This is how I king

This is how I king

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This is how I Guardsmen

Stand aside!

This is how I bait Argentinians.

Hows the brain damage? Fathered any male heirs yet?


Why did they build such lousy fortifications for the capital? I mean, it's not like they can't hire an engineer from Gondor.

This is how I two kings

He looks awfully young for someone who is supposed to be in his seventies.

Of all the things the movies changed from the books Theoden's age is such a small thing

Different military doctrine. If you're strength is mounted combat, protracted sieges are a waste of your strength.

It really isn't. It makes his influence under Grima much more explicitly magical and Saruman-induced rather than the fact that he's literally a very old man who has just received word that his son and really the only hope for his direct line has just died. Hell, even Gandalf after 'curing' him thought it was best for him to continue a similar policy as Wormtongue, to hand over the reigns of government to someone trusted (but actually trustworthy) and run along and hide in Dunharrow until the war was older.

To be fair, there was a lot of other shit, but making Theoden younger and more vital on his own isn't a small one, at least in my opinion.

Out of my way scrubs, THIS is how I king.

PLebs, all of you

Most of the changes made for much better movies, to be honest.

LotR is filled with things which wouldn't really translate well to a film.

This is how I all classes

>LotR is filled with things which wouldn't really translate well to a film.

To be sure, but I would still disagree with.

>Most of the changes made for much better movies, to be honest.

There were an awful lot of completely fucking retarded or at best meaningless changes, starting with the "elves at Helms Deep' shit. And most of the 'good' changes were for reasons of pacing, not for translating a book to a film except in the most general of senses.

This. Best King ever.

.t Pope Leo III

Pacing is one of the bigger hurdles to translating a book to a movie. You can't act as if that's a minor thing.

The books had excellent pacing though, better than the movie.

Yes, but are most of the changes made for pacing reasons? I somehow doubt this. Stuff like turning Denethor into a blithering, self-destructive idiot helps move things along how exactly?

This is how I town guard.

>This is how I artificer

Yes but each movie would need to be 5-6 hourse long. Fellowship did it best out of the movie trilogy and its still skipped over some major, the first half of the book is cut out ffs


>tfw you know there will never be tv/movie series on Silmarillion, but because its the current year of our lord 2017, you're kind of okay with that

The fact that no Silmarillion will ever be made is one of the single biggest high points in movie fantasy history.

Seriously, man. Look at the Hobbit. Jesus christ, a kyoani SOL about moe dwarves would be more faithful that whatever eldritich abomination they would even think to do, and it's not an hyperbole.


Not him, but I would honestly like to see a "kaleidiscope" Silm. You get the same few episodes, repeated with different details portrayed differently each time; because after all, what we have isn't "what really happened" for a given value of happened insofar as it's a fictional world, but a series of mostly elven legends about what happened. There was even the entire "round world" stuff made out of his notes, most of which is very different from the "official" silmarillion.

But it'll never work on the screen, so oh well.

>a kyoani SOL about moe dwarves

I want this now.

exactly, it would be whored out immediately to make money.

I still can't get over the fact that they made Azog the antagonist of that movie. He didn't get his arm cut off, he was decapitated outside the Gates of Moria and had his head put on pike.

Thats probably all they could do. But they'd still find a way to fuck that up, and it still wouldn't capture the essence of the Silmarillion. Would be nice to see the Fall of Gondolin though, I'd admit.

I agree that some things were better in the movies. Like the balrog scene. In the movie it's super dramatic and suspenseful, while in the books Gandalf just says "Oh look, a balrog. That explains everything now."

Funnily enough, that's how I bait Argentinians

This is how I evil Generals


This is how I king.

>I still can't get over the fact that they made Azog the antagonist of that movie. He didn't get his arm cut off, he was decapitated outside the Gates of Moria and had his head put on pike.

Of all your problems with the Hobbit, (and this comes from someone who hates it, even the first one) THAT'S your stumbling block? One orc chief isn't really all that different from the next, so who cares if it's Bolg or if it's Azog?

Why not go after some of the real things, like how the hyper-competent dwarves totally wrecks the core dynamic of the book, as to how it's a mutual growth towards respect, not Bilbo learning to be cool and badass like the 13 comedy commandos.

This is how I paladin

What did he mean by this? No seriously, is your criticism that the dwarves are too silly in the movies? Thats it? They slaughtered all the basic depictions of the characters in the book and even made new ones/ blatantly changes the Lore. Yes, Azog was the weakest addition of all.

Martin Freeman was just a horrible Bilbo, he tried to make Bilbo like himself and not like Tolkien.

god I hated the shoehorned romance. I didn't like it in LOTR either.

What demographic is that pandering to?

Oin is the father of Gimli, so what they probably were aiming for was "oh Gimli was the heir of this same kind of affection for elves" which is just completely unnecessary in all ways.

This is how I magician

>Doesn't have primogeniture succession
A thousand years later and I'm still fucking mad.

>What demographic is that pandering to?
The lowest common denominator. If you feel that nowadays a lot of music sounds the same and movies look the same it's not because we've gotten less creative or ran out of ideas, but because we've perfected the kind of pandering that maximizes profits.

>All of these mortals
This is how I king, children.

Gimli was Gloins son. Who had red hair aswell.

Is there anything more laughable than Argentinian apologists of the Falkland war?

>Beren gets turned into wisecracking comic relief
>None of the animals talk

I still that Putin?
Nice empire you got there Charlieboy, shame if civil war happened

I also play CK2 and you can find me LA PLATA and W&B posting in /gsg/ threads on /vg board

>1k years later
>t. George III

You king well.

You are a severely depressed argentinian, aren't you? At least you sound like one, what with the lack of psychomeds there.

Women, according to the filmmakers.

This is how I dog.

You've got the wrong end of the stick there mate.

>that bulge
Just not possible

I think your time on Veeky Forums has warped your perception, that you now see bulges where none exist.

>depicting GB as anything other than John Bull

Why even nationalism?

Britannia is a qt

she's to European, only British thing about her is the shield.