its literly a pyramid scheme >when somebody coughs one you have you get something
Gabriel Roberts
please stop you are going to break the network again
Jaxon Jackson
A true alpha.
Jose Cooper
10eth for a fucking videogame collectible card.. pls go kys asap
Gavin Thompson
>3 Palytids I see you are also a man of class. Palytid is going to be the most valuable by far.
>73 CP Eekape Ah, simply divine. The smoke emitted atop his visage has an punchy yet dank aroma, with notes of hemp and lilac, owing to his relatively high CP. A truly fine specimen, estimated to be worth a minimum of 1 ETH.
Ayden Long
lmao you're mad that I made $3k off a kitty and now I'm going to win mad moolah cock-fighting with digital pets. fucking virgin loser
Ignore the posts showing that the artwork is stolen, its definitely not true and this is a legit project!
Tyler Green
are you poor?
>he didnt read the OP >he doesn't realize that this is an early adopter incentivization scheme (similar to referrals) as to build a userbase for the main platform features when they launch >he's going to miss out on it day 1 and eventually buy one off of us after he sees people battle etheremon in VR in decentraland gyms
Nathan James
oh shit its lit, that design is actually better than 99% current gen mons
>what is a dApp >he thinks swarm content hashes or IPFS hashes can be taken down
you didn't even read the post retard, the devs said they contacted the artist and will remove the art if theres a problem.
i did some research on this guy on DA, he says he has no problem licensing his art if he receives comission. if you read their etheremon submission form - you will see that they only want original content and that they will compensate you for your work.
this is like rare pepe wallet but 10x better
Jose Long
Can someone explain this to me, big fan of pokemon and dont want to get JUST'd by a fucking rattata
Owen Wilson
Thomas Bell
Don't worry about him. The people who know anything are quietly getting in—just check the contract. He'll still be here pissing and moaning while everyone else is having fun and making money.
Camden Butler
Anthony Morris
lol @ retards trying to copy the crypto kitty wave and the retards buying in.
Evan Brooks
so far they've used the art without permission
Daniel Jackson
lmao @ retards paying $150k for cats you can do NOTHING with other than produce more STUPID cats
>implying etheremon doesnt have massive value in the fact that memes can be created for different mons like >implying cryptokitties can have memes made for each kitty
Easton Smith
You gonna be saying this when you wake up tomorrow and Palytid has hit 100 ETH a piece? Huh? You're a disgrace to the purple ID
The only retards are the ones not buying in right now so they can be the ones who actually make some money.
Asher Gomez
and so far they have maintained the policy of crediting the artist - and stating that it will be taken down if requested.
if you actually read the source code for the contract, you'd see that the ether held by the contract is redistributed - and doesnt go to the devs.
it's speculated that they will sell rare candies and other things that are consumable.
Gavin Cook
The last time I bought ETH was a day before the cat game was launched, I swear I'm cursed.
Isaiah Peterson
actual retardation
Luke King
Bentley Cruz
shit tier 'mons, #1-150 are the only true pokemon
Nathaniel Thomas
>#1-150 You're missing one.
Julian Wright
Juan Cruz
Some of these designs are pretty great. It's a shame they are stolen, I would have bought some of these if the project was legit.
Ethan Sanchez
mew is a controversial topic
Luis Scott
they arent "stolen". the developers dont get any of the eth being raised
Oliver Peterson
Can you say copyright infringement? Nintendo sure can.
Adam Flores
God Damn man biz better not start getting flooded with people shilling this scam. Go away fags. Have your own reddit. This is for Veeky Forumsnessmen
Brayden King
This. They should hire the artist.
Henry Scott
where is the copyright infringement?
Are they selling charizards?
does nintendo have the copyright on pokemon or "digital monsters that you can buy/sell/trade/battle" ?
>t. corporate cuck brainlet
Austin Mitchell
Nathaniel Cruz
Crediting the artist without permission to use their work is like fucking someone else's girl and sending them a snapchat saying they've got good taste in pussy
Nolan Watson
So basically this is a game that actually requires some money to utilize? Neat. I'm going to buy all the 0.1 guys and start building my world championship team.
Kevin Davis
I mean yeah event mons are shit but Mew WAS in the game from the very beginning and there were ways to glitch and catch it without needing any kind of save editors, so it's only fair to include it.
