ok so, im making a homebrew where players can "create their own spells" they will have these symbols as base and can combine them in a "programming language" kind of way, not pictured but in use, you can use letters, numbers and even full words if needed, there is an example of what i kind of want players to do (tho they will surely find a way to fuck it all up)
i need some help thinking if i need more symbols for other things, and i want you to create a few spells if you can to kind of see what you can come up with
between 3-6 symbols would be okay (conditional , and , or & then do not count as a symbol by themselves)
Spell Symbols Help
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lol, what would that do? touch you back?
its funny, but i need shit like this too to find loop holes in stuff, also the spells will have to be aproved before being created (i will decide if they are not too broken)
i think i just found the mechanic equivalent of that
I like the concept.
Here, have some low effort on my part.
i guess this would be another example, create fire then launch, a simple fireball spell
these are great, would have to consider its use, but i gotta ask, what is size for? do you think it would serve better than small/big? could you make an example with those 3?
another example, good old explodey runes
another small example that actually made me notice i need a symbol for time
What happens if I simply "increase" or "decrease" an object?
Does a knife become more or less sharp?
you need a symbol for life and death too. how would you make a polymorph spell with this?
i think the spell neccesitates specifying what you're increasing about it.
increase the soup
Does the 'then' symbol do anything? You already have a conditional and a conjunctive. If effects happen in an order they'll happen in order listed after the conditional necessarily and if they're simultaneous use the 'and'.
Shouldn't the OP image be "When is touched, this object explodes"? The trigger is very ambiguous now.
Here's my take.
hurr im stupid
its for values, like, agility, dexterity, etc
thats why i needed help, with that kind of stuff im forgetting
to be honest, i have no idea, i just did it in case of corner cases, but if it seems like there are none, we can just take it out and use it for something else
right, it was an example, but conditional its mostly understood, its mostly used when defining the effect altho it can be taken out if it finds not much use and we condition the spell talking about itself
could you give an example for its use?
Not that user, but this looks funny.
the creature would have to have it tattooed, lol
This sounds more suited to a cRPG than tabletop because it would get complex on the fly. Unless of course they can only create spells at like a lectern in town (between sessions), then you could have them write it down on index cards and keep a "spell bank".
You think you're funny, but you're not.
{This object is big} | envelope this object
Oh my
I see a lot of potential for perpetual motion machines. {This object bounces}|bounce this object - perpetual magic piston
i think thats the basic idea, i mean the guy DID say he had to aprove them first
how the fuck did you get the part after THEN
Consider a point system for casting. The more symbols required, the more time/resource/whatever is required to cast it.
Resource is better see
You can do some busted stuff with only a few symbols. Like the concept though
Err see
Freudian slip
Fuck you, I did this first, though I used Norse runes for the symbols and didn't have as much syntax as your system
I think I'll just adapt your to a more aesthetically pleasing set of symbols
Also: how would you implement leveling and progression? How would a player "learn" spells?
It's truly an abortion of a joke.
Also, consider taking a look at the game Tyranny. It had a similar spell system in it.
OP here, still need a few examples for these actually i think with a symbol for "status" or naming the status, would be enough
this one's cute
to be honest, i think i miss named those, its meant to be a frontal impulse, then upwards thron, like in an arch, then the other one is being thrown at the "feet", i think i need a new one made specifically for bounce tho
they have limits to the amount of symbols in a spell depending on their level
the symbols they learn are based on what they find and understand from it, if, lets say, they see for the first time someone using the :. symbol, they wont know what it is, but when they experiment with it, they should get to the conclusion about how to use them
i thought about using norse runes before too, but some were too alike and felt they would get too confusing when there were many of these together, also go ahead, i dont mind you using this brah, its just a small part of a huge homebrew im making
never heard of it but will surely look into it
this was meant to have before this
>actually i think with a symbol for "status" or naming the status, would be enough
also, how´s this now?
This reminds me of the hobo sign language they put around areas for future hobo travelers.
