>My group have been really throwing the hate at shines, churches and places of worship
>mainly deities based on nature, harvest, fertility
>that cool, they all have a unified backstory of how they came from a land of endless droughts and poor harvest, think Australia to fuel their hate boner
>I've been warning them subtlety first with visions of the wonder of new life
>then with finding game fulled with maggots and bread turning to rot in their hands
>but now they plan to go and really fuck up a particular sacred place to Ehlonna
>we're talking shitting on her shrine
>Ok ok time for some pain. I would send some powerful eleven clerics at them but kind of eh, I'm wanting to send a deity sent champion to put the fear of god into them
>they're average lv12
So what would a avatar of Ehlonnas might look like anyway, the hell do i stat it as? Would you think it was cool it upon desecrating a deities statue it's eyes opened to say she's about to fuck you up as the doors crash open and some golden glowing super fuckboi walks in?
My group have been really throwing the hate at shines, churches and places of worship
Side note what kind of fail safe could i use against a holy champion?
If they bow and apologize obviously it'll stop but I doubt my group would.
I guess I could hint that her statue is it's tether to the world.
It's a nature diety right?
Let them desecrate it without hinderence.
Then, have every tree in every forest try and strangle them.
Have noxious gases try and kill them in their sleep.
Every animal seems unified in an effort to kill them.
Every source of water runs dry when they pass.
Crops will die and people will starve.
The rain will be acidic and the lightning will seem to target them.
Horrific winds will shred them as they walk the countryside.
And if you want to go really far, even the dead will refuse to allow them respite.
Have entire towns declare them cursed, and rally to run them out.
Have witchhunters try and kill them on the roads.
Have women lock themselves and their children indoors when they pass, spreading rumors of dark forces that travel with them.
A unicorn made of vines that entangle people while it attacks with its vorpal horn.
Other anons got it all wrong. Don't use overt, obvious vengeance.
Instead, they get no nourishment from vegan food. No matter how much fruits and breads they shove into their throats, they're still hungry.
Yeah that is just what a force of nature would do.
>the furs and leathers of their gear age and fail
>deadly insects and poisons frogs constantly appear
>common people refuse them anything
>dryads rush at them
I was thinking about a more direct intervention because so far all the subtle stuff has just made them hate her more.
True, just take the stats of a roper. And unicorns are totally Ehlonnas thing
Sounds like it's time for the green knight to show up.
Don't you mean onion knight?
That's not even a pun, retard.
Fuck you, in my language it is.
Possibly throw them a bone as well as the desert god uses the turmoil they've caused to muscle into the fertility/nature god's territory. Perhaps their prolonged presence in the area causes drought and desertfication, and maybe if things go south a dust devil or sandstorm will spontaniously arrive to slap down that cranky mother nature and high-five them.
Don't forget launching arrow-sized thorns out of its body, in case they try the "Back up and kite" tactic.
Show them like the Avatar of the god and make it like Swamp Thing
My boys went at it tonight and the direction they want this game to go it clear
>During their travels our players have faced
>difficulty with finding food
>finding their way in woodlands
>and bees
>they enjoy it though laughing at Ehlonnas weakly thrown stones
>they deduce Ehlonna is hiding her shrine
>so they promptly get to work desecrating the surrounding wild life taunting her taking a wild aberrational passion to it
I love my players for shit like this, they do really get weirdly passionate
>they are interrupted by a group of green knights and a elderly priestess who sensed distressing feelings from the woods
>the intervening group of knights cannot fucking believe what they're seeing, they've just never seen this level of hate to wards their patron deity
>my players nod thinking this is a real punishment and get to fighting
>they completely destroy them
>my players are actually disappointed with how easy it was
>they loot the knights and see that they're female and so dangle their bodies at the priestess who remains
>the party takes her and demands she takes them to Ehlonnas shrine at knife point
>they come to the slaven temple to the goddess
>it's little more than a lodge surrounded by huts, pilgrims and old frail looking priestesses
>barbarians, rouges and a wizard embracing the parties dogma they become offended and take pleasure in absolutely shitting on the worshipers
>they shove their way into the humble church
>thinking to see a grand statue instead they see a simple bowl of soil upon a wooden pedestal
>surrounded by shaking fearful children and pregnant women
>the old priestess still being dragged along explains they are here for blessings and midwifes who can't travel to small villages
>a lone teenage boy holds a plow like a goddamn spear against them at the front of them but hes just as fearful
>our wizard raises an eye brow and goes to spill the bowl of soil
>as it tumbles over the women cry out and weep and the boy promptly yells out, runs up, and gets cut down
>but nothing really happens
this is where I placed the line not sure if they would pass it or not but as it happened:
>shrugging one barbarian draws his axe and walks up to the quaking group
>he swings his sword and the old priestess closes her eyes and raises her hand
>the world falls away
You should put the desert diety's avatar in to thank you players for furthering his agenda. By weakening rival goddesses, they are spreading desertification and poor harvest everywhere, turning every land into a copy of their homeland.
