How do you discribe your characters?
Where do they fall in this chart
How do you discribe your characters?
Where do they fall in this chart
E with a feminine penis
the rest > F > E
My character's a male (male) warforged, faggot
> not liking F
What are you? Some kind of faggot?
hey man; I like thick girls but there is a limit for me how far you can go
K or J. Girl abs see best abs.
F, G, I, J
How do I decide between brown tomboy and tall musclegirl? That's one hard of a choice.
>mfw dating a Latina E
My last character was H. Before that was C.
B, F, G, I, J, L
How do you know if a skeleton's Latina?
C or K
after some reconsideration, She's more of an H with E's hair and depression and poor social skills
Oh shit, I missed B, equal to G and H.
J most of the time, F when I can
The female characters I've played were a Khornate renegade in Black Crusade (closest to J with smaller breasts) and a navigator in Rogue Trader (started as pretty much exactly E; very tall, thin, and pale, but got the "bloated body" mutation and ended up more like F).
I'll take J, F, H, B and L
the sugar skull markings
I want me and K to take turns bullying each other, then gang up on H every so often.
Anything except H because I think she's underage and maybe F because fat belly does nothing for me. J is god tier.
Been a while since I played female character, but when I did it was slightly more top-heavy version of K.
You, I like you
you have a patrician taste my friend [\spoiler]
Rogue: C, inked and pierced up like K
Spellcaster: Shapeshifter, but favors A & L because perverts are easy to mindrape
Investigator: H, with a dash of Victorian fancy
Playing an F is a lot more fun than I thought it would be!
I enjoy them curves but C is masterrace
Probably in between J and K. Not quite as bulky as J but more muscular than K.
With E's aesthetic and I's presumably pleasant attitude.
A. Battle master Fighter focused on Crossbows
B. Life Cleric
C. Necromancy Wizard
D. Polearm Battle Master Fighter
E. Lore Bard
F. Alchemist
G. Avatar
H. Rogue
I. Champion Fighter
J. Barbarian.
K. Warlock
L. Phoenix Sorcerer.
it's just the clothes office ladies are love
i personally like F+
I just realized they are all wearing glasses.
>shadowrun character
>dude. six foot, 235 pounds and extreme lack of fat due to only eating human meat and exercising all the time.
He would be between built and bodybulder
Is that mask to try and stop her from shoving every piece of food she finds into her mouth?
Because it's doing a really bad job.
Actually its to magically enhance her bite attacks.
So it's designed to enforce her poor life decisions.
I bet it also means her weight isn't actually her fault.
F is fat, but still curvy. The limit is when the body starts to resemble a shapeless blob.
oh no its totally her fault. Making a sacred vow on high to eat a stronger thing every day was her favorite bad choice though.
>shit tier
E, F
>low tier
B, C, H, K,
>mid tier
>high tier
A, G, I, J
>god tier
Based on the ranking I can only presume L is a non-player character.
Also, are these glasses edited in in post?
>so mad
Dunno, I remember seeing the picture before but I don't remember if they had glasses the last time I saw it.
I glasses on K look kind of off though.
Your god-tier a Bitch. Shitty TsundereFags.
I would cheat on B with F
roll to pick ur waifu depending on last post number
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 5
F Dubs
G 6
H 7
I 8
J 9
K 0
L Trips
Quads = Any 2
She's not showing tsundere signs.
She's showing prudish signs, which is a good indicator for purity.
>touch the cow
>do it now
Cant you see the tattoo? that's clearly an Ox
i'll bite
Yeah, and I'm Gemini, now can we get on with the groping?
pls 9.
Purity is really only a desirable trait for the inexperienced. Virgins aren't sexy.
why do they have tits?
aww yiss
mm, luv me some chubs
E and F need to go, the rest can stay.
Where else would they keep the little sugar bread offerings?
im jelly
>second from the right
please try to contain your autism Veeky Forums
An F is fine so long as they have a personality, confidence, and aren't a bitch about their weight. I currently have an F with benefits who just happens to be the sweetest, and dirtiest girl I've ever met. We both sleep around, but if we're both lonely, we call each other up for an evening together. it's nice.
>tomboy in high tier
>ojou in god tier
I see, you're a man of culture as well.
Sup faggots, it's time for some objectively correct taste.
J > I = G > L > D = A > C = K > B > H > F > E
Beyond God and Buddha tier:
Threesome with F and J just trust me
God tier:
A, B, L
Top tier:
G, I, J
High tier:
H, k
Still ok tier:
C, D
Worried she would break tier:
E, maybe C
Do I even want to know why that child has her own pregnancy test?
Best - B, J, L
worst - E, F
A mix of I and K in purple tiefling form using a whip covered in blades. She's a PF swashbuckler.
My BBEG is literally something between C and K if you give her office clothes.
>Anyone implying A, J, and K aren't god tier.
>Threesome with F and J
Well, I'm not sure this is the case but sometimes it's okay to let little ones mimic actions of the adults / older sibling.
Like when I'm a checking bolts on my bike I would let little nephew poke them with the wrench too, even though he doesn't really have the grip or the power to secure them.
I'm scared
So close to J or K. But I is fine too...
My melanin enriched friend
C a best. I'd like J a lot more if her haircut didn't make her look like Stephen Merchant.
here goes
Let me get J with K's hairstyle.
The F that can pull it off is rare, sadly, so I tend to blanket exclude them until an exception comes along. I've known all of one. And yes, she was a damn darling. But most are disgusting.
come on number 1!
I love this meme.
Objective best choice: threesome with B and G