Jason Gonzalez
I'll buy Joe for 800 ETH
Chase Hill
they said they contacted them and will remove /replace the art if the artist has a problem with it.
the artist themselves stated that they dont mind if people use their art - as long as they get commission and credit.
the devs credited the artist and contacted them for commissions, what is the issue?
Zachary Phillips
>no holograms, no 1st edition mediocre
Connor Brooks
Can't they just pay the artist 50 bucks a piece for commission? they're already making bank off this ponzi scheme
Gabriel Martin
I literally would. I'm autistic enough to have all 6 max IV Ditto used for breeding.
Daniel Torres
So, Pokemon for crypto.
The fuck has the world gone too.
Henry Kelly
41 Palytids have been sold already, most popular mon by my reckoning. This is obviously a bullshit scam but if 100 idiots fall for it after I do it'll be pure profit from then on. Hmm...
Nathaniel Lee
can you read the thread?
Parker Bell
"Buy this piece of shit, whenever someone else buys you earn a % back"
fucking ponzi if I've ever seen one
Cameron Ross
Dunno but my Vivorin is fucking ALPHA goddamn. 100cp? better fucking believe it. Perfect motherfucking stat roll.
Hudson Johnson
You guys are right. I just realized that I hate money and fun. I'm quitting Etheremon forever.
Robert Robinson
I didn't buy into this, but good luck user I hope 100 people fall for it
Cameron Powell
No shit but at least you'll be an early adopter and everyone else will be a sucker It's only the first day and people are piling on.
John Rodriguez
this is literally the digital version of the beanie babies craze and subsequent bubble
Matthew Rogers
This is going to make cryptokitty look like small time my man.
Logan Bennett
so when you battle your monsters is it going to be like poke and you take it to the medic or do i have to pay to get it out of hok or is it just dead?
i already have 4 useless pictures of cats, i feel like i dont need this too
Jaxon James
After 100 people buy an ethermon, where the hell does the return money come from though? Do you just stop getting it or what? Because each new mon will only be enough to pay off 100 people.
Brandon Reyes
you realize those cats you bought are severely overvalued vs etheremon right?
people paid $150k for a cat you can do nothing with besides pump out more useless cats for resale
William Jenkins
I'm guess the price goes up a little bit or the returns become smaller
William Peterson
Explain how this works. Lets say I buy one of the sick looking cunts for 1ETH, $800, what is my expected ROI?
Benjamin Jackson
it does
Alexander Smith
Eh I wouldn't bother. This is probably gonna last a week and everyone will be buying the cheap ones
Isaac Martin
literally only 2 have been sold so far, I guess the app will really have to take off for you to make your money off. I think it would be more worth to buy 10 of the cheap ones instead of 1 of the most expensive unless you want to take a bigger risk.
John Murphy
depends on your CP roll. 1 ETH mon at a high CP = $$$. We're talking 10, 20, 50, maybe even 150 ETH.
Hunter Ross
>the first ICO to get sued by Nintendo
Cooper Campbell
literally gambling lmao
Josiah Long
Oh fug after looking at the screenshots I have the strongest palytid
Ethan Green
>2017 >Nintendo sues the Ethereum blockchain >2018 >The war with the machines is over. Nintendo has blocked out the sky by firing a Bullet Bill into the sun. Mankind is dead or enslaved. Etheremon is all that remains.
Noah Flores
post your CP, nigga
Carter Lopez
When will they release legendaries?
Robert Flores
I guess the 1 eth ones are supposed to be legendaries
Jackson Martin
pic related
Connor Murphy
pls god no
Juan Jenkins
I m ready to be rich off this ponzi. I suggest you do the same before this takes off ! Free money
Jayden Collins
So how do you get money when someone buys? Is it automatically sent to your metamask?
Easton Perry
which one of these cocksuckers do i buy? it seems like a total crapshoot and they are fuarking expensive
Levi Davis
Buy them all before the normies and Pokemon nerds find out
Evan Reyes
palytid, Veeky Forums going all in on palytid. shill mission.
Wyatt Russell
Get the ones who haven't beent caught much and the cheapest Everyone's piling onto palitid even though less people will buy him once the price gets upped
Henry Young
this is actually too complicated to buy i literally dont get it. its too hard.... transaction data? i literally dont have myethewallet and I ned some kind of program. this actually makes no sense. Too hard.