Or is that what they want?
was that the end of the session?
Someone cap this.
Have an evil/desert deity protect them.
Do your players have a reason for this or are they 12?
Maybe they clearly identified their GM being a pagan Fag. With his oh so subtle world building
>the party find them selves in a burnt down forest, countless spires of charcoal surround them and in place of soil is a bed of ash, like virgin black snow
>they see no life, even the sky is grey, they can't tell what time of day it is
>Before them in the distance in a sort of clearing they see a man stooped over on the ground
>keen eyes tell them he looks like a farmer
>with spade and a sack of soil between his legs they see him sowing seeds
>our wizards senses a great magical object in the soil beneath him
>as they approach the man lifts him self up, notices them and grinds
>"ahh! Good men! What luck I have! My spade here is dull and my plow is just as bad, bet I could fashion one of your swords though."
>"I know it's not much but there's a few copper and maybe more in it if you turn your swords to plowshares?"
>the party laugh and reject his offer
>the older farmers smile fades
>"Alright boys, enough of this"
>he throws down farmer tools and lifts a spear fashioned from a wheat scythe
>they then slug it out, as the battle progressed vines grew from the farmers wounds, by the end he was a mass of vines shooting thorns and lashing out, I stated him CL 19
>but the party actually managed to defeat him
>remembering the magical object in the soil they take the dead farmers plow and dig into the warm soil and pull out a
>a glowing seed, a single sapling sprouted from it and wraps around the rogues finger
>with out even thinking he crushes it and the soil immediately turn cold as the corpse of the farmer gives a whimper as if he felt the seed and immediately decomposes
>the subtle wind stops, the clouds halt and even the smoldering of the ash ceases
>can't even smell anything
>the forest is now truly dead as the world falls away
>how i owned my.players with lame environmentalist "morals"
nobody cares about your epic plot, we're fed up with you drinking the al gore koolaid and forcing it into games so we tried to derail your railroad as hard as possible
nice job trying to spin yourself as the poor put upon good guy, care to share the rest of the story about how the followers of the religion were perfect mary sue greenpeace propaganda
>Implying any environmentalist listens to that jabbering retard Al Gore
You need to go back to /pol/
>party awakes in the hut
>nothing is there not even the bodies, only the building
>I award them their fat stack of xp for styling on the champion
>and explain to them that they are now cursed
>"nigga what?"
>their heretical deeds have earned them favor with Incabulos,
>They are now basically walking anti terraformers
Hell there's just not much I've seen when it comes to this stuff, does it really come off as in your face?
They all had a unified backstory about coming from what was pretty much fantasy australia.
What was going to be a motivation to go out and become less morally chained adventurers of fortune steam rolled into a fetish for hating on nature gods and I kind of fueled their hate boner
Let them take the desecration rituals too.
Haha, oh man I hope I didn't come across that way. I just wanted to make a cool story bro for my players like any GM. The characters weren't meant to be a reflection of any ideal I have.
Just characters with personalities that conflict with the party so they're more satisfied when it comes to throw down.
