah no, your shame is clear as day.
Punch Dr. Manhattan in the dick while you're at it.
Through time and research into why I couldn't travel back in time when all other things say that I ought to be able to, I eventually was able to get the full story out of someone I could have sworn I'd seen many times over the years but never really gave too much thought to. It was a bit amusing, actually. Standing on a barren coastline with a ZECTrooper-turned-rider, finishing up a nicely dressed-up ritual spell that I'd started an hour prior.
"Jumper-Level Shenanigans: Refilling Ocean Technique!"
>"You just completely made that up on the spot didn't you."
>"--wait, what the hell?"
"Just because I made it up on the spot doesn't mean I can't do it, you know."
>"... but... I... you... what the HELL."
"Magic! Ain't gotta explain shit~. Although I will if you ask nicely actually, I don't want to come off like a jerk or something."
After that... well, what needed to be done was already halfway done, quite honestly. The two of us had a long talk about worlds and responsibility that we were both on the same page with, I explained to him the journey that I was on and gave him something for his own travels, and with his help went back to avert the timeline I'd arrived in. Never mind that the other universe is actually still THERE, I just wasn't in that timeline anymore. But on the plus side, it had an army of Kamen Riders working to better it. I am not so self-absorbed that I would think it could not recover without me, though I left them some quick terraforming instructions to put things back to as close as it had been.
I'm pretty sure it does. It's been a long time since I've played it, but looking over the wiki implies that it does.
If you don't want to risk it you could check out a perk in Etrian Odyssey that also prevents instadeath and the like.
It sets you to 1hp if you get hit though which isn't great.
I think it's actually koreaboo.
I took the perk from Paper Mario that lets me unfold into higher dimensions specifically to be certain that I could do that.
Dr. Manhattan is on my list of people to nut-punch right after Mister Mxyzptlk.
I want to assume that's a parody, if only because there aren't enough seafood references.
Of course.
What? You want me to tell you what they were?
I've made it very clear my Google Docs drive is to be burned to the ground in the case of my untimely demise.
It's gookshit, not weaboo, slightly different.
So is that a modifier on the Escalation Scale?
Jump #283: Kamen Rider Neo-Heisei, Part 1
>Seven of Wands (Valor), reversed: Quarrels, perplexity, and indecision at a crucial moment.
Actually that's mostly just the landlady. She's nice, when she isn't deadly. Seriously, she can wield a slipper that would kill a lesser man!!
>Location: Japan, 2007
>Identity: Drop-In
>Drawbacks: Begins Night (0), Let's Go Kamen Riders (0), WISP Brigade: Laser (+100), Pay The Piper (+200)
I told you about that landlady. It's all about keeping her happy. This... is actually an entertaining challenge, though an irritating one at times when I NEED something from the warehouse RIGHT NOW. Like when the laser guy is trying to chase me down and murder me. AGAIN.
>I've Covered Wars, You Know? (Free, Drop-In)
Also caused wars. The less said about that, the better.
>Working In The Shadows (Free, Drop-In)
Sometimes it's necessary to take action in the dark before it's brought into the light.
>Select, Collect, Show Me Your Best Set (1100, Drop-In)
I REALLY wish I had this perk earlier. Oh well, it'll serve me very well here and later - the more of a set I have, the easier it is to get the rest. Hm, wonder if this applies to dragon balls?
>Plug N' Play (800, Drop-In)
Well... this won't really be a thing that so much matters to me here at the moment, but being able to change out one type of power source for another - as long as it obeys the broadest definition of power - will prove incredibly useful. Heck, it might even stack with Universal Adaptor and make it reasonably efficient instead of incredibly wasteful.
>Superior Combination (400)
Again not necessarily a thing for right NOW... I'm not indulging in the gimmicks that the others riders here are playing with. But with everything else I've done in this universe, I've got many other powers that I can use in tandem with this, let alone anything from other jumps outside of here. It never hurts to know how best to use them together.
Well after looking it up in detail it seems that there is a status ailment called KO that one of the lesser female only anti status effect items (Cachusha) does protect against and KO apparently means instant death. So presumably the ribbon protects against it too.
>Legend Rider Movie Belt (300)
Well, I've got to bring my belt and outfit up to date somehow. I should probably get a new belt to integrate into it as well...