More all i can imagine it's traveling wizards writing these down in random towns and dungeons to warn other wizards.
part of the inspiration, lol
OP here again, question for all of you who've helped, should i removed the "THEN" and "THIS OBJECT" specifications? should i replace them with something else?
Phoneposting so I can't do the symbols, but
"Write" "target" {{"this object" "speak"} "this object" "speak" "this object"}
Spell that makes runes appear on the target. These runes force the target to preface every spell with "this object", essentially making all his spells apply to him rather than his intended target.
Realised this is defeated by stuff like manually creating a fireball and then throwing it. Improved:
"Write" "target" {{"this object" "speak" "target" "or" "object"} "this object" "speak" "this object"}
Now if the guy you curse tries to speak the words required to target someone or something with a spell, he automatically says "this object", usually meaning himself, instead.
>Programming Magic
This is fucking golden and I love this concept
I got your back
Kind of reminds me of words of power from the Inheritance series. The magic system wasn't great but one thing I liked about it was how magicians in the series were always out to learn more words to increase their power and control.
You could do something similar, have your magic code symbols be valuable things that aren't just common knowledge, with the more complex and powerful ones taking effort to find and learn.
I don't think they're necissarily bad to have. Might consider adding some kind of loop operator that's available at a late level. Opens a lot of doors for craziness but could be cool if you have a resource system based on the output level of spells.
Sidenote: it'd be pretty Kick ass if someone developed an rpg with programming operators- might be used as an educational tool in introductory principles of programming classes
I've been lurking this thread with the intent to do so. I'd honestly love to work with OP on it since I think this is a fantastic idea but I'm afraid he's already left the thread.
Guess we just have to settle for stealing and reworking it. Off to bed for me, goodnight user
It's really a toss up. On one hand it's really cool but on the other it would (ironically) be hell to code. Simple stuff like damage spells are fine but whether or not certain combinations work or not is another thing
Some overlooked concepts that I think were pretty obvious for this kind of system.
Something I saved a long time ago that might help.
It's a vidya, but there's CodeSpells that operates on that idea. I haven't played it, so I've got no idea if it works out.
{Water, Touch} Create, Hold, Earth, Then, Speak
An alarm spell for flooding. Create a wall to hold the water back, sound the alarm.
i'd assume loops like this would use up all their magical energy relatively fast
all that energy has to come from somewhere - either it's given to the runes or spell when it's cast, or there's some kind of ambient magic either in the object or in the air, and neither of those are going to be limitless
Post your Homebrew progress in the general, you've got some neat ideas
I absolutely love the asthetics of 'stop'. How does one specify 'amount of time,' is it the number of hourglasses?
Also, does one have to write on a line or something so 'and' and 'or,' 'greater' and 'lesser' don't get confused?
Friendly bumping with cool concepts
So basically a magical "ping" command? If magic works you touch it and you get feedback
Could be useful if magical power is locally variable. Just ping it and see if you get feedback
sorry, fell asleep on the computer
im kind of retarded, what would the difference be from the conditional to the "while"?
thats actually another interesting way to make this, and the symbols are (most all) really different and would allow this
that's pretty clever
i still dont know if allow perpetual motion machines to happen or its a "runes burn out after used" kind of thing
this is a small part of the whole magic system, the whole game itself would make it seem like accounting simulator until its actually polished
for know its just the number and specify if its rounds, hours, etc. but symbols for those could work too, and i dont understand your question
thats a really neat one, would be a tester to see if you're in a "no-magic" zone
This is the "exception handling" rune.
>difference between conditional and while
I'd guess that the conditional is one time. If e.g. touch->light then the conditional would make light if you tap it, but would then fade meaning you'd have to continually tap it, while the 'while' would mean that you only have to touch it once and it would create light while you touch
>question not understandable
Because if the symbols are flipped, they might be confused for each other, what does the magic do if I don't write in a straight line? Is there some kind of mark below/above/around the writing to denote where up is, like a line?
thats very useful, thanks
but isnt the condition still there? i mean its not exactly tapping it, but by being "touched"
now you made me realize something, in case the condition is only "touch" means anything touching it, i gotta specify or otherwise the condition would still be met by just laying on the ground
Think of it as click vs. hold
Conditional is like clicking, if you click on a link and hold the mouse button it still counts as just one click
While it's like your keyboard keys, if you press e.g. the space bar and hold it it continually types that key
{touch}|fire would create a single fire ball,
{touch} (while) fire would be a flamethrower
ah, i see what you mean, the other symbols should give it away but you're right, in the case you write something with all the symetrical symbols, to know what is up or down, how about just a underline?
ah, i get it now
new symbols btw
another example, using the new symbols
I can't be the only one reminded of this.