>does it really come off as in your face?
If you have to ask you got your answer.
I'm not against people wanting to do settings that interest them since, eh, it's not my place to judge and I do the same.
But try having some variety instead. Or make them the Champions of a.new God born to erase the others. Instead of it being "4fags meticulously destroy Varg Vikernes dream world"
If the players are straight-up fucking with a god like that, this is where you pull out the stops.
If you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time, the greek gods would fuck you up so bad that your very name would become synonymous with your terrible fate. If you actually badmouthed the likes of Zues or Poseidon, you didnt get level appropriate minions to carve up for xp. You got downright fucked.
Tommorrow, have your party wake up with itchy skin and hard growths beneath the surface. The day after that, they wake up to the pain of plants sprouting out of their flesh. Every day more and more planrs growing in and on them. If they dont find a way to break the curse, all that will be left of them are skeletons propped up by the bushes and trees that have grouwn out of your vital organs. To serve as warnings and reminders to others not to repeat your sins.
And only a priest of the nature goddess can lift the curse.
Thats a divine punishment.
They have suffered enough Op.
Op, I agree with as you made fucking with a God a SAO tier campaign and that's embarrassing enough. I mean, yeah you okay to have fun and if everyone is ok with that whatever, but if you came here to show your discomfort with the events then show them that a god is a god for some fucking reason not to get fucked by flavor of the month sanic coldsteel.
Now that you went ahead and killed/crippled the nature goddess, show them the effects of the carefully balanced systems of nature falling apart as the world around them dies.
>Screeching clouds of birds engaged in battle with themselves, trying to kill and devour each other
>Undead animals like bears and wolves spontaneously start appearing and wandering the land
>Massive piles of rotting animal corpses in the wilderness. Every so often more animals climb onto the pile, lie down, and just wait to die
>Trees that grow together into huge spires, wrapping and twisting around each other in an attempt to climb to the heavens
>Fast-reproducing animals like rabbits become disturbingly mutated as their populations go out of control, then begin to fight among themselves as food becomes scarce
>Huge groups of different animals quietly standing around looking up to the sky, as though praying. They do not respond to stimuli, and even their corpses remain standing there.
>Hive insects like ants and bees aimlessly marching in huge circles (this happens in real life to ants that cannot smell pheromones)
Also, send high level druids after the players if you want more powerful enemies.
>Admitting to being a third worlder
Wow slow down there Edgo McColdsteel
You're doing it wrong.
Send them rain and hail whenever they camp outside, thunder whenever they cross the plains and thick fog that makes stones slippery whenever they're in places they could fall off if they don't mind their steps carefully.
If they survive that, the goddess starts harassing her believers with apparations that declare the group targets.
Next step is the goddess' messengers directly going after them and only if that doesn't work, then she will fuck their shit up personally.
Instead of punishing them with revenge from the good gods, why not have some evil god show up and reward them for unknowingly helping his faith spread?
Start these fools on a REAL evil crusade
All other answers are from railroading cunts
>hurrrrrrrr dark=edge
I know this was probably meant as a "How do I stop this/make them good again", but really, this is a great example of how to make an Evil party work together.
Nature and harvest gods?
Food stops sustaining them. They can eat as much as they want, they're starving. Let them squirm as they realize they have to do some ritual shit, or repent and try to make nice, or starve to death. They get weaker every day until it happens.
I mean what do you expect to happen when you kill the god of nature
Nothing ???
It kinda sounds like that's what he did honestly
>their heretical deeds have earned them favor with Incabulos,
>They are now basically walking anti terraformers
Despite wording it as a curse since they're going around being all "fuck you nature" anyhow that "curse" just sounds like they're going to be able to do so more efficiently and what not.
Kek, this is brilliant! And dubs confirm!
At some point when they piss off the deities of nature and harvest enough, they have an aura that brings locusts, ruins crops, sickens livestock in any city they visit. Clerics of the god they pissed off can see the mark of displeasure clearly. Some may beg the heroes to atone, others will just try to exile from the city posthaste.
