Why are wolves always the best animal companions?
Why are wolves always the best animal companions?
Because they are just a glorified version of dogs.
Because they are doggos
lol! we made dogs from wolves! That's why they're so well suited to work for us!
because humans are eternally trying to be as cool as wolves, and they will fail every time, which is why you end up with furries
They are wild doge
Yeah but in real life wolves would fucking kill you without a heartbeat.
you fucked up but I'm pausing because "without a heartbeat" would technically mean they did it in the time your heart is in the act of beating, instead of in A heartbeat, one full one, so that's an even faster time to murder
Good work user
It's like a dog, but more badass. My Welsh corgi is adorable, but I don't think he'll survive long in the wild.
This is why you can't trust Muslims - they don't like dogs. What kind of man dislikes dogs?
lol! You're a bit hasty. I'm sure people who live near wolves rarely die in wolf attacks.
A wolf is a wild animal, so of course a wolf pack can be dangerous, but they are not mindless, relentless killing machines like something out of a horror movie! Lol!
Wolves play, they have fun, they are intelligent, and there are even stories of humans living with wolves! As recently as the 1980s!
Advantage on most perception checks, attack roll advantage in traffic, and free trip attempts on ever attack are awesome on a companion that already has a +4/7 offense on an unboosted 13AC.
I mean my own game has an entire army pen of the fuckers they have solid stats
They are not.
>"I'll play a ranger!"
>ok, what pet will you take
>"a wolf or a bear!"
>"I'll play a druid!"
>ok, what do you transform n
Wolves are for the non-inspired.
i prefer humans
lol! It depends upon the system!
I've played as both a wolf and a bear, but a wolf had to be in GURPS because bears are weak in DND!
GURPS wolf and bears is what I got yeah
They fucking WRECK shit, one player said fuck the ranger, one game he was a bear
The next he was a wolf who acted more like a retarded retriever it was fun
Lol! That does sound like fun.
What kind of subtle bait is this... stop using exclamation marks and saying "lol"
Good for fighting and for fucking.
>My Welsh corgi is adorable, but I don't think he'll survive long in the wild.
The smaller dogs, when not fucked up by inbreeding bullshit, tend to be rather accomplished ratters. That's what the Aztecs used Chihuahuas for, at any rate.
Because it's now theorized that modern human social structures were modeled after the wolf pack social structure roughly around the time humans and wolves began regular and eventually cohabitation contact(leading to the first dogs).
>about to lambaste you for assuming that wolves act the same in the wild as they do in captivity and spouting alpha-beta bullshit
>remember that wild wolves are based around an immediate family unit and this is the basic structure of eurasian social groups
Wolves are shit. Get an owl instead.
They're not.
Everyone knows Ravens are vastly superior for three reasons:
>Tiny hand claws can use tools
>Can fly
>Can talk
Brooding jokes aside, they're cunning and clever.
Or if you want a CE version
They are knot.
>You will never be inducted into a wolf pack by pleasing the lead-male/father and gaining status as an honorary son.
>the lead-male/father
The leader of the wolf pack is usually oldest mother iirc.
Canines =/= dogs
Dogs have been bred and raised for millenia to be subservient to mankind, whereas wolves have always been one of mankind's predators.
Assuming a wolf is just a big dog is one of the biggest retard mistakes to make. Their jaw strength can crush your bones.
>one of mankind's predators
No such thing. Plenty of wild animals, some not even carnivores, can and will fuck you up if you provoke them. Intruding on their marked territory or running tends to be a great way to do it. That is not the same as active predation, not even a little.
Wolves typically go after livestock.
They will eat people if they can catch them in little enough number, transplants to Alaska die all the time from this.
I think the point is they're not specifically predators of humans, like they didn't adapt specifically to prey on humans or anything. Humans have only been a target of opportunity or something they go after in fear or desperation.
I mean, who would make humans their favored prey? That's not a good idea.
>I mean, who would make humans their favored prey?
The whale that Moby Dick was based on.
Got away with it, too.
Moby Dick did nothing wrong. It was self-defense and he'd win any case if giant white whales were allowed in court or fell under jurisdiction of law.
