Thick and strong Adeptus Equos when? Edition

Thick and strong Adeptus Equos when? Edition

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first for the ravenwing

stop making threads without /40kg/ in the title


Mirin quads

Hey Veeky Forums, with the release of Codex: Hooves of the Emperor, what is the best way to start Adeptus Equines army?
How should I equip them? Grav-mustangs or Melta-stallions or Plasma-colts?

will get tabled turn three/10

>those quads

you know as good as I do that you can't never not have enough grav-mustangs

plasma-colts while powerful suffer too much of gets hot to be viable I once had an entire scout pony unit wiped out because all 5 of them got hot and exploded and we didn't even glanced the objective

Hammer of the Emperor!

is an horse a astartes

Ah fuck, terribly sorry. Didn't notice that I forgot the title before the thread was posted.


Are space marines restricted to only one chapter tactic? If I'm using an OC chapter, can I have Vulkan and also field crusader squads?

Yes to the first, no to the second. You can use formations and multiple detatchments to try and grab multiple things, but they wouldn't mix well.

If you really want Salamander Crusader squads, take assault squads on foot with double flamers. That's the closest you'll get

how are you people allowed to breathe

I dont play space marines

What to do with 10 blood angel scouts.

I kinda want to just leave them with bolters, give the Sargent a power sword and charge people, S5 I5 due to red rage which makes them pretty dangerous for a 70 point unit.

Reading the scout and infiltrate rules I had the crazy idea of hiving the Sargent a combi-plasma and then swooshing them 12" from the enemy line and rapid firing right in to the AV10 side of some transport.

Snipers are cool but I feel like they're wasting BA's special talent for close combat. If I were to go snipers would a heavy bolter or missile have synergy with the snipers?
I saw a guy run snipers and missiles once and they seemed to do well, much cheaper than a tactical squad with a missile launcher.
Besides, if I want them up close I can use infiltrate and scout for that, sit them in a building, switch to pistols and charge anyone who approaches.

what did I do?

It's a fake ya doofus.


just got back from my first game vs orks.
>1500, killpoints(little bit over because his list was about 25 points over, so I threw a blast pistol on my archon)
>I'm playing pic related
>have him tabled by the end of my turn 3 except his flier, a fleeing painboy squad, and an empyric storms bloodthirster that had 2W left

So are orks just like...really bad?
I wiped out a huge portion of his army by turn 2.

What's that even supposed to be or imply?

Proof it's real? That's an easily shopped photo. Barring an official announcement or a place online that it's available for purchase, I'm saying fake.

If you want to be charging, give them CC weapons, or at least shotguns



The Black Crusade Icon has a blood icon, like how it was for the Traitor's Hate/Angel's Blade books.

>1500 game
>players show up with 1525 point lists

Anyone know of a list builder other than the picture book rearranger that works on mobile devices?

How can a human being be this stupid?

meh, he was willing to drop a power klaw, I just told him I'd put a better gun on my archon.

I didn't especially care.


Orks are quite literally the worst army in the game. If you include Death From the Skies, they only get worse because GW decided to nerf their flyers, such as making their only BS3 non-Grot unit BS2.

Orks are really that bad and DEldar are halfway decent glass cannons. So put them against a bad army that can barely hit back and you've got a slaughter.

But they're already so good in melee, is it smart to double down on that when they have so many restrictions on charging?

I was thinking it would be smart to get bolters to ping shots off things and then switch to pistols and grenade on the charge.

Shotguns are pure shit compared to bolters anyway, they're not even better than pistols in some situations because pistols are ap5.

so it was more a matter of orks being fucking awful than my army hard countering them thanks to relying partially on Fear?

Orks have absolutely terrible leadership that hinders them in more ways than just fear tests.

Just play customers using the 30k rules, more options, better model and actual support for more than 3 units

White Scars or Salamanders?

>pure shit

It's still 2 shots at 12". AP 5 barely matters. At most, you'll miss out on penning Guard armor, but anything with a 5+ armor save you shoot is gonna be hunkering in cover anyway.

Do you like bikes or flamers?

No, Fear makes them even worse because Orks Boyz have Ld7, and their main feature aside from T4 is WS4 and Furious Charge.

So basically you nerfed the worst army in the game by removing the one thing they can do pretty okay at, especially since le >i2 meme results in a couple Boyz being killed before they can even hit anything. Making them WS4 to WS1 is just nasty.

Depends on what you like more. White Scars are more meta because bikes, Salamanders are more well-rounded.

Play Salamanders if you are a bro

Play WS is you like Marines but couldn't give a fuck about the Imperium, but still care about mankind

Go with Pistols and CCW. Mathhammer wise, it's equal to Shotguns except after the first round of combat, wherein they just get better.

Also looks cooler.

I picked up a squad of these guys back when I was collecting because I love their aesthetic.

I got another 2 squads from gangs of commorragh when I was getting it for Reavers.

Is there any way to make them usable that couldn't be done way better by other units?

All Iron warriors report in

I want to know what you guys feel about the relics and decurion?

Is Warpbreacher as useless as i feel it is? surely for it's pts you can just buy daemonic possesion.

Finally, am i right in thinking CAD is stronger over all? the warband benefits seem to only affect Vindicators and defilers. i'm not a fan of actually fielding fortifications so i have litle use for the 1-3 i can take.

Boyz still beat wyches

Here's my semi-fluffy Iron Warriors list

How will I do in a game, Veeky Forums?

I wanna hug it

What do ya think of muh list ironbro?

Which assassin is the best to bring in a list? I really like the utility of the Vindicare but I've been told he's too expensive.

>1850 points
>less than 20 models

Oh man, it's almost like he's playing loyalist thousand sons or something but these guys have actually good toughness and saves.

Sounds like any old Thousand Sons list :^)

Thousand sons would be better I reckon
Psychic ability is great

You're all crazy.

Bs4 attacks have a better chance to hit most of the time than ws4 attacks

Not that user but I was so torn between White Scars and Raven Guard back in the days of 5th edition.
White Scars got cooler, Raven Guard went from ork murdering sneaky machines to being up the ultramarines butt.

Mine is very similar. Take Celestine.

It looks good for the most part, can't comment on the Daemon aspect i prefer to keep it mono-csm.

Remember you only get 1 relic per model, so the Forge-axe is best used on a Prince to ignore the unweildy and wreck vehicles, but the 2+ save is also great on a Prince i have found. i like to give lords or sorcerers the Cranium and drive up close.

Drop a marine so the lord fit within the Csm's Rhino

i also feel the Plasma on he Forge-fiend to be a waste outside of the hunting pack, he rarely gets to fire it due to short range, and if he does i like him being BS5


For relics, I feel like the Warpsmith ones aren't worth it, and outside of the Haywire bubble, the others only really shine on a prince.

CAD is pretty nice, especially with Oblit troops

Custodes should be marked as troops.

Instantly legal combined arms

Cheers for the tips mate.

> "G" has come to

So the Burning Man is obviously Magnus, the who will be the other casts?

> Guest Starring: the "SILENT" sisterhood unit

>Is there any way to make them usable
Yeah! you c-
>that couldn't be done way better by other units?
When reavers are just three points per model more for one higher toughness, jink, skilled rider, ap2 hammer of wrath and access to blasters/heat lances?

If you're running a real space raider detachment you have the slots to do loads of 5 man 65 point squads, too worthless to shoot yet they're good for tripping enemy units up.

For 20 extra points you can give them a leader with a stunclaw, 20 points for +1 leadership and +2 attacks on a character that has instant death in challenges.
Challenge a really expensive character and hope your boy scores a lucky hit and deletes ten times his points! At I5 he may be able to strike first/simultaneously.

context pls

I'm always out of the loop because wagecuck

The you could've just put them in an actual CAD.

The main (dis)advantage of that list builder is that you can mash anything together, after all. A Golden Legion and CAD are very different things.

yeah, I was trying to even justify running them in my 1850 list until I get the last of my taloses for the corpsethief claw, but goddamn, hellions are just so bad.

They can't shoot as well as scourges, they can't HoW as well as reavers...

Ironbro here; I'm not a huge fan of the relics and the decurion; only relics I tend to use are Cranium Malevolus and the Fleshmetal Exoskeleton.

I always use a bike Lord the the Exoskeleton, never lets me down.

The problem with Warpbreacher is that it doesn't let you try to negate stunned/shaken after it happens, might as well just buy possession.

I usually run a Chaos Warband with either Spawn or the Strongholds of Chaos with a Aegis or both, as well as a CAD so I can throw in Forge World goodies like the Typhon Siege Tank.

Stubborn is really useful from the decurion; it affects all non-vehicle units, not just VotLW, so you can get stubborn cultists too if you want.

