Modern General

Make Blue great again edition



What do you think about counterspell in modern?

How do you think it would affect the meta/other archetypes?

What is your opinion on control?

What do you think would be a healthy addition to Modern? Are you opposed to supplemental product?

Do you think DSJ will die down or is it here to stay? Does it have a natural predator yet?

Do you think there is anything hurting the format?

>Current Modern Metagame


Other urls found in this thread:

>Do you think DSJ will die down or is it here to stay? Does it have a natural predator yet?
Tribal flames deck with deflecting palm sideboard

Force of Will in Modern desu

Ponder in modern desu.

>tfw I just utterly btfo a $1,000 grixis goryo's vengeance deck with muh $80 stompy deck

LIVING THE DREAM BOYOS. In other news, I've decided dryad militant is probably better more often than kessig prowler, I've yet to transform one in any games because I don't ever have the spare mana for it.

>What do you think about counterspell in modern?
Too good. 2 cmc counters need some drawback.
>What is your opinion on control?
Not my thing, but if you like it go for it. I just don't want control to dominate the format. It seems more viable now than it has been historically.
>Do you think there is anything hurting the format?
Nothing that has proven itself oppressive.

>What is your opinion on control?
It's cancer. I'm glad Tron is around to keep control faggotry out of our glorious format.

>control is more viable now than it has been
wrong and control will never dominate modern because of cancer like tron

Doesn't Tron have trouble against DSJ though?

Depends on the version of tron. I only have experience playing\ G/B Tron but I imagine G/W has a pretty easy time against DSJ between Path and all the sideboard hate they can pack.

>mfw practicing for the last 2 weeks for the team modern gp
>mfw waiting til just now to register
>mfw i was an hour late to register before they reached max capacity
>mfw i unintentionally cucked my 2 teammates
feels bad man

Go find one of the other teams and duel them for their seats at the GP.

I laughed.

>tfw really like team modern but never get to play it

holy shit that art is CUTE! CUUTE!!!

Do any of you guys do off the wall shitbrews?

Not outside kitchen table.

>off the wall shitbrews?
Sorry, my only shitbrew is all-walls.

I've got a couple memelists if you're interested.

Here's a plain ol' Thoptersword feat. Tezz the Memer. I've also got UG Genesis Wave, Trawler Eggs, Enduring Renewal (soul sisters and pure combo), Time Walks and Blue Staff

>No whir of Invention + Pentad Prism package
Shameful. Truly shameful.

I have another list but it's still in the embryonic stage. I don't just wanna jam Prism+Whir, we gotta go all the way with Reshape+Lotus. It must be done.

take a fucking screenshot you stupid nigger

Will do chief, but I dunno what it'll accomplish

>takes picture of screen rather than just screenshotting
kys my man

want a tappedout link too, fucking scummer NETDECKER FUCK??
Fail as balls, dude.

Heres your captcha

>he doesn't netdeck
Fail as balls my dude

There's objectively nothing wrong with that
>A E S T H E T I C S brainlets demand you waste time cropping screenshots and sperg out when you don't


my hubando truly is op as balls

There objectively is, since it looks like shit since it was taken with a phone and obscures the deck which is the whole point of the image you stupid fuck.

>calling others brainlets when you're too fucking stupid to take a screenshot
wew lad

here have some reading:

>obscures the deck
You mean the shitty halfbaked manabase that myself and any other ape could cobble together? You could extrapolate all the other lands if you truly wanted
>looks like shit
Ah so it is about the aes.

here's the genesis wave meme feat. eternal gearhulk

5-Color Super-Friend Tron
>What do you think about counterspell in modern?
It's what the format needs. As a "Tron" player, my deck is basically a combo deck so control is my natural predator but I don't have to worry since there aren't any. Consistent & cheap counterspells that don't just delay the inevitable(ala Remand) are what would make control good. If they don't bring that in they really need to bring back a good quick finisher for the control shell, like Twin.
>What is your opinion on control?
I play it 95% of the time, especially in Draft/Sealed. The only reason I'm playing my 5-color Tron is because I don't feel it's good right now but the day it is I'm ready(clutching cryptically and JTMS should the deck be a thing again.
>Do you think there is anything hurting the format?
I woulda said Dredge and Infect but those both got nerfed so I'd say the formats okay atm. Still need real control in the format though(lantern doesn't count) imo.