Corgies are hunting dogs, so assuming it's not one of the genetically compromised 'pure breeds' it might do OK.
They don't have to be specifically preditory to just humans to be one of mankind's predators, you know. A predator is just something that will attack, kill and eat you if it gets the opportunity. Anyway, nothing is truly a predator to mankind anyway, since we're damn near the top of the food chain (ignoring industry and just going by hunting). Wolves are as close as nature gets to something that's an actual genuine threat to a general population. Bears aren't hunters and nothing else is really big enough or aggressive enough, the closest being a stalking jaguar or something.
An actual genuine threat to general population is locusts. Wolves ain't shit.
you know what the fuck i mean bro
>teaching it to say "hello"
>not teaching it to say "nevermore"
That's so raven
Caw, caw.
Hell yeah, MILFs
I believe you're being mocked, not baited.
>That's what the Aztecs used Chihuahuas for, at any rate.
Well, that and being scarified when someone dies to guide their soul to the underworld.
wolves and dogs are proven by science to be the exact same species.
mountain lions are best
Imagine if there was an animal species that had specifically evolved to hunt humans.
What would such a creature be like?
Corgis are herding dogs, not hunting dogs
That creature is Man
>not Woman
>not jew
Their primary diet is low-level adventurers. Open a chest, get eaten. Sit on a chair, get eaten. Try to knock down a door, the door eats you. Older mimics can mimic entire dungeons, and simply sit there for the majority of their time.
When enough adventurers enter, or send hirelings in to get the valuables out (dropped by other adventurers or eaten for use as bait), chomp.
Mimics are lame.
Though, a creature specialized in hunting humans would probably need a way of infiltrating human society and hiding it's true nature, because humans exact a bloody vengeance upon any creature that slays one of us. That's why even big predators have evolved to be wary of us, because even if individually, we are weak, collectively we can kill anything found on this world, even without modern technology.
>not Americans who want your oil
It would probably be some kind of big cat that drags people off in their sleep. I think lions are the closest thing we have to a real maneater because they are an apex predator from the same continent as us.
Mild distraction: What need was there to make the ass and only the ass of those pants as skin tight as possible. Why is she concerned enough about warming her upper body to not show it, but not concerned enough about her exact ass region that she allowed for tight as fuck leather pants. Furthermore, what is the deal with people drawing skanks and them always looking like tired mouthbreathers when it comes to facial expression?
I heard someone needed some freedom so I can as fast as possible
Lions could be a good contender. They are social creatures like us, so the advantage we have in co-operation and numbers, over solitary predators is much reduced. Though, still, even primitive technology can be used to kill lions. Bows and arrows, spears, javelins and so on. Our intelligence and technology means that no predator species is ever truly on even playing field with us.
humans are still vulnerable to ambush predators. thanks to projectile weapons if we can see something coming at us we can kill it before it reaches us. But if something is hiding and takes you by surprise it would have better odds.
>Their jaw strength can crush your bones.
So can a dogs. Well they actually both have to chew on it to an extent.
Hyenas on the other hand are more than happy to break right through. Technically speaking, they're closer related to cheetahs and the big cats than they are dogs, just as a point of reference.
True, but thats only on the individual level. Unles the predator hunted exclusively just social outcasts, hobos etc, the killing of a member of the tribe would be noticed by the tribe, which would then proceed to seek out and kill the predator.
Big ass catfish.
I remember reading/seeing something about catfish in India eating corpses in rivers, so they just made the switch to live people.
My grampa (years ago before cities expanded as much as they did here) lived near the woods and he usually encountered wolves, he even made friends with a couple
Perceptions of wolves have changed. Even as recently as Tolkien's time, wolves still occupied the "boogeyman" role in the European/American consciousness. It's only within the last 30-40 years or so that opinions have changed and the wolf has come to be regarded as a noble beast once more.
Wolves have an interesting relationship with people of European ancestry. In our earliest days, we revered them. As we advanced, we demonized them. Now that they're no longer a threat, we romanticize them.
Personally, I'm glad for the change. I think wolves are great. I'm a sucker for doggos and that's basically the fantasy: having a wild doggo that's super dangerous as your loyal pet.
