What would a campaign setting inspired by Aztec Mythology be like?
What would a campaign setting inspired by Aztec Mythology be like?
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Like a normal D&D game unless the GM played up the aztec aspects of the culture *really* hard.
It would involve the PCs taking a lot more prisoners that's for sure
the gods need blood to fight off the end of the world and who better to be the supply
Lots of blood and cannibalism.
Bloody enough to make Berserk look like a children's book
Also Mesoamerican myth is weird
Cannibalism no, blood yes.
Not saying no Aztec ever ate a human, I'm saying eating people is not part of their culture any more than it is in Western cultures.
> tfw aztec religion makes it acceptable for you to demand fatter bitches, and fuck the female versions of the gods
H o l y s h i t how is this NOT a harem anime?
Bonus points for conquistador-chan and missionary-chan competing for MC's interests and trying to 'convert' him.
Will there be cute jaguarboys?
Lots and lots of sacrifices.
The gods needs a lot of blood.
I forgot pic
Not that uncommon.
[citation needed]
those jungle niggers were still scalping each other 200 years ago, are you serious
Dragon maid was not enough antics for me. I require more haremshit to salve the hole inside me
There ain't no real conclusion as to the extent of their cannibalism. They did it, yes, but whether everybody did it or whether it was just a ritual in their religion or whether the poor did it out of desperation is still up for debate. Especially considering all of the sources came from Europeans or from the natives the Aztecs conquered, who had a great host of reasons for making the Aztecs look as awful as possible.
Them aztecs ate all their sacrifices user.
They rolled the heartless body down the steps of the temple, where it was torn to shreds by the populace and eaten, believing it blessed them.
>implying conquistador-chan and/or missionary-chan have butts four handspans wide
sticcs get out
"Aztecs" (Mexica and Nahua) didn't eat anything other than one single heart in one single sacrifice a year. But Chichimeca were actively cannibalistic.
Pretty much every modern mexican dish that is "traditionally" made of pork, used to be made of people.
My favorite Mesoamerican God is Xochipilli, His name means Flower Prince and his domains were art, games, beauty, dance, flowers, song, homosexuality, and male prostitutes.
He's often depicted with hallucinogenic plants and in a position that resemble tripping.
This dude is the God of Gay Bars.
>whether the poor did it out of desperation
What poor? Bernal Diaz narrates during the spaniards' stay in Tenochtitlan they were gifted more food and supplies that they had ever seen before and the city didn't look strained at all from their godly atms.
Anybody know the name of that monster made out of a dead mom with the stillborn child hanging from her cooch?
Killing hostages and wearing their skin for XP is lawful good if it's performed solemnly and in-season.
Reminder that the Anglos raided egyptean tombs for the human beef jerkey stored therein.
t. Frenchman
>ctrl+F 'jojo'
>0 results
Really now?
Read the myths, make a campaign and see for yourself, you stupid cunt.
Oh, right - you would have to read more than bunch of posts, shock and horror!
But if we know the answer, why the fuck is it wrong for him to ask?
Autists getting mad about autists not wanting to be around people?
This is getting uncomfortably meta.
X'taby maybe or something like that. X'tabey lives in caves and steals kids souls
Okay, its disappointing how little anyone in this thread actually seems to know about the Aztecs beyond HURR DURR SACRIFICES.
Here is what you need to know, OP: the Aztecs believed they were the last remaining descendants of the chosen people, and the only ones left who could save the world.
The world had already ended 4 times before, each time destroying the 'people' of that age with a unique calamity and paving the way for new life. Floods and shit like that.
Our world already has an ending written for it. Eventually the sun god will die and the world will plunge into eternal night. In the darkness, monsters will descend from the stars and devour what walks the Earth. We dont know what, or if, the world that follows will be like.
Aztec rituals are designed to buy us more time before this happens, usually by feeding the sun god, or generally check up on the health of the world. There is a fire ritual that they would do that asks if the world can end in the next 33 years. Not will or wont, but can or cannot.
