Considering how Slaaneshi are naked, primitive caricatures of the Eldar, what do you think the races that created the other Chaos Gods were like?
What were the races that created Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Khorne like?
Unless the old lore is no longer true, the other races predate most sentient life. Tzeentch is as old as reality itself, Khorne is as old as the first animal killing another, and Nurgle is the first diseases.
In early editions they were known to be highly adaptive omnivorous herd animals that hunted with pursuit predation.
Correct me if im wrong, but i think nurgle and his followers were created after the black death on earth.
>what do you think the races that created the other Chaos Gods were like?
They weren't created by single races. The Eldar, being powerful innate psykers who's society had become focused on a single aspect, were able to birth Slaanesh suddenly on their own. Khorne, Nurgle, and Slaanesh coalesced slowly, products of the dreams and nightmares from every sapient race around at the time.
Trayzn the Infinite has stolen this thread for his grand archive of relevant questions.
That's when Nurgle became sentient. He's technically always existed but never had enough power to fully manifest as an actual entity in the Warp until human suffering and despair gave him the boost.
IIRC - the Warp was a relatively calm place before the War in Heaven sent so many emotions and turmoil through it that it became the shithole it is now, so if you wanna know what the beings who created the rest of the Chaos Gods are, it's basically the Old Ones and their creations.
Isn't it stated that Slaanesh always "existed" but was born out of the Eldar super orgy? I mean, the very concepts that they each embody seem to predate a lot of things. If two being exist there will be conflict, all life comes and goes, If something can think then it can question, and if something is wanted, more of it will be desired.
>a few hundred thousand randos on the Galactic fringe were enough
GW has always been so shit with numbers.
So ... it's all the Eldar's fault?
Not really, it's the Old Ones fault for not thinking through making endless armies of super-psychics.
Which is why we should really be supporting the C'tan.
More the Necrons and the C'tan, but yeah.
Blame the Necrontyr for chimping out and attacking the Old Ones in the first place. If it wasn't for them, the C'tan would never have been given physical bodies and the War in Heaven would never have occurred.
Yeah, what a chimp out not wanting their entire race to continue suffering from space-cancer while the Old Ones continue to smug their way through existence.
Humans only had a hand in spawning them. All sentient life in the galaxy contributed in some way.
At least for Khorne its human wars and warlike cultures that spawned him.
Nurgle was spawned by sickness and despair.
Tzeentch is sorcery so the pursuit of knowledge. Possibly scientists spawned him.
Tzeentch's primary emotional spheres are curiosity and ambition, while some of Khorne's are that of rage and hatred. The things that relate to the Gods don't really feed them, per se, but rather the emotional runoff from the souls of mortals whom often associate certain mental patterns with certain things. An army of Servitors likely doesn't feed Khorne as they don't feel anger or rage as they mechanically gun down their opponents, for example.
The question then is, why do daemons of Slaanesh resemble Eldar so much? I think the most likely thing is that Khorne and Nurgle starting gathering power from various emotional creatures, but it was one species that took it to an extreme and birthed the god, like the Eldar did.
Also, how could Tzeentch predate reality itself? He is still a god of emotion. My personal theory is that some intellegent bird race discovered the warp and used it to great ends. but in doing so they created a force that draws from the minds of emotional beings (presumably starting with them). The first chaos god to be created was Tzeentch, the embodiment of the bird race's desire to use the warp to change themselves, their society, and the world around them.
Khornate incursions have been spawned at meat processing plants.
>why do daemons of Slaanesh resemble Eldar so much?
Because Slaanesh is not an Eldar god, but it IS a god that is extremely heavily influenced by the Eldar.
The Old Eldar were basically psychic Dark Eldar, so that should give you an idea of how much influence they had on Slaanesh.
> He is still a god of emotion.
He is mostly a god of Change and Sorcery. Neither of those things are inherently emotions. However, the desire for change IS an emotion, and THAT is what really feeds him.
The Old Ones were under no obligation to gift the Necrontyr with immortality. Given the Necrontyr's penchant for warmongering and aggression, they probably had very good reasons for not doing so.
Besides, the Necron codex even states, outright, that the Necrontyr only declared war on the Old Ones because they needed an external enemy to unite against before their empire collapsed into squabbling fiefdoms.
This also all hinges on the idea that the Old Ones could even gift someone with immortality to begin with. All signs point to them not being immortal themselves, just long-lived, especially compared to the Nectrontyr. If they were immortal it's possible that it was inherent to their biology and not something they could give away even if they wanted to.
>what do you think the races that created the other Chaos Gods were like?
Khorne is regularly depicted with an orkoid face or Ork skulls on his helmet. You tell me.
That thing sure as fuck does not look like an Ork and definitely isn't an actual model of Khorne. Also, aren't Khorne's most common appearance under his helmet a bull or canine face?
Nurgle was spawned in India
So, wot ur sayin iz dat Korn iz da boss of Mork an' Gork?
nah ya git. deyz sayin dat corn wantz ta be gork n' mork kuz deyz da best at foitin!
I originally assumed Tzeentch was the eldest Chaos God and thus older than existence, but apparently he's younger than Khorne.
According to (albeit old) 40k lore, Khorne awoke/was born during the middle ages of mankind in the midst of rampant murder and brutal warfare. Tzeentch was born through mysticism and academia. Nurgle was born through the Black Death, and we all know the story of Slaanesh. So according to old lore, Humans are the races that created the gods...
actually. That's the retarded Khornemobile (Lord of Skulls Tank/Daemon Engine). Big giant wheelchair berzerker who shoots skulls from his skull gun.
Actually, the Old Ones were masters of the Warp and we know that through the Warp you can gain immortality in different forms (see Eldar, Chaos champs, and the Emperor).
