I like all board games except Cards Against Humanity

>I like all board games except Cards Against Humanity.

>Monopoly is the only board game I like to play.

>Cards Against Humanity is a board game.

>Catan is the only board game I like to play

>le whacky phrases xD

>Cards against humanity isn't a board game

Is Magic the Gathering a board game?

You have shitty taste, your waifu belongs in the trash, your favorite edition of D&D is unplayable, and if you hate D&D you're wrong, your army is mediocre at best, your paint jobs look like a 5-year old did them, your dice are the wrong color, shape, and/or size, the way you have fun is wrong, and you deserve every Ring-stain on your table.

I dunno, where do you play it?

No Patrick.

Meh, CaH are like what liberals consider "offensive". Soft humor that doesn't really hit the mark.

I've tasted YOUR MOTHER.
I don't play D&D.
I don't hate it, in fact I'm neutral on it, too busy.
Wargaming, HA! Still too busy.
Well yeah, factory standard.
Your mother would disagree.
And I deserve her ring as well.

So when exactly is this "shitposting about CaH" meme going to die.

It's okay to not like things.

user... my mother died years ago.

The person you're talking about used to be my father.

>this entire thread

>Let's play Drumpf simulator, I mean Secret Hitler

>He thinks Trump is anywhere near competent enough to pull a full Hitler

T. unnatural desecrator.

>The President of the United States is incompetent

>CaH are like what liberals consider "offensive".

Liberals have extremely wide tastes. This is evidenced in the fact that we dominate in all worthwhile creative endeavours, both in numbers and in quality.

>Liberals have extremely wide tastes. This is evidenced in the fact that we dominate in all worthwhile creative endeavours, both in numbers and in quality.

>Everybody that does not talk about politics has the same politics as me.
>I know this because they're not stupid and having different politics would be stupid.
Have you considered that people might be afraid to talk about non-liberal viewpoints because of the outrage machine?

>people might be afraid to talk about non-liberal viewpoints because of the outrage machine

>Have you considered that people might be afraid to talk about non-liberal viewpoints because of the outrage machine?

>He thinks Hitler was competent
He was surrounded by competent people, he was the George Lucas of history

>All creative endeavors we don't dominate are clearly not worthwhile

Like in music?

is that from Cosmos?
The documentary season with Neil EatGrass Tyson?

mate this is a blue board, christ

What convention is this?

You mean Neil Digress Tyson? yes

>Everyone who doesn't talk about politics doesn't agree with you, that's just arrogant.
>Obviously they super secretly agree with me instead but are too afraid to say!

Desperate and delusional. You can't even string three sentences together without contradicting yourself in a mad dash for acceptance.

CIA himself, Aidan Gillen is liberal. His biggest roles pre-Game Of Thrones were in TV shows about gay teenagers and institutional racism. You're very unlikely to pursue those roles if you can't stand those ideas. Now, maybe you would. Maybe you have a lot of experience hiding your real beliefs so people won't be disgusted. I can assure you that that's not normal by any stretch. The overwhelmingly likely thing is that he is at least liberal-leaning.

Even 4chans favourite meme was authored by liberals. You're welcome.

But I'm liberal and I don't consider CAH offensive.
Maybe I'm just not liberal enough by the incredibly high American standards.

CaH is just plain not funny, the shock value is completely negated by the fact that you know people don't come up with the jokes themselves, it's all cue card stuff. Plus, anything genuinly clever turning up is a chance of 1/100, again, because you just go off cue cards, randomly selected.

>He's afraid of literal bleeding hearts on Twitter

Wow conservatives are such pussy faggots

This is why blank cards exist...

Are you afraid of using the word "literal" correctly?

I thought the point was every time you play, everyone adds a card to the pile, so after a couple of rounds it's full of in-jokes tailored to the crowd you play with.

The way I see it, Liberals are Lawful Evil, Conservatives are True Neutral, Religious Right are Lawful Evil, Libertarians are Chaotic Neutral, and the Alt-Right are a mix of Lawful Neutral and Chaotic Evil.
Liberals use self-righteous outrage and censorship to erase any dissent. Sometimes it's warranted, but at times it's completely unjustified. Their downfall will be the resentment of the general population that has been forced out of the light of day.
Conservatives are usually apathetic and are wary of changes. They like the devil they know more than the unknown, even if there is a high probability of overall success in making changes.
Religious Right are self-righteous and feel like they need to dictate what is right or wrong.
Libertarians are stubborn to give power to the government, but turn a blind eye to the injustice and abuse that could be prevented by creating laws to amend those things. Libertarians also take government systems for granted.
The Alt-Right desire national security and economic progress, but are relatively lax when it comes to social justice and stability. The Alt-Right is also very hostile towards dissenting opinions, yet are surprisingly chill when it comes to bigoted rhetoric. To be honest, I predict the Alt-Right is going to be like the Regressive Left, but worse if they don't restrain themselves a bit.

>George Lucas was competent

reported for gore

I was going to add that the only card game I don't like to play is monopoly... but this thread is quickly going down the /pol/ shithole.

fukken died

>you deserve every Ring-stain on your table.