They had nationalized schooling, universal mandatory military service and a meritocratic system of climbing the socio-economic ladder.
Really, if the Spaniards hadn't destroyed them, the Anglos would have thrown themselves against their Empire year after year until either of them was finally dead on the ground.
Any every other fucking tribe around them hated them and wanted them dead. They were a great Empire but it was doubtful they would have gone any further, lacking work animals
They wuz mayans and shit.
Is yacatecuhtli carrying a cross on his back?
It would be a breath of fresh fucking air.
I don't speak Spanish, what the fuck does the third and fourth panel say?
Does it really surprise you at this point? Historical discussion of any sort in Veeky Forums always gets ruined by obnoxious /pol/ kiddies who contribute nothing but think they're the funniest people alive because of repeating stale memes
>le /pol/ boogeyman
>Do you choose Olga, the heretic girl captured in Flanders to be your spouse?
>Or does Your Grace choose the princesses Xochitl, Andina, Araucana, Amazonica, Quechua and Azteca among others, recently christianized and cleansed from sin?
It's extremely outdated Spanish so that may be why you can't read it. It's about the equivalent to Elizabethan English
It's always /pol/tards that start with this shit. You're not fooling anyone. Alternatively it's people from /int/ or /tv/, which is either just as bad or worse
They had no wheel, shipbuilding, animal domestication, or metallurgy. They were fucked even without disease.
Cosmic Horror. The whole idea behind human sacrifice is that human blood is the only thing that keeps the god's powers running, and the god's powers are the only thing keeping thousands of titanic skeletal demonic horrors from descending upon the world and devouring it.
DnD style empowerment fantasies would be a poor taste for this setting. A more survival horror type deal where the players have to decide to so some shitty things for the greater good, all while never really knowing whether or not what they're doing is enough.
I'd play it with the looming threat of universal annihilation being ever-present. Maybe something that's part of the skyline? A hole in reality, a planetoid-sized monster slowly approaching. They're soldiers/elite warriors from one of many kingdoms, and must make sacrifices to their gods regularly. I'd put them in situations where they may not want to kill these people. Won't work for a party of murderhobos but people who get into it will end up alone with a little orphan child and the ritual knife. They can, of course, choose not to. At first it seems like there's no effect. But every now and then something big gets through and they have to fight it off (preferably with heavy casualties) and wonder if they could have prevented all this.
>Delta Green in pre-Columbian America
Wasn't the whole point of Aztec Mythology to ensure that unfathomable, gigantic skeletal demonic horrors from the darkness, don't descend and devour the entire universe? That would probably be what the setting revolves around.
>TFW you worship the god Painal
Can we have xoloitzcuintls?
Depends on the time of year
>modern ideas of sanitation
The Aztecs actually had phenomenal sanitation systems, and put an extreme emphasis on personal hygiene. Everybody bathed regularly, and canals, aqueducts and dykes controlled fresh water supplies into the city while sewage canals brought wastewater far out into the lake they built their city on.
In fact, the Aztecs pretty much scrubbed and bathed the Spaniards when they first arrived and showered them with incense, not because they thought they were holy, but because they were, to their standards, absolutely filthy and rank.
Source: The fucking Spanish who wrecked the place. Part of their enthusiasm for sacking Tenochtitlan was the fact that it was far more ornate and complex (from a city design standpoint) than anything they had ever seen in Spain, and by extension held fabulous amounts of wealth to plunder.
NAhuatl and Mexica nobles would regularly eat bread dipped in human blood, and have their meat dishes flecked with human blood, because it purified the food in the eyes of the Gods.
While they didn't necessary eat the whole thing (though some tribes absolutely did) they still ate people.
>sacrifice of a maid
uh oh
>They did it, yes, but whether everybody did it or whether it was just a ritual in their religion or whether the poor did it out of desperation is still up for debate.
