Tfw normies still don't know BCH is on Coinbase

>Tfw normies still don't know BCH is on Coinbase

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BCH isnt going to happen. Stop trying to make it happen.

is BCH a carb?

Yeah, wait till they wake up/check the news and see ~3k$ bitcoin being added. Their logic will simply tell them to fomo into it, because it'll soon be at the same price like BTC.

It's one of the top trending phrases on american twitter. they know or will know within the next morning.

lol sockpupets assemble

it is already happening

Get in loser we’re going BCHing

Will not let me put sell order on coinbase!!!

it is a diuretic

where?, the price crashed from 9500 to 3500

Yeah, it’s literally happening. And when normies actually go to use crypto, they will find that BTC is expensive and fucky, while BCH is smooth as a baby’s ass. Suck on that, nocasher.


We wear green on wednesdays

Buy BCH it's about to moon!

When is gdax going to start trading?

That's what I'm wondering

It took more than an hour to get confirmations for bittrex, it just a little less shittier. I'm selling all the next pump

Moon mission when it starts trading again

By that logic what about LTC? Suck on that, bagholder

>tfw BCH put me to $800k today

I thought it was gonna happen in february or so

Waiting for gdax to open trading, we're sitting on a big moon mission here.
>tfw bought BCH at .088 sats

Comfy as fk with bzc

hold steady for gdax moon mission when we go live

wtf is wrong with normies that dont even know what sats are?

People getting ready with their buy orders?

The price was never 9500. Coinbase traded it at 9500 for 30 minutes for god know what reason. It didn't climb up to 9500 and it didn't climb down from 9500. It just sold at 9500, might have been insider trading.

payments are instant and that's what matters

Coinbase lost all my bch. I don't even know what to do. I'm going to kill myself. Bye biz.