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What clan/bloodline/tradition/tribe etc.. would you like to be ported over?
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No, there is no stopping an Archmage at that point.
I think we all know exactly what would stop you at this point.
>New Private Message from M:TA Storyteller
>"I'm sorry but my game is not a good fit for your play style :( I hope you find another game that works better for you!"
>You have been removed from group M:TA game
I wanted to see Lasombra ported over as a Ventrue bloodline but Obtenebration was wasted on some Muslim bloodline of Mekhet
Obten was a mistake.
It should have been a blood magic like koldunism. Exclusive to the small group of Abyss Mystics.
He likes
Lasombra as Nos bloodline with extra Discipline Dom
Obtenebration as a Devotion of Pot and Night. Forcing the nightmares into the real world
So can we talk about Changeling the lost for a whole thread? Please?
Kiths are pretty fucking neat
I figured that Lasombra as a Ventrue bloodline would be fitting albeit ironic as they were reflections of one another in vtm.
I wish there were more approach examples, I'm having a hell of a time coming up with good ones.
Sure. I never played it though I'd like to. It legit sounds to be the most interesting splat out there to me
How's that ironic? They're not even real reflections of each other, neither are good or anything. They're just... the same with different powers and sect.
Obt is pretty terrible in VtES if that's any consolation
The irony would come from Ventrue finally subsuming Lasombra from an out of game perspective. Their powers, historical background, and role in their respective sects are obvious parallels. How well it's actually executed leave much to be desired.
>I look up to vampires written by SJWs and get butthurt when you remind me how effortlessly you destroy my heroes. I'll be good Mr. Mage, please don't turn me into a lawnchair.
Keep last thread in the last thread
They were both the same-ish. Dominated focused social splats
Venture were the Defense
Lasombra were the Offense
nah mate, Lasombra are scary scary evil shadows. Without a reflection. Perfect Bane for a Nos. They already have Vigor vtm Pot. and Nightmare. and then you make a series of devotions based on Night+Vigor+Obfuscate for shadow tentacles. Making them Lasombra proper would just require adding Dom into the mix
So a couple threads back someone recommended looking up some videos about 'real' magical traditions to get a better understanding of how the Arcana work in 2e. I found a video about Hermetic sorcery and it gave me a bunch of ideas on what I could do with matter, space, and mind magic.
What are other magical traditions that would be useful to look up? Shamanism is a given for spirit magic obviously.
You already tried paganism/druidism right?
I have not. I'll look at that as well.
Start a thread on Veeky Forums about it. There's a regular who goes by Ape of Thoth who is extremely well versed in occultism who hosts regular threads. If you're lucky, he might be around, or someone might have a link to his book stashes.
Any opinions on Prime? Of all the arcana it's the one I'm having the hardest time wrapping my head around.
Why do people always say werewolves shit all over vampires? I honestly never read much about werewolves, so I just assumed they were retard strong wolfmen. Do they get some kind of bullshit reality bending magic like mages? Vampires get all kinds of crazy powers, so I can't see how muscle furries stomp them.
Anyone interested in spitballing ideas for 2e Changeling courts & freeholds?
They get very nice regeneration and good stat buffs.
The problem with building vampire for combat is that you relevant powers are far and wide so you need a lot of exp to build murder machine. This isn't problem when you are building an elder but for neonate or ancilla this can be tricky.
>Do they get some kind of bullshit reality bending magic
Prime is pretty good for revealing secrets throwing off illusions. or finding the general idea of what you're looking at. Like a knowing spell directed at a door would yeild Portal.
I guess you can use it as an All Seeing Eye. or like the Lens of Truth from Zelda
Mana management is pretty good. Dispellation is top tier verses other mages. It's the Metamagic sphere. Holy Fire is pretty good.
Ech maybe sorta kinda could use Tzimisce as nosferatu-ordo dracul bloodline or something like that
So have any of you guys import stuff from other works of urban fantasy into your owod/cofd games? Or even from outside the genere?
