Continuing from here Elric: Stormbringer.
The final part to the saga is coming up. And the dawn is crashing down.
Continuing from here Elric: Stormbringer.
The final part to the saga is coming up. And the dawn is crashing down.
This is it. The last issue.
Are there any audiobooks of the existing novels?
Yes. Least for Sailor and of Melnibone i know for certain.
Thanks. That at least means I am merely too retarded to find them.
Moonglum. Poor Moonglum. In the end, he stood by his bro.
Is Sepiriz always naked? If so, why don't we see his parts?
Is he just always in shadows?
Is he in a full body black suit?
And thus the Balance hangs high. But one act still remains.
The only way this could have ended was at the point of the Black Blade itself.
And that is how Elric, son of Sadric and last emperor of Melnibone died. By his own cursed blade. His destiny in this world fulfilled.
His soul forever reincarnating as the Eternal Champion throughout the Multiverse, making sure all is as it should be.
>Farewell, friend. I was a thousand times more evil than thou!
>And then it leapt from the Earth and went spearing upwards, its wild voice laughing mockery at the Cosmic Balance; filling the universe with its unholy glee.
The End.
Well, this has been alot of fun to share with you fa/tg/uys
So now that we went through the entire core saga, what did you think of it all? Any newcomers to the series or looking at these adaptations for the first time?
In shadows. He's described as an enormous black dude.
Could start Corum threads if people want it.
I'd read those.
Stormbringer was really psychedelic with the colour and panelling. Also forgot how sad a lot of it is.
If demand them, i will start them tomorrow.
If people*
Here's something i always wanted peoples opinion on:
Did Elric deserve to die?
Deserve is a tricky thing. He's the emperor of a nation of dark magic wielding demon-blooded torture fiends. He only tortures people to death as much as his station demands, and that makes him too chill for most of his subjects. He's not good. He's trying to do what he wants in a fairly selfish way all the time, its just that sometime what he wants works out to be not so bad for everyone else. Sometimes not though. Especially not in the end.
At that point it depends on if you think evil deserves to die, or how punishment and justice works for you. Also how agency/fate ties in there. That being said, sepiriz hits a main theme of the books, being that the world isn't just, partially because there's too much magic and chaos, and Gods have too much control over what people can do. So paradox. Everyone has to die in an unjust manner so that the possibility of people living in a just manner comes about.
Deserve is also kind of weird in that cosmology. It doesn't really address if there's a heaven associated with Law so far as I remember. But there's for sure hell.
>f there's a heaven associated with Law so far as I remember. But there's for sure hell.
You got it backwards. There is a Heaven and it's actually associated with Chaos. Hell is a realm of Law.
Then there's an ordered cosmology and fate, so deserve doesn't really come into it. Everyone does what they're fated to do and goes where they're suppose to.
>Everyone does what they're fated to do
But that goes back to what Elric was wondering about. Can he control anything in his life and why if not, why does he get the shaft?
The cosmology specified that with conjuction or so the balance can actually be destroyed and in the next cycle, it's preserved etc etc.
Part of his soul is actually trapped in the sword until years and years later its restored in one his reincarnations.
Personally. i don't think so but he had every opportunity to atleast stave off the shit that went down.
He put Yrkoon on the throne as regent despite Cymoril warning him and seeing first hand how much of a snake he was. He was told by Arioch how that if he restored the gems, he would be completing a step in the coming armageddon (mind you, he had no other option in that matter).
But most importantly, he acted like an idiot concerning Stormbringer. He thought he could control it, but just like any junkie, it eventually controlled him.
He tried to do good but it wasn't his time. In his other lives though, he finally redeems himself, which is a comforting thought. He also gives the middle finger to all of this fate bullshit.
Thank you op, today and the past days you have been cool.
Super art, great inspiration, good to read and see what the people I'm ripping off ripped off. I may have to buy that ruby throne one you did first, some of that imagery was amazing.
Yes you should
Also Corum. Want?
>Also forgot how sad a lot of it is.
The unverse loves tp shit on Elric
Corum would be awesome. Him and Hawkmoon are my favorite eternal champions.