>Cool Jacket and Shades (Free, Drop-In)
Beats being dressed up as a monk.
>Bowl Of Never-Ending Udon (Free, Drop-In)
And into the kitchen YOU go. I'm not crazy about udon, but I have a couple close friends who seem to like it enough.
>Widget Detector (200, Drop-In)
>"Stupid looking watch you've got there." "Yes. It tells time. AND NOTHING ELSE." "Well yeah, that's what a watch does. Dumbass." youtu.be
>Lux Driver (0, Drop-In)
It's good that there's an extra 200 point gratuity for items. And honestly I'm really not a fan of the whole mix-and-match sell-more-toys school of kamen riding. I'd rather go with what Bruce Lee said: I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
But seriously... Lux Driver? That just sounds flat-out COOL. I'm keeping it.
Kamen Rider Crux rides again. Without any of the gimmicks that everyone else here has. And honestly, for the most part, they've got things well in hand... I've just got to deal with laser-brain over here. Also the landlady.
While I have now taken to collecting things, I assure you they are not core medals, gaia memories, or anything else.
No, I'm not going to tell you what it is. It involves things that I will later feel extraordinarily ashamed of.
I don't know, I have only read a few korean series, and Noblesse is not one of them so I don't know where it would sit. That said Escalation in the korean series I have read is fairly steady, usually without singular jumps in power, but with a curve as things go along.
Not particularly. It definitely does grow in the power of the fights over the course of the series but in the story there is generally a slow and steady ramping up, as most of the fights are between the weaker main characters and the enemy of that arc, with the MC only coming in to save them a few times at the start. The severity of fights is constantly growing and generally doesn't drop down, to the point that at the current point in the series basically everyone of importance is at least capable of destroying a city or mountain.
>When you go full jumper but there was a hidden higher power.
The fuck.
Is that pic.
A picture from Wayne Barlowe's Inferno, of the demon Valefar.
Well, Valefar looks like he's wearing a vagina costume.
Am I the only one who noticed that?
Does anyone have the current version of the FFTA pdf, it seems to only be available as a series of pictures on the drive.
The real question is: jump when?
Eh, maybe. It's in that weird place where there's plenty of content, but not really much for a jump.
More worldbuilding than anything and nothing to base perks on?
Jump #284: Kamen Rider Neo-Heisei, Part 2
>Eight of Swords (Interference): Chagrin at the unforeseen consequences of prior decisions.
>Location: Japan, 2011
>Identity: Orphan
>Drawbacks: Legend Riders (0)
Wait. I have a Lux Driver. Does this make me a Light Wizard? Huh. Not really willing to go for the heavier drawbacks here, though.
>So I'm Just Ready (600)
Quantity no longer has a quality of its own when it comes to me. I just hope this does not change the operation of the theory of conversation of ninjutsu.
>You Know The Rules And So Do I (Free, Orphan)
A handshake is a gentleman's agreement. It means something.
>At Least I've Got My Donuts (Free, Orphan)
Not every moment can be exciting. But as long as I don't feel the need to FORCE things to be exciting, I can deal with it.
>Just The Beginning (300, Orphan)
I'll never go mad with the revelation. This is important, you never know when something crazy might come out unexpectedly. Facing down my inner demons, fresh perspectives, all important things.
>Missing Piece (0)
Now, that last perk is even more important. Now I HAVE faced down that inner phantom. A Wizard Driver (likely merged with the rest of the equipment at this point), an enslaved phantom... and this increases and amplifies all of my magical potency with the might of my willpower. And neither of those values are small values at this point.
>Variety Bag of Donuts (Free, Orphan)
mm donuts.
Pretty much, yes.
1000 points for the phantom budget, too.
>Enslaved Phantom: Lechuza [700]
A black owl. This... brings back memories of a world that never was, and a man doing anything within his power to save his sister who had died fifteen years ago. Yes, this is fitting.
>Strong Spirit [600]
It's only appropriate.
>Infinite Possibility [0]
I'm not sure that Infinity Style is going to be particularly useful to me early on, of course, but in time perhaps.
