Ever had an honest-to-god virgin playing at your table?
What did he play and how well did he do?
Ever had an honest-to-god virgin playing at your table?
What did he play and how well did he do?
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Sup /g/, nice of you to stop by.
Tech priest magos in rt
I did alright
Why do you assume it was a guy?
>compulsively needs to pass anyone walking slightly slower than him
Absolutely. Speed-walking murderhobo virgin masterrace.
Most virgins are dudes, it's super easy to get laid as a girl
Found the europoor from Slutrovia.
Only one of our group of 6 is a non-virgin. Two or three of us, myself included, are abstinent by choice. We do pretty well. We've never had a TPK, at least.
>Compulsively needs to pass anyone walking slightly slower than him
I do this when driving. I-is it not normal?
it's super easy to get laid as a dude, virgin.
God I hate this meme. It's super easy for girls and guys to get laid by ugly people. Anyone of equal or higher looks is pretty difficult.
Leafland actually. Ugly whores are all over the world my dude
>it's super easy to get laid with a dude
Average looking dudes will happily fuck any non-ugly women. Not the same for average looking women and non-ugly men.
I honestly don't see the problem with being a virgin. To me it just sounds like a load of shame tactics.
>Oh noez, you didn't stick your dick in an acidic pit. Clearly you're less of a human being now! Go forth and be a fucking mangina!
I'll one-up you: women actively have to try to *not* get laid. Which dazzles me even further: men are expected to put in time, effort and money to get sex, and when they finally "get lucky" they're still the only ones who are expected to perform. With the effort the average woman expects, it wouldn't be unfair to in return expect a diamond encrusted vagina that leaks molten cocolate. And even then I'd refuse because that shit's fucking 500kcal per 100 grams. Not worth it.
Yeah, this sums it up best. Men have much higher sex drives than women on average. If you're a woman, you can find some average dick pretty easily. If you're a gay man, you can find some average dick pretty easily. It will literal come to you. I'm a hetero man but I've been sexually proposed by other men (a mere ~2% of the population) multiple times. I've never had a woman do that.
I feel personally attacked by this post
No. You're stupid and wrong.
Have you seen those OKCupid statistics? Men find women attractive to a normal distribution. Women are extremely right-skewed, meaning they have much higher standards. There's a reason gay men have the most sex out of anyone, because men are basically the biggest sluts and are programmed to find ejaculating into warm orifices to be the ultimate pleasure.
I'd love to see statistics like that. I find that shit super interesting.
>a mere ~2% of the population
It's more than that actually, the famous Freudian "4% minority" was self-reported and tested on skewed population sample. The species of Homo Sapiens is somewhat more homo and somewhat less sapiens than you'd initially expect.
On okcupid. Ok cupid isn't real life. It's a place where desperate men try to find normal women. Your Virgin is showing, user
Degenerate Bisexual here, can confirm anecdotally that it's way easier to pick up gay guys than girls
>i abstain by choice but I've never had sex
Cummon m8. Lets not kid our selves here, you dont abstain by choice you just dont make effort to get laid. If a gril approached you and wanted to bang, you wouldn't be abstaining
See pic related
>women that use thing are beautiful and men that use thing are ugly
Ok nice double standard, I have a feeling you're among those skewing women's perception of male beauty right-ward. I've already admitted that I'm a virgin btw, I don't care, I have bad social anxiety and struggle to talk with people period so I don't even think about relationships and sex.
And here's the other image for contrast
>you dont abstain by choice you just dont make effort to get laid
Not him, but what's the difference between abstaining and not making a concious effort? If you really want something you go get it.
>If a gril approached you and wanted to bang, you wouldn't be abstaining
Let's assume that this is correct (again, can't speak for that user). This doesn't change anything nor prove him a hypocrite, because the cost-benefit analysis has entirely changed. To name a vaguely equivalent example: I don't want an expensive, gas guzzling Lamborghini, but if someone offered one to me and offered to pay all of my gas expenses for the next 20 years I'd change my mind. That's because the cost-benefit analysis has been thrown entirely on its head. Does that make me a hypocrite for accepting the car under radically unusual -perhaps downright unrealistic- circumstances? Does that prove I wanted a Lamborghini all along? Of course it doesn't.
>B-But mainstream dating sites aren't representative of mainstream dating!
