Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Making a new thread as soon as the old one hits the bump limit! edition.


Daily Duncan that's not actually daily but from 2 days ago: youtube.com/watch?v=NJFjVyO8N3Y

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android.

>40k rules reference in wiki format.

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>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>List organizer picture book

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>Forge World Book Index:

First for the First Legion

Second for Slaanesh

First for Orks!

Third for Lord Commander.


Please stop forcing the meme by doing this slow posting crap

Forgot to charge huh?

What is your aesthetic-wise favourite model?

Juan Diaz Seekers


Ones with the proper sarcophagus, at least.

Exorcist, because it is the most 40k model ever made.

Too bad GW is going towards the generic sci fi look now.

>because it is the most 40k model ever made.
>Not Cawl

>No mutilated flying zombie babies
I don't see how 40k is it


Gathering of the Storm is not 40k.

We all know that.

Ammo Baby is but one small aspect of the setting.

Everything about them tickles my techno-autism fetish in just the right way. They're also really good on the TT as a plus.

If I was the Emperor, I'd have huge amazonian ladies in golden armour and mute femboys with topknots rather than the other way around.

>Humanity self wanking about thier superior form, not part of the setting

Part of the aesthetic is the glorification of the human form.

Just look at any power armoured human, they go out of thier way to show they are human, sculpted nipples, abs, hips and tits.

We are humans look at us and tremble.

Then Marine show up and fuck up the thing with their non human crap.

good thing you're not the emperor then

>Implying Femstodes wouldn't be a marked improvement

>the Emperor
>a degenerate
No you wouldn't.

bootybootybootybooty rockit everywhere

>tfw my local store has the Skitarii start collecting set, a set of rangers and a box of those
>tfw so very tempted to buy them and start an army but I already have IG, SM and SoB
although I'm honestly just thinking of selling most of my Smarines

>non human
>literally just evolved humans

I was wondering: If I put Tyberos in a squad of Tartaros LC, will it still be able to Sweep? Since he's in an indomitus pattern armor.

Be'lakor or the 2nd version of Archaon, on dorghar the horse

Silent armored women who can fuck up sorcery with their mind. And punish the heretic with two handed swords ?
Top Waifu.

these too

Sleek, simple, radiating power. One of the many things that drew me to BT.

>punish the heretic

>suffer massive losses cause ''lol don't need a helmet''
>top anything
I love SoS, but DAMN do they need to stop prioritizing aesthetics over performance.

Alright gang, sis picked me up some Mechanicus Standard Grey spray and it works way better than Abaddon Black. Thanks to whomever recommended this to me.

Kommandos. No other model has as much character as they do. The Kommando Nob has a dent in his boot and a hole in his Slugga's holster.


Their mere touch is disgusting even for non psyker though.


>Needing anything but S/T3 to do so.

How weak can you be?

Source? Marines are tools at best and heretic mutants at worst. Beside they fall to chaos half the time. Worst creation ever

>Being within 100 yards is disgusting even for non psyker though.

It's even worse because the squad sergeants actually have helmets. Why don't they all wear those?

>they fall to chaos all the time
This meme is dumb.

>Never speaks, indoctrinated for complete loyalty

You don't want a waifu, you want a fucktoy.

>Aura of creepy soullessness that fills everyone nearby with instinctive revulsion

And your either a complete moron, or aware you'll only ever find a girl who shares your trait of making everyone want to throw up.

I want to see more paints of her model without skirt.

History bears this assertion out.

He said 40k not infinity. :^)

All this pariah talk. neat!

Does anyone have the picture of the Eldar Farseer and his "Humanity, what the FUCK are you doing" Speech about Pariahs?

Also something about how Eldar know what the blanks actually are, what they herald etc

Prove me wrong. Half the legions turn Traitor because daddy went back to his office.

10/10 idea

-53/10 execution

I've seen children model and paint better

Eldar have blanks solitaires.

Anyone got that bit of fluff where a group of Assassins are so socially maladjusted they try to get close to their mark by having the Culexus pretend to be a prostitute because she's the team's only female operative?

If I wanted something to love me over everything I would get a dog.

Flesh fucktoy and a dog is the best thing to have

Just fuck your dog, she's warm flesh and about as attractive a waifu as you'll ever attain.

What Ork figure is this? Can't find it on the GW site.

Im getting a second model just to do this eventually, maybe ill get a frost sabre and paint it like her pet to take up space on the big base

Should I run two blobs of 20 sisters of battle or two 5-sister squads in Immolators?
Assault on Black Reach warboss.

Pretty sure that's retconned and their soul is now only forfeit, not that they don't have one

But I love my dog. Why would I want to fuck it?

>Implying that people take "waifus" seriously
user, either you're a huge dork, either you have no humour.
Or you're SJW.

Its a warboss from assault on black reach, i think you can get it with thise new battle for vedross boxes now, check amazon.

20 it you play super mega hyper casual.
Anything else just run 5 girls inside Immolators.

You think mute people are "fuck toys"? pretty disgusting even for blob autistic neckbeard that you are

without skirt she would be great as a slaanesh model

>Yvraine has left red prosthetic hand
>Guilliman has left blue prosthetic hand
>Both nicknamed as "daughter" and "son"

>Indoctrinated for absolute loyalty and can't talk back

It's all well and good if you develop a healthy relationship with a disabled person, but let's not pretend what the Emperor sculpted SoS into makes for a healthy relationship.