Now the fun thing about this jump is that, unlike literally everyone else, if the situation calls for it I'm going to be tossing around magic casually WITHOUT being in rider form.
Also, using the heck out of Show Me Your Best Set because that will be immensely useful to expand my arsenal in rider form. After all, while I've got magic, having THIS setting's style of magic to play with is going to be interesting.
Also I'm not going to interfere overmuch with the general plot beyond being there to help others out; the villain's going to be kept well in hand, the casualties are pretty low (though admittedly non-zero), and he'll get his comeuppance. Chances are, I'll just be focused on making sure civilian casualties are kept as close to zero as possible and otherwise simply being support for the main heroes.
Speaking of Noblesse, Val, if you're watching us, can Must Be Something in the Water be dialed down further than just below your beauty? I've kind of taken a lot of willpower perks to not go insane from looking at a mirror and extend others the same courtesy with glamours. Needless to say, gifting everyone I positively interact with sanity-shattering eldritch beauty is not ideal.
110. Digimon Cyber Sleuth
Age: 22, Origin: Detective
Location: Tokyo
Perks: A Nose For Trouble, Black Shades, The Web Expands, 20th Century Detectives, Analytical Debugging
Items: Digivice (Armband)+Digimon Capture, Domain Name [blank]+Island Formation+Digishop+Mirror+Nanako Mall Shift Simulation+Digital World Gate
Drawbacks: The Walls Have Ears, Ghost In The Shell, Digitalian Plague
I am now a digikin, and it's a Vegiemon. Fuck. I'm pretty much immune to the negative effects of hedonism at this point, but I still like being in control of my own body. Everything is suddenly a deal making process. He won't throw "compost" at people if I cook three meals every day. If I let him flirt with girls, he won't attempt to kidnap them. I can get a few hours of coding in if we transform into a Digimon and fly around the city scaring people.
It's not any of that that gets us into trouble, but the fucking plague he catches us picking a fight with a fucking infected Gotsumon. Half the time I'm a monster that my companions have to calm and contain, the other half I'm obsessively hunting information on the Eaters of all things, and hurting anyone who tries to get in my way. I'm forcibly evolving my Impmon to fight alongside me and my headmate, and have no choice but to go berserk when we do. Kamashiro gets some tapes of me transforming and tries to blackmail me into helping them, but I'm too obsessed for that. I end up losing ninety percent of human contact and relying solely on my companions during more lucid moments. Thankfully I can heal corruption with White Hat, Word of Flynn, Similar Subsystems, and Analytical Debugging, so corrupted Digimon, even those infected with the same fucking virus as me, are regularly restored while trying to pull information out of them. If they don't give me anything, they're usually pretty badly hurt.
And then some timey-wimey shit happened and the eaters disappeared so I tried to go find them for the next 9 years, but nothing came of it.
Embrace your nature user
Has anyone here actually bothered to read/watch Cursed Child all the way through?
My god... It's full of Bodaciousness.
Fuuuuuuuuuck that particular bowl of shit.
I read it.
>No 'I Love My Dead Gay Son' perk based on acceptance.
Was it as bad as people say?
Or was it worse?
Mary Sue is the villain of the story. The daughter of Voldemort and Bellatrix. How the fuck is not explained. Just... look. The only bad fanfiction tropes that it doesn't have are slash, love potions, and Harry/Hermoine cheating on their spouses.
And I'm on the fence about that second one because Hermoine made some RATHER FUCKING INTERESTING COMMENTS to Harry while they were alone in her office.
Is it okay to stick your dick in crazy if you yourself are crazy?
You're asking the wrong questions user.
Is it right NOT to stick your dick in crazy?
Not even once, user, not even once. No matter what Hermoine says, because that bitch is crazy and Harry knows better than to take her up on her offer of enjoying some chocolate in her office.
Consider the drama around how they cast Hermoine, and then read that again, if you didn't get it.
Also every single adult in Cursed Child carries the idiot ball. In fact, everyone but Scorpius and Albus do. Arguably, honestly, so do they, because they have the only time turner on the planet that can go back AS FAR AS THEY WANT IT TO.
You shouldn't stick your dick in crazy
This is so common knowledge its basically an axiom for life. keep up user
I didn't know not sticking your dick in crazy was an option!