At some point, some evil outsiders or gods opposed to the nature god will try to make contact with players.
And at some point, when any fruit you bring close to your mouth rots before you can bite into it, bread turns into disgusting wet mush, and your emaciated husk shows every symptom of scurvy, you get approached by one of the more disgusting demon lords. You might end up eating ooze and insects, but at least that's a living...
Then it is very obvious you know absolutely nothing about nature.
I'm imagining the player's turning into Blightkings ;)
Trees come alive and attack them next time they go through the forest.
Oh, you get an "A".
This whole story feels like you're not challenging players enough for what they're doing.
If they're going to fuck with nature, you really have to make nature fuck back. No slaps on the wrist like you were doing to this point.
Another god's blessing is a good place to start. Conflicting domains result in earth cracking open, streams of boiling magma erupting on your players. By night corroding plants crawl all over their gear. Villagers try to chase out walking disaster zones. Food spoils when they touch it. Basically, no winnable encounters - they stay or perish, or they run and survive.
And then let their new patron god give them a proposal - he will send them back in time, to destroy all nature on the continent retroactively. And when they succeed and return to present, reveal to them the shape of the continent - it's their fantasy Australia. It was all god of desolation plan all along - to breed themselves as his greatest champions and create a domain big enough for him to return.
>gods in your setting are real
>not only are they real but they prove it with acts of faith, magic et al
>it is possible to shit on all of their works
>it is possible to desecrate their temples and klll their followers en masse
>it is possible even to slaughter their champions, high priestesses
>it is possible to kill the most helpless and defenseless members of their flock
>all with basically no consequences
>"o-oh but food gone bad!"
>"animals mean!"
>"forests, attack!"
Smite them you fucking faggot. Pillars of fucking salt. Jesus fucking Christ, it's a god. Rocks fucking fall, you fucking die. Stop continuing their bullshit power fantasy. If these dumb ass niggers attacked a dragon at level one would you let them kill it too? Good god, you're such a fucking ninny.
The Lord will provide
Have all the gods thus far being false gods revered by absinthe hallucinate mad Men.
Now they face true God(s) more like cosmic sky things. Have them shit star rays nuclear things at the heroes.
If they win they become gods and the game ends
OP do the spoiler
>killing a young boy because they hate some god
No more games. It's smite o'clock. No more CL X and Y, no more rolling dice. They had their fun, now local authority comes to investigate the murder and sees a burnt down forest, and calls for backup. Then guards in the nearest city will calmly ask them to go to the trial for murder and destroying king's property (entire fucking forest), which obviously angers the clergy of the said nature god, which obviously forces the king to do something about it. If they refuse they made the kingdom their enemy, and the order of paladins is sent after them.
Suddenly the players realize that smite evil works on them pretty well. OP is being too much of a pussy, and can't make players feel the severity of what they're doing and show them the consequences of their actions. 500 crossbow bolts per round will do that for him. The world where you can severely offend one of the most powerful beings in the universe and get away with it stops being believable and becomes power fantasy.
This sounds pretty cool
Make them the champions of the desert god who fight in his name against champions of the nature diety
They injured a fucking God. All of that is appropriate. Nature is getting fucked.
A fun campaign where the players can do things they can't normally do is one thing, but a straight up power fantasy where they get away with everything scot free is mindless wank. It's almost an ERP.
Yes, this is totally a story that happened and you're not just bullshitting us with a mediocre story without any actual characters or demonstrations of how your game works. I can very clearly see this happening.
Instead of making an interesting story, just kill them for doing stuff that you don't like! Amazing! I bet everyone at the table will be happy about that!
If you were a god, would you just let the slaughter of your worshippers and desecration of your temples unpunished? Because you're basically suggesting that the party should live if they jump into the active volcano just so it won't hurt their feelings.
There still need to be consequences for player actions, dipshit. If they attack innocent people for no reason and insult a good who did nothing to them, shit should hit the fan. Preferably spraying on them as it does. Playing evil characters is fine, but evil comes with consequence.
Man what's with all the anger in this thread