The Spanish almost sacked Tenochtitlan on the spot when a priest of Tezcatlipoca offered the visiting Spaniards and their allied Indian nobility bread dipped in the flesh of a sacrificed young girl (they literally sacrificed her in front of them). The Indians accepted the offering, while the Spaniards basically went ballistic and had to be talked down by Cortez from drawing swords and getting themselves killed (they were in the very center of the city with little more than an honor guard).
Also made paint and "medicine" out of them.
>They had no wheel, shipbuilding, animal domestication, or metallurgy. They were fucked even without disease.
Let's go line by line here:
>no wheel
They had wheels, and knew how to make them. The thing was that they lacked any sort of draft animals to pull things, and it's not like they lacked in the labor department. Just have the literal hundreds of slaves you would own (as a minor noble) carry all your shit.
Not saying it wouldn't have been useful, but the advantages were not as immediately obvious nor were they as ultimately advantageous as they were in Old World societies where things labor could be multiplied further with draft animals.
Why did they need anything but canoes? They had all of Mexico to conquer, and there was (to their knowledge) fuck-all in either ocean to the east or west of them. Ship-building for sea trade was pointless and a waste of money when there were perfectly exploitable societies next door.
>animal domestication
I don't think you understand how animal domestication works, user. Animal domestication requires both a need and an animal that possesses all the necessary traits to be domesticated. Virtually none of them in Mexico had those characteristics, and those that did were virtually useless in comparison to things like horses or cattle.
They also did have dogs, which they used as food sources or hunting aids. They were much, much smaller than European dogs, however (about 1/3 of the size according to the Aztecs who got a taste of European war hounds) and therefore not good for much else other than companionship and ratting.
> metallurgy.
They literally made entire stairways out of gold and silver, and had copper and bronze tools.
Focusing on iron-working made no sense to them, because Obsidian cut so goddamn well and was plentiful enough that attempting to utilize iron-working (which virtually no Old World society did by themselves save the first, who I believe were the Hittites, maybe?)
>Sacrifice of a maid; of boy and girl
>of boy
Also some of those demons had rattlesnakes for penises. Aztec Mythology was weird.
While you are almost 100% correct and they had no reason to develop any of those things (excpt ships, which would have been useful for trade up and down the coasts as opposed to using 100 slaves to walk your goods through the jungle), Azteca swords were large carved sticks with obsidian teeth, because they didn't invent armor.
this is the peak of their military technology.
Do you really think that they would have survived a real military campaign against any of the European powers? Cortez had 2000 soldiers and a deadline of about 4 years before he was arrested and brought back to Spain for hanging, and he managed to utterly destroy the Azteca and by extension severely destabilize all of Mexico.
>we wuz spess feathered sneks ese
>we'll pretend we're not from /pol/!
It doesn't take a genius or conspiracy theorist to see all the tired /pol/ shitposting about sjw marxists and inferior savages and connect the dots.
That was mostly because everyone else in the region was sick of their shit and it barely took any effort to get them to side with the spaniards
>because they didn't invent armor.
They had pretty thick cloth armor, and Mayan cloth armor was actually arrow-proof at everything but point-blank range.
It wasn't perfect by any means, but it was effective enough that many Conquistadors exchanged their metal armor for the cloth armor when fighting Indians because it was almost as effective while weighing maybe a third of the weight and being far more breathable.
Another advantage of obsidian was that it literally never dulls - it shatters into sharper (but smaller) fragments, so unlike metal tools it never needs resharpening, and replacing teeth is as simple as sewing new chunks of obsidian into the blade.
It's not the equal to an iron sword, but it's also far from useless.
>this is the peak of their military technology.
It's able to cut off a horses head in a single blow, which both the Spanish and Aztec verified. That's still pretty ded killy.
They also made use of mass slingers, who were hugely effective at stopping the Spanish by making a literal hail of bone-shattering stones that horses would not charge through and men would get beaten to death trying to charge in. These slingers can literally shatter bones in modern replications at distances of less than 50yds, and they were fielded in mass formations numbering in the thousands at once by Aztec warlords.
