Cryptos that still have a long way to increase. Also which ones are going to increase more than 3000%
Other urls found in this thread:
Top coins increase in this year.
Confirmed for esoteric jew coin
I think WeTrust token.
obvious XLM
>he didn't specify a timeframe
Verge and Ripple are near guaranteed to see 3-5000 returns in 2018
LTC and ETH are targeting 1000-2000% returns in 2018
I fucking hope so Im all in on this shit
Not BTC or BCC thats for sure
Try POE on binance.
Just because they were top coins from that period doesn't mean they will be from this point going forward. Trust me rlc is going to shotgun straight up to 200mill
unironically Ark because normies will see that they can earn interest and get excited, buy some and vote for biz_classic
if you don't know how, use this
FedoraCoin ( TiPS) 170% increase yesterday get emm while they're still cheap
NEO easy IF good chinese news
POE is garbage. You only bought it because it was the cheapest coin there.
LTC will moon soon and you’ll all be happy again
And it worked
I literally don't know what you guys are doing!?
I shouldn't be telling you about this but the whales are planning on making this BIG
the most undervalued coin
VTC will triple in the coming weeks
You know what OP, I'm not gonna fud or shill you.
Buy Monero, IOTA, and Lumens.
Privacy, Skynet/Business, Banks and Remittance.
You're welcome.
based on? Bitcoin Gold does everything it does better
I have been JUSTed. I need a 10x to fix what has been done someone shill me
it's the peoples coin, user
>please pump my bag
their website looks so shitty
i really wanted to get into a low mc coin and researched it, but god it's seems terrible
you think that's bad? look at their team. three 20-something russian dudes in t-shirts with literally zero work history on linkedin. yeah, no thanks.
I agree with you on this
Stratis and even ark lol that list is missing a few
Verge ripple stellar and cardano
And civic
you mean ripple for banks/remittance? lumens is for consumer payments
What this guy said. Verge (XVG) is going to climb and you can still get in at a low price. Also Tron (TRX) seems to have a future as well. My personal favorite that I think is good long-term is Cardano (ADA). I threw some cash in a week ago and it's up 5x now.
Honestly I see these being the flippening waiting to happen.
Ether will not be flipped.
Xvg verge was one of the only coins that stayed green during this whole btc bch fuck up, ripple xrp has consistently shown that btc fluctuations have little impact on it.
I have some Tron but even I think it's a shitcoin, Justin Sun is a good advertiser though so you should be able to see some returns. I wouldn't HODL though.
Also forgot xby, xby has huge potential
Charlie Lee (creator of Litecoin) has connections at Google and all throughout Silicon Valley. Plus his connections with mainstream financial media like CNBC and Bloomberg.
Also, LTC has faster transaction times, lower fees, and better infrastructure.
ICX is the new big dick coin
>tfw now mentions the Raiden Network solving partially off-on chain transactions fast as VISA
Same here. Got 50k at .008 cents. How high could it go do you think?
Or just pick one that hasn't mooned already.
Please shill me RLC.
XVG. I've been warning you fucks for days now. It's not slowing down any time soon.
POSW rebrand to StakeNet is comin' round the bend
>verge is going to climb
Calling $0.25 by March. It seems to fill a nice little niche. It'll never be huge but I can see the demand. I'm only in for 10k so it's not going to make me a fortune but I think it has potential.
RCN and it's not even close.
I hope so.
Who /namecoin/ here?
I've never seen it mentioned on Veeky Forums, but I love the practical applications of it.
Shut the fuck up, I'm not done accumulating
ADA by 2020
Pandacoin for sure.
EZ. $15m usd market cap, first official partnership today, app going beta, brilliant idea for a project and active dev team. I tried to shill it to Veeky Forums for a month, when it was around 1000 satoshis but Veeky Forums was too busy riding other shitcoins. Already 2x and there's no hype at all yet.
especially since I hear normies talking about it and asking me on how to buy some
Wait, you're saying verge is going to grow 3k-5k % from the 70 cents it's at now?
Potcoin and the others when legal marijuana sales start in California Jan 2018. Plus normies can buy it on their website with paypal.
Verge is actually 7c.
Fuck it, I'm keen on going in. Can afford to drop $300 on it here and now. Is this a smart move anons?
I meant to say ripple. I hodl quite a bit of that.
Yeah ripple has me excited too. Been holding off purchasing because only so much to go around. Considering they've been around 23c 25c to now be up at the 70c mark, I think they're gonna shoot.
Especially as their the banks coin, and normies will feel comfortable with that shit.
What the fuck is 3000%? Is that what you need to move out of mommy's basement with $300?
Coins that may actually do 1000% (10x) in 2018:
OMG (If Plasma goes well it might hit $10 billion, so 600%. About as solid as a bet as you can get in this game)
LINK (Here's hoping for 20x)
EBET (I fell for the low marketcap meme, but might actually come through considering this is crypto)
My friends are bullish on WTC, VEN, and DOGE but they're also as dumb as me.
Who here a Music-Man, comfy gains from 116 sats, easy money baby.
SiaCoin - Developer are working on getting video streaming up hopefully in the next 6 months. With Netflix being the biggest data hog on the net it'd be a good partnership move to work with them and if not then other companies like Amazon or Apple would do well to scope them up if the tech is sound. I also like some of the features they're working on:
-File sharing with other Sia Users
-Recover files from an outdated backup of the renter directory.
-Remote file repair even if you don't have the file locally.
-Dirt cheap right now at $.014
>OMG (If Plasma goes well it might hit $10 billion, so 600%. About as solid as a bet as you can get in this game)
This. Q3 or Q4 2018 tho.
Just bought 4000 XVG. First time I've gone with a biz recommendation instead of my usual gut instinct. Oh well, wish me luck boys.
>mfw buying lots of ADA while I still can
Hoping it'll go big, same with Metronome when that's out.
I've heard of it on dva.pump.
Would recommend too.
IOTA 15bn marketcap, Byteball 0.3bn. Byteball has privacy and smart contracts. 50x potential man.
OST and VEN are the obvious ones
Also LTC and ETH are safe bets
TRX for sure
Im just waiting for the FUN to begin