I have this weird pathfinder game going where i rp a bee...

i have this weird pathfinder game going where i rp a bee, i recently found out there are an abnormal amount of bee movie pictures and i was wondering what kinds of tips for attacks and ideas for skills and roles i could play around with. im also looking for bee art if anyone has them

Other urls found in this thread:


If you need bee pictures hit up a furry.

But since this is a lame meme saged.

Go for a caster.
Bee a wizard.




Bee a beesinessman bee.

this is perfect keep em coming




Just bee urself


thank you so much, im glad someone got some serious stuff


All I got, GL friend


why did the bee movie beecome such a self contained meme?

because it be

I can't beelieve you made this thread.


This is your new theme song. You're welcome.



you guys are amazing