Will, come on, your movie was shit
>wolves have always been one of mankind's predators
That's like saying locust and racoon are a predator. No, rather for the most part, humans have been the predators. At best they are acted as kleptoparasites.
Personally, I do not enjoy the idea of hunting dogs, but when the time comes to where they prey on my livelihood, or worse my friends and family, it's just a job, just like any other.
>le i want your oil meme
>implying there isn't a massive oversupply of oil that's been keeping the price painfully low
>implying Canada isn't supplying a good portion of our oil
I'd go more than 30-40 years. Wolves in the western world (North America and large parts of Europe) were nearly exterminated by the beginning of 20th century.
That's a big woofer.
Yes, but I'd argue perceptions only really started changing when the conservation movements started getting real popular.
>durr Im so dead lol
silly puppy
fake, wolves aren't that big
the guy holding it has his knees bent so he looks smaller in comparison. grey wolves can be up to 180lbs though.
Wolves can get really big.
what is its a direwolf?
It's like a regular wolf, but the situation is far more dire.
Is this video somebody using their phone to film a video they're watching on their computer screen? What the actual fuck.
To be serious, a dire wolf is a very muscular wolf, not a very large wolf.
It should be the US on the chain of the UN.
Unless you're the Tsavo Man-Eaters or the similar lion that showed up in more recent years. Those learned well enough how to hunt humans that they became experts at it, and even organized communities couldn't mount a hunt for it because they were too good at evading humans and attack alone and unexpected.
That's NATO... Which poland is one of the only behaving members of
What is it about wolves that attracts the worship of autists? They are just fluffy undomesticated doggos. There are plenty of far more interesting animals like spiders or birds.
Or the platypus. Which is the most interesting animal
I doubt even such a beast could evade human retribution forever. And even if it could, it is doubtfull that it could pass that learned skill down to its offspring
Platypi are dumb.
And yet I saw them in a glass case not 10 days ago
>They are just fluffy undomesticated doggos.
That's exactly why and your inability to understand that suggests you may be the autistic one in this scenario, friend.
>all this wolf-wank
>Not commanding a fuckmothering Dingo or Thylacine
It's like you want to be poofters
>picking a dingo instead of an ibis
It can poke holes in your bin bag AND sound like a piece of shit why doing it
Because dogs are just wolves with autism and excessive neoteny.
Same as the fact that northern Europeans are just the descendants of the Balkanic population of humans that moved northwards as the snow receeded and due to the inbreeding caused by the sparcer population show excessive traits of neoteny of which blonde hair is one for caucasians.
Ok so serious question. How prevalent and/or autistic can you get with rangers and druids? Obviously most people are going to want a utility bird or a big combat animal. Do the big cats get any love?
What about the outright monsters? Can you tame the dnd wolf variants? Winter wolves, wargs and whatnot. Or shit like wyverns? What is the monstrous cutoff point where a creature is impossible to tame
Everything else mentioned in the thread aside, wolves don't create outstanding logistical problems because owning dogs is fairly normal and most fantasy societies would have made provisions for it. So having a wolf at your side is more a sign of laziness than lack of imagination. It's the 'but not too wild' option that is still capable of heavy lifting.
Because wolves are basically Doggos But Cooler.
>Do the big cats get any love?
if I recall druid with dire tiger form is broken as shit in pathfinder.
Funky. I've a weakness for large cats tat I'd be otherwise hesitant to being up least I attract a round of drizzit accusations. But dammed if I don't think the idea of a tiger druid. Or a ranger with a fuckmothering jaguar would not be the absolute shit.
What about monsters though? is there some combination of levels and feats that would let your male human ranger archetype possess..say a manticore?
bears could actually do a pretty good job with modern humans.
they're faster than us, strong enough to break into houses and cars, and they're even fairly bullet resistant. they just don't really have the attitude most of the time.
>Dogs have been bred and raised for millenia to be subservient to mankind
This doesn't really mean much. Put a few dogs in the wild or a Russian neighborhood and in a generation or two they'll turn back to their primordial instincts and maim people.