Caucus Knights

Everyone bases their knights off of western Europe's chivalric tradition, but I found that the border region near the Caucasus has some real cool knightly stuff to offer, I think. Instead of Arthur, Roland, and Quixote, there's Avtandil, Tauriel, Digenes Akritas, David of Sassoun, Lion-Mher

How would you go about adapting this version of chivalry and knights to a game, something like Pendragon?

I'll post cool pictures of knights from the region in the mean time




















Heroes of the Caucasus, at least in Armenia/ Georgia were generally more closely tied to the common folk, rather than the more elite/ isolated nobility of Western European knights.

Also they mostly dealt with foreign invasions, as opposed to the more supernatural or civil threats, David of Sassoun being a prime example fighting off the Arabs.

I'd say the focus of a game would work around defending an oppressed or invaded nation, with the help of the common folk, against a foreign force of greater numbers trying to change or destroy the culture/ traditions the common folk hold dear.





>I'd say the focus of a game would work around defending an oppressed or invaded nation, with the help of the common folk, against a foreign force of greater numbers trying to change or destroy the culture/ traditions the common folk hold dear.
Damn it, that sounds really fun. I just finished the Knight in the Panther's Skin, and that was entirely about the bounds of friendship between men, and unquestionable loyalty to those you love. They would swear vows of service to one another, and separation between the two main characters would often be physically painful. I would put an emphasis on making strong bonds with NPCs, and reward players highly for remaining completely loyal throughout the game.
