This is Monte Cook. Say something nice about him!
This is Monte Cook. Say something nice about him!
Other urls found in this thread:
He did a thing.
He once did a Planescape thing.
>surely if I reply to this troll he will stop posting on Veeky Forums
Ever since they kicked quest threads off the board, low-energy trolling is my new favorite spectator sport.
He's a pretty enjoyable fluff writer and I enjoyed most of his 2E-era adventures.
Just keep him way the fuck away from core game mechanics.
Thanks to him, 5e is free of degeneracy - all the scum plays Pathfinder.
Thank you, Monte Cook. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
And anything to do with Call of Cthulhu.
And anything to do with human penises.
He's an ugly fat fuck who cannot write mechanics worth a damn.
Anyone who supports Ivory Tower gameplay deserves to die.
Light of Therin be upon you, yeoman.
Monday Cuck is a pretty cool guy, eh wreits D&D and doesn't afraid of anyhting.
He recanted and atoned. His blog post is where the phrase "ivory tower design" comes from. But he still does it in all his games, like Numenera.
Ah, the reminder that quests are banned from Veeky Forums that they will never, ever be allowed back just brought such a smile to my face.
He writes some pretty good fluff.
His crunch is god awful,though.
did he really do it Veeky Forums?
Develop an interest in traditional games. Talk about those.
He makes good dungeoncrawling adventures, like ptolus, which is fantastic btw, and did some really cool shit before 3e.
I still haven't watched any of his stuff.
>like ptolus, which is fantastic btw
What's so good about it? From the brief overview I read of it it's just a fuckhuge city with too much description that nobody will ever read.
He left D&D in time so 5e isn't a steaming pile of shit.
>Ah, the reminder that quests are banned from Veeky Forums that they will never, ever be allowed back until hiro sells Veeky Forums and we get new mods just brought such a smile to my face.
It's actually a remedial pile of shit, I've never heard anyone praise it in real life just this one guy just now.
I heard his Arcana Unearthed books were pretty neat.
Um... actually keep dreaming sweetie, never going to happen.
Good stuff.
Quests were always a foreign parasite and we're never traditional games.
>It's a 1 city campaign setting with several warring factions, which you can just use as a setting if desired, or plop down in your setting of choice and use there with few changes.
>It's also got the best published megadungeon adventure path I've seen, if megadungeons or published adventures are at all your thing.
>It's well suited for if you're not a bullshit asspull GM, for people who actually want things to make sense, it's been well thought out.
The players aren't going to read the city, a GM would. But he doesn't need to memorize it or anything, just skim it, become familiar, and pull up the appropriate stuff quickly when it's wanted because it's well organized.
Are you sure that's Monte Cook? I don't see a fork and severed penis anywhere in that picture
What is "ivory tower design? I can't find a straight definition for it.
They were passable. On par with some of the better 3.5 stuff WOTC put out.
If I was ever running 3.5 again I'd allow their use. I don't know that I ever will, mind you.
Sorry about your wait Mr. Cook, can we get you anything else with your order?
curly hair is okay
>Ah, the reminder that none of the things people who got quests kicked off of Veeky Forums claimed would happen never happened, and in fact just got worse.
His name is good
Yep. The front page totally didn't stop being monopolized by quest threads. That is totally a thing that is still happening.
Basically, when you design your game to reward system mastery and deliberately include different quality choices for character options such that knowing the system results in significantly stronger characters that just picking stuff.
It was on purpose. He and the chucklefucks at WOTC decided MTG deckbuilding would make a good addition to D&D.
He has since realized that was not a great idea.
>anally obliterated questfag still fucking furious that he can't shit up our board anymore and has to stay in his containment board with all the other subhuman garbage
He's not Sean K Reynolds.
If you honestly believe that monte cook purposefully made 3.0 and 3.5 balanced like shit you are an idiot
that's the most obvious shitty damage control I've ever heard
They were decent if you like mountains of PF.5 rules crunch, all of it untested and unbalanced.
I gotta hand it to Monte, the guy is prolific and can pump out 400-page books in a month like a motherfucker.
>none of the things people who got quests kicked off of Veeky Forums claimed would happen never happened
what? removing the quest threads? that did happen
>in fact just got worse.
source? other than you, you're clearly a stale forum game-loving faggot
Thank you
Yeah, I read that whole article before I made my post. It in no way defines what ivory tower design is and in fact assumes the reader already knows what ivory tower design is. Thanks ass clown.
Nope, just generals and literal shitposting. Same as when quests were here.
>doesn't understand how hyperlinks work
basically it's purposefully putting a ton of sub or barely viable shit in your core game and sprinkling in stuff that actually works well, and releasing a ton of supplements with more garbage and also viable and optimal stuff sprinkled in so people "in the know" buy it to stack their deck, and shittier players buy it for fluff reasons or whatever.
Except that everyone but you is overjoyed that quests are gone for some reason. Wellp, must be a crazy fluke because everything is exactly the same!
He might be Jewish.
>>in fact just got worse.
>/pol/ is Veeky Forums
>fetish threads everyday all day
>statme threads everywhere, half of them /pol/
>even more fetish threads
Yep, getting rid of /wst/ and quests sure fixed Veeky Forums!
I love how questfags just love to assume that if quest threads were still around none of the current problems would exist, when in fact all it would do is mean that we would have all the current issues AND quest threads shitting up the board.
Who ever thought it would fix everything wrong with Veeky Forums?
No, the other things wrong with Veeky Forums are very much still here.
