Spider-war edition
>Night falls on Rachnis, plunging the moonless planet into almost total darkness
>a droning noise begins, drifting in and out of the edge of hearing
>Tonight's patrol fails to check in
1d4Chan: 1d4chan.org
Steam Group: steamcommunity.com
>What the fuck is this?
Somewhat a campaign of crack-infused free-form roleplay in the grim darkness of the far future.
>When do you guys make these threads?
Usually mondays at 4PM GMT, but they sometimes extend to Tuesdays if we got caught in the middle of something when the thread died and it was too late to make another one the same day.
>Can I join in?
Sure, just think of a character and have fun, you can find most info in 1d4chan albeit it's ussually a little bit out of date in comparison to where the threads are.
>Is there any requirement in character creation.
Not really, we've had Xeno infiltrators, Chaos infiltrators, Villains, Heroes, Normal Guardsmen, Crazed Guardsmen, Assassins, Psykers, Space Marines, Inquisitors, Squats... just think whathever and join the fun.
>Is it allowed to have more than a single character?
Yes as long as you don't use it to powerplay.
>So how you guys do the playan'?
We tend to use spoilers for OOC chat, but nothing is set in stone.
We tend to use greentexts for describing a character's actions, but again nothing is set in stone.
Use d20s for combat checks and d100s for other things you want to roll, higher Is better.
It's important to know that the regiment is now no longer in the employ of a dozen+ radical Inquistors, and have instead been folded back into guard ranks of Ultima Segmentum. Yes we've been through a lot of shit.
>Why don't you people move to quest?
We're not a quest that's why.