Maybe a bracket for combing commands?
So in that one there would be ones around 'create and hold'
one thing i forgot to say, as stated, we needed a way to know which way the runes are supposed to be read, so i think putting the explanation under the spell would work in 2 ways, explaining how the spell works and telling you how to read it. when you read someone else's spell, you only "understand" the writings under stuff you know, and the rest would be just a blurry mess, obviously when you learn this kind of magic, they teach you the basics, user, then, when, etc. so those are the few ones you can read normally
I cast fondle
would this help the problem?
if not could you think of an example as when they would get confusing to use? so i can see how to fix it
kek, how about this
I think you redacted it wrong. The "Condition when" should also include the Object: "When you touch the object it bounces and the object speaks "stop"?
I think that the end is also wrong but I dont understand what you tried to say.
I don't see how fondling would make the commands clearer
i meant this not the pic
not that guy but im op, made it clearer i hope
How degenerate a caster am I if I shorten my spells by writing some glyphs inside others where it fits? As an example, pic related was used in Speed.
Woow, now that I understand what it says it is great. Adding on my list of spells.
Ah, I screwed up on the text.
That says when this object gets slower it explodes. The simbol for stopping is a black sand clock
its actually part of the idea, if we can make symbols be stacked like this and still remain understandable then i would say go ahead!
Since there are symbols for slower/faster, can you specify HOW faster/slower it gets? Because if so you can basically make a Tempomat
If slower than x get faster, if faster than y slow down
thats what the greater than and lesser than symbols are for and the increase and decrease
Can someone make an example using the "amount of time" simbol since I dont undersatnd how to use it properly? Something like "When you see the object this object stops for 2hr and 20min and then it burns"
At least it can be used in conditions fairly easily.
my take on it
I would put the star for "second" between the hourglass for "amount of time"
i forgot the "this object" before the "fire"
Is that how it was meant to be? Because it should... it probably is, yeah. Thanks.
fuck, i forgot the "this object" again, goes before the touched
A simble alarm spell. I put the "touch" action inside of this object because it looks nice. You could also add "Ice Envelop Target" and make it freeze the person that touches the object.
user is meant to be person currently using the object, maybe with "target" before user, could work
altho it feels intuitive, if not redundant to put "this object" in that case, would be like saying "when user touches this object" to be replaced by "when touched"
OP you better make a book for this
How can I shoehorn this into a game anyway?
if i ever feel like its finished i could make a manual, but you can always just go ahead and use it freely
I like that you used the time simbols as brackets
I like this
more than this
op here, that was the initial idea i was just not very straight forward
I think it'd be the opposite. Effects under "while" only happen when the condition is true. A one-off condition checks once. {Touch}:Light is a one-use flare; you touch it and it lights up until it runs out of mana I guess. While(Touch):Light stays lit while you hold it but goes dark when you drop or stow it.
Mages with limited ability would use While() because it's one binary sigil and more experienced mages would use two {X} sigils and an If check for on/off because it gives more control.
How can we make a time spell? Something like "stop time" or "go to the past" or even "make a time loop". Maybe we need a "time" elemental simbol. We may also need a heal one, a life or death ones for resurrection. An animal one and plats one for things like "control animal" or "making a plant appear". We may also need a teleportation simbol because I dont know how to make a teleportation spell with this system.
Also what other elements should we use? Maybe acid and poison? Talking about poison we should have conditions ones, like a sleep, blind, confused and posioned symbols.
I snickered.