Faction pick is personal. What does each 40k faction say about the person playing them. Example: dark eldar are wannabe hedonists that have never seen a vagina
What does your faction say about you?
Orks: here to have fun
Eldar/ cheesetau: here to win
>dark eldar are wannabe hedonists that have never seen a vagina
The only dark eldar play I've seen painted all this dark eldar in rainbow colors, wore a rainbow bracelet, and was really flirty with other guys, so I think this is accurate.
insufferable ass who will whine if they don't get their way. Probably a weeaboo.
Most likely to post on either /k/ or /poll/, but not both
Most likely 12 years old mentally, if not also physically
>tfw IG and post on /k/, /pol/ and Veeky Forums
everyone who plays dark eldar is either gay or bi, and a huge nerd
I play dark eldar
Space Marines: boring fags
IG: history/military nerds
Orks: mental children
Chaos: social rejects
Dark Eldar: edgy cunts
Eldar: WAAC fags
Tau: insufferable weebs
Necrons: zero imagination
Tyranids: sexual perverts
Adeptus Mechanicus: good people
you play orks?
>grey knights/inquisiton
edgy christian
every grey knights player i have met was a fedora tier athiest.
As far as I know literally everyone who plays fringe human factions like GK, sisters, mechanicus is a massive fedoralord.
Tau are either wannabe good guys weebs who don't read the lore or they're farsight enclave mega nerd hero complex weebs
Tau: /m/fags who like real robot shows
Farsight Enclaves: Super robot gaylords
What about Skitarii? I like to think I'm a good person. Though, I do enjoy watching the other player's face when my dunecrawler smashes their flyers into dust.
Factions I play: Good and wholesome people
Factions I do not play: Fucking faggots and mongoloids.
No one will say anything that doesn't fall under this.
im a guy btw
you got them before having a good dive into the lore of most factions and love dinosaurs
I play orks and tau
What now faggot
>multiple personalities disorder
Of course you are, you didn't post a pic of Nids.
>Tau, Orks and AdMech
Ork techiology is bes' techiology.
>Tyranids: sexual perverts
>women universally love Tyranids
It checks out.
>started with nids when I was 13 because I liked dinosaurs, bugs and melee
>then I started with dark eldar because I wanted interesting characters and My Dudes
>now I'm into bestiality, SM and get turned on by the idea of "inducing" people into a genestealer cult
It's kind of a hen/egg problem I think, but the stereotypes are true.
>"These guys fight like medieval and primitive morons.
>Space Swords, bayonet charges, in the future? Use guns instead.
>Why are they using tanks from WW1? Let me show them modern fighting tactics.
> Sisters
> You're the kind of person who would better work as a mushroom, as you are used to being left in the dark and covered in shit.
I can respect this outlook
>like to have fun, especially when the opponent is also having fun
>can sometimes be easily excitable even if normally reserved
>just want to run across a battlefield an' krump sum gits, killing units normally seen as more important than objectives
>tyranids in the chain instead of necrons
>when both races clearly do not belong in 40k
Kinda funny they threw necron under the bus with all that truth about not wanting it in 40k when the same obviously applies to tryhardnig
>shitsters of basshole
wowwwwwww people of color me shocked
I've been working on build a Custodes only army. I think it means I'm a special snow flake who thinks he's too good for Marines or Grey Knights.
>Loyal Pre-Heresy Traitor Legion Company with "We were stuck in the Warp" back story
The kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around.
It just means you are a magpie attracted to shiny things and Custodes are both literally shiny and shiny new super elites.
>> You're the kind of person who would better work as a mushroom
Talkin shit about orks you grot?
>most likely to post on /pol/ or /k/
kek I do both
>IG: history/military nerds
>Tanks? What a bunch of loosers! Everyone knows Mechs are the way to go!
5 minutes later
>What happened? I took one step off a paved road into the dirt and 20 ton robot that concentrates it's weight on 3 tiny toes sank up to it's knees in the soil! Oh, if only we knew how physics worked!
You know that's just going to end with giant mechs with hover skate feet.
What if I think all factions have good and bad points about them?
Beautiful, gifted people. Some might call them the master race.
I didn't expect to be bullied so much for playing Dark Eldar... although honestly we deserve it.
You mean Adarki Aeldari?
You pick the one when you want to have fun and the other when you want to win, presumably.
and you enjoy it.
>dark eldar
>never seen a vagina
Most of them could change that with a strategically positioned mirror.