Have you ever taken revenge for something done to your background self before you entered a Jump?
no, because before I jump. I have no idea what background self is going to be.
question when Dang Dang, Diggity Dang Dang! Says musical numbers come easily. You Does that include stuff like backup singers and dancers? and do you have to provide and coordinate those yourself or does it just happen like in a musical?
Oh, I'm sorry, I just realized I specified the wrong one. I meant the third one.
The second one is fucking confirmed because Ron gave Albus a pre-Hogwarts gift. Of a love potion. To take to school with him and use on some witch.
Also actually come to think about it I'm pretty sure that slash was implied but not said outright. So all that's left are cheating spouses (which might be thing anyway) and mpreg, at this point.
>Ron gave Albus a love potion
My god, it's the fucking stupid love potion bullshit all over again.
You are absolutely correct my good sir!
Also implied Draco/Hermoine.
Also the witch that sells things from the trolley on the train? Apparently she's over two hundred years old. She never lets anyone get off the train until it gets to Hogwarts, and results to lethal means to try and prevent it. By way of throwing EXPLODING PUMPKIN PASTIES.
Fuck Cursed Child and everything about it. But considering that JK Rowling is of the opinion that wizards just dropped trou and took a crap wherever they were standing until about a hundred fifty years ago, I'm firmly of the opinion that someone should have pulled Harry Potter from her clutches and stopped her from ever talking about it again, like Disney did with George Lucas, to be completely frank.
>and mpreg
Who had the Mary Sue baby?
build for Duel Monsters – The Heroes JUMPABLE 0.7
Allegedly, Bellatrix bore the child, Voldemort was the father. She is a parselmouth, so that lends credence to that being the truth in the strange, strange universe that this play takes place in. It's seriously just one trope behind My Immortal.
The theory that JK wrote My Immortal becomes stronger every day. Mostly as it becomes more plausibly canon to HP according to her.
>implied Draco/Hermoine.
Just, seriously, what? Not only implications of Harry/Hermione while they're married to the Weasley's, but this shit too?
The pastry lady is just Rowling trolling, not even being subtle about it.
Ah, my timing was a little bit off. Prior to the 1700's when the plumbing was installed at Hogwarts, "wizards simply relieved themselves wherever they stood, and vanished the evidence." Word of fucking god. Wizards would just stop in the hallway or on the street and take a shit.
I mean, it's not like Rome had plumbing. It's not like people in Rome had HOME PLUMBING AND TOILETS CONNECTED TO SEWERS IN THE FIRST CENTURY AD.
Rowling didn't write the play. She just went 'yep, it's canon'. I'm pretty sure she didn't bother to read it, and just saw dollar signs.
Are we talking about a pastry lady or the Green Goblin?
Her hands also turn into claws, by the way.
Oh, by the way, ignoring how Harry's son gets erased from the timeline because he's a fuckup, apparently WHILE THEY WERE GONE TIME TRAVELLING, THEY WROTE A MESSAGE ON HARRY'S BABY BLANKET, WHICH HARRY ONLY FOUND AT THAT INSTANT AND AT NO TIME EARLIER THAN THAT EVER.
Shit is retarded.
>I'm pretty sure she didn't bother to read it, and just saw dollar signs.
Maybe, but with the rate at which she gives money away to charity I think she just went, sure, canon, whatever. I just don't think she cares.
Seriously though, what's this about implied implications?
Wasn't there some stupid thing about potions essentially acting like invisible ink, and they did that because they knew it was going to land in the magical equivalent of lemon juice or whatever? Still stupid, but slightly less stupid than not noticing it being there before.
Every passing second I'm more thankful that I didn't read this and that I've ignored everything that Rowling has said since Deathly Hallows.
I learned my lesson with Lucas. It seems to be paying off.
Look, I haven't read it since I did it the first time. The scars from where it was seared into my brain are fading. I have no intention of looking those scenes up again. Draco envied peoples' friendship and there was a lot of discussing about how good friends Ron and Hermione were and other such crap.
Also I really forget what the hell the scene was with Hermione and Harry in her office after he dropped off the time turner but it was... a little sketchy on paper.
I don't blame you for trying to forget it. Now go, Crux, go and cleanse your mind with something totally unrelated to That-Which-Shall-Not-Be-Named.