>That thing sure as fuck does not look like an Ork
Look at the brass ornaments on top of the leftmost helmet. Those look like orks.
>he Warp was a relatively calm place before the War in Heaven
Objectively false.
The Warp back then before the War on Heaven was infested with Chaos daemons. The Old Ones constructed the Daemon Cages to imprison trillions of them and isolate them from the Warp. Be'lakor was active at the time too. The Old Ones also constructed the Webway to circumvent the danger of the Warp.
For some unknown reason, perhaps due to the Old Ones hubris and stupidity, the walls that separated Reality and the Warp were sundered. The Necrons stepped up to save reality and constructed the Pylon Network that reestablished the walls between Real Space and the Warp in doing so preventing the Warp from obliterating reality. The Necron were saving the galaxy but were forced into hiding by the servants of the Old Ones the Eldar who shared many of their masters vile traits. The network could not be fully completed but it was enough to ensure the safety of the galaxy for the ages to come. However, with passage of time, the Pylons network steadily got damaged either by deliberate or accidental action or natural disaster. The rise of the disturbance in the upper layer of the Warp and the ascendance of Chaos can be attributed to this.
Also the Eldar creating the Eye of Terror put tremendous pressure on the network. The Eye of Terror would have annihilated the galaxy then and there had it not been for the pylons shackling it to its place. So the works of the Necrontyr remain as sole reason why the galaxy exists, proving to all the nobility, honour, selfless sacrifice of the Necrons.
>some intelligent bird race
So that's what happened to the Chozo.
Chaos Gods are not created. They always exist, but surface from the abyss of the warp like a breaching whale.
>t~ Path of Heaven
Also Slaanesh was not born either. According to the book Farseer, the cults that created Slaanesh were created by Slaanesh in the first place. Slaanesh created itself and violates causality, also according to the FFG Slaanesh Tome. Slaanesh simultaneously exists and does not exist.
Once Tzeench is, it always was.
Since the necrontyr were a bitter, aggressive, race who waged war and enslaved other civilisations... the old ones made the right call really, they didn't know the necrons would then pull star gods into physical bodies and fuck the galaxy
Whether you find it retarded or awesome depends on whether you like fun or you're an antisocial grognard whose whole life is Warhammer and who cannot accept its inherent ridiculousness.
So if they're so old why they don't have a galaxy spanning empire? Shouldn't they have better tech level than even the Necrons?
-Because they are in the Warp that is separated from reality by the Pylons.
-Because Magic > Technology
-Tzeentch's library the whole sum of mortal knowledge across time and space (he ain't sharing)
>Necons are trying to save the galaxy.
>The same Necons that work for a evil star eating god.
I dont know if this is true or fasle, but I kind of love it anyways. The Necrons as these selfless agents, tricked by the star gods reactivating now in our time of need to save humanity from the great scourge of chaos.
What if the demons are just an evolved race?
Maybe demonettes are the female counter part of bloodthirster.
And just though humans and eldars playing with the warp radiated their place in the warp dimension.
They got corrupted and now spill in our universe
The Middle East, surely. He shares his name with a Plague God of Mesopotamia.
The other Chaos Gods (except Slaanesh) were primarily created by humanity, though there is minor influence from other alien lifeforms. Humans have a fairly weak psychic registry compared to many other aliens, particularly Eldar, but humans are almost completely lacking in mental discipline. They are extremely inferior as a species in 40k (bar the tau).
>the aggressive and unstable race of man must be largely blamed for the growth of disharmonious forces in the warp
Yet the eldar created the big galactic lump of cancer called the Eye of Terror.
>Slaaneshi are naked
Daemonettes are the only lesser daemons to wear clothes.
It's mostly true, if romanticised.
Meanwhile the Silent King is still butting his head on his room's walls.
Orks arent intelligent enough.
I think humans formed Khorne as it is now.
Call me stupid, but it may also explain rivalry with slaanesh, perhaps? (like Human-Eldar rivalry on transdimensional scale?)
What's to be done about the Eternal Eldar?
t. Eldars
no fuck you, ya pointy eared cunt
you might be "disciplined" but humanity is a psychic Sladgehammer thats why we created so much shit around us
for all serious now there must be reason why no-name advanced imperial psychics, gray knights or chaos sorcerers can almost go toe-to-toe with millennia old eldars seers
There's a new Eye of Terror waiting to be born right on Terra. Created by humans.
imblying this will not be shiny golden Eye of GLORY surrounding emperah himself
there's already some shit the sisters and inquisition can that makes you think most of them are 'emperor demons'
Not anymore. Kind of.
If the Eye of Terror is a gaping, festering wound in the fabric of reality, the wound on Terra was pissed on, stuffed with a napkin and stitched shut with intestines by the AdMech, Custodes and the SoS.
Eldar psykers are doing everything they can to avoid using their psychic abilities. It is very rare an Eldar would choose to go down the Path of the Witch and hone their psychic abilities because it is extremely dangerous. Every Eldar has vastly greater psychic ability than any imperial psykers, gray knights, etc. Slaanesh has a taste for Eldar spirits, this is why psychic abilities were forbidden in Commorragh. If he senses their signature he will send his minions to consume their souls.
user pls
>Only now I realized that it sounds like Gomorrah
I'm not the brightest around here
it Should be it, I believe
I mean, chaos entities don't have gender, do they?
They can identify as any gender they want, you shitlord.
off with you to oblivion, tumblr faggot
I can't tell if you are blind to false-flagging or are also false-flagging.
The first time two beings in the galaxy with souls died that held a desire for violence as their most powerful traitis what birthed what would be khorne, and eventually upon this mass of swirling souls reaching critical mass it birthed a being exemplifying these shared traits
Same with the others