Fixing one thing wrong with Veeky Forums fixed* of the things wrong with Veeky Forums.
you're just butthurt your little dividers are gone.
Fixed *one* of the things. Fuck.
What was the point of removing quests if the antiquest autists are still going to shitpost?
What was the point of you being here if you're clearly a butthurt questfag and quests aren't allowed here anymore?
>Except that everyone but you is overjoyed that quests are gone
Weird how all the board polls have the opposite results.
I actually want to discuss traditional games, shocking.
>we spammed a poll and they STILL won't let us shit up Veeky Forums anymore!
At least he isn't as retarded as Kevin Siembieda or Sean K Reynolds. So he'll never be the worst chode in the industry.
Quest threads took up a lot of space at the top of the catalog, which meant that a lot of people saw them and posted in them. Troll threads existed, but couldn't get much traction because not as many people noticed them before the mods deleted them.
Now that there are no quest threads on Veeky Forums, the troll threads have taken over the prime Page 0 real estate and accrue many more posts before being deleted.
If you really cared about the quality of Veeky Forums you would stop posting.
You're right, it would take at least eight years of shitposting and ban-dodging for something like that to happen.
SKR shouldn't be allowed to write mechanics anymore.
His book of vile darkness helps make my villains extra edgy.
Thank you Monty!!
Numenera isn't ivory tower at all, there's few BAD choices, only situational ones. I agree if your game is combat heavy, then about a third of basic options will be useless, but they're not always bad, just always situational
And here we have victims of the great assblasting in Veeky Forums history, still wandering around mindlessly muttering complaints about how the least popular thing to ever happen on Veeky Forums got removed from Veeky Forums
So basically quest threads were containment threads, good to know that they were of such high quality.
On another note, having page 0 over taken with quest threads also killed all of the legitimate threads too, so fuck you for that.
We just need another round of nazi-mod grade chemo to get fetish and /pol/ shitters.
I feel like you don't understand what I'm trying to say. Your posts are bad. You should stop.
>m-muh quests
>y-you're just as bad as we were
Numenera would have been perfect for one shots, but that's not how it's advertised.
Barely any of the cyphers had anything at all to do with cannibalism and I only saw two that even mentioned penises.
I got the reference
Is this some meme or people on Veeky Forums really don't know anything about tabletop and pen/paper role-playing games.
Planescape was done by Zeb Cook. Guy has nothing in common with Monte, only the surname. Not related at all.
Also Zeb is down to earth, take guy to a pub and have shittalk kind of a guy. Monte is self proclaimed "writer" and "artist" who eats dicks... literary.
Even with quest threads on weekends Veeky Forums was still slow as hell. A thread would have to be ignored for hours before it was "pushed off".
The main issue with quests was that it caused a lot of autistic screeching from people who didn't like them and wanted the whole world to know. Threads like this one were a commonplace.
I'm sorry that even the lamest quest thread was more popular than whatever garbage thread you tried to make, user. I agree, it's not fair that popular threads were bumped more than unpopular ones.
Ivory Tower design is pretty much not explaining a goddamn thing to the players in the book itself and leaving them to figure things out on their own. Not an inherent bad on its own, but in a game where trap options are everywhere and players have to have an intimate knowledge of the game to figure out whether something works as advertised or not?
Monte did adventures for it, mostly.
I'm beginning to think you might be illiterate.
I'm sorry that Naruto Quest LXXIII is no longer on the board. I'm really really sorry. :^)
Didn't he eat someone's dick or something?
What a tragedy, wow I can really see why they are upset
I know he worked on it, but Zeb created it
At least they still have Autism-Chain which is closing on 1500 threads...
Yeah but if it makes you feel any better he paid the guy to let him do it
Wow, people of color me really impressed
Is that why they're still hanging around the board? Because I don't mind the Jump Chain thread by itself. It doesn't monopolize the board in the same way that quest threads did. But if it's the only thing keeping these sperg lords here then maybe it should be removed from premises.
And maybe we should remove it just to see the butthurt.
Sounds good, that CYOA dogshit is clearly just a renamed quest anyway. It needs to get the fuck out and go to /b/ or /qst/ or whatever the fuck trash like that belongs.
Please stop talking to yourself to bump this thread
hey bootyboffed questshit, thanks for the sick post
go back to your cage, loser
How is a CYOA thread different than a quest, exactly?
That would be funny. You could do like what the anti-ERP crowd did and troll it until the mods get sick of the shit and banish it.
Why do you think questfags care about CYOA threads?
They're basically the same thing.
It is mostly just picking shit from a retarded image instead of trying to make a story. CYOAs are just Quests retarded inbred cousin.
Do you think a lot of Magic players also play solitaire?
They aren't.
No, but a lot of them play the fuck out of other autistic card games that are different in name only, kinda similar to questfags and choose your own adventure retards
IMO if we want to take out the trash /pfg/ has to go.
I'm not seeing what quest threads and CYOAs have in common besides "both are played on Veeky Forums" and "both are played by people I don't like".
Fuck, would I ever like it if /pfg/ talked about the goddamn game instead of fetish posting. I stopped going there, I just couldn't fucking take it anymore.
>This is a joke post. It has to be.
Veeky Forums CYOAs are just renamed quest threads.
ebin trolling bro
Could you explain why they're the same, preferably without using the phrase "they just are"?
People, people. We're getting distracted by quest threads and CYOA and Jump Chain when we should all be saying the nice things about Monte Cook. And FYI: "he pays fair market prices for the penises he cooks" does not count