>virgin neckbeard grognards still complaining about AoS
>it's been two years now
>it's objectively selling better than WHFB was during its last ten years
>it's objectively got better rules balance than WHFB with nothing that's borderline useless particularly thanks to the General's Handbook
>it's got models that have on average objectively more detail to them than WHFB models
Holy shit, I really hope 40k has a similar culling mechanism as well where the models/rules improve and the shitty part of the fanbase leave the product. It's quite possibly the best thing that has ever happened to GW in a LONG time.
Virgin neckbeard grognards still complaining about AoS
I think that the issue is that it is still one of the worst designed games on the market. You are better off playing Malifaux or something if you want fantasy skirmish.
It's not the GAME that's the problem, it's the fact that they tore apart, shit on, and burned 20+ YEARS of fluff to replace it with stapled-together, makeshift, shoddy garbage held together by glue and safety pins!!!
I'd be fine with Sigmar if they didn't replace the lore.
I mean they changed the faction names for God's sake. For what? Slightly better copyright milking? Please. They threw out the baby with the bath water and lost many fans for it.
>playing a card game that pretends to be a miniatures game
>children's game
>surprised it sells better
>it's got models that have on average objectively more detail to them than WHFB models
>more detail makes a better design
Why am I replying to bait?
I loved the Old World and miss it for the setting
Also the rules are watered down garbage and the new minis look too 40k
These are all legit complaints
because now, parents can buy miniatures for their five year olds
But... it's their IP and can do with it what they want...
>trolls still make this obvious bait thread for all the fantasy grongards
>Its been 2 years now
>the grongards still come because they're easily triggered man babbys
>still bitching about how they raped the old word even though all the minis and rules books and fluff are still there
holy shit, Another bait thread. I look forward to seeing 18 of these a day for 40k 8th edition
That's not in dispute. What user was complaining about was that they did something shitty, not whether they're allowed to do something shitty.
>why don't you like THING? It just killed OTHER THING you liked and drew more people to the fanbase of THING?
Because I liked WHFB and happily suffered my army not getting updates because I enjoyed the lore and playing the game. Now, my army will never be updated and eventually people will move on to a game with support and I will not be able to do that.
You mean like AoS with its CCG esque rules collection? I agree, it isn't anything anyone should play.
>>it's objectively got better rules balance than WHFB with nothing that's borderline useless particularly thanks to the General's Handbook
Black Knights
But user, what I don't get is people getting mad about what happens to their make believe universe.
>>it's objectively selling better than WHFB was during its last ten years
>>it's objectively got better rules balance
That's why most of armies are useless against new Battletomes?
I spent $350 on various Tomb Kings stuff from 2012 to 2014 when End Times started (at which point I heard rumours of the new edition and barely held off on buying Arkhan). I will never stop being salty.
You will receive no proof as none exists.
GW's general financial uptick the last 18 months has come from them finally caving on 40K and specialist games releases they've sat on for decades coupled with them reengaging with their customers online.
AoS has likely recovered somewhat from the catastrophe of it's release, as the battered wives that are GW's customer base have gone crawling back to play the only fantasy game they're allowed to in their local GW store.
That's hard to understand in parts of the world which have solid networks of FLGS. Certainly the UK lacks such networks and GW is the only game in town if you don't want to pay an entry fee (of a couple of quid) at a local gaming club.
Games workshop is a public trade whatever you call it company, you can find the fucking stats on you're own
last ten years
>That's why most of armies are useless against new Battletomes?
You can make a killer list from any book and with any combination of units avaloble in the game, my fucking night goblins on their own DESTROY armies from the new books
>Games workshop is a public trade whatever you call it company, you can find the fucking stats on you're own
I still didn't see any numbers about WHFB and AoS sales directly.
>You can make a killer list from any book and with any combination of units avaloble in the game,
Yeah say it to FEC, or to vanilla Greenskins, or Khorne Mortals, or Fireslayers, or Seraphons (I could also mentioned all old armies, but since they didn't get their battletomes it would incorrect).
>with any combination of units avaloble in the game,
>what Allegiance system are
too fat
Hi. I was not an early adapter to AoS, but I've been playing for the past year or so. . .
>Because I liked WHFB and happily suffered my army not getting updates because I enjoyed the lore and playing the game. Now, my army will never be updated and eventually people will move on to a game with support and I will not be able to do that.
