To be honest, it's pretty mediocre, but I think it's interesting enough. Want me to post it?
Hey Veeky Forums, I made an alien species generation roll table
I'll try anything once.
Twice if it hurts.
OK then. Roll me a 1d6 for the species' natural environment.
Rolled 3 (1d6)
So this is a Terrestrial species, it lives above the surface on land.
Roll 1d6 for the species' classification.
Rolled 2 (1d6)
Last roll for me tonight, chummer. Hopefully someone else picks this up.
Rolled 6 (1d6)
I'll roll, since I've got some POC issues I'm trying to fix
I meant PC issue, dumb phone
So this species is Reptilian in nature. Thanks for participating user.
I'll use this roll for the species' diet. Hmm... Roll 2d5...
Rolled 1, 4 = 5 (2d5)
Neat, reptiles are cool
The species is Carnivorous and Detrivorous. That is to say, they eat meat and corpses.
Roll 1d6 for the species' ethics.
Link? I wrote this shit on a piece of paper in a bout of drunken inspiration a fortnight ago. I'll post in its entirety as soon as we've finished generating a species together.
Rolled 1 (1d6)
Let's see where this goes, I'm interested now
Okey-dokey. The species has only one major ethic. Roll 1d2 to see which extreme the species takes.
Rolled 1 (1d2)
Oh, good work keeping that ethic hidden
Rolled 298 (1d502)
oh, okay. welll if it's not typed up yet I'll help. This is how dice work yes?
The species is Aggressive. We're almost finished, roll 1d6 to determine the number of traits the species has.
Almost, but not quite.
Rolled 3 (1d6)
I-i'll do it right this time, OP-sama!
Rolled 4 (1d6)
An Aggressive, Carnivorous Reptile species who doesn't mind eating the dead, don't sound too friendly so far.
This seems pretty interesting. I want to see how this goes and what the actual table looks like.
The species has 3 distinguishing traits. Roll 3d20 to find out just what they are.
I don't suppose so. This is turning out much better than most of the table's results.
Rolled 2, 14, 4 = 20 (3d20)
kay~ stupid captcha...
Soon friend, soon.
This species has Inferior Senses, its members live Monastic lifestyles, and they are Physically Weak. Huh. Not what I was expecting, but, interesting... I'll tally the results, then post the Roll Table.
Alright, this species is...
> Terrestrial
> Reptilian
> Carnivorous and Detrivorous
And are...
> Fundamentally Aggressive
> Inferior Senses, Monastic, and Physically Weak
I'm reminded of the Vorcha from Mass Effect. Reads like these guys would make decent antagonists, as either the people behind something big or generic mooks.
I'm kinda tempted to put these guys in my setting now.
So, a race of reptile cultits who eat meat, not caring where exactly it comes from.
They probably take advantage of higher numbers to overcome their weakness. Maybe they're also blind, living underground or something.
>> Species Natural Habitat, (Roll 1d6)
> (1) Amphibious
> (2) Aquatic
> (3) Terrestrial
> (4) Subterranean
> (5) Atmospheric
> (6) Reroll 2d5, choosing both results.
>> Species Classification, (Roll 1d6)
> (1) Mammallian
> (2) Reptilian
> (3) Avian
> (4) Insectoid
> (5) Plantoid/Fungoid
> (6) Synthetic
>> Species Diet, (Roll 1d6)
> (1) Carnivorous
> (2) Herbivorous
> (3) Omnivorous
> (4) Detrivorous
> (5) Photosynthetic
> (6) Reroll 2d5, choosing both results.
>> Fundamental Ethics Of Species, (Roll 1d6 once, determining number of Ethics.)(Roll *Previous_Number*d6, to determining which Ethics Axis to roll on.)(Roll 1d2 for each Ethics Axis, determining Ethics.)