Ignore the haters. Wolfs and vamps have slighty different tools.
wolfs are war machines, their entire starting kit is murder. Vamp has to work overtime to match. Possible but not worth discussion
Actually they can be comparable. Vamps get free damage tier reduction in kit and can buy straight out damage reduction. Wolfs get stat boosts and regen in kit. They both get interesting tools and tricks.
The difference between a rage mode vamp and a rage mode wolf can be a bit hard to differentiate.(its the fur) Vamp get straight stat buffs to their physicals and Wolfs get up front stats and healing.
And with clash of wills against their different powers it's quite a dodge dodge parry thrust doing it again fight.
More interesting than owod. the problem in owod being the different system assumptions the two splats took. and wolf being a pure war game while vamp had more of a cloak and dagger set up.
Good writers mimic
Great writers steal
How much of a threat would shackling a changeling in cold iron be? Is it considered too cruel? If someone actually does it would they become public enemy number 1 in the freehold?
Actually I was reading WtF 2ed yesterday while building antagonist for my vtr game and wasn't so impressed with gifts. Yeah they do cool stuff but so do disciplines and devotions. Biggest problem in a straight fight is overcoming werewolfs regeneration really
Then I probably should admit what I've stolen outright in my games.
White Court from Dresden Files for Psychic Vamps(this is still work in progress)
Continental/High Table from John Wick for Vampires
This are some of the conscious choices on my part
>werewolfs regeneration
Aye but remember
wolfs only regen bashing per turn unless they spend essence to heal lethal. Wolfs take damage as humans do.
vamps can spend blood to heal two bashing or one lethal. Vamps also have damage reduction most lethal damage sources only deal bashing to vamps
Space is completely bullshit, isn't it?
All the arcana are utterly bullshit but yes space can do some hilarious shit.
In my hunter game I basically stole the car Christine from Stephan King. And stole the entire plot of the Cat Lady as a Geist plot
What game did you use Christine for?
Though I wonder how much of the "turn some of the frontings in a random street into a giant crusher while using the rest of them as a battlefield" thing was Space and how much of it was Matter.
I mean the bit were those two mooks got fed into an endlessly tessellating piece of doorway decoration was most likely a pure space thing.
A hunter game. Basically the ghost of auto tech that got crushed in an industrial accident haunted the car and plotted revenge. The hunters talked to the local gangs and prostitutes and found the garage of the fatal event. They climbed into a hole in the cement and found an other twilight world. They went in freed the ghost from torment and saved the day. They got the worker's comp into the hands of the mechanics next of kine which put the spirit to rest.
In the movie most of the warping effects happened inside the 'mirror realm' which is analogous to an emanation realm used by space based legacy.
If you did that kind of warping in real space you'd be doing natural disaster levels of destruction.
e.g. Change the down directional vector of a building would collapse damn near any structure since we engineer buildings with the assumption that the direction of gravity ain't changing.
>Mirror realm
If I were to use it I would model it as an advanced squaring the circle mage duel. The world is still there, the mages are just fighting in a fractal reflection of the world. Visually it's very pleasing
I'm just poking my nose into this general but why do some people get angry about the very idea of super powerful godwizards existing in the setting?
Makes cross over games kind of a bitch. Which throws a wrench into trying to create a united world of Darkness where each splat is represented.
But mostly everyone has a favorite splat that they are emotionally invested in and mages tend to have enough power to wreck most things 1v1. Some Mage players let this knowledge go to their head which is extremely fitting.
Fuck Beasts.
>If you did that kind of warping in real space you'd be doing natural disaster levels of destruction.
Especially with all the bullshit that Kaecilius wrought upon New York.
Nice. Never run a Hunter game but I guess I would try playing with stuff like that in it instead of monster hunting
When it comes to playability, mages in-general are at the top of the totem pole, whilst archmages are ~above and beyond~ the rest by a huge margin, and certainly unfathomable in terms of maximum theoretical potential.
Ascension / Awakening are the game-lines with the most 'oomph' because of the core theme of absolute power and hubris it entails.
Naturally this will bother some and more. Bias is the death of immersion, and there is no escaping it.
