Redpill me on dogecoin.
Redpill me on dogecoin
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I believe in doge
Random moons, you never know when the meme will come back
i think the meme sell itself here anonsama
Literally everyone is talking about BZC right now faggot.
all you need to know
Google: Wolong. You didn't hear it from me.
Dunno. We'll see what happens in the next week or so. Im holding on to mine from years ago until it moons or not bothering. I doubt it will climb again though. That spike was nuts. It was almost up to a penny.
stop shilling your scammy shitcoin you pajeet fuck
Eh, every time there's a big dip everyone cries about the end of crypto.
Just hodl, it will go up again, everything will go up again.
This video makes me smile
Quads for doges
Doges 4 Quads
Quads confirm.
Calm your tits boys
The value of 1 Dogecoin has remained remarkably consistent for years.
1doge = 1 dollar in 1 year, 1 month, 1 day, and 1 hour
Literally a memecoin. Still better than 99% of the shillcoins and shitcoins (Verge, Vertcoin, Ark, EOS, NEO, etc).
its here to stay
Inflationary meme coin that actually holds value more consistently than any other shitcoin.
It's great for tipping and doing small transactions.
>tfw Doge becomes the actual one world currency
1d = 1d even in this market
I'm not doubting crypto or freaking out, but this things value has tripled in like two days. I'm looking at its rise like someone looks at a dip in bitcoin: it will probably not last.
doge would be a top 10 coin if it actually had a serious name and image
2018 is the Chinese year of the Doge
If Doge gets listed on Binance...all bets are off we moon
much money
very rich
Reddit coin, go ask there
Of course it won't. All things rise, bubble bursts, then drop, then rise again. That's just how it goes.
it's pronounced doh gay but faggitor neckbeards don't speak japanese
doggo here mate
>first day in Veeky Forums today
>reminds me that I have bought Dogecoin back in early 2014
>about 30.0000 which I bought on ebay since I didn't know how to mine them
>thought it's nice back and they moon
>forgot wallet on external hdd
>look into it today, wallet still there, currently synching
I mean it's nothing big but I'm kinda happy. Thanks op.
Can't shill you though, I don't know much either and I don't know what to do with them.
Maybe I will go on a nice vacation with that.
piece of shit coin KYS
You can move millions in a pair of minutes and only cost literally 1 Doge
WHEre would I be moving the money from and to?
Between exchanges?
Yes. It is the best coin to move between exchanges. I do that instead of trying to move BTC or ETH.
i think i have like millions or billions i dont remember though
does it have any value
uh yeah dude go find your wallet, that's quite enough to pay your rent for a few months depending on the amount
yeah but i have a LOT more value in bitcoin
i am gonna go find all my old ones [ltc, vert, doge, etc] this christmas tho