Can any other species apart from humans get PTSD in 40k?

Can any other species apart from humans get PTSD in 40k?


You'd think that the Fire Caste would have a higher tolernace for violence considering that's their entire purpose for being. Then again, on the whole most of the races I imagine are far more use to the brutality of their time then we ever could be now.

Only Tau I'd assume, Orks and Eldar were bred for war so I assume their "Fight or Flight" instinct doesnt get over-stressed or have issues dealing with violent trauma.

If anything the Fire Caste was bred for war, eldars if don't control it correctly since their emotions are stronger they can get an even worse version of the human one.

Fire Caste was bred for war, but not literally created for war, as opposed to the Eldar and Orks

I doubt most fire warriors would live long enough to experience ptsd. Either you're in a bait cadre and die fast, you aren't and you plink away safely, or other factions get in melee with you and you also die instantly.

The problem with the whole 40k setting is that in the tabletop game, you are experiencing a small slice of the setting's flavor (military conflict) in a simplistic way by rolling dice and following game rules. The only way to experience the rest of the setting is to read the novels of dubious quality or to play some of the videogames, again of questionable canonicity.

I'd love to see more of the civilian and slice of life elements of the warhammer 40,000 setting but I'm sceptical that it will ever be portrayed in an enjoyable way.

orkz had the mad boyz which I faintly remember also had among them shellshocked or traumatised gits

no one ever reaches post trauma

I would imagine the rates would be very low if they could, even the guard probably has low rates just because of the mortality rates. Orks and Necrons probably don't have any problems with it. Craft world Eldar possibly either get it worse or handle it batter due to their emotional control. Dark Eldar are the ones causing PTSD if anything. And I'm gonna assume that Daemons are pretty much immune to that sort of thing. So mostly Tau and Humans, any others not mentioned are too beastly to really have the issue.

No they are filthy xenos who lack emotion or empathy and must be purged

Pawns of Chaos has some civilian life and the war is mostly done by other people elsewhere. Enforcer omnibus takes a deeper look at everyday life of various factions and biggest enemies in it are crooked politicians. Eye of Terror is a road movie across the Eye of Terror, meeting all sorts of folk. Farseer has some Imperial life in it.

Humans don't get PTSD, PTSD get's humans.

Like said, Orks are still vulnerable to mental trauma as any other race. Granted, the average boy doesnt live long enough to see any effects of mental trauma, but Mad Boyz are obviously orks that were driven insane from too much fightin'.

So, Orks do get PTSD, not in a "what have I done..." way but more of a "HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHA" way.

Gillymang says we're allied with Eldar now, so they have emotions I guess.

>Can any other species apart from humans get PTSD in 40k?
>no one can get PTSD is no one survives blackman.jpg

PTSD is inability to adjust to civilian life. There's no civilian life in WH40K, thus no PTSD.

If a suspicious noise makes you pull out your gun and start firing indiscriminately, it's probably because chaos cultists are summoning a demon behind a corner.

Thanks for the suggestions. I've read the Eisenhorn novels and I really appreciated the nuance and flavor that Abnett works into the setting. It's a shame the tabletop game tends to boil down to raw mechanics and imagery that's only relevant to the military side of things.

>PTSD is inability to adjust to civilian life

The average lives of a large part of humanity is probably more brutal than the average Tau life, even Fire Caste. Hive worlds full of constant gang warfare, death worlds, Mad Max planets, etc.

As a taufag, I'm glad that they bothered to include some grimdark in the description of tau society. Brave New World social conditioning and unnerving dystopian imagery with a veneer of utopianism. Even a mini-horus heresy with Farsight getting red-pilled and killing off the ethereals while slowly becoming corrupted by his unholy necron sword.

But user, brave new world people are happy. The only unhappy one is the protagonist who is a freak of nature and a mutant.

I think the average life of the average man is just plain boring.

Work-Eat-Work-Sleep and go on

An average life of an average man is looking at every other person and thinking "Wow, this guy is dull and his life must be boring. It's a good thing I'm so much better."

> Commander Gundam.
> Corrupted.

Buddy, he's the hero the Tau need.

user, PTSD is POSTtraumatic stress disorder. Traumatic shit doesn't stop, thus no PTSD.

>the massive ptsd backwash when the war finally ends and the orcs win
Uh what now boss? ... boss? Why boss lying on ground crying and shaking? Wait we won...? But we can still fight right? Boss?

>who lack emotion or empathy
Last, I checked, literally everyone in Warhammer is like that.

This is a part that, based on the tabletop books for it, the original 1st edition did quite well that I wish stayed throughout 40k. It wasn't necessarily just military conflict all the time, and there was even a third person often required who would be both part referee part dungeon master of a sort.

I don't think orks need an enemy to fight. They already fight among themselves just as willingly.

Though somewhat maligned, the Fire Warrior novel is cannon, as confirms that tau do indeed get PTSD, including shakes, flashbacks, catatonic episodes, displacement etc. They also get some unique maladies such as dissociation disorders from spending too much time in crisis suits.

For eldar, I have always been under the impression that the guardian and aspect paths were a means of mitigating the effects of PTSD, as the concept of having a "warrior name" and "warrior mind" separate from your mundane life, will help alleviate the stresses of combat. All healthy adults are also able to act as guardians, but with the low numbers as they are, having even one eldar crack under the strain is too many.

Tau warriors blessed by Khorne don't count

Craftworld Eldar are basically walking PTSD cases