>As a "Tron" player, my deck is basically a combo deck so control is my natural predator
I don't know about your memey tron variant but regular Tron shits all over control. Tron is a huge part of what's keeping real control out of modern.

I hate to be that guy but what stops them from just discarding those cards

snapcaster maybe?

>tfw losing with reanimator against 5 color humans
it hurts so bad losing to dumb aggro because combo is supposed to punish decks that can't interact but due to grislebrand it's real hard to combo at low life total
also dryad militant is sweet

>Do you think DSJ will die down or is it here to stay? Does it have a natural predator yet?
Kithkin. The decks only bad matchup is Living End.

anyone running BGX? should i buy hierarchs or no?

Good wholesome memes kithkin bro

There's something quaint about the Kithkin meme. Was there ever an actual decklist posted for Kithkin? Kinda curious about what the deck actually looks like.

Ran into this situation while goldfishing nature barkwhip the smasher deck. What should I do?

Cast the Giant Catapult in your hand to restart the game with 2 extra pawns. It's really the only shot you have.

You need to floop the pig, and then use the remaining pylons to construct Exodia The Digivovless

Cast Warrior Returning Alive, targeting Wild Nacatl in your GY. Flip over your tuner of choice. Play Nettle Sentinel.Use that fight to cast Nacatl. Tap for fight. Use the fight to cast Energy retrieval, putting Temple Garden onto battlefield untapped. You have mountain from fight energy. Put an evolution counter on Nacatl. Synchro summon that thing in your hand with Nettle and your tuner. Swing out.

Can I redeem Kithkin guy Veeky Forums?

Take it to an event and post results.

Does FNM work for you? I'm too much of a pussy to bring that to a bigger event.

that curve is so trash you baka gaijin

put a set of aether vial, it's literally merfolk.dec in white

Except that Merfolk is good and has tons of good creatures and lords and I have none. Which is the problem, which good creatures can I run here?


Kithkin isn't great. If I had to argue a tribal angle, I'd say to make a Knight deck with Kinsbaile Cavalier.

Back in the good old days when hauptmann GGT was still a free man I was prone to call militant by "honorary Aryan", as it was a cunt to fight against.

Sick masterpieces bro, clearly from Amonkhet. Did you break the bank to buy them all?

Welcome to the NWO

NWO was in place before that and doesn't even apply to rares you fucking mong, don't go around spewing things you don't know about. It's not about NWO, it's that they're a bunch of incompetents.

Even with Cage in the format BR Zombies was tier 1, so this is a complete retardation on their part.

le epic dredge nazi meme xDDDDD

No, some Abzan lists are running them but in my experience they have been lackluster

Turn 2 Lilly isn't very lackluster IMO

In the time I played with hierarch in the deck that happened exactly once

>Oh you countered my Karn?
>Hope you have 4 more for my ulamogs and I Ugin next turn

What da fug

So every single time you got lili and hierarchy in hand they killed it?

>Ask what blue needs to be more competitive in Magic
>Get told to practice more and git gud
Just wondering how many more times do I need to practice before 80% of my tier 1 matchups even when played optimally I have a 70-30 win rate?

Affinity, Burn, Tron, and trying to import Legacy taxes
Prices on Liliana, Snaps, and Goyf. I have everything else, but I refuse to pay the prices they ask so I do without.
>What do you think about counterspell in modern?
Would be perfectly fine. Double blue is enough of a drawback- we already have plenty of similar dispruption.
>How do you think it would affect the meta/other archetypes?
As fast as the format is, I'm not sure if we would ever see a true draw-go style control deck. Might give control decks more game against Tron though. If it becomes too oppressive we have a gigantic selection of counter-hate in modern already.
>What is your opinion on control?
I enjoy playing against it, but rarely with it. It's not a play style I'm very familiar playing with, but for some reason I love baiting spells and grinding through removal.
>What do you think would be a healthy addition to Modern? Are you opposed to supplemental product?
I'd love for WotC to print some older cards that aren't quite Legacy viable, but might could find a place in modern. Counterspell being one of them. Flametongue Kavu, Plague Spitter, Braids, Cycling lands, the Decrees, Cabal Therapy, Pillage
>Do you think DSJ will die down or is it here to stay? Does it have a natural predator yet?
It's here for awhile. Something will crop up to counter it if it becomes too prevalent.
>Do you think there is anything hurting the format?
Lack of decent cantrips. Just ban the Storm wincons besides Dragonstorm so we can get a few rituals and the cantrips back.