>Do you really think that they would have survived a real military campaign against any of the European powers?
They had Cortez on the complete backfoot until after his execution of Montezuma, and even then the only reason the Aztecs didn't slaughter each and every Spaniard as they fled across the bridge to the mainland was because the Aztec generals lost control and their men focused on slave-taking rather than killing.
>Cortez had 2000 soldiers
And 30,000-50,000 Indian auxiliaries that new the foe and the land.
>and he managed to utterly destroy the Azteca
20% Spanish tech
30% Smallpox
30% Indian allies
20% Cortez being HAM
t. Aztecaboo
>actually knowing something about a culture other than a 10th-grade level understanding of half its culture strictly in relation to European culture makes you a [x]aboo
You know, history was actually pretty fucking complicated, especially the conquest of the New World.
Part of what made the Conquest of Mexico so incredibly ridiculous is that it simply should not have been possible (see ). The Spaniards had a significant tech advantage, but their advantage was nowhere near as wide as people think it was, and they were nearly routed to pieces on multiple occasions. The only reason the Spanish didn't get slaughtered to a man is basically because Hernan Cortez was brilliant in strategy, tactics, and hand-to-hand combat, and knew how to play various Indian nations against one another to basically conquer an entire civilization that should have, by all rights, chewed him up and spit him out as a sacrifice to Tlaloc. He was just THAT GOOD, and that's something the overwhelming majority of Eurocentricists miss and instead write off the New World as being either poor, pitiful natives who never stood a chance at best or as devil-worshipping sub-human savages who deserved everything they got at the worst, without knowing a damn thing about what actually happened - all the while ignoring the complete irony that the "superior tech" argument actually makes the Europeans look more incompetent and less "superior" than the reality of the situation.
>Hernan Cortez was literally CREEEEEEEEEED in real life.
Holy shit, reality is truly stranger than fiction.
Okay, now I'm not sure whether you are cute Aztecaboo or Spaniard who overhypes the other side to autofellate himself in the process.
Okay, then enlighten us on what the Aztecs "actually" were.
>When OP, who is a fucking scumshit secondary bitch who didn't play 2e to know the fucking Aztec Pantheons are a thing
> Aztecaboo or Spaniard who overhypes the other side to autofellate himself in the process.
A. I'm a different poster from the first guy.
B. I fucking hate Spain with a passion, because you can legitimately lay 90% of the problems of the Western Hemisphere at the feet of Spain, especially south of the Rio Grande.
However, I am a student of history, and understand that not only was the Triple Alliance a highly complex society that had, in the words of the Spaniards themselves, many own marvels and wonders the likes of which Europeans had never seen (and don't even get me started on the Inka), but Hernan Cortez was pretty much the entire reason the Conquest was successful (In addition to Moctezuma II being a punk bitch because "waaaahh my brother died and I don't get to be a priest anymore"). As much bad shit as he did, and as foolish as his exploits into China would prove to be, the man worked miracles time and again on the battlefield, and was smart as fuck in how he managed to turn a cradle of humanity with roughly 3M people into it into a massive cauldron of King-Of-The-Temple and emerge victorious with less than 500 regulars and 200 African slave troops (yes, Cortez used Africans, and the Africans fought because they hated Indians too).
You don't have to like a guy to respect his skills at everything but governing.
The modern-day equivalent of the Conquest would be a single Speztnas team conquering all of Britain by turning the Welsh, Scots, Irish, Catholics, and non-ethnic minority groups against the English and slaughtering them all, blowing up the Chunnel because "fuck you," then making the entire British Empire a Russian protectorate with with the Team Leader as a mini-King.
Is that a jojo reference?
>Some captives were sacrificed to Tezcatlipoca in ritual gladiatorial combat. The victim was tethered in place and given a mock weapon. He died fighting against up to four fully armed jaguar knights and eagle warriors.
Thats fucking PC material if I ever saw it.
Source on the book?