^ This is a valid complaint. Sure, we can pretend this is only one guy with an army so obscure that no one cares (like Brayherds), but the truth is a lot of people's favorite armies got burned in varying degrees. Vlad Von Carstein? Brettonians? That was all GOOD stuff that was simply wasted for no reason at all, except maybe because GW couldn't make any money off Legacy players. IMO, they could with a realmgate to the past and a series of small releases on FW.
>>>it's objectively got better rules balance than WHFB with nothing that's borderline useless particularly thanks to the General's Handbook
I think it would be closer to say it objectively has better rules formatting, so you don't have to endlessly flip through the BRB.
>That's why most of armies are useless against new Battletomes?
Battletomes and the warscroll battalions found in them are imbalanced. Even with point values.
As for points themselves, they don't really balance anything. The points "retard imbalance," but do nothing to prevent it altogether. Watching the ITC tournaments, you might as well play Open play, because at a certain level the points do nothing.
>I spent $350 on various Tomb Kings stuff from 2012 to 2014 when End Times started (at which point I heard rumours of the new edition and barely held off on buying Arkhan). I will never stop being salty.
And yet Tomb Kings were still among the top 5 competitive armies at LVO.
>AoS has likely recovered somewhat from the catastrophe of it's release, as the battered wives that are GW's customer base have gone crawling back to play the only fantasy game they're allowed to in their local GW store.
>as the battered wives that are GW's customer base have gone crawling back to play the only fantasy game they're allowed to in their local GW store.
Most of the participants are not only brand-new to AoS, but to tabletop gaming in-general.
The problem is that these players are under the delusion that GW's design team has balanced the game like an RTS or turn-based computer game.
Let me repeat that: These players are under the delusion that GW's design team has balanced the game like an RTS or turn-based computer game.
Maintaining the illusion of it keeps people playing.
>You can make a killer list from any book and with any combination of units avaloble in the game, my fucking night goblins on their own DESTROY armies from the new books
As long as your opponent isn't actually reading the new books.
You can be a GW shill, just try not to be so obvious about it next time, okay?
Not shilling at all, because it is what it is and a moron could figure that out
A moron could figure out you're just saying "nuh-uh" lacking any specifics at all along with "muh fucking night goblins. . ."
>That's hard to understand in parts of the world which have solid networks of FLGS.
Or in parts of the world where tables exist. Why do you need to go to a store to play?
AoS can burn in hell along with anyone who supports it.
t. empire cuck
>b-but it's supposed to be about human peasants defending their homes
>literally can't play anything but stormcasts or khorne in AoS, might as well cram my 80 empire halbediers up my ass
>GW burned every trace of the lore, ITS ALL DEAD!!!
>>b-but it's supposed to be about human peasants defending their homes
>>literally can't play anything but stormcasts or khorne in AoS, might as well cram my 80 empire halbediers up my ass
Dubs of truth.
With current shooting meta Empire sucks
>literally can't play anything
Why are Empire players such fucking bitches?
>it's objectively selling better than WHFB was during its last ten years
Lel no, WHFB was the second most sold wargame until 2013.
Why AoS defenders always sounds like Ultramarines fanboys?
What did the butthurt IG player losing his fantasy counterpart mean with this?
>butthurt IG player
Wrong, tau and AdMech pleayer
>being this cancerous
Jesus fuck, I wish you were an IG player.
>SMkid calls someone cancerous
>>it's objectively selling better than WHFB was during its last ten years
remember, this is Veeky Forums, "it's popular therefor it sucks" is almost as near and dear a saying to the posters here's hearts as "stop liking what I don't like" so that probably counts as a point against AoS here
You dont need a Store to play, but apart from the guys i met there i know noone with whom to play
>I meet people that I can play with
>in a place where I can't play what I want
>I can talk to these people
Surely you could figure this out.
AOS is basically Shillary of tabletop wargames, and its fanbase - typical SJW defence force.
>That's hard to understand in parts of the world which have solid networks of FLGS. Certainly the UK lacks such networks and GW is the only game in town if you don't want to pay an entry fee (of a couple of quid) at a local gaming club.
About that, I'm not a brit but the comeback of LFGSs and the GW stores turning to one-man caves over the last decade probably screwed GW quite a lot. In LFGS GW has a lot of competitors while in their own stores they have none. So if the local wargaming community gathers in a non-GW store rather than a GW store, they likely will pick a non-GW game.
Yes. It's also my money and my keyboard, and I can do what I want with both. Not spend it on AoS, and complain, respectively.
I don't see anyone asking for the AoS IP user...
It's fucking dogshit and the models are overdesigned garbage that lack any character.