The deck plays 3 nobles and 3 liliana of the veil. You also need two untapped black sources, one of which must be green. I realize this isn't impossible but I wouldn't call it consistent by any stretch of the word.

Post high res pics of cool card art.

Buy Chinamen fakes

How many of you keks only play online?

for modern yeah

Xmage because I'm a student

I play on xmage once and a while


You're getting too hype

2 cost cycling is pretty prohibitively expensive

And still the fact that they come in play tapped unconditionally. Sure, they are not bad and cycling actually makes them good, since they fix your card in top deck mode, but you still can't play too many of them as they might fuck your first few turns.

I like them. They're not so good that everyone wants 4, but they're not so weak that they're automatically dismissed. I'm going to try out 2 replacing Copperline gorge in Burn.

Why isn't anguished unmaking 2 mana?

spending mana on cycling in burn? youd really rather just run shocklands and basics for hate

Because then it would be good

Because Utter End had to be 4. Exile Target Non-Land Permanent at instant speed for 3cmc or less with no drawback would be broken.

I mean not really. It would just be good.

Wow, how sad :(

I'll try remember to nag my teammates if I ever get around to doing that.

Also... team modern GP? Y'mean like in the side events?

Don't tell me what I would rather do. You're not my mom!

MtGO yes.

>tfw Aven Mindsensor is getting a standard reprint
>not having to use the ugly invocation frame
>no longer having you autism triggered by the old timeshift frame

Feels good man

>not being triggered by M15 borders
Shit taste desu

It's barely noticeable to me, but I started in Theros so maybe I'm too much of a newfag to care. Timeshift frame made me sperg out, especially when only 2 cards in the deck have them.

Tell me about thrun

Why does he suffer the silence?

>Been playing exclusively Grixis Delver for about a year and a half now
>Love the deck to pieces
>It's inherent weakness to half the current metagame is starting to really annoy me
>"git gud"

If all of my matchups are unfavorable anyway, shoukd I just play tge objectively worse but objectively more fun RUG Delver?


>objectively worse
I find I do well with it. Moreso than grixis.

>tfw killed myself cycling skreet wraiths too much

feels weird man

I'm new to modren. I have a mono green devotion deck. Should I make this?

>not being triggered by m15 means shit taste
Eat fucking shit you mongoloid retard.
You wanna talk triggering templates? Just look up any green card pre-M15.
Bottom of every card, next to where a creature power/toughness would be - there's this ugly ass leaf stalk. On every damn card. Sticks out like a sore thumb and is one of those can't-unsee deals that pisses me the fuck off.

I fucking danced when they covered up that hideous eyesore with the m15 template. Good FUCKING riddance.

>Wants a 70% win rate in top play.
This will never ever happen. Here, have a red pill.

Proxy the Genesis Waves and Eldrazi Titans, see how you like it.

Faggot I was saying that the majority of blues matchups are 70-30 in favor of the opp

Oh ok I'm sorry let me go back and unpack that
>how many times do I need to practice
>before 80% of my tier 1 matchups
>even when played optimally
>I have a 70-30 win rate?

>Faggot I was saying that the majority of blues matchups are 70-30 in favor of the opp
Yeah you weren't saying that. You almost did, but nope. Maybe you you should pratice more and git gud at English first.

Suck their dicks to make it up to them sissy anime watching white boi

If he is what you say then you're just enabling his bullying fetish.
If you know this and are doing it anyway then you're just opening an RP.
Either way you're both faggots.

If he is what you say then you're just enabling his bullying fetish.
If you know this and are doing it anyway then you're just opening an RP.
Either way you're both faggots.
Though you're right. Sucking their dicks probably would make it up to them.
Now we're all faggots.

What's the other card? I'm guessing you're on hatebears and the other is horizon canopy.