>IG: insufferable HUMANITY FUCK YEAH cocksocks who compulsively frequent the "Badass Normals" TVtropes page and devolve into autistic screeching whenever any media stars someone with exceptional skills, powers or destiny rather than muh everyman
Do you play space marines? I've seen a lot of tension between imperium players over this.
Crons, I just get tired of the endless whinging there's too much science fiction in the science fiction setting. If you want to play a mob of normies fine but don't be a cunt about it is all.
didn't read lol
The fact that you faggots always assume someone who disagrees with that shit is a marinefag is proof enough. Same with any Taushitter who gets called out immediately screeches at the person calling him out is a marinefag.
IG fans are inferiority complex personified.
I don't have a problem with marines you mong, and I hate the mentality he described. I'd just noticed IG players I knew didn't like Space Marine armies because of all their special superhuman stuff.
>It's a skull, not a winged skull or even a Cadian Gate skull
This is a fail.
or you begin playing with 4edition and the wonder that was the battle for maccrage starter box
My GK friend was an avowed Satanist, not sure if that matches up or not.
You're a woman, aren't you?
Astra Militarum
>bros through and through
>of questionable disposition
Dark Eldar
>homosexuals (not even joking, its fucking true)
>waac faggots till the end
Space Marines
>a mixture of Ork and Tau
>lame wads
>Chaos: social rejects
I am an antitheist and GK and sisters of battle look appealing to me (although I personally don't have the time or money for miniature army painting.)
>shitsters of basshole
>look interesting
That should be every faction, except the one all the normies keep picking
which ironically is probably sigmarines or space marines
>My favorite Army
Cool guys
>Your favorite Army
I really, really like classical music maybe?
:( I'm just lazy that's why I don't go to church anymore.
>shitsters of basshole
Necrons: No imagination.
I take offence to that.
I just wanted my god damn undead faction in space.
There was no vampire counts, so TKIS was the next best thing.
But Anonymous we have the same favorites
Undead: zero imagination
You got me there bub.
But swamping the enemy's 300pt deathstar model in so many zombies he can't even fucking move? Now that's proper tabletop.
Wow, I was thinking about getting into this but now that I see people judge you personally by what faction you play, FUCK THAT.
Cunts, the lot of you.
Don't worry, we've got plenty to judge you on personally even if you don't play any army at all.
Mate. If a few words on an internet discussion board is enough to turn you away, you never really was one of us in the first place.
Also here is your (You) for the guaranteed replies.
Tau player detected
Sisters of Battle : They're not real.
They do not exist.
>people judge you by the choices you make
>Necrons: zero imagination
I'm the most imaginative person I know.
Probably the most in the thread.
Though I started Necrons in 3ed.
Prove it
>Admech Only posts on /k/ /pol/ and Veeky Forums
>Has 1850pt skittari
How the Fuck did you know?
Finally a fellow Bestfaction player.
Started back in 6th edition.
Never got to taste the simple pleasures of Oldcrons, as such I don't hate the Newcrons.
I miss the MSS, but the Reanimation Protocols are objectivly better but less thematic.
Mixed bags of feel. Still overpowered though.
i miss all my crypteks being cool themed individuals. Why'd gw have to butcher them
To make it easier on the proletariat.
I miss combining courts so that people could bring different dresses to the ball.
Like the Cloak of shadows with the Ld flamethrower and teleportation shenanigans with a Sniper-unit. Or a time cryptek for those bubble rerolls.
Those were the days my friend.
>The necrons still got mechanically superior in this edition.
Reanimation protocols are objectively better, but almost every army is objectively better than they were in 3ed.
Back in 3rd, a space marine was 15 points, had nothing but a bolter and power armor (you had to buy grenades for extra if you wanted them) and had no chapter tactics rules
Now they're 14 points, and come with all kinds of extra shit for free.
Funnily enough, the armies that are weakest now, nids and orks, are probably outclassed by their 3ed counterparts.
Nids definitely. Their basic troops are arguably about the same in terms of effectiveness for cost, but their monstrous creatures in 3ed were rape machines.
Orks are a bit of a closer fight, but since 3ed orks avoid the >I2 meme, I'd say they're better.