Best combo?
Jumpers, what would an evil(er) version of yourself be like? What would be their motives and plans?
for what? here's one I found recently That will cover most combat stuff .
(Czarnian +extreme durability+ extreme Regeneration+ extreme strength from injustice gods among us.)+this is in fact my final form from sword Art online+Dark Panther+Chaos from Duel Monsters – The Heroes.
See I really like the idea of Bellatrix and Voldemort having a daughter but she should have been around Harry's age and his love interest.
I'm pretty sure I read a fanfic like that once.
Should she have rainbow eyes and be able to use super magic as well?
Only if she's yandere as fuuuuuck.
> She'll happily fight mom and dad.
> But only if Harry will love her.
>I'm pretty sure I read a fanfic like that once.
I've seen a handful some of which were good but none of those were complete.
>Should she have rainbow eyes and be able to use super magic as well?
Nah not like that.
Rowling's ideas about love are so odd I wouldn't be surprised if someone asks her about this her answer will be yes, their lovechild would have been a yandere for Harry because something horcruxes something
Rowling taught me everything I know about love.
Namely that it involves setting people you don't like on fire and being rewarded for it.
Yes. No one must ever know.
...How would the Paper Mario perk help with that?
Vectors (Elfen Lied) + Insight (Bloodborne) + Quantum Brain (Gundam Anno Domini/00)
Quantum telekinesis arms! Quantum brain-eyes!
Presumably, they would do the evil stuff I don't do.
Like, pointless stuff that doesn't get me anything (even amusement). Or messing with children. Or mass genocides. Or just Ebon Dragon charms.
Probably already discussed before, but I have a query, /jc/.
If I bring the Philosophers Stone from Harry Potter into Fullmetal Alchemist, what will happen? Would it conform to FMA's world and work like the FMA Philo Stone or stay as it is?
It would stay as it is? The Philosopher's Stone is an entirely different thing from FMA Philosopher's Stones, and they do different things through different mechanisms. So aside from the name, they're completely different things.
Why would it change?
It would stay as it is. They're two completely different things.
He would try to constantly save the world and help others without asking anything in return.
Truly despicable.
The thing about Rowling is... she's a drifter. Labile. She makes shit up as she goes. If you've ever read an interview with her, or tried to track her process at all, it's very apparent. For a long time apparently she planned to kill off Ron and then decided against it, and then had him shack up with Hermoine, which she later regretted.
She's not really committed to a big, overarching story so much as she's just having fun making shit.
And, I mean, there's nothing inherently wrong with that. That's how I write. It'd be very hypocritical of me if I said she was wrong.
But I don't think she ever really "got" that Harry Potter took on its own identity, and people started to expect things from it. She's still kindof just... fucking around, basically.
She is a kid who was playing around in the sandbox one day and inadvertently created art, and she doesn't really understand why.
Anyway, I wouldn't be opposed to it if Disney bought her out like they did George.
Definitely stay as is. They're two entirely separate things with separate functions. Things don't just turn into other things just because their names are the same.
Although, you could probably prank the fuck out of some Alchemists with it, for what that's worth.
Danke. I was only wondering out of curiosity, as the idea of bringing a rather important plot point of FMA from a relatively low power jump tickled my fancies.
Of the 'everything would be perfect if everyone followed my rule!' variety. Basically lawful evil to the point of classic hamminess.
I think Warner Bros would rather collectively hang than lose HP to Disney
Quick question, the magic system in Negima, is it worth investing in? Is there anything interesting / unique about it that a magitech wizard should salivate over? Or should I just not waste time and grab Kanka, using the chi and magic abilities I already have to power it?
Hey crux you can always make yourself feel better by reminding yourself that rowling says its all canon.
I really enjoy this one:
Summoning (No Game No Life) + Summoner (Overlord) + SUMMON (A Practical Guide to Evil) + Infinity (Seven Deadly Sins)
Summon entire armies of gods to fight for you or just drown your enemies in arch-angels.
Maybe add the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception (Tsukihime) and SLAY (A Practical Guide to Evil) + Always an Ending (Siderals)?
Basically cutting through any defenses and permanently killing immortals.