Because the "average" gamer in the UK lives in a rabbit hutch sized home/flat and has no space to set up a table to play on they need an outside venue.
Obviously exceptions are many and there are gaming clubs as an alternative to gaming stores, but G-dubs are the "only" option for some gamers who are too fucking penny pinching to pay club fees.
People are still mad at losing their shitty awful WHFB?
Those people need to move the fuck on and stop injecting salt and vinegar into their morning cereal the fucking losers.
Even by european standards brits live in tiny hovels. No wonder they can't have a gaming table.
>so you don't have to endlessly flip through the BRB.
Yes, because now instead of some unified table of special rules, EACH unit have few "unique" special rules on it's warscroll.
People care about things (especially things that have been part of their lives for a long time). More news at 11.
Btw, Do you happen to question why people cry at the movies or why they care about a local sports team? My autism detector always starts to make noises when I read posts like yours.
As another aside, I find this strange attitude sometimes very prevalent among AoS fans. Oh that thing that lasted for decades and filled up so much of your time and energy, oh why do you care. Meanwhile, someone makes a passing remark about 40k and AoS fans come out begging them to stop. Or once I saw in an AoS general, someone wrote something like 1000 word post attacking a guy for making a 1 sentence remark about stormcast models. Like, you can't have it both ways. You can't question why people care about something and then jump on every remark you don't like about AoS or write 2000 word diatribes defending the honour of AoS... don't make a lick of sense.
Now this user has his head screwed on properly.
Ah, yes, aos-fanboys. Try find more toxic community- you can`t.
do they let you play tabletop wargames at the local mosque?
>objectively selling better than WHFB
WHFB works great in video games, not so much in a Wargame anymore.
Why the fuck can't mods delete Skubtasy vs Age of Skub shitposting threads?
WHFB general.
It's quite simple really.
Ever since it's conception AoS-General has been bombarded by the most rancorus groggiest grognards ever, who are utterly enflamed by WHFB's death.
They refuse to move on, or even accept their limitation in time, and see it as the fault of AoS-general that the game died.
People who cry about WHFB being dead, really didn't care enough about the game to keep it alive.
FB is dead, 10 old fucks NOT equal community.
>try to find a more toxic community
I see you've never been to a 40k General, or Warhammer fantasy general. In truth it's just about which fan base has the most vocal minority grongards shitting up the threads.
>current year
>people still haven't figured out how to identify bait
I'm willing to bet that 4/5 "AoS fanboys" who make threads or comments like OP are just trolls who don't play any of the games stirring up shit because Fantasy grongs will forever be easy targets
Oh I know that since they cannibalised WHFB:RPG and act as if the two communities were the same people.
17 year old groglets crying they can't stomp people with Elves whining about their game being abandoned; thinking they are on the same level as people playing like 20 year old rules.
But AoS autismos are still one of the dumbest fanboys out there, dont you forget about that. Also, defending such pathetic lore and miniature is just sad.
>dont update 1/3 of the army books
>dont produce new models
>dont put out any new lore
>"fantasy never sold well"
>suddenly start breathing life into the game again and it sells really well for end times
>kills it
UKanon here, currently based in Liverpool. There are two or three FLGSes I could play in in town if I chose to, not to mention student societies at the three main unis that are open to outsiders dropping in. Then there's our geedubs.
My friend in Bolton has two he goes to. I was in Preston for work the other day and they had two gaming cafes advertised on the noticeboard of things to do in town right outside the train station ffs.
>like OP are just trolls who don't play any of the games stirring up shit because Fantasy grongs will forever be easy targets
True. I also like to trigger Aos-kiddies, `cause they star acting like typical sjw-crowd. Looks HILARIous.
Yeah this is one thing I noticed. One thing that always crops up in this flame war is how the Old World was a unique setting because it had high fantasy elements, but it focused on the little guy.
No it did not. The WFRP splats focused on the little guy because they explored the little guy roles you could play. The campaign books were as high fantasy as ever.
Except that's simply not true, the Dwarf range getting an almost total revamp still had shit all sales.
>Slavposter thinks he triggers anyone
>Implying we're not just sick of Placating a retard.
Explain how it's CCG esque vs a game that is literally based on cards, combos and mana.
I'll wait.
reminds me of when 5th edition DnD came out and I was finally free of the pathfinder munchkins.
X-wing? Well, meta is shit now, i wont argue with that, but comunity itself are far from AOS depths of retardnessnes and autism. Casual x-wing players are one of most comfiest dudes i mett in tabletop gaming.