>> (1) Conflict
> (1) Aggressive
> (2) Pacifistic
>> (2) Metaphysical Philosophy
> (1) Spiritualist
> (2) Materialist
>> (3) One or the Many
> (1) Collectivist
> (2) Individualist
>> (4) Xenos Philosophy
> (1) Xenophobic
> (2) Xenophilic
>> (5) Movement
> (1) Sedentary
> (2) Nomadic
>> (6) Territorial Philosophy
> (1) Expansionist
> (2) Isolationist
>> Distinguishing Traits Of Species, (Roll 1d6 to determine number of Traits)(Roll Previous_Number*d20 to determine Traits)(Reroll if a resulting Trait conflicts an earlier Trait)
> (1) Superior Senses
> (2) Inferior Senses
> (3) Physically Strong
> (4) Physically Weak
> (5) Intelligent
> (6) Dimwitted
> (7) Large Bodies
> (8) Small Bodies
> (9) Fast-Breeders
> (10) Slow-Breeders
> (11) Adaptable
> (12) Nonadaptive
> (13) Decadent
> (14) Monastic
> (15) Communal
> (16) Loners
> (17) Dextrous
> (18) Clumsy
> (19) Many Limbs
> (20) No Limbs
There it is anons! Enjoy the fruits of my autism, hopefully you'll all get some good use out of it!
thanks user. I feel like the ethics are kinda weird tho.
Aye, a fine chart. Good work, you do us all a service.
Yeah, it's not perfect but I couldn't think of a better way to do it. It's somewhat inspired by Stellaris.
Thank you user. I spent many minutes puzzling over a canister of carbonated water while I was writing it.
That's actually fairly decent. Slightly more complicated than some tables I've seen, but not to the point of confusion or ridiculousness. Good job, user.
Many thanks good doctor.
As a veteran Player of Dark Heresy i know charts and i must say, This is a fine chart.
Charts thread from here?
I mean I don't have any but I would be interested in charts.
This ain't half bad OP, nice job. Although if you really wanted to go full space opera, you could expand the ethics of the species a bit.
For one thing what you label as ethics really encompasses how they manage their entire society, and some of them could clash with a couple of the distinguishing traits. You could also swap out the d2s rolled for binary traits with d6s that put them on a scale between two extremes. Like for movement, you could roll up just how predisposed they are to either put down roots or constantly move around, as with any sapient species you will have individuals who decide to do things a little differently than their peers you know?
Anyway that was my two cents, but either way this table looks good enough to be used for a bunch of stuff, nice job.
I'm definitely using that at some point
10/10, breddy gud OP
Rolled 3 (1d6)
Huh, now I kinda wanna roll for the neighbors to these guys Rollan for natural habitat
Rolled 4, 5 = 9 (2d6)
classification and diet at once! come at me!
OP, look at the game Stellaris if you get a chance. Its species creation shares a lot with yours, especially the philosophies and physical traits.
If you want to improve your already awesome chart even further, maybe you can gleam some ideas from there?
Checked, nice chart OP.
Rolled 5 (1d6)
Might as well roll up Species Ethics.
I feel like there's a better way to roll for the distinguishing traits at the end, but I can't think of it at the moment. Also, the word monastic is a bit odd if you don't have the context of contrasting it to decadent.
This is good though, and this sort of thing is one of the things that makes Veeky Forums good. Also, it's good to have this out in the open instead of hidden away in some general. OP, you make a good case for alcohol as a cure for faggotry.
First time I've seen original content on Veeky Forums all month. Good job.
I love Gondolas. They're essentially the elegen/tg/entleman's Spurdo.
Rolled 2, 1, 3, 4, 2 = 12 (5d6)
habitat, classification, diet, number of ethics, number of traits
There's no way to roll multiple types of dice in one post, is there?
Rolled 4, 3, 4, 5 = 16 (4d6)
Hmm, I should have rolled 11d6 instead, now I have to roll an extra time for ethics axes.
Rolled 2, 2, 1, 2 = 7 (4d2)
I got a 4 twice. I'm not sure what to do about that. Maybe the ethics should be determined by 6d3 instead, with one of the values signifying no ethic.
Rolled 11, 10 = 21 (2d20)
Now distinguishing traits.
Ok, so that's an aquatic, mammalian, omnivorous race which is slow breeding, adaptable, individualistic, nomadic and may or may not be xenophobic and/or xenophilic.
I think doing ethics with six d3 rolls would be better, especially since d6es can replace d3s with no difficulty. That would make the whole thing into d6 rolling except for the traits at the end, which I haven't figured out a better method for.