>tl;dr - yes, crons are more powerful now, but that's true of most armies, except nids and orks
>not underdog cuck who shouts /pol/ memes
I have never played (or payed) for WG stuff, but fluff wise I like IG, Tau, and Eldar. It probably says I'm a jock dick head but hey whatever works
>Skitarii, dash of Cult mech, splash of IG
Am I scum user? ):
Its Veeky Forums user, you should be used to being beaten up for playing elves by now, grow a spine.
Orks tend to be bros but loud and with copious amounts of ADD.
Space Marines / IG .... you tell me. the only IG player (he also plays SM) I know helps run his family's gun empire and loves them while the other guy who exclusively plays SM (black templars) who is obsessed about nazis and WW2 germans in general. Both great people though.
I feel I break the stereotype of each of my armies.
>Chaos but not a social outcast at all
>Tau but not a WAACfag or weeb
>Necrons but my career is creative
Then again if I'm saying stuff like "I break stereotypes" you MAY be able to make a case about the insufferable part, but I don't think it'll hold. I'm easy as fuck to get along with.
In my experience:
>Space Marines
Depends entirely on chapter, Smurfs were 12 when they started or are boring adults. Blood Angels, Dark Angels, and Imperial Fists got beat up in grade school, White Scars, Space Wolves, and Iron Hands were the ones doing the beating. Salamanders are bros, and Raven Guard don't exist.
Relatively chill but only views rules as benefits them specifically. Will argue about cover saves and insists $400 dollars was spent on Riptides because they look cool, but never paints them.
Has played for ages, but just not when Eldar lost a lot. Insists every other faction is broken in some way.
>Dark Eldar
Doesn't care about your rules. Realized that tons of poison shots works and will let math decide the match for him.
Potentially bros, or just got the other end of the SM vs Ork box and are happy to be playing. Either way, cheers when something big blows up, usually their own stuff.
Seemingly choose their chaos faction by way of a personality trait they relate with. Nurgle player also has a staph infection, and Khorne player likely has an arrest record.
Will insist army-wide FNP isn't broken, is tired of being asked what anything's initiative is. Likes skeletons or Lovecraft, doesn't like painting.
They're here for tanks. They'd be playing a WWII wargame instead if anyone else played it. Begrudgingly accepts that troops must be deployed but only ever bothered to paint three guys. Would use a croupier stick if you let him.
Likes horror movies, but no, not THAT horror movie. There's a story to the paint scheme, but they want you to guess. You will never get it right the first time.
>Sisters of Battle
Never seen, can't say.
>Seemingly choose their chaos faction by way of a personality trait they relate with. Nurgle player also has a staph infection, and Khorne player likely has an arrest record.
I find it quite the way around, not only with Chaos but with fluff basased choosing of an army in general. For example, I like Chaos because of all the "worshipping the Dark Gods" thing, the rituals, the black magic, all that. Samy as many other Chaos fags. But those same Chaos fags are usualy non-believers at least, all the way up to fedora tipping euphoric atheist fucks.
What you do with your games during your free time is usually not what you do in real life, with all the real consequences. I bet most box closed corporate cogs would choose Orks as their race if they'd knew about all the insanity and randomness.
>Orks tend to be bros but loud and with copious amounts of ADD.
This is reasonably accura-squirrel!
>IG: history/military nerds
True enough.
I play Word Bearers and I am also a religious cunt (politheistic).
Your point fails
What are Thousand Sons and/or Tzeentch like in your experiences? Or just in general the different legions and gods for chaos.
Tzeentch embodies change, magic and plans so complex they wind in, around and often against themselves. Thousand Sons value knowledge and prefer magical might to physical combat, ranged or otherwise. Quiet and reserved but have a lot of insight.
Nope, just a /d/eviant
The zero imagination thing probably means the oldcron lovers, who seem to be the majority on Veeky Forums
The only TSons player I know is an extremely skilled guy who remembers the most obscure rules and surprises everyone with their usage. Despite al the slack they're getting for bad rules, he wins every time. In terms of personality, he's kinda reserved and taciturn, though when he does joke, it's hilarious.
I started Space Wolves because I thought it's more fun to have a melee army as they race their way to assault. It is, but my opponents never had much fun against my 6 man thunderwolves with 3++ saves then against my Wulfen.
Then I picked Harlequins, hoping the harder tactical requirements for melee would give my opponents a bit of fun as we outmanouver each other, but then it's just not as assaulty as I liked.
Then I started Orks and everyone is having fun.
>IG: history/military nerds
If you want to talk about modern fighting tactics tanks are rapidly becoming irrelevant in favor of IFVs and air support