/5eg/ Fifth Edition General: "We are the flame" edition

D&D 5th Edition General Discussion

>New Unearthed Arcana: Trio of subclasses

>Don't forget to take the official survery on Theurgy and War Magic

>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v4b

>Pastebin with resources:


>Previously, on /5eg/
What's your proudest moment of playing/DMing 5e?

Other urls found in this thread:



Polls for each of the archetypes in the latest UA.

What do people think of SKT and CoS?

CoS is a superior campaign. It has this sandbox feel, but it's also really focused. SKT is a whole load of nothing.

Why didn't they make Drunken master actually need to drink in order to be effective?

Cause drunken master is about acting drunken, not being drunken.

Also, just dip barbarian and fluff rage as getting your drinks on

How would I stat pic related?

To avoid gimmicks

>SKT is a whole load of nothing.
More elaboration needed.

Apparently the sandboxey feel of CoS means more overall work on the part of the DM, which some like and others don't.

How do we save the warlock class?

Specifically, how do we save pact of the blade?

We have over 9000 posts about it and continue to come up with solutions that nobody implements.

A monk's immunity to poison clearly also makes them immune to the effects of drink.

The people or the meteor/spear thingy.

Is it an object or a creature? Explain in a little more detail what you're gonna do with it.

I wish they would've called them something like Retardation Master instead.

>how do we save pact of the blade
Fucking kill yourself. It's a single pact boon, it's not supposed to make you a melee god to rival fighters.
You want to be warlock AND be good in melee? Go hexblade.

Have imbibing the drink mean an increase in the ki pool total.

The spear falling to earth, what primitives may describe as an atomic weapon.

Dude atm you get better melee options as Tome by getting Shillelagh.

What they need to do is give Pact of blade the same shit Hex Warriors get.

Then remake Hexblade into just "Hexbringer" and let them get Hex as an at-will with bonuses. Like Shadow Hound can now be used to cast your spells from and you gain truesight from the target.

Right now i can get a much better melee warlock by going polearm master and War caster and just going for tomelock and shillelagh.

I get on-reaction spells and cantrips and double hit every round with polearm master + a shield.+ a free ritual book + 3 bonus cantrips. (1 of which will be find familiar so i also get pact of chains)

>How do we save the warlock class?
Have the correct number of encounters per day, expand the spell list.
>Specifically, how do we save pact of the blade?
Use Cha as the relevant ability, Smites for all weapons.

And is the spear actually a good weapon? You just want stats for a spear that can survive a fall from space or is it a literal god weapon.

If it's just a spear made of hardy materials say it's the normal template but +3 and made of adamantine or some shit

The biggest problem with blade pact is that it makes you want to play around in melee - on a class with light armor, no shield, and a d8 hit die. Damage output isn't awful between multiple attacks with Hex or booming blade.

Possible solutions include: increasing AC (hexblade does this, but I came up with an invocation that grants you a shield bonus to AC when wielding a one-handed pact weapon, kind of a magical barrier), increasing durability (make lifedrinker grant temporary HP on hit and you're done here), or increase the warlock's number of spell slots (overall buff to the class, but in particular it would let bladelocks use their combat buffs more often. Armor of Agathys and Blink, notably.

What exactly IS the spear though?

So, should Relentless Slayer, which allows you to prevent a creature from moving to a new plane, allow a Monster Slayer to permanently kill fiends?

>on a class with light armor, no shield, and a d8 hit die.
Blade Pact works much better if you start out as a Fighter, and sell your soul only after adventuring for a bit.

Thinking of getting the d&d starter pack thing, is it worth buying for me + 3d gf + friends?
I + friends have never played d&d before so I will probs have to slug it as DM for a long time but it does sound like fun

Fairly new to d&d guy here. I could use some advice.
I'm going to be playing in a West Marches style game with mainly other inexperienced players.
I want to play a halfling cook who was an apprentice cook in some local tavern, but ran away because the landlord, though a good guy, couldn't cook for shit.
I want to support and heal my party with good food and I want the character to be able to explore nature to look for new ingredients.
I'll probably focus my skills on things that have to do with domestic life and nature.

My question is, what class should I play and what's a good way to start building this kind of character?