>the Dwarf range getting an almost total revamp
Nope 2 infantry boxes and flyers, only DE get total revamp
DE didn't get a total revamp either.
Return to your increasingly leaky containment board filth.
Take these numbers with you:
Muslims in the UK 2.8 million
Muslims in Clappistan 3.3 million
A tiny fraction of a percent of who pose any threat whatsoever to an even smaller percentage of their host population. The rest busy themselves keeping our fucking society running they never seem to have the time left for traditional games in my experience.
Good job attempting to derail the thread though. Burbling on a Bolivian bag weaving forum is the most scum like you can or ever will achieve. Still more than your Wotsit cunt president has managed thus far.
>Ever since it's conception AoS-General has been bombarded by the most rancorus groggiest grognards ever,
>implying AoSfans didn't shitpost in other generals, including non-GW games
>really didn't care enough about the game to keep it alive.
>8th edition
>lack of real updates
>growing prices
>It's all community fault!
This thread just got better.
The Lizardmen/Seraphon. Lore I believe is an improvement over before. They were always kinda fucked in Fantasy since they weren't a typical fantasy race or in and around the main areas of attention. So instead GW just has their twiddling there thumbs in Lustria killing rats.
Also, Lizardmen is a fuck awful name and Seraphon is near infinitely better.
>DE didn't get a total revamp either.
Really? They get all new models except shadows and harpies.
Mate you have no idea what reading this did for my faith in Veeky Forums. Thank you.
All good points or at least okay ones. Personally I'd be totally okay with AoS if they hadn't taken the existing setting out back and put both barrels through it's head. I like the models, I'm prepared to tolerate the rules, but the new setting is just ass pancakes compared to the old world.
>Seraphon is near infinitely better.
>around the main areas of attention
Yeah because none in WHFB never sailed to Lustria
The lore is absolute shit. It's bland, it's unengaging, and it reads as if someone forgot to release the fast forward button. All the interesting things have already happened.
>Cold one Knights
>Any heroes besides sorceress and Fleetmaster or Dragon
So? Rest of the "setting" is pure trash, and you know it.
The situation is better up north where you're still somewhat civilized. Private landlords have wrecked the retail environment down south. It's not possible to run any kind of specialist business with a 6 figure rent and if you don't want to open your shop in a layby on a motorway or somewhere similarly isolated (where no one can find you to grow your customer base) that's what you'll be paying. The UK is fucked and eventually the cancer will spread to you up north.
So new cool setting is like, like emmm, any MOBA out there, Gee, that`s really nice, i always wanted something like this on my table.
>>Cold one Knights
WoC release.
>>Any heroes besides sorceress and Fleetmaster or Dragon
Well that's sort of common problem of all Warhammer releases (including 40k, where phoenix lords weren't updated since 2th edition)
Wow, of course! The odd small group of people from the Old World travelling to Lustria! How incredible! Your right user, now they are getting tonnes of attention because of the odd colonisation effort or treasure seekers.
Actually, no, wait, that's fuck all.
Lizardmen lore sucked since GW fucking starved them of anything cool with substance. Grimgor/Archaon/Anyone interesting vs Kroq-Gar? That was never happening. Nagash and Kroak in a contest of magical supremacy, pfft we ain't ever gonna show that happening. Oh maybe just a Lizardmen Army deploying to the Old World to help out? No fuck you instead fight some overgrown lab rats you scaled fucks.
>this shit quality bait
This. The campaign books never gave a shit about what the peasants and townsfolk were doing other than dying horribly in massive numbers, mostly off screen. Entire empire towns casually get wiped off the map just to make enemies look more scary, they mattered just as much as the mortal humans do in AoS. Also the rpg shit only applies to empire humans, every other faction is too high fantasy
>The odd small group of people from the Old World travelling to Lustria!
Yeah such small that it tooks the whole campaign about it.
And let's not forget about their Northern neighbors.
Also, after Neuland Southlands and Lustria colonisation was logical next step in the setting.
>Oh maybe just a Lizardmen Army deploying to the Old World to help out?
>what Albion event is
Also there were lizards outside Lustria
>implying he is wrong and new sigmarine from Shadespire cover doesn't looks like Garen
>every other faction is too high fantasy
Yeah like Brets who living in classical feudal society or other Old Wrold nations ot Elves with their totally not-British colonial empire after WW2
xwing players a shit
And gained many more, AoS outsold 40k at the end of last year.
WHFB was getting outsold by paints and glue for fucks sake
>AoS outsold 40k at the end of last year.