>scarily accurate description of how I walk
>not a virgin
How do I not walk like an awkward fuck Veeky Forums?
>that attractiveness rating Gaussian shift
>statistical chuckle.jpg
Find a normie friend and walk at his/her pace.
Walk like you own it. Walk like you have a goal that matters.
Almost everyone at my table lol
>using statistics to justify your virginity
>not realising through just being a normal person that women have it just as hard as men
Good grief
>Compulsively needs to pass anyone walking slightly slower than him
>pass anyone walking slower than him
but that's just basic physics
I think I play pretty well, and my players seem to like the campaign I'm running.
That's the most accurate one of these charts has ever been, fuck my life.
>women have it just as hard as men
Itt: angry virgins rationalize why they "choose" not to have sex with real human females
I don't need to justify my virginity, my virginity merely is. The fact of the matter is that, when talking about just sex (not relationships, marriage, employment, etc), women have it easier than men.
It's a frame of mind where you feel awkward walking near someone, so you compulsively speed up to pass people.
Walk like Vince McMahon
Get shitty thread back to /b/.
>caring about infographics posted on Korean gay sex hookups website
This is unnervingly accurate
Nice meme
>>women have it just as hard as men
the warning signals you've been spending too much time on /d/
Left all of my normie friends behind when I moved states.
Should be able to combine these two.
It's actually something I noticed about myself for a while. I do fine in social situations, but just walking about to grab lunch or strolling downtown makes me unload spaghetti.
>bonus: clothing is all neutral colored
So men are giant babies who can't deal with hard times. Got it.
So, I take it being a virgin is frowned upon in Veeky Forums now as well?Doesn't matter since I'm happy and I only care about my happiness, but I do wonder if the changing demographics now mean that virgins are now ridiculed even in places were they stereotypically wouldn't.
differentiating between people who have had sex and people who have not is very stupid unless you are considering sex with them
>People think you wear the same disgusting clothes every day
>You just own 8 of the same hoodie and pants
Why am I like this?
I didn't know the WHO was the top tier meme factory 'round here.
>unironic social darwinism
>So men are giant babies whose women leave them for other men during hard times.
It's the progression path of someone who wore jeans and graphic tees all their life.
Veeky Forums has made a pretty radical shift to the tumblr side of the spectrum. Take from that what you will.
>literally WHO
You have the soul of a virgin, a permavirgin.
Good one Carlos
Fucking pun spic
There is literally nothing wrong with walking fast, being considerate, making sure you don't step where you shouldn't, and wearing comfortable clothing.
Go back to /pol/.
>disliking social contact makes you a virgin
What a shit chart. Plenty of people who have had sex but dislike social activities walk like this.
your outfit has a surprisingly powerful impact on your attitude. Wear clothing that is more ostentatious than you usually do (brighter colors, patterns, of shit you like of course). Wear less covering/enclosing clothing; coats, sweaters, and baggy clothes obscures your body because you subconsciously feel protected and safe in those clothes. If you must cover with layers wear them opened/unbuttoned.
also wear comfy shoes, not having your feet hurt helps with confidence and life in general.
OP's just shitposting. This thread will probably be gone in an hour or two.
>anybody who disagrees with me is /pol/
It's just as bad as >anybody who disagrees with me is tumblr, you know
I got the same feel user.
Now I'm really self conscience... I'm also not a Virgin so this is depressing...
Veeky Forums is just easy to bait due to its combo of always wanting to win and argument and the incorrect believe that it's untrollable.
It's why you see less edition warring these days, since that actually requires some rudimentary knowledge of the subject to get a good reaction. Instead just say something generic like this or /po/ / anti-/po/ shit and you'll get a 250 response thread without even trying.
I wouldn't say Veeky Forums wants to win arguments; I think Veeky Forums just wants to argue.
I going to take the assumption that virgins are now ridiculed in Veeky Forums, because Veeky Forums has become more influenced by the normies and SJW not as a /pol/ influenced Veeky Forums would be any better mind you, since they would still act the same. Thank you for answering my question.
Because everything that used to be a niche hobby we were riduliculed for has been pandering to SJWs so now women arrive and the thing is ruined forever.
big talk for someone whose argument is
>anybody who disagrees with me is tumblr
Trust me when I say you will be much happier fucking a chick so hard she starts hallucinating. You never sleep as sound as after a good hard fucking.