Surprisingly, if you translate it to Mage mechanics there isn't actually that much magic in the movie. .
It was mostly artifact usage and pacts with entities from the abyss/lower depths.
Kamar-taj could be an Adamantine Arrow mystery cult.
no wank
Mage's theme is just enough rope to mess up and hang yourself with
Honestly there is a lot of talk about power but once the mage gets uppity
>'knock knock' General sends his regards
You got run it like a PI Novel or a cop drama. or A scooby due episode.
Spooky shit.
haunted house.
fight the monster.
Case debrief.
Each scene should point to the next with clues and situational awareness. This is kind of my basic story structure. It's worked pretty good for me.
Sounds reasonable.Maybe I will try it one day thou this scooby due episode...
> reality Prince is a Strix!
>Damn Lucifuge! I would get away if not for you meddling hunters
>A scooby due episode.
"I'm gonna Swooce Right in!"
Turns out that the "Shaggy" of this particular cell of Hunters is actually an Unchained.
yeah you piss off too many people, bad things start happening. doesn't matter the splat. Remember how Scarface ended? Tony fucked up that senator job real good. and snorted his own supply. the Columbines came for his ass
PI Novel
>The night was cold as dead mans hands....
>You know I can hear you when you are narrating to yourself aloud?
A vampire is going to get fucked if it pisses off a Cabal of mages or a Pack of werewolves.
or a single mage pissing off a coven of vampires
or a single wolf pissing off a group changeling
Do you see the Key characterization ?
In general being alone in Cofd or Wod is a bad idea.
I had this idea after few recent threads about vamp-changeling crossover where changeling courts of the city get fucked over by true fae and loyalists and then one of surcviving changelings decides to weasel into vampire society for protection
A single mage has the capacity to fuck with a whole pack or coterie.
I remember that. And that actually made me thing of the reverse situation. A Freehold adopting a small vampire group and starting a new court story.
The Drac court. That are about retelling the great vampire stories across literature still need to work on it though, but I like it as a cross splat story
I actually like the idea. You should actually work on that.
I don't know that much about Changeling. I take it other supernaturals can enter hedge, visit goblin markets and so on?
As long as a changeling holds the door, so to speak
Thanks I want to work on it after I finish up the vampire story I'm running.
I too like this idea.
It's clearly another way to include Count Count.
>As long as a changeling holds the door, so to speak
>Holds the Door.
>That image
You do realize that this could lead to a Hodor Changeling? Because this is exactly how you get a Hodor Changeling.
>Cold touched Troll
I honestly don't see the problem
With so many flamewars about mage supremacy, I don't see why there's no character out there yet who's simply an immature fedoroid, claiming he's "overflowing with cosmic power" but not using it for much besides petty vengeance on his school bullies and living out immature sex fantasies with girls he had a crush on in high school.
Oh, right, because it's exactly what the people who always talk about long, complex, risky ways to become all-powerful would do. That would be a self-insert, and that's just bad taste - but then again we're lucky that mage supremacists cringe fearfully away from the tiniest bit of self-awareness.
Can Ochemata be full fledged individuals? I find the idea f an archmaster creating a complete duplicate of herself to live her mortal life intruiging. Will the Ochemata love her creators' famly and friends. Would an Ochemata sleeping with her creators husband be infidelity?
Thanks for feeding the magefags. You're an exquisite delicacy.
Perhaps a bit too much salt tho.
There's a very high likelihood that her creator's husband and even former life no longer exists. So this isn't really a question that needs answering.
>What clan/bloodline/tradition/tribe etc.. would you like to be ported over?
Not even a big vampire fan, but I wish Requiem had the Tzimisce in it.
