What's the point of them wear any armor if they get killed even by a blaster pĂstol shot?
What's the point of them wear any armor if they get killed even by a blaster pístol shot?
Need helmets to dehumanize them.
Lets the audience know who the bad guys are.
Armor is used to damp blaster shot and disperse it throughout the body so the stormtroopers who are getting shot are often knocked out, not dead.
This is the real reason, but actually lore wise that armor protects well from bullets and shrapnel. However, I remember prequels fucking even that up.
We really need a fantasy and sci-fi board where things like this can be discussed.
Hahaha! This is what I will tell my son when we watch the movies together next year.
So......literally tg?
Not a good idea. That would only attract shitty fanficcers and brain melting Doctor Who generals.
Fucking Doctor Who. It wasn't even that good of a show, I don't get why everyone fucking circle jerks all over it.
Can't have dozens of people die on screen in a film for the whole family.
That's what I always thought, but no, it was messed up. I eventually decided my headcanon would be that they protect against blunt force trauma and are sealed so they can survive in space for a few minutes and be immune to poison gas. Then I remembered that stormtroopers die from getting rocks dropped on them, get beaten down with wooden clubs, and as of Force Awakens can't even filter gas properly.
cheaper shittier version of clone trooper armour, which was designed to spread the damage a blaster shot does over a wide area. While unlikely to save you from a lightsaber strike or vehicle-mounted lasercannon, it'll protect from baseline blasters well enough
Whats really stupid is how the ewoks use spears and rocks to beat them
Its not armor its a void suit. Also good for poision gas, keeping your troops faceless and dehumanized.
Aren't those who circle jerk over it just teenage girls from tumblr?
This shit does not make the heros look badass, it makes the troopers look incompetent.
Personally, I looks more like women in general that like sci-fi circle jerk over it. Well, them and some men as well. I get the women circle jerking because they're only thinking of their vaginas (how hot this doctor is and stupid shit like that), but the men should fucking know better. It's a shit show for shit loving faggots that like shoving shit back into their assholes so they can shit it out again.
Rogue One was the first star wars movie to do stormtroopers in a more menacing way. The armor is still shit, but at least they manage to intimidate in groups. Problem is, the seven movies before Rogue One had already established stormtroopers as silly and not dangerous at all, so it works against them even in this new light
>and as of Force Awakens can't even filter gas properly.
God that was super dumb.
Not to mention that it's not even sci-fi at all, but just dumb science fantasy with lolmagicain'tgottaexplainshit logic far worse than anything on even dumbest Star Trek eps.
>That hellgun
I think people at first are like "oh wow this is quirky but also has drama and everyone sounds smart because they are British" but then over time you realize that it's just basically "The Doctor knows something that nobody knows and therefore solves the mystery with no consequences oh and lolrandom quip XDDDDDDDDDD"
An actually interesting high ain't Sherlock Holmes is smart and compelling because he puts all the pieces presented together and figures shit out, not because he knows something the audience would have no way of knowing and bullshits his way out
>high Int
I should commit sudoku for phoneposting
Meta reason: They're mooks, they could wear fulll plate armor and would get defeated by a toothpick anyways.
Non-meta reason:
>wall gets hit by plaster carbine
>pic related
>stormtrooper armor gets hit by things ranging from blaster pistols to heavy cannons
>still appears to be in pristine condition
Maybe it cooks them inside, or they are just stunned by the blast. But it does have a visible effect.
Better question, why wear armor that gets impaled by stone spikes that would have shattered harmlessly if you fell on them wearing an armored steel suit.
Why did the galaxy never mass produce droids like K2 for war? He murders the shit out of everybody like he's the fucking Terminator.
>We really need a fantasy and sci-fi board where things like this can be discussed.
We could call it Veeky Forums: "Theatrical Gerrymandering".
Most of the time Sherlock Holmes solves his case because of his superhuman powers of observation, his vague contacts in the criminal underworld, or his comprehensive knowledge on esoteric subjects. 'Something the audience would have no way of knowing' is his normal modus operandi, and is acknowledged in-universe by himself, Watson, and through grumbling of official detectives whom he continually annoys with his superpowers.
That's nu-Who.
Classic Dr Who, especially anything in black and white, is so much better. Drs 1 to 3 are god-tier, 4 was alright, then next few were meh, and then nu-Who is a whole lot of tryhard passive irony.
I hadn't really thought about that.
>Doesn't protect against "modern" blasters
>Doesn't protect against primitive ewok weapons
I guess it's wholly for style.
no way, it's one of the biggest sci-fi circlejerks there is. it's just so long-running and old that it has a constant viewerbase. kind of like the simpsons, where these days nothing's good but they're still pulling the numbers?
though that comparison lacks the point that the simpsons, at one point, was very, very good. so idk.