Made the list the other day when I was first trying out army builder. Forgive me

I want to like the Mechaserpents, i wish you could take the MoK on him to get the extra attacks, it's probably decent versus Marines since hatred helps you hit.

I'm gonna try the Seigebreaker on a Termi-lord for wrecking tanks and smashing non-eternal enemies

If only they had some kind of defense.

If they just had the jink special rule they would be go-, decent, units.

Are Reaver swarms viable for DE? I really wanna run like 30+. I wish Helions didn't suck because I'd spam them all

No sweat. Just always confusing when talking about specific lists and stuff aren't correct. Didn't mean to sound aggressive.

ok Veeky Forums settle an argument. A friend and I are arguing whether or not the necron warriors look like trash, one side says they're old models showing their age, the other says they're completely fine, at worst the poses are a little bland. Who's right?


Are the Gideon Lorr rules still valid?



No worries man

They're fine. Particularly compared to Ork Boyz and Cadians/Catachans.

I mean they are million years old robots most of them almost broken but sustained by the living metal, they ought to look vintage and with awkward poses

Yeah, it sounds nice in theory, but Warpsmitha don't have a way to be fast enough to use it. If they started cheaper and could get bikes, then maybe.

My personal plan was a Heretek Sorcerer with the Haywire field deep-striking to ruin parking lots, and a Tzeentch prince with the armor for an unstoppable juggernaut

That's objective. Different people like different things.
They are a little simple in posing but I like them regardless.


fuck, on one hand I want new guardsmen because I hate the models, on the other hand, fuck that, I ain't buying hundreds of new models.

but i still might

Even Junk wouldn't make them as good as reavers, just help them survive.

The problem is they don't have any sort of Niche.

I'd go with grant gustin or orlando bloom for sanguinius, since he's supposed to be beautiful as fuck. Brad Pitt is hot, but I wouldn't call him beautiful.

As for Vulkan, I'd rather Idris Elba

>My personal plan was a Heretek Sorcerer with the Haywire field deep-striking to ruin parking lots, and a Tzeentch prince with the armor for an unstoppable juggernaut

Same, converted a jump pack Sorcerer, gonna just send him in lv1 cheap as can be, possibly with 5 melta raptors, or maybe on his own.

So have the rules for Shadow wars been leaked yet?

So far I've just seen mention of weird looking armor saves and modifiers, with a small list of factions.

I wanted to get back in 40K this summer and thousand sons are looking great. What is the general opinion on them? Yay, nay, heresy? Also, I cant find a torrent for the Wrath of Magnus book. Any link?

right now they're wyches with jump powers and no perma-cover save.

My idea was the opposite. Termie Sorc with 3 mastery levels

I believe the census is that they're too expensive on points, though I don't actually have any personal experience to back that up, since all of my knowledge comes from this shithole. And check the mega

They have a really good jink, 2d6 move in the assault phase, pretty much ignore all terrain and have s4 rending hammer of wrath hits for 16 points.
They're really good for their points as long as no ignores cover comes their way before turn 3 FnP kicks in.

They did seem a bit expensive, but I played necrons some years ago and I now play soulblight in AoS, so my reference in term of points is shitty. What do you mean by ''check the mega''?

Rubric marines and Scarab Occult Terminators are overcosted, excessively.

Exalted Sorcerers and Magnus are great.

Tzaangors are very mediocre.

The only """viable""" way to run them is Magnus Flying Circus with daemon allies, or Ahriman's Jetbike Gang and daemon allies, but the other formations work, they're just not as good.

Being Jump such as isn't exactly a good spot either. It would help if they had weapons suitable for going after anything but guardsmen.

How nice would it be for Hydra Gauntlets to be mini-powerfists striking at Initiative 4, with AP 3 and a boost to strength

Yay Heresey. If you like their aesthetic and lore, go for it. Their rules aren't the greatest shit ever but they look amazing and can still work. 8e is right around the corner anyway, so you can realistically hope for a fix in their rules.

The mega links in the OP. Has all the codices.

Reavers are absolute monsters.
>3+ Jink
>combat drugs potentially giving them +1 attacks or +1 toughness
>turn 3+ they have 5+ FNP
>cluster caltrops for every 3 models gives them d6 s6 HoW with rending
>hit and run lets you bolt every turn and prep for another hammer of wrath
>capability for heat lances and blasters makes them absolute monsters for taking out MCs, vehicles, and termies