Last night in my Mage game, our Cabal went up against a Living Spell
For anyone unaware, living spells are the first tier of Archmastery's Magic. Essentially it is an Imago, an idea for a spell, that changes itself over time to achieve a goal better. A Forces 6 "kill a motherfucker" spell could start with the intent to deal raw damage, but then it could mutate when the spell notices a loose brick in a building to drop on the guy's head
We aren't terribly sure what exactly it was doing. Pretty sure it was attempting to erode the barriers between our world and a section of the lower mysteries called The Mists. It's a section full of old seer made war-monsters called Night Creatures that are trying to claw their way back into the flesh world at the behest of their master, an old, corrupted mage known as The King of Mists. I'm pretty sure the king cast the spell, but there is no confirming that without us knowing the King's nimbus and examining the site where the spell happened in detail. Which ain't happening because lol Mysterium mega-sanctum
That's an interesting interpretation.
Don't Ocehmata gradually destroy the bodies they take? Something about how mortals can't handle the sheer weight of even a fraction of their existence or something.
That's because mages tend to smack their apprentices when they act like that so they don't lose wisdom
Not even that, but I'm pretty sure some of that stuff is actually illegal, at least in Awakening. The Precept of Hubris forbids using magic to harm people for no reason. I don't think a Consilii would take petty revenge and gawkish sex to be good reasons.
Honestly, the only thing that pisses me off are the posters, and how fucking smug they are. They're like that one kid who got the coolest version if a toy everyone had, rubbed it in everyone's face and ultimately made everyone hate the thing in question.
This isn't the Dresden Files, a mage will fuck over anyone.
You ever know for a fact that you're right about a certain something? Yet even then, some biased asswipe adamantly refuses to concede and acknowledge said fact, like a southern religious bigot?
That's the life of a magefag.
Which Splat fits Black Manta?
That's actually a very good analogy. Still doesn't change the "fact" that they don't shut up about things.
Poison is the only way to deal with Mage players.
Anybody can commit a crime, but you have to be some degree of competent to get away with it. A fucktard who brags about his magic and uses it to live out his insipid fantasies won't last very long.
And wizards in the Dresden Files try to fuck people over all the time, what are you talking about?
>doesn't know about the Dresdenverse laws of magic
Doesn't change the fact that mage fags are grandiose faggots and make ut impossible fir these threads to be about anything else
I could give a shit less if you're rigt. If you're an asshole I'm gonna ignore you or outright refute everything you say
Have you considered that knee jerk reaction people have to magefags is because they are smug douches that chime in even if conversation does not involve mage? And that even if magefags have some merit people will refuse to concede because that would mean agreeing with smug douche?
Mages can get away with a LOT of mundane things, user. They can murder easily without getting caught, it's one of their specialties.
Mages, one and all, are more like nuclear nations that use the Consilium as a way of *not* blowing each other up over every major(and minor) thing. A mage knows damn well what kind of power they have access to, and they also know what every other mage can do. At most, they might face ostracism from the greater mage society, but more likely just from mages in the area. If you think another mage is doing something you don't like, put your busybody-meddling- big-boy pants on and go confront them about it. Just remember that they have access to supernal magic, same as you and might have friends, same as you.
He's made it his entire life's goal to harrass, annoy, terrorize, aggrieve, inflict sorrow upon, and eventually murder a single "supernatural" individual.
To achieve this, he's murdered dozens, if not hundreds, of innocents, committed countless crimes in numerous countries, retained the services of innumerable henchmen, lost quite a few battle submarines and other heavy equipment, all so that he, a mortal man, can extinguish his most hated non-mortal-man foe from the Earth. Eventually.
Without getting caught by mortal authorities, sure. But what kind of games do you run where a mage who runs around breaking precepts doesn't get punished by the Consilium officials? Bragging about his magic and risking the veil doesn't help either.
It really depends. Most mages aren't going to care.
But what about the mages who literally make it their jobs to uphold the Consilium laws and protect the veil?
Then they care.
Sure, but the Guardians of the Veil will care, a lot. And by care, I mean violence. The Guardians come down like a pile of bricks on exactly that.
Abuse the sleepers? Whatever.
Threaten the veil by being obvious? LUBE UP
There's also your local Consilium. The laws are going to vary.
Precepts are laws found in nearly every Consilium, and hurting people with magic for no reason and risking the veil are against the precepts.