As per requests in previous thread, some of the things my shit DM has done:

>rogue takes first night watch
>"you see some moving lights in the distance"
>keeps an eye on them, leaves them alone
>monk takes second watch
>"I go up to them and poke one"
>"They all cluster around you. They're Will'o'Wisps - 20 of them attack!"
>level 4 party
>solo monk
>monk down before he gets a single action
>DM ruling allows him to survive

>we all got caught in a trap that locked us in a room, only way out was a selection of planar portals
>we found the one that led back to our own world but it put each of us in different places in the Underdark
>monk failed seven Survival checks in a row and kept coming across nastier monsters
>you see something BIG squirming in the distance
>"I walk up to it"
>"It's a Neolithid. Tentacles emerge from its mouth and... pull you in."
>rapid DM calculations
>"how much health do you have?"
>"uh, lemme just check if you can do a Dex save to cut your way out..."
>"...uh, no, you're dead."
>RIP monk


Depends. Does the Fiend have unlimited uses of the ability to travel back home? Because the ability works but they can use it again next turn and you have to contest it again when they do. So you could keep it there, but once you stop they'll go home. Ergo there's not really a point unless the Fiend runs out of planeshifts, then yes it'd permadie in a manner of speaking.

>I try to make a deal with a magic mirror to get it to betray its evil owner (who was sort of an ally of ours but who followed a god at war with my super religious character's god)
>no luck, leave the mirror
>next day
>"you are pulled by your ankles by a magical force"
>party tries to hold onto me
>"you take 4 damage from being held onto"
>let the force take me
>carries me into the evil mirror owner's dungeon
>no one can get to me, we're all level 1/2
>get tortured
>party try to negotiate for me
>get taken to a temple
>party is surrounded by an entire city of guards
>no useful abilities at such a low level
>forced to sacrifice me
>everyone silent for a while
>DM realises she may have overstepped just a tad
>I ask if I can use my inspiration (which she handed out for me making a pun, the only thing she hands out inspiration for) to bargain with evil god for my life
>and that's the story about how I was forced to multiclass into Warlock to stay alive

>every time I try to work against my new patron my heart gets stopped by the god
>tried to have the curse removed, try to get magical item to cure it
>"nothing is available, you're stuck working at his every whim"

There's probably more, I'll add them if I remember them.


At-will False Life lets you have more HP than an equivalent Fighter until level 7 even if you skip the Fiend patron, but there is certainly a problem with spell slots until level mid levels, and AC.

AC is easily fixed with 1 level Fighter dip, though, which also gives you CON saves.

There's A) Goodberry and B) Heroes' Feast, and that's it.

I remember you. That Mirror story. Didn't she read your mind too?

>veteran of the Drunken Fist
>Have fought in countless battles, both for training, and with my life on the line
>my body is conditioned to do feats beyond the dreams of most mortal men
>After a long adventure saving the Emperor's Daughter, my master finally agrees to teach me the art of redirecting blows
>Receive the training, master it.
>a few weeks later, another Emperor's Daughter needs rescuing
>go into the bandit's den, confidant
>The first bandit rushes me with a sword, and I smoothly block the blow and shove the sword into the second bandit
>A third bandit tries to assail me
>I prepare to redirect the blow, confidant in my body's physical conditioning and training
>As his mace comes down on my head, I try to move my arms to redirect it into the first bandit
>My muscles scream in sudden protest at the simple task
>I suddenly realize I can only redirect blows once per hour


For what reason is this feature once per short rest? This makes no sense.

Oh yeah, she knew that I was a Lolth supporter (she's Vhaeraun) the second I walked into the city. Also Vhaeraun can still do things to me when I'm in Lolth temples. I checked.

Reminds me of another couple.

>go to a Lolth temple to get divination aid
>"user, what's your Dexterity?"
>"You lose 50 gold"
>Don't question it, she's been draining money off me since I won a load in a rigged gambling game she set up earlier that I abused for as much as I could get because she doesn't understand how odds work
>continue talking to priestess, then to party member
>"you lose another 50 gold"
>"You're distracted talking to a party member, the priestess is robbing you. Lolth's domain is trickery!"
>"Can't... the rest of the party see this... at all? They're right here"
>doesn't even use my perception skill
>"outrolls" my 17 Dex 5 times, robs me of 800gp

>we're in Menzoberranzan for a bit
>party includes two high elves, not disguised
>I suggest we chain them up so they look like slaves and get by undetected
>they agree but we never get around to doing it
>they wander around without a single problem
>my family (I'm a drow) order their guards to shoot me when I try to visit them, even though my backstory has me being on alright terms with them

One more comes to mind, next post.

Here's how I would have done it, copying some elements of the druid UA

>Tipsy Sway
At 6th level, your swaying in combat becomes maddenly unpredictable, and creates opportunities for misdirection and redirection of force. As a reaction when an enemy misses you with a melee attack, you can cause the attack to hit one creature of your choice, other than the attacker, that you can see within 5 feet of you. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again for another 1d8 rounds

>At 11th level, you can use it every 1d4 rounds

>At 17th level, you can use it ever round.

Hexblade, PAM, Extra Attack, +1 Pact Weapon and Elemental Weapon.

Doing 2d8+4d4+15 damage at level 5 with 18 Charisma and Improved Pact weapon, doing 1d8+1d4+5 with opportunity attack. Also a +2 to hit. Sure it costs 2 Invocations, but it's better.

Also at 12th level with Lifedrinker and 20 Charisma, that does up to 2d8+7d4+36 Damage. Now we've got a +4 to hit on you though. We can also drop that 1d8 to a 1d6 and lose 2 average damage, for +2 AC.

Checkmate Atheists.

Shillellagh warlocks were inferior to bladelocks for damage before the warlock UA, now they're fucking obsolete.

Healer feat, and fluff the healing potions as being food you've cooked.

The best way to start building this kind of character would be to choose another system, or significantly modify 5e to suit your needs.

5e sucks for crafting/exploration based characters like that, unless you're willing to significantly refluff the tiniest of features like the healer feat, which will not be satisfying at all.

>but there is certainly a problem with spell slots
what are you say
the problem is that the game is balanced around a FUCKTON of encounters per day, with 2 short rests in between.
In the early levels a Warlock SHOULD have 2-3 times as many 'top level' spells as any other caster. The spell selection is too limited, and they don't get 'throwaway' slots for utility spells that don't gain enough from upcasting (Hex should be an Invocation, or rather a class ability since it would become a tax invocation), but that doesn't show until the mid levels.

The 5-minutes workday is the real problem, don't let per-day casters blow their wad early and recover.

Remember: Druids are GHEEEY!

While you are 100% correct, absolutely nobody follows the recommended encounters per day rules, and doing so makes no narrative sense most of the time. This isn't a problem with players, it's a problem with the system being retarded.

A question, /5eg/.

Sovereign Glue can't be dissolved by anything except Universal solvent, right, and both Sovereign Glue and Universal Solvent are extremely rare, right?

What if you were to veneer your armour with sovereign glue on the surface, stick, say, a thin layer of paper to it in order for it to bond, and then use that armour to be invincible. If nothing can break the bond, would that not mean swords and maces and such wouldn't be able to pierce the layer of glue between the two metals?

I have enjoyed playing both and reading the books afterwards made me realize that even though what we got felt like complete experiences there was so much more to do.

that's just dumb



But is it?

You just posted this to boast about your girlfriend, didn't you

>not one that happened to me, but to our straight-Rogue
>"you spot someone running on the roof nearby"
>"do they look dangerous? Are they running after me?"
>"yes - and you can't tell"
>"I keep an eye on them but proceed normally"
>rogue talks to a different party member
>"the person with the katana on the roof attacks! And they get advantage, because you're distracted talking to someone else."
>Rogue takes acid damage enough to put him in death throws straight up
>permanent facial scarring that can't be healed by magic for some reason
>(the reason is she wanted him to be Two Face because the DMPC is essentially Harley Quinn)

>I wanted these explosives mentioned earlier
>my character has several people worth getting revenge on, one of them is a Vhaeraun supporter
>don't actually want to blow that one up, though I haven't denied that I do because it loses gravitas if I reveal my plans in advance
>Characters consistently "know" who I'm planning to blow up and preemptively punish me

You know that the way you deal damage with a stabby weapon is to hit gaps right? Also that it won't do diddly shit to stop being hit by a mace?

>DMPC is essentially Harley Quinn
>Turning the rest of the party into Batman Villains
Which one were you?

Chooo Chooo! Guess the DM wants you to be playing a visual novel instead of an RPG

I'd treat it as adamantine or mithral.

having hard armor doesn't make you invincible
when you have full plate on and take damage anyway, it's because they got you in the join, or hit you hard enough with a hammer or something to rattle you anyway
unless you are completely coated in the glue it wont make you invincible, even then you wouldnt be able to eat and youd die

I'll give you the daggers because that's playing around it but why won't it stop maces?

To make it work in the narration, there is that 'longer rests' variant rule hidden away in the DMG.
If you screw around with the ratio of encounters per short and long rest, it fucks with the resources, and is an extreme buff to per-day classes.

I did this, it went for three sessions then petered out. They got murdered for running headlong into a cave full of goblins without even trying to scout it out first. Then they quit.
Maybe you'll have better luck though.

1. Nothing can break the bond between the glue and the things it is glued too. Nothing is said about the bond between the glues itself. Otherwise, Sovereign glue wouldn't be divisible.

2. Assuming the I, the DM, let you do this despite Objection 1: getting hit with a sword would still hurt, it just wouldn't pierce or cut. You take internal organ damage instead. At best, you get resistance to piercing and immunity to slashing

3. Assuming that we go through with this "immunity theory" despite objections 1 and 2, Sovereign Glue is extremely rare, you can't find enough of it to coat everything. You may have a literal Achilles heel.

4. Assuming that I let you go through with this despite the objections to immunity theory 1, 2 and 3 above, eventually the enemies are going to start coating their swords in universal solvent.

You can have a lot of shit in front of your armour, but force will still transfer through. A mace carries a lotta force.

Still it was a clever idea and depending on your level I'd consider making it +1 or +2 because it would help protect you.

the starter set is really fun and universally beloved. ive played it maybe a dozen times on roll20 and during irl games. if they quit then d&d just isn't for them or they suck at these kinds of games and just want to pew pew. i bet Anne of Green Gables would love d&d, the very first scene in the original movie is her reading a fantasy novel and neglecting her work, lol

This is a dumb idea and you should feel bad for thinking it's clever.

Nothing can break the bond between the glue and another surface, it doesn't make those two surfaces (or even the glue itself) indestructible.

>Sword cuts through the paper
>Sword then cuts through the glue
>Sword hits the armor

At no point is the bond between the glue and the two surfaces it is adhering two broken. Instead a cross-section is made and those two sections displaced by the blade.

Well excuse me for trying to have fun.


Starting a new campaign this weekend. Essentially, my character is a paladin searching for the holy grail. How retarded and cliche am I?

Ha, wondered if anyone would ask. Nominally speaking, the Joker, because the HarleyDMPC is my fiancée due to being a backstory romance (DM fiat) with my half-drow child, and I blow stuff up and use knives.

The only two reasons I stick around are because I want to DM the same party afterwards and because she does actually have some interesting world-building elements here and there. I can't actually name any now that I think about it, but I always look forward to the next session for some reason.

But recently she's started saying "I'm going to stop being a fair DM and start being an evil one" and everyone at the table noticeably looks down and carefully says absolutely nothing.

No. All having the invincible bond does is stop you from pulling the two objects glued together apart. If you glued paper all over your armor, you've just got armor covered in paper. Paper that can be torn or cut like any other paper. Someone hits you with a sword, a bit of paper's not going to stop it.

it's ok
but what setting


>Turning the party into batman villains against their will
>Physically and mentally scarring them to mould them into another person's mindset.
Your DM would make a great BBEG if she weren't so obtuse.

lol some faggot always posts this when his stupid idea gets ridiculed

>can i be a furry catgirl wizard ninja futa?
>thread: no go away
>posts the robot no fun image

>if you were a DM would you let my orc PC fuck a halfling that's dressed as a schoolgirl
>thread: no go away

face it, you're just a terrible, unoriginal player

>implying that's a question about a nontradition use of a magic item is anywhere close to the autism you listed as examples

Well the answer to both of those things is Depends on the DM.

And that guy's question was a valid one.

Huh, maybe I'll add her as an additional villain to my own campaign plan. See if she notices.

Yeah, I've played that variant rule. It sucks too. The players always end up wandering why their peak of physical fitness fighter has to catch his breath for a day in order to run 15 feet a second (30 movement, 2x Dash with Action Surge, that equals 90 feet in a 6 second round, and for reference the fastest 100m dash was ran at about 34 feet a second), or why their rogue specialized in magical thievery can only steal spells once per week.

Let's just focus on this fact: Players want to do things. They want to do things that are cool and impressive sounding. They want to do these things fairly often, both in gameplay, and in narrative. 5e doesn't allow you to do this if played as designed.

>covering armor with glue and paper to become invincible
>playing as a catgirl with a dick
>fucking a halfling in costume

I dunno Ace, they all seem pretty fucking stupid to me.

Maybe add her in as a hardheaded enforcer who wants to see herself as an elegant manipulator. If she's intelligent she'll catch it.

>the HarleyDMPC is my fiancée due to being a backstory romance (DM fiat) with my half-drow child, and I blow stuff up and use knives.

Your DM forced an incestuous relationship on your character?

>because the HarleyDMPC is my fiancée due to being a backstory romance (DM fiat) with my half-drow child, and I blow stuff up and use knives.

>Asking a question about a glue whose only property is to be hard as fuck's armour properties
It's a valid question, even if the answer is no.

m8 did you remember to bin your knife and vote for your muslim mayor and pay your TV license?

There exists no edition of D&D known for DMs adhering to the default encounter balancing guidelines. The game becoming supposedly less balanced when you "play it wrong" is not a concern, not in 5e and not in any edition either.

In particular, most TSR edition fans seem to consider "a lack of encounter balancing/scaling systems a plus because its more realistic and hardcore" despite the fact that there were encounter scaling systems as old as OD&D 3LBB.

If you play 3e as you're "supposed" to, the PCs will general face one enemy of their CR at a time 4 on 1 (almost always a curbstomp), and divine casters are "supposed" to be healbots and arcane casters are "supposed" to be evocation spammers. You will likely not notice any balance problems.

Futa are a normal core option in 5e.

Futa catgirl
>snowflake weeaboo question
Halfling in coustume
>legitimate autism
Is Unbreakable bond immune to being cut?
>legitimate question

LMoP... reposting since I didn't have a chance to follow up. Thinking of using some typ book once I get it.....

Party has spent..... two months, ingame and out doing side quests and other things.

They are level 7, started at 1

They just killed venomfang, now an adult dragon, and searching neverwinter forest for cragmaw castle

I've introduced the lords alliance as a kind of military arm of neverwinter, and a small group of knights searching for sildar and unraveling the black spider.

My question is, should the knights have already been to cragmaw and saved the dwarf - or should I have the dwarf die?

I'm thinking of making the lords alliance antagonistic but good rivals for the party, to be flabbergasted that there are other forces of good.

naw m8
its not m8
its dumb m8
brb gotta use the loo in my flat

I could probably greentext this to make it easier to digest.

>Homebrew setting. Its not the holy grail, its the "Maiden's Grail,"
>Maiden is the goddess my character worships, who basically values chivalry above all else.
>Was a squire to a knight who knighted me on his deathbed but no witnesses.
>I am now a hedge knight that carries a letter from him legitimizing my knighthood
>I have to be a landed knight to be accepted into Maiden's paladin order
>Also have a love interest who I will never be able to marry thanks to my non-noble background and lack of lands/prospects. Carry with me a token of her favor that I also use as my spellcasting focus. It is currently tied to my halberd.
>Embark on quest for Maiden's holy grail to win the favor of my order, my love interest's father, and Maiden herself

Basically the idea is for other nobles and knights to laugh in my face and jokingly call me the "Grail Knight," then if I ever find it I'll still be the Grail Knight but it won't be a tongue-in-cheek kind of title.

Only one country uses "Armor".

There's far better countries and some that have even greater right-wing laws, while still spelling it "Armour".

Sorry, I phrased it poorly. I provided a backstory to the DM, she added the HarleyDMPC, and made her pregnant with my half-drow child.

Then when we bumped into her, my character essentially tried to detach himself from her, and my party thought it'd be fun to trick him into marrying her. Long story short, she's now my fiancée.

My stories get lower quality the later in the day it is at work, and I'm nearly done.

You got me, I'm British. And from the way you talk i'm betting you're..... autistic. Yeah, sounds about right.

How does my female immortal Wizard getting off by shlicking to the sight (viewed through an Arcane Eye in the privacy of her private room in the inn) of the dashing and muscular arc vilain getting penetrated by Black Tentacles in the middle of town sound to you because that's what I did last session and my party had fun with it.

>They are level 7
All from the Starter Set? Why? Run a god damned module already. Level 7.

>Redemption paladin
>20 dex
>Mariner fighting style
>dual wielder feat

What are you going for here? I can't really be bothered to look through three different UA's to figure it out.


Best boy tier:
Rick Kittenhugs

Know their shit but are autistic retards about it tier:

WTF tier:
LOOM (purz-posting)

actually useful tier:

Faggy degenerate tier (please ban)


Absurd armor class

Super AC I think. In theory he can get 23 from that with no armour or shields.

Alright, now i'm interested. How much can you get up to with all of this?

Faggot list:
>the /5eg/ Discord