They're actually really good in the lore and only lose to plot armor characters for story progression, and also because triggered cucks need a "muh nazi" bad guy to hate.
Because star wars is retarded. Did you know that for the same price of every clone that the republic had the CIS could make 55 B1 battle droids or 33 B2 SBD or 8 droidekas?
Rogue One featured stormtroopers getting mowed down in mass while standing out in the middle of an open field while rebels were in cover. Rogue One continued the tradition of the OT in making Stormtroopers more of a joke than the last movie they were in.
> Automatic blasters with scopes
> have to run in front of enemy fire to get close enough to shoot
> still miss almost everything
And that is supposed to be the elite troopers. I can't even begin to imagine how the normal soldiers performed.
>mfw the only content that makes stormtroopers look appropriately fearsome are third-party or in small scenes of the original trilogy
>mfw all of that's gone and disney will never make them look cool again
"hurr hurr were the bad guys better stand out in the open and get kill"
It's even more of a shame because whoever did the choreography for the Death Troopers for the most part knew his shit.
They moved like actual operators, and when they fought on the beaches of Scarif they lay down in explosion craters and fired over the rim from cover. I don't remember how the two who died in the hallway fought, but I do remember that they were forced to poke out and fire down out of a big empty doorway; very little cover to take advantage of in the first place. The only time they did poorly was during the iconic "the Force is with me," moment, but I can forgive it because of how rad Chirrut was.
So clearly someone there knew roughly how these soldiers should fight; which means they fucked up the Stormtroopers either through negligence or on purpose.
Likely on purpose.
Disney isn't even allowing Stormtroopers to attend some conventions now because of "Nazi imagery" and people getting pissy over it. Portraying them in any light other than grossly incompetent will never happen, because inevitably Disney will receive massive backlash from .1% of the population yelling about how they're glorifying Nazis or white supremacy or something.
>I do remember that they were forced to poke out and fire down out of a big empty doorway; very little cover to take advantage of in the first place
You're correct. The only mistake those two did was not going prone to get the shots.
As for the rest, about laying down in explosion craters and firing over the rim from cover, it's not even OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY stuff, it's basic logic.
I don't remember how well this was shown on screen, but in the (now non-canon) EU books the rule of thumb was that they'd protect against most shots well enough to keep the stormtroopers fighting after getting hit once.
High powered weaponry, direct hits to the center of the chest, etc would still kill them in one shot, but those were both difficult enough that they weren't something you could count on unless you constantly ran around with the equivalent of a high powered rifle loaded with AP ammo (which would be overkill against unarmored targets).
They were scary in episode 4 and the start of 5, in 4 we see them in two scenes:
1) They mow down 20+ rebels with like, 3 onscreen causalities.
2) The Death Star escape when we learn that they let the heroes escape on orders.
Then in episode 5 they manhandled echo base, before being shanked by plot armor in Bespin
And then Episode 6 and RO happened.
And RO is still far and away the better Disney Star Wars.
Rogue One is generally pretty shit, but I could have sworn that the troopers in it were generally more effective than in any of the other movies. I mean, they actually kill people and occasionally accomplish things. Only two members of the main cast die to something that isn't being killed by a storm trooper. Previous films had them missing piss-easy shots on stationary enemies with no cover and losing fights with stoneage midget bears.
>that spoiler
The implementation onscreen wasn't great, but the general idea (significant or repeated blind force trauma) is a decent way of dealing with people in armor. Theirs is pretty rigid, so it would protect against that pretty well, but it could be done (mainly by trying to damage their joints and knock their heads around to cause concussions).
>it's not even operator
I know, when I referenced them moving in an operator-like fashion I was referring to the film's prologue. When they walked they had a very good fluidity to their movements that struck me as similar to actual special forces. Not very blocky or jerky at all, as opposed to a lot of Stormtrooper movements.
The only fight where the STs did okay was the ambush on Jedha. Fighting against an ambush at point-blank range against guys dressed as the civilians around you who have cover superiority and are committing to grenade suicide rushes cannot be an easy task, and I feel like the Stormies did an okay job before being wiped out.
Keep in mind the troopers on the death star in ANH were ordered to let them go. That doesn't cover the rest of the original trilogy, though.
That's what he said though
>Rogue One continued the tradition of the OT in making Stormtroopers more of a joke than the last movie they were in.
Would make them scariest in 4.
They don't do as bad as people remember on Endor in ROTJ.
Besides the last-minute addition of Ewoks they were originally supposed to pound in the rebels' shit. Han was supposed to die and Leia was supposed to severely wounded.
What we get is Ewoks for toy sales and Leia with light injuries, but EU delves into it and explains that the Ewoks got annihilated and the Rebel ground forces were reduced to nothing by the time the Emperor bought it.
Stormtroopers stopped being elites when none of the audience could tell (or care) what the actual rank-and-file were supposed to be like.
Also, the 'actual' grunts might have faces, so viewers might have to think for a microsecond instead of brainlessly cheering the destruction of a dehumanized faceless other.
see, i could see that logic working if it were humans doing the spearings, or a similarly-sized alien species, but the Ewoks are not wookies, theyre two-foot-tall koalas
The fucked up thing is that stormtroopers are regular dudes. They're humans no different from the rebels, but R1 glorifies the slaughter of them while making it seem like the deaths of even a few rebels is some kind of humanitarian tragedy. It's kinda sick when you think about it.
> They mow down 20+ rebels with like, 3 onscreen causalities
That's because those were from the remnants of clone 501st
> Then in episode 5 they manhandled echo base
Same as above
Not all of them.
By NH the 501st had more than half of its soldiers be actual humans due to the Clones' aging process causing them to die out by their early-mid 30s at the latest.
Actually, the Clone Trooper Armor Phase II DOES render direct blaster fire to the torso non-lethal as shown in TCW. You need to be hospitalized afterward, but it works. According to Rebels, Clone Trooper armor is junk in comparison. Why they didn't stick with Phase II and keep Clonetrooper Armor reserved for garrisons not intended to get into direct combat is anyones' guess.
1. Personal blaster shielding is expensive and unwieldy
2. While blaster fire is the popular weapon of choice in most of the galaxy, traditional weapons such as spears, bows, and shrapnel (read: bullets) are still employed in many areas. Stormtrooper armour is quite effective against those.
At least that's my personal theory.
Cost probably.
>What's the point of them wear any armor if they get killed even by a blaster pistol shot?
High casualty rate doesn't necessarily mean high mortality rate. Notice that Stormtroopers frequently make sounds after being shot, such as Wilhelm screaming while falling into a pit after being shot, or the ones in Rogue One who still groaned at being smacked around even after being shot several times at close range.
After playing much Men of War: Galaxy at War, I think these stormies would have done much better if they went prone and crawled to their objective.
Just like with real bulletproof vests: you get shot a few times you generally aren't getting back up.
You're bruised as fuck, might have some cracked ribs, had the wind knocked the fuck out of you, so as far as the next few minutes go forget it.
But you're still alive instead of a corpse with a fat hole blown clean through. And that's one hell of a difference.
To what end? Part of Veeky Forums's strength is the flexibility of its boards. This thread could have fit easily on /tv/ or /co/ as well.
Adding new boards needs to be done with careful consideration, otherwise you wind up with hundreds of thousands of fractured communities. Look at eihght chan*, it has some staple boards but for the most part there's no chance for a board culture to develop because the communities spring up and die down so quickly.
*I don't know if you get banned for mentioning it here, I vaguely recall that being the case at one point.
Personal weapons are usually better than personal armour.
Most helmets, vests and other personal armour is for protecting you from blasts, shrapnel, falling rocks, shit like that. It might keep you from dieing if you get shot, but you're still going to fall down, break ribs and not be able to do much except curl up and cry like a bitch.
>Then I remembered that stormtroopers die from getting rocks dropped on them
No, you don't UNDERSTAND, those were ewoks, FUCKING EWOKS!
Because the Stormtroopers are absolute morons that ruined the legacy of the Clone Troopers they replaced and are no small part of why the Empire unraveled due to their insistence on playing bully and folding whenever the metaphorical beehive they kicked bites back. Even if you like the Empire it's hard to root for the Stormies at times because they fail basic military maneuvers and are a shadow of what came before them.
Death Troopers are a nice nod to the ARCs that came before them, but they're far, far too few to save the Empire from their inferiors' incompetence. They're the equivalent of the guy in an FPS who has killed half the opposing team but still loses because everyone else on his side is acting pants on head retarded.
Daily reminder that in NuCanon, Stormtroopers are actually the basic fodder of the Empire and the Imperial Army doesn't exist. Star Wars: Rebels shows that Stormtroopers are recruited from local farm boys, and are basically just a bunch of inbred space hicks that go through sociopathic training that would realistically make them the worst fighting force ever (they are encouraged to backstab their squaddies and leave them for dead).
Yeah, nucanon is what fucked em up and turned them into shadows for reasons I don't think we'll ever understand. I try to stick to the expanded universe myself. Some of it is shit and some of it also portrays stormies incompetently but there are also plenty that show them in a very very competent light. One particular comic has a stormcommando captain that guns his way through hordes of rebel troops and later defeats Luke in hand-to-hand. It's pretty sick, and pretty sad that it's "not canon" now.
Technically we don't know how strong Ewoks are, but it's unlikely they're strong enough to make those scenes make sense.
Honestly I'm more concerned about how they cut those giant logs and moved them into place. They'd start running into issues with being light enough that entire groups of them would get lifted off their feet trying to do that.
Do you have an actual source on this? Last I checked the 501st was reasonably well-respected.
The armor is supposed to be more effective than it's shown to be on-screen.
>One particular comic has a stormcommando captain that guns his way through hordes of rebel troops and later defeats Luke in hand-to-hand. It's pretty sick, and pretty sad that it's "not canon" now.
Do you remember what comic that was? Sounds interesting.
It's not like clones were any better. They marched slowly at the enemy in fucking napoleonic infantry squares, and only at the end of the war learned that taking cover was a good idea.
Everybody in Star Wars is retarded.
That mod is unbalanced as fuck
> Stormtroopers have max weapon proficiency and pinpoint accuracy
> B1 battle droids need 7 shots at 100m to be destroyed
> B2s needs 50
> Battle droids carry bandages and can heal themselves
> clones get rekt everytime they enconter a CIS force of equal number
TFA actually seemed to focus on making the hits go to joints on rifle sized blasters and below. I liked that quirk. I think they did it for RO as well.
They CAN filter gas like CRBN if the troopers know to expect it and swap to the high value filters/rebreather/O2 cannister.
Rumor is the Death Troopers WERE former/ current military men. Form uh the Maldives or something.
it's cheap as balls and renders blaster hits only injuries rather than fatalities.
Because K2 needs his big death scene and if the Storm Troopers operate properly then K2 just dies in a hail of suppressive and direct blaster fire and the troopers win with minimal (if any) casualties.
Whether you agree with it or not, given that it's pretty clear they decided that drama had to come before common sense there they executed it... acceptably.
The problem with Stormtroopers is that their enemies have weapons grade plotonium.
IIRC, the reason why bowcasters are illegal is because they have a solid slug encased in plasma, and the ablative armor stormtroopers wear is actually useless against kinetic force. All kinetic-based weapons are banned, for this reason.
But that's just me remembering.
Steel suits probably wouldn't protect you from those either, actually.
They're made of STONE. Brittle stone that is heavily calcified. To get penetrated by such rock formations you'd need to be wearing paper. There's a reason why they don't let you touch them in caves, because you'll break them.
And I'm sure falling on them from a great height while wearing armor made from a metal known for flexibility will feel GREAT.
Next you're going to say that maces were meant to be non-lethal.
A mace and a random rock is not quite the same.
I thought their corpses just despawned to save processing power.
Rex barely survived a sniper round thanks to his armor but was still incapacitated. A few rare clone troopers, usually higher ranking ones, have proven themselves badass through surviving one or more shots before finally succumbing. Rex took a hit in Rebels but frankly they were up against rundown battledroids so the blaster shots don't appear to have been full powered. That would explain why Ezra took a hit later and showed no wound at all.
Yeah Stormtrooper armor is considered shit, same as their training, but then the Empire can probably outfit tens if not hundreds of times more troopers than the number of clones in the GAR for the same price. Fewer clones had much better gear, but then they make up for that with small numbers of specialists like Deathtroopers.
Then of course there's the favorite topic of Mando armor where Sabine survived a head and chest shot deflected back at her by Vader personally and survived. You'd think by now people would expect that extra layer of plot armor for main characters.
It did. Then Palpatine talked the Trade Federation into installed Windows 8 OS on all the droids because Sith fears the robots.
Fun fact: a protocol droid was the primary component in the destruction of Death Star 1 and Death Star 2.
I'm fairly sure current irl gear might beat out stormtrooper stuff.
> accuracy is clearly better
> range for small arms seems better
> modern tactical gear offers concealment
> stopping power roughly on par
I don't know. I'd bet a squad of modern day soldiers would have more than a fair shot against these guys.
> I don't have an actual reason as to why I disagree
> Despite the fact that these guys lost to fucking teddy bears in the last of the original trilogy
> I know, I'll laugh and deny to try and boost my super special awesome team that never wins!
No it didn't. The CIS mass produced B1 and B2 battle droids, which can't fucking shoot straight and consistently miss clones standing a mere ten meters away from them. And so do the Clones. Everybody in the Clone Wars was garbage.
Look at what the rebels are wearing in RO. Aside from wielding blasters, they probably ARE wearing what would be equivilent to IRL gear.
>nobody responding
Ewoks were also supposed to be woolies originally, so instead of fighting tiny bears they were supposed to be fighting an army of angry 8 foot tall bear gorillas
Stormtroopers themselves were played by marines at least a couple times, so it wouldn't be too surprising.
Even if that was the case, an IRL army would get rekt, just based off of the original trilogy's Stormtrooper accuracy. Surprise! They aren't terrible. At all.
Take a look at the following math paper one of my students submitted: