What's the point of BCH?
What's the point of BCH?
Stealing BTC to retards that don't deserve to own them.
To steal BTC from retards
to transfer wealth to the good people
To detract from LTC dominance because it’s better in every way to ETH and BTC lol
The preposition you are looking for is "from", Pajeet. You steal BTC FROM retards.
Make Roger Ver feels relevant.
BTC core deviated from Satoshi's vision. The limited block sizes have brought the blockchain to its knees due to the high TX fees and slow TX speed. This is done deliberately in order to introduce the (((Lightning Network))) which will heavily centralise BTC by having most transactions occur off-chain on an a separate channel. The blockchain will be inaccessible to all but the richest, and the financial institutions who have conquered every other form of currency will swarm upon BTC and do the same.
BACH was a fork of BTC with the intention of preventing such centralisation by increasing the block size to allow for faster and cheaper transactions. The downside of this is that the BCH mining pools then become the ones who control the currency, and another, although different, centralisation problem is faced.
To scale BTC
Why did they bother when monero has adaptable block size, and offers built in anonymity?
this is actually probably closest to the truth kek
>how's my shill post guys? roger, is this what you're looking for? did i do good?
to make bitmain money
Some people actually want crypto to succeed in the real world, believe it or not.
To be used as a currency the world over, to buy and sell stuff. Not that complicated.
noice run-down thanks
To make money.
Low fees enable people to use the protocol directly.
Small miners like myself would have to wait months for payouts, when mining BCH there is no risk of NiceHash fuckups.
I don't know much about the BCH/BTC fork but it seems that if something successfully replaces BTC, the whole value proposition of coins as a store of value dies.
The benefit of having a hard cap in BTC is that you don't dilute the demand for your coins. If alt-coins can dilute the demand, the hard cap doesn't preserve your wealth. If coins can't preserve wealth, they're just glorified payment networks.
As a consumer, who cares about distributed consensus if you have no store of value? It would be better to buy amazon credit or gift cards at the grocery store. It's not distributed and tradeable, but it holds its value.
In that situation most people will store far less (maybe nothing?) in crypto. It moves it from "I denominate my wealth and thinking in BTC" to "Oh I'm running low on crypto for the groceries, better buy some more with my dollars, but not too much because I want to be sure I'll be able to eat next week. Or wait I can just use my fucking credit card."
You aren't going to want to leave your wealth in a coin that can fall to nothing because someone released something better overnight. It seems like BCH loses by winning.
to buy coffee
Jihan got really mad that he wasnt making even more money so he made a scam coin to siphon cash from retards
So far it's worked flawlessly
>I don't know much
Thanks for stating that your opinion means jack shit
>jack shit
Exactly what you're adding up to bud.
BTC was never meant to be a "store of value" in the first place. People say it's a store of value because it's too slow and requires too high of fees to use commercially, so you're basically forced into using BTC as nothing more than a speculative investment. Companies outside of crypto fail due to better competition and BTC failing wouldn't bring down crypto. I don't expect any crypto of today to be the standard of the future without innovation. If the people investing in BTC today lose their money, that doesn't mean crypto is a failure. We are still very early on in crypto's infancy. If BTC is still dominating in 10 years and hasn't scaled, that will be a huge disappointment.