>/po/ / anti-/po/
Actually, I'm capable of reading up more than one or two posts. Why do you think I used >tumblr to begin with as my example?
And thank you two for also answering my question.
>muh secret club
4/10 made me Kek
Anyone that would think your ability or actions as a player change based on if you've gotten sex is rather... dumb.
Now, I will grant you there is a certain stereotype of the virgin nerd roleplayer and even Venture Bros. has an episode that plays on it with the "seduction roll". I actually think many roleplayers have probably delved into that kind of action at least once.
Now I've turned down opportunities for sex even before did lose my virginity, and the loss of it hasn't really changed my outlook on things nor my gaming ability. People that project a constant need for sexual activity, virgin or not, can be dirsuptive to any game and I've known a few females that disruptive to online games I've been in. Usually issues of sex are just an issue that makes other players uncomfortable and I think usually you should be able to reign it in, but I find people that need to do a complete power fantasy in games are often more disruptive and usually has no bearing on if they've had sex or not.
>implying a mid-20s or older virgin is capable of doing that
Let's face it, attempting to have sex if you're already passed college age is kind of like attempting to be a pro athlete or musician during college. If you have to wait that long, it's probably never going to happen.
>You never sleep as sound as after a good hard fucking.
You've never had an on demand morphine pump.
For me it's the other way around. I wear dull clothes because people who don't notice me won't talk to me, and that saves me from having to try and fumble my way through a normal conversation.
The issue is that lots of guys are actually afraid of fucking a girl that hard, because the following morning they usually they hallucinate having been raped.
> that screen cap
Fucking gold.
please elucidate me on how your post was anything deeper than "anyone who disagrees with me is tumblr". I'll even greentext it for you since you seem to have the memory of a goldfish
>Veeky Forums has made a pretty radical shift to the tumblr side of the spectrum. Take from that what you will.
It's just one of those things people always seem to pick at. Even SJWs will talk smack about people being "virgins" even though this is counter to their ideas of combating "rape culture."
It wasn't my post. Consider yourself elucidated.
I missed the tinder age in college, and it was not hard to find a chick.
Now that tinder is a thing, I don't think anyone has an excuse to still be a virgin... uglos might just have to do A LOT of swiping.
I say nice meme not because it isn't a reliable source. I say nice meme because is irrelevant to the argument. Not all virgins kill themselves.
I can believe what you say, but personally sex was never at the top of the list of things to do. making sure my ducks and chickens are laying eggs for my me and my folks to eat, getting geese to sell and goats for milk, taking care of the pests, growing crops, taking care of my parents have been mostly on my mind, so sex get's bumped down to the end of the list. Doesn't matter, since I've got pornography to get me through till I'm ready, and even then I don't know.
My best friend is a 24 yo virgin and needs help. If any sweaty leg beards want him, I'll drug him for you.
... what?
Are you serious. When you start fucking, the last thing on your mind is "oh shit what if she crying rape?!?!"
You have already committed once you start... if that was an issue, you wouldn't be doing it. Or your drunk or something, at which point, I refer to my original statement.
You are literally a woman.
tits or gtfo, you contribute nothing to this board
Until the actual users here learn to identify roasties by their posties, we're stuck with their encrochies
then why did you feel the need to defend some random user's retarded shitposting on a Polynesian gold-farming cabal?
Because I like his side of the fence more than yours?
I didn't say it was hard to get laid in college, I'm saying that if you graduate college a virgin, chances are you're never going to lose it, and if you do, you'll probably never be good at sex since the men you're competing with already have nearly a decade's experience over you.
Tinder mostly works for attractive and particularly tall men. But you're right, a 20-something virgin could work out for many hours, get ripped, buy a lot of expensive clothing, maybe even get plastic surgery, and get laid. Likewise, someone desiring to learn the piano at age 25 could take tons and tons of tutoring just to become mediocre. The point is that the return on the investment is very small at best.
You got me there I guess. But I am pretty confident in saying I would rather sleep soundly from sex than from being so injured the docs give me one of those.
The seekrit club counterargument is an honest to god strawman. Nobody has ever argued that TGs should be antagonistic to newcomers. All anyone's ever argued is "there's no reason to attract new members when the community is healthy enough without them."
I've pretty much given up on the prospect of sex because I'm short and have bad acne. I just focus on other things