Speaking of sisters of silence, if you killed a daemon prince in the prescence of enough powerful blanks, could you get him to not come back?

Ey phams, what's a good way to bump this up to 1850, since that seems to be the level the cool kids are playing at now.

Black kanniggets.

Pls respond

No. Blanks just make the warp harder to bleed into the material plan. It will be easier to kill, but it'll come back all right.

It is extremely hard to completely destroy a demon. Even GK that use their true names only banish them for so long.

Actually speaking of the Grey Knights, wouldn't an all-blank marine chapter make more sense as the Ordo Malleus's unsubtle but super secret beatstick?

>literally Emperor's grandsons
>tools at best and heretic mutants at worst
Ask me how i know you don't know shit about the setting.
>Beside they fall to chaos half the time
Because regular humans don't do that by the trillions, right?

Blanks are very rare.
So many blanks at the same place may imply death by brain damage to any astropath who would try to get to their world.

No, if one model can't, no one can.
Similar to if you put a chaos terminator lord in with a squad of chaos chosen.

I wish the models had big gloves like this.

Seems you haven't read the lates shit from HH, the Emperor consider marines tools.

>It is extremely hard to completely destroy a demon. Even GK that use their true names only banish them for so long.

It's one of the reasons the GKs have a vault of Tesseract Labyrinths. Sometimes imprisoning a Daemon is better than Banishing.

There's the problem. And i know all about the ''writing''. I meant they are literally genetically his grandsons.

For starters, Psykers, even though they are rare as fuck (although becoming more and more common by M42) are still much, much easier to come by than Blanks.
Second, their psyker genes can be actively used, with powers and shit. SoS have more of an aura thing. And even then, a proper demonic invasion will roll over them, they can be overloaded.
Might as well take the big dudes that can fight like no others and shoot sacred flames on top of that, if you want to survive.


When you start taking anything concerning Empy or Chaos in the HH seriously, you know you're plain wrong. Shit's a mess.

You know that big webway gate in the emperor's basement that Custodes are supposedly constantly warring against?

Wouldn't it be easier to just like, station the Silent Sisterhood to sit around it reading magazines or some shit?

You are wrong, user, read the Harlequin codices.

Webway gate was sealed.

Same can be said for anything past 4th maybe 5th.

So if we are going to pick and choose what parts of the lore we consider correct. I'll say Goto books are the best example of marine and Eldar warfare.

Mate, how about you read the damn books that features them before opening your mouth?

They can be overloaded and overwhelmed by sheer numbers. So no, it wouldn't work.

Vect tried that with khains gate bur it just drove all the blanks psycho

Goodness gracious user, that is a one hell of a slippery slope here.

Remind that genestealer cults are the underdog protagonists of this setting.

Well then they're shitty blanks compared to Jurgen then.

Reminder that stormtroopers are the most defensive troops in the setting.

>selling minis

Jurgen, rest in peace you magnificent bastard.

Jurgen didn't encounter tons of demons like there is in the webway you silly.
We're talking uncountable numbers and several Greater Demons here.

Sisters of Silence numbered in tens of thousands during the Great Crusade (so legion-size), also their aura can be trained to be focused, that's why they have ranks with Oblivion Knights being the top.
They had Navigators in specially insulated chambers guiding the Black Ships.

>Open bin
>Throw the minis in it
>Get 1850pts of non-cheese army
>Paint it
>Tell your friend to send me their thanks

Wait, he died?

I hope Wyches get a buff in 8th ed. In so far, they're only really useful for feeding Soulburst, but they look so cool and I just want them to be more than ablative armor for my Succubus or what have you

Yes, he dead, not sure if Cain is dead or not.

The biggest problem is that the retard ''writers'' completely missed the point that what makes 40k so grimdark isn't just the present, but the fact that there was a potential for an eternal golden age with a legitimate messiah figure, and now his works are perverted and he's a corpse on a throne. It made it that much more depressing, especially with that constant shred of hope that ''Everything could still be alright, The Emperor just needs to come back'' that made it all the more painful.
Now, instead, you have autists writing The Emperor as increasingly more evil and detached (and less powerful), his Imperium as increasingly more corrupt and rotten during it's golden era, his sons as increasingly more fallible manchildren, and the Chaos Gods as increasingly more powerful and in control.
At it's best, 40k was a story about how the parasitic gods of chaos had to get their shit together and covertly take down The Emperor, who was far more powerful then them, because he was gonna fuck their shit up. Then they gorged on the remains of his works.
Now you have them as being these all powerful deities who were always in control and The Great Crusade was of no consequence. I heard some autist claim how they're actually only diverting a miniscule fraction of their attention to the Materium.
The way it's going, The Emperor is gonna turn out to be a daemon prince, the whole thing a ruse, and in the next edition the entire universe is gonna just be one of Tzeentch's many dreams.

tl;dr: every edition Big E is weaker, less noble and benevolent, and less of consequence, the chaos gods are more powerful, important and in control, and the writing gets worse.

Dude have you seen the amount of ignores cover ap3 around now? Ravenwing are good but not ~that~ good.

The most recent codex, the current canon, does not refer to them as blanks, or not having souls, rather that they are "doomed to have their essence devoured" by Slaanesh.

So, sorry, not blanks.

>The Kommando Nob has a dent in his boot and a hole in his Slugga's holster.